I've seen a helluva lot of movies lately, lemme see if I can remember some...
Big Fish
Pretty good movie. Ewan McGregor is a great actor and he did very well in this movie. It dragged at some parts, but it was exciting and emotional where it needed to be. It was great storytelling all-in-all, albeit a bit predictable. (7.5 out of 10)
Mystic River
Wow. Awesome, touching, riveting movie. It's gritty and real and the performances given by the unparalleled cast of actors were just out of this world. I can't picture anyone in each of these roles but the people who played them to a T. Clint Eastwood is a better director than an actor anyday. This is the first movie that's choked me up in a long time, and for such a great movie, I'm not ashamed to admit it. (9 out of 10)
Ben Affleck is a joke of an actor. The Bean Town Boy, from nearby to where I myself live, is making the northeast look like the laughing stock of the acting world. Don't get me wrong, it's a good one as far as HIS movies go, but the horrible lines and overall typical plot just don't give him anything to work with anyway. Some cool new ideas were brought up in this movie, and Uma Thurman helped it a bit, but it just wasn't good in the end. Okay if you're in the mood for a no-questions asked brainless 'action' flick. (5 out of 10)
Stuck on You
A tame effort by the Farelly Bros, and a good movie I thought. It had its moments where it just tried too hard, but a lot of it was pretty funny. It was about as touching a story as you could expect from these guys. It wasn't as hilarious as I had hoped, but Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear do a great job and some of the stuff they can pull off while attached to each other is actually pretty cool. Not to mention, EVA MENDES is in this movie. She could carry the thing by itself even if it was a total flop. Lucky for me though, it wasn't. Humor and Tits, a winning combo. (6.5 out of 10)
Thats all I can remember for now, I think I might have seen a couple more but meh... maybe later.