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The Crow Wicked Prayer

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The Icon
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
I saw dodge ball last week, it was pretty funny, vince vaughn is hilarioius, but i think the movie was a disapointment in some was i guess it was just to strange, but i liked it more than not.

Spiderman 2 was just awesome, enough said right there. a Must See

I happened to like Paycheck, I thought it was one of afflecks better movies, he is a crappy actor, but i liked the idea of the movie, ya it wasnt believable but thats why its a movie, And Uma thurmun has the most pretty eyes in the world so its worth watching just for her.

Those are the only movies ive seen in the past month soo, thas my opinions

** add**

I just saw badder santa on dvd... if you dont have this dvd either rent it or buy it.. its one of the funniest movies i ever seen, there was no point in making this film other than to get many laughs, and it worked. Billy Bob Thornton is so damn stupid but it just adds to how funny his character is. He was perfect for this role. This is one of my must see/ rent movies


Senior Member
Feb 19, 2004
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I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 last night, and to be honest with you. I made me sick. I know people are always saying that Michael Moore is anti-Bush/Republican dick. Maybe those people are right, but the film he made was very thought provoking and disturbing. I have heard a the rhetoric about Moore taking Bush's comments out of context and focusing on certain issues and not others. But the issues he did focus on were very serious and very damning. I am not a very political person. I have no formal party affiliation, but come election time I will be supporting John Kerry and the Democratic Party. I will tell everyone that I know to watch this film, and help get that fuck out of office by voting for the Dems. I knew the presidency was stolen when he got elected. With all the shit about the hanging chad and the Florida supreme court decision not to look into it. I have not been Bush supporter from the time he was elected into office. This film only reaffirmed my dislike for "Dubb-ya".

See this movie, It will blow your mind. It might just help make a difference in the world.-------- 10/10

Dodgeball ---------- 8.5/10 Fucking funny shit
Spider-Man2 ---------9/10 great special effects, more violent than the first

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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:shock: The spot where lucifer fell....i haven't heard anything about it but damn i hope it comes out around halloween

I finally saw King Authur and it was fucking awesome the battle scenes toward the end was some grade a shit.

Captain Feathersword

Old and Bored
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
I have Fahrenheit 9/11 and I still haven't seen it. There is never enough time. But I will make some after some of the reviews I've heard/read. Howard Stern Rules.

Da' Pimp

Forum O.G.
Staff Alumn
Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
Captain Feathersword said:
I love the original but after being dissappointed by part 2 and 3 this cant be good.

Yeah, Im sketchy about that too :?

(AVY is WAY to big Capt)


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
i saw anchorman this past weekend thinking that since it has will ferrell in it, it has to be good. that movie sucked more than david hasselhoff rapping. it was that bad and i'm easily ammused. i laugh when my retarded neighbor mows his lawn.

Da' Pimp

Forum O.G.
Staff Alumn
Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
moo_cow said:
i saw anchorman this past weekend thinking that since it has will ferrell in it, it has to be good. that movie sucked more than david hasselhoff rapping. it was that bad and i'm easily ammused. i laugh when my retarded neighbor mows his lawn.

LOL....... :lol:

Asian Sensation

Senior Member
Feb 16, 2004
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moo_cow said:
i saw anchorman this past weekend thinking that since it has will ferrell in it, it has to be good. that movie sucked more than david hasselhoff rapping. it was that bad and i'm easily ammused. i laugh when my retarded neighbor mows his lawn.

I Thought it was a great movie. I laughed so much during this movie I almost peed myself. Maybe it was because there were a bunch of people in the movie and I was with a bunch of friends, but I thought it was sheer genius. It's almost up there with dodgeball.


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2004
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O.k. so weve reached a true passion of mine...Here are some movies and what I say about them.(Note;theses arent all new releases, but all are interesting.)

