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VIDEO | 28 Dec 2010 Kylie V
8m 47s
Download: MP4 1024x576 225mb
Kylie V

Beautifully vivid greens penetrates through the bedroom blinds, and onto the beds soft surface where we find gorgeous, dark haired Kylie curled up in her short exposing hooded jumper.

Kylie is a stunning girl that really takes pleasure in feeling sexy within herself, and showing off her amazing features. Her slim body and kinky little clit piercing. She might come across as being innocent, but get deeper into this shoot and little erotic hints may change your mind.

VIDEO | 29 Dec 2010 Elsbeth
34m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 825mb
Pink vagina

Still wearing her cute little pj's Elsbeth wanders downstairs in search of food and some sexual personal indulgence!

Putting down her phone she moves into the kitchen loosing clothes and showing off her gorgeous pale skin as she goes. Jumping up onto the work top she gives us some naughty little glimpses of her pert breasts and trimmed pubes as she searches for some early morning refreshment. Gathering together the ingredients for a pancake she swaps between stirring the mix and stirring up her own orgasm.

Losing track of the food she discards the bowl of pancake mix and focuses her attention onto more personal matters, moving onto the chair she slips a few fingers inside herself and throws her head back in introvert satisfaction. From this point on the shoot moves into a frenzied blend of insertions as Elsbeth searches for the perfect orgasmic fulfillment and totally forgets about the cooking food; which, judging by the reactions at the end does not please half as much as the intense climax she has just experienced!



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with a twist 1 by LeeLee 01 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<210MB] 1280x720 6m 56s
Leelee has an amazing technique which I'm excited to say I've never actually seen before. That's kind of a big deal, considering how many girls I've watched masturbating over the years. I'm not even sure how to describe exactly what she's doing - something with the inner labia? What are you doing, Leelee? It looks pretty great. If we are lucky she'll come on the forum and educate us...

artistry 2 by Gizelle_Z 02 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<352MB] 1280x720 9m 6s
Gizelle's slow-touching, milk-drinking, kitchen counter beauty is almost torturous for me, so I can only imagine how it feels for you, viewers, to be watching her in the desirous state you must be in. But don't give up, or give in - it only gets better. The saying is true. Good things come to those who wait.

staff meeting 1 by AmarnaMiller 03 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<319MB] 1280x720 8m 16s
My my... this office where Mylah works must be hands down the most amazing job in the world. Not only do we have Mylah wanking on the conference table, but now, there's an incredibly hot co-worker dropping notes at reception, so Mylah doesn't have to be alone in her afternoon delights.



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Ezmerelda Up Close 1 by Ezmerelda 04 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<256MB] 1280x720 6m 37s
I love Ezmerelda's hirsute, all-natural style, in part because, well, it's always nice to see people who look like me, and in part because I just find body hair so damn sexy. With this format, we're treated to an up close view of her uninhibited hair growth, satisfying to those among you who share my proclivities.

Junipur's Video Diary 18 by Junipur 05 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<197MB] 1280x720 5m 7s
Just when you thought Junipur was finished with you... she's always good for a surprise. And so are we. Yes, that's right - her diary is not quite over. Maybe it's infinite, infinite summer days full of Junipur's flushed cheeks, sweet voice, and her intense orgasms. You'd like that, wouldn't you? I know I would.

glissando 2 by Melody_N 06 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<168MB] 1280x720 4m 21s
Melody N's relatively silent beginnings are so relaxing for me, like wearing earplugs in an overstimulating environment. And once she does begin to make her pretty noises, they debut onto a blank aural space. It makes it feel like each gasp and breath and moan are carved out of glass, crystal-clear and wildly sexy, pressed right up against the inside of my headphones.



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conucopia 2 by shanna 07 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<206MB] 1280x720 5m 21s
Shanna's definitely swaying me towards the cone. I have to admit I wasn't sure about the thing - but the anal play possibilities alone are terribly intriguing, especially when I really get to see Shanna exploring it like this. Also the vibrations seem pretty quiet for how much Shanna's loving them... mm. Yes. An all around quality-seeming toy, indeed.

daydream 1 by Chloe_M 08 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<198MB] 1280x720 5m 7s
Chloe goes deep into reverie here, occupying a space where nothing is necessary except for pleasure, nothing is required except for flow, and nothing is inevitable - even her orgasm. So when it comes it's like a little surprise, good and deep, no pressure, no expectation.

scarab 1 by Anoucha 09 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<262MB] 1280x720 6m 47s
Woah - get a load of Anoucha's bed! Distracted as I am by her beauty and the intimacy of the moment, I still can't help tech geeking out a little bit over the hardware. I imagine how that speaker could be put to good use, how if it were an intercom someone could speak directly to Anoucha in this moment... and ones like it...



