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Skyler / Teeen Skyler


Respected Member
Respected Member
Nov 17, 2013
Reaction score

AKA: Skyler, Teeen Skyler
Born: ??-??-2003
Birthplace: United States of America United States of America
First Seen: 2022
Last Seen: 2022
Measurements: 36B-26-35 / 91-66-89
Body Type: Slim
Height: 170 cm, 5 ft 7 in
Piercings: Navel
Hair Colour: Fair
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Breasts: Small (Real)


Skyler - Fresh Teen Debut
Release Date : 12/13/22 (NEW!!!)

FT\/ G!rl$

Age: 19 | Height: 5'7" | Figure: 36B-26-35

She's a cute blonde nineteen year old who has never shot any adult before and wants to start! We first meet her at a tourist area by the big Christmas tree as she introduces herself, then teases us her pretty assets before going home to masturbate. Undressing and showing off her nice round breasts, nipples and butt, she starts using the Magic Wand toy. She ends up with a nice strong orgasm with visible vaginal contractions, and notice how juicy wet she is when she fingers herself! She has very pretty privates, and we get closeups of her clit as she talks about her sex life. Then using the Big Ten Toy, she starts fucking herself hard and deep, taking 9 inches deep! With the help of the Magic Wand, she ends up with another strong orgasm, pounding real hard to get there! Then she gapes for us, real wide and deep... On the bed in some blue bra and panties, she pushes her limits with an even thicker purple dildo, taking it 9 inches and really stretching herself out! Riding it, she presses it deep into her tummy... Getting kinky, she plays around with some beads, a banana, and uses the Vibraking for more orgasmic pleasures. Enjoy this brand new teen, she's a cutie, and a fun debut for FT\/ :)

Model Comments
Hi, I'm originally from Burnsville MN but I'm staying in San Diego because I have friends there and I wanted to start working for porn companies. My manager set me up with this website first doing solo so that I could get some experience and he said to see what kind of sized dicks I can take. At least according to the owner of the website I'm able to take big dicks so does that mean interracial porn I guess? I'm happy to be out of Minnesota its just cold and the people are too conservative and I'm more sexual and my jobs were at restaurants making low pay so I can make a lot more money this way. Also the guys in San Diego are cuter than those in MN. I lost my virginity late compared to a lot of my friends but haven't stuck to any boyfriends or anything so I've been with all sorts of guys. I'm not shy about meeting some cute hot men not boys in the porn industry!

Videographer/Photographer's Comments
She was sent to me through an adult talent agent who was also starting an onlyfans account for her, and wanted her to begin with FT\/ (as well as get some cute photos for her promotion). She had sent these photos #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 and two nudes #8 #9. Cute teen blonde with a leggy figure... She did come with not much in the way of clothes or shoes, so we started with her in the only dress she had, and introduced her with the Christmas theme (shoot was done right after Thanksgiving) along with some teasers on location. Back home, she undresses and shows off her cute figure before masturbating with the Magic Wand Toy. Nice strong orgasm with visible vaginal contractions. Then she's introduced to the Big Ten; and even though its the biggest and longest thing she's ever had, she takes it very deep, 9 inches down quite comfortably, then fucks herself hard with it before having another orgasm with the help of the magic wand. Notice how wide she gapes her vagina... Yeah she can definitely do interracial porn like she noted on her writeup. Back to some bra & panty action on the bed, she uses an even thicker toy to push her limits, and takes that toy 9 inches deep as well, fucking it hard again. But after two orgasms, its harder for her to come again. Lia takes over the shoot from here, and does some more masturbation/bead/banana fetish with more attempts at orgasms. Clip 11 is some extra footage/outtakes.

VIDEO - Extraordinary Teen Orgasms

Total Duration : 01:14:56
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
FileType : mp4
Total Size : 6.39 GB

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