Baise Moi - French drama that just happens to have hardcore sex in it. The two main actresses(one legit,one reformed porn actress) are both quite good. The story is kinda like Thelma and Louise meets Natural Born Killer meet porn. Very violent to boot. 7/10

Irreversible - Another French drama told in the vein of Memento. Monica Belluoci gets raped (violently mind you) and all hell breaks lose. The rental joints are putting warning labels on it for its violent content,and its worthy, the club scene left me with an uneasy feeling. Good movie. 7/10

The Butterfly Effect - American drama, Ashtons serious vehicle. Oncew you finally come to the conclusion that he cant act his way out of a paper bag the movie is entertaining, time travel is coooool. Dark movie....Dark ending. 6/10

Club Dread - One of the absolute worst pieces of shit Ive ever wasted my hard earned money on. Super Troopers was great watch that instead. o/10

Big Fish - Brilliant , beautiful movie. I loved this movie so much that it immediately moved into my top ten of all time. It wont be for everybody, put if you into story-driven movies this is for you. 9/10

Im lazy...so heres a few more scored but not told:
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - 8/10
Cabin Fever - 6/10
Last Sammuri - 6/10
50 first dates - 4/10
Along Came Polly - 5/10
Bad Santa - 8/10

more on the way :evil:


Lost Member
Feb 26, 2004
Reaction score
i took one look at that and turned away without reading... the bold is annoying :?


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
blazin said:
i took one look at that and turned away without reading... the bold is annoying :?
fixed. dango, please lay off the bold. you aren't that important :wink:


Staff Alumn
Dec 23, 2003
Reaction score
my revew of King Authur


Keira Knightley
Fight Scenes


Not enough Keira Knightley
Fight Scenes seemed to short or not enough and also the opening the door to let the enemy in part I didn't like


I like history movies so I will for sure buy this movie when it comes out. The acting was good and the story flowed along well 8.5/10


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
Here's a few more Ive rented lately;

Elephant - One of the most interesting and disturbing flicks Ive seen in a while. Truly not for everybody, some may say boring. There are long stretches with no dialouge and even less action but its the building of a story and an impending tragedy. The last ten minutes make up for the lacking parts. 7/10

Eurotrip - I finally broke down and rented it after weeks of passing it by, and I was pleasantly suprised. It takes alot more than the promise of titties for me to see these types of movies, but in the end it was really funny. The robot fighting scene was a riot......the chicks were hot too. 6/10

In The Cut - cheesy serial killer flick that i had figured out early on. The unrated version has a cool oral scene, and a played down Meg Ryan is a dirty dirty girl......which saved it.6/10

more later :evil:


Staff Alumn
Dec 23, 2003
Reaction score
Gowar said:
My Review of I, Robot

I recently saw this flick with my father at a local movie theater. Having us both read Asimov's Robot series I was delighted, surprised, and a bit disapointed when I saw this movie. In the entire move it seems that the only thing in common with asimovs books are
A: There are robots.
and B: The three laws. (1.A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2.A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3.A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.)

From a cinematic standpoint however, this movie was very enjoyable. Will Smith (portraying Detective Spooner) does a very good job portraying his characters paranoia towards robots, while maintaining a more than just a touch of his Men in Black/Cop archetype. Anyway from the moment the movie starts you can tell Smith has something against robots. Spooner eventually recieves a call from a United States Robot corporation from a Dr. Alfred Lanning, who was the father of almost all the robots. Spooner arrives at U.S.R to find a cryptic recording of the doctor along side his dead body. Eventually the detective finds a robot created by the doctor, named sonny, who is different from all the other robots in that he does not need to obey the three laws. Not wanting to reveal the story here, I wil say that this movie has a few twists and turns that I enjoyed.

I would definitely recommend this move to anyone who enjoyed any thriller or science fiction movie. It shows shades of Blade Runner, Minority Report, Collosus and Forbin, and of course Asimov. I'd give it 4 out of 5. for great Special effects, great acting, and alot of subtle effects put in here and there by the director.

moved here


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2004
Reaction score

saw the Bourne Supremacy tonight. it was very good. better than the Bourne Identity. Great storyline. I never thought of matt damon as an action star but he definately kicks some ass in this movie. i would give it an 8/10.