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Luanna Up Close 2 by luanna 10 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<164MB] 1280x720 4m 15s
Everything's back to normal for this take, so you can enjoy Luanna's Up Close in the style to which we are accustomed... long and linear, her full body laid out across the familiar space of the studio's bed, and all those lovely close-ups scattered throughout.

conucopia 3 by shanna 11 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<191MB] 1280x720 4m 57s
What else can be accomplished with that cone of yours, Shanna? I guess we're not meant to find out. After a few rounds of athletic cone-sitting, our girl's ready to stretch out and relax...

Junipur's Video Diary 12 by Junipur 12 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<247MB] 1280x720 6m 25s
There's a specific moment here that drives me more wild than any other. The pleasure of listening to sweet Junipur speak, and the knowledge of what's to come, converge in this one adorable gesture at approximately the 1 minute 30 mark... when she gives a quick glance around to make sure there's no one there, before slipping her bra straps down her shoulders... I just love it.



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with a twist 2 by LeeLee 13 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<209MB] 1280x720 5m 48s
In this video, we can see a little better what LeeLee is doing to stimulate herself in that tender space between the entrance of her vagina, and the underside of her clitoris. I definitely have never seen someone working that area before, that shallow, upward-facing penetration and rubbing... it's so interesting. I hope every girl who watches this goes and tries it out, and then comes back to report.

stand up job by Angelica_B 14 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<203MB] 1280x720 5m 15s
My god, watching Angelica B masturbating while standing up like this is pretty incredible - both the visual from this camera angle and the pure intensity of the event make me want to stand up myself, the better to pay special attention. I love the way her whole body shakes as she comes, every muscle engaged... and engaging.

disassemble 1 by Alice_I 15 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<299MB] 1280x720 7m 45s
Woah. It's happening to me again - that melty, eyebrows up, falling in love feeling. I never watch videos twice, and this one I've watched 3 times - from the colors in her skin to that incredible shivery technique which looks like it feels so, so good - specially the second time... something about this one just wields power of me. I want to feel what she's feeling.



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scarab 2 by Anoucha 16 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<240MB] 1280x720 6m 13s
Anoucha's beauty has an Egyptian quality to it, especially with her skin warmed all golden by that lamp she's turned on, and even more so when she gets fully naked. Listening to her steady little gasps I feel transported by a sense of mysticism and occult, a feeling that there's something timeless and magical about the lovely Anoucha.

staff meeting 2 by Mylah 17 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<162MB] 1280x720 4m 12s
I wonder if Mylah's reception cover is starting to feel a little concerned about the duration of Mylah's bathroom break. In any normal office it would be quite likely, but at Orbacom it seems they do things a little bit differently... so, I wouldn't be surprised if whoever came to cover for Mylah is enjoying their own wank, probably right under that reception desk.

Ezmerelda Up Close 2 by Ezmerelda 18 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<208MB] 1280x720 6m 26s
What strikes me most here in this session is how very... kind, Ezemerelda is to herself. She touches herself with a kind of tenderness which most people only ever receive from a lover, and that's if they're lucky. But when you're kind to yourself, that very emotion tends to build up inside of you and spill right over, making the world a better place.



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Junipur's Video Diary 13 by Junipur 19 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<329MB] 1280x720 8m 31s
Junipur's just one of those girls, isn't she? The kind of girl that makes me wanna write a country song about all the thousands of details that make her so sweet and nice. I love her stripey socks and the perfect balance of her features and her sunburn and the way she quivers at orgasm and those big cat eyes and her little laugh and.... ok, I'll spare you. Just watch.

daydream 2 by Chloe_M 20 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<242MB] 1280x720 6m 12s
Familiar now with Chloe_M's unassuming style, so charming to watch - but of course, there are surprises in store as Chloe opens up, sharing her arousal in new, yet still gentle, ways. It never ceases to amaze me how honored I feel watching these moments, so intimate and so pure.

for one 1 by Anais_L 21 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<226MB] 1280x720 6m 12s
Something so dreamy about this feature, like I'm watching a memory of that Liv Tyler movie, Stealing Beauty. Except my memory has gone rogue, and instead of vague shots of a pretty girl picking flowers, I have Anais L - who manages to do dreamy and fierce at the same time. Especially once she gets hold of that bottle.



