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Emma / Em Indica


Respected Member
Respected Member
Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score

Age: 19 | Height: 5'7" | Figure: 36D-26-38


Emma - Sexual Teen Pet
Release Date : 09/13/22 (NEW!!!)

Age: 19 | Height: 5'7" | Figure: 36D-26-38

Emma is a beautiful leggy teen with amazing curves and a ton of sexual energy, not to mention an excitement to explore her own sexuality...for instance, she enjoys puppyplay and is dressed up in her puppy gear right off the bat as she starts her FT\/ shoot! She pants and chews her toy bone with a leash on, then kicks up a leg to spread her cheeks and insert her puppy 'tail', which is basically a buttplug! Laying back on the bed we see her sliding her hands up and down her legs, caressing her thighs and pleasuring her pink hole with her fingertips. She holds a purple vibrating toy against her clitoris and penetrates herself with a glass dildo at the same time for dual pleasure, bringing herself to a nice strong squeaking orgasm! Afterwards she heads outdoors in her denim shorts, pulling the fabric aside to rub herself with her fingers. Changing into a flowery dress she gives her 34D natural breasts a nice massage, spreading her legs to show she has no panties on as well...and then she rubs her privates too! Desiring stronger vibration she reaches for the vintage Vibraking toy, fingering herself as well and bringing herself to a shuddering orgasm. A purple toy is next which she licks and sucks, then slides inside her hole for thick penetration...and we note her creamy natural juices flowing on the toy. She fucks herself with the dildo, holding the Vibraking against her clit and enjoying a creamy squirting climax. After some more outdoor vibration she changes into a bikini and heads to the backyard, holding a large zucchini which soon finds its way inside her hole for kinky veggie stuffing play as a naughty finale to her FT\/ debut...a sensual and very sexual teen at play!

Model Comments
I'm a 19 year old, natural bodied beauty from the sunny west coast. I spend my free time hiking, playing with my two dogs, and exploring the arts. I love to paint, draw, and craft. Someday I want my art pieces to be shown in a gallery. Nature and the natural world are very important to me, and I do a lot to help clean and maintain the world around us. During my time at high school, I did lots of plays and even got to go to a statewide acting competition. For the longest time I've wanted to star in a movie and/or a tv show. I am an only child and grew up in your typical southern home. At the end of a long work day I love watching a good tv show on the couch and kicking back with a joint. Not to toot my own horn but all my friends tell me I'm the best and hottest joint roller. If you'd like to see more of me, follow me on social media! Instagram: em.indica Twitter: em_indica

Videographer/Photographer's Comments
Hi, Lia, Here, When we first start getting to know Emma it seems that this 19 year old cutie is way more advanced in all things “kink” than I ever was at 19. What I mean is she introduces us to Puppy Play. Something she is very much into. So, we put in the puppy butt plug tail, and I was in charge of giving her all her dog commands. Like "sit pretty for me" and "who's a good girl". Even drinking out of a dog bowl. My real dog Harmony started growling when she thought I was talking to another dog lol. All this puppy madness is followed up by a very lengthy multi orgasmic cum show. This is where we learn that Emma is a very creamy girl. As you will notice too as the day progresses. On our way to grab food we swing into the office area that is surrounded a living wall. Where she rubs one out the old fashion way with just her fingers. It's monsoon season so everything is green and pretty, so we spend a good chunk of time outside. But the weather does make the lighting very unstable as you may notice. Then on to a creamy squirt show. She feels in love with the viber king (like all girls do)! We finish the day as the sun was setting with some deep veggie action poolside. Check out her application images #1 #2 and #3. Enjoy Emma!

VIDEO - Super Creamy Teen

Total Duration : 01:11:32
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
FileType : mp4
Total Size : 6.10 GB

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Respected Member
Respected Member
Nov 17, 2013
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Em Indica - Young Curvy Vixen
Release Date : 06/01/23

Duration: 00:15:43 Resolution: 1920x1080 Format: mp4 Size: 741.98 MB

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Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 27, 2007
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Em Indica - JOI BBC Tease with Em Indica 02/16/24

Format: MP4
Res: 3840×2160
Dur: 00:07:57
Size: 1.3 gb

Format: MP4
Res: 1920x1080
Dur: 00:07:57
Size: 510 mb