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gently paced 1 by Lulu_L 22 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<248MB] 1280x720 6m 26s
Lulu is clearly not the type of girl to rush things, and that means watching her is full of tiny moments for her viewer to savor as well. The moment she takes off her glasses, and when she unbuttons her shirt, all slowly, so we can see her pretty underwear for the first time. With each of these little moments, Lulu's beauty increases for me, until by the end I am half in love.

beyond 1 by Jaid 23 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<259MB] 1280x720 6m 43s
I wonder what Jaid is looking for, over at that construction site... is she hoping no one is there to look through her blinds? Or is some part of her hoping the opposite? Sometimes, that kind of thing changes - as we get more and more turned on, we care less and less who's watching... and oftentimes, part of us hopes someone is.



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staff meeting 3 by Mylah 24 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<285MB] 1280x720 7m 23s
I'm a little jealous of the leisurely pace of Mylah and Amarna's supposed quickie. They must have been in this bathroom for ages, moaning and touching and feeling and kissing... if all it took to get such a lovely lay was to drop little papers with hearts on them, I'd have my own stationary made.

Esmae Up Close 1 by Esmae 25 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<171MB] 1280x720 4m 27s
"I'm looking for the blue flower
I'm looking for and find them, never
I dreamed that in the flower
My good luck Blooms within me." - Die Blaue Blume



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hot and heavy 5 by roxy_h 26 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<241MB] 1280x720 6m 14s
When Traci asks Roxy to see her bum, the world rejoices - and while I love to see it too, what I love even more is Roxy's stunning back, the long curve of her spine and the hard-but-soft lines of the muscles there. Traci may or may not be a bum girl, but me, it's pretty certain I love women's backs... and both Traci and Roxy are prime examples of perfection in that arena. Not to mention certain others...

disassemble 2 by Alice_I 27 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<178MB] 1280x720 4m 36s
How can this even be a job, watching incredibly beautiful girls make themselves feel this good? Alice's ways just look too good to me, I can barely watch her without losing myself. The way her shoulder moves and the muscles in her arm, how her fingertips glisten when she pulls them out... some people are just really good at masturbation. Alice I is one of them.



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for one 2 by Anais_L 28 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<311MB] 1280x720 8m 29s
Solo picnics are fun, because you can just be yourself, without any thought to propriety. So you can pee near where you might sit, and you can transition right to a nice wank - as you would do in a world with no rules and no judgement. Which is possibly the world Anais L inhabits, all of the time.

riding waves 1 by Liz_Beth 29 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<321MB] 1280x720 8m 15s
There's something nice about the way Liz Beth moves between intention and abandon, occasionally remembering where she is before being caught up again in sensation, her attentions re-focused deeply into her own body. It seems to me a little metaphor for life - the way we alternate trying to find our feet, with being swept away by waves of overwhelming experience.



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beyond 2 by Jaid 30 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<246MB] 1280x720 6m 21s
Still peering out that window - I wish she could come and tell us what she's looking for. If I had a window like that, broad and wide, facing the street, I know it would feature in my fantasies... it's so tempting to tease, when you know it would be as easy as pulling a cord at the moment of orgasm...

staff meeting 4 by AmarnaMiller 31 Mar 2015
HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 7m 10s
Oh girls - these two, stripped bare, skin to skin, hot with lust, they've completely stopped being office workers, haven't they? If at some point, way back in time, they wore practical heels and nylons, or sat at a desk and answered the telephone politely, those days are long forgotten. Now, all that exists is the heat, the achy feeling inside Mylah, and the wet warmth of their kisses...



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HD MP4 417MB 1920x1080 11m`19s
Oh the tease - I’ve got my sound up past 100, my ears tilted and straining, so keen to hear what Andie’s listening to as she strokes her fingertips oh so gently up and down her body. It’s a funny thing, this IFM - we get to see so much, but the more I learn, the more I need to know.



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Abbi Up Close 1 by Abbi 01 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<307MB] 1280x720 7m 57s
I don't know what it is about this batch of videos - maybe because it's my last before I finish work at the end of this week. But these contributors seem directly tailored to my tastes, each in her own way. I've loved Abbi's work for a long time, and as always, it's good to see a beloved contributor Up Close.

Laney's Video Diary 3 by Devochka 02 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<337MB] 1280x720 9m 14s
Welcome to my living room! It's filled with bits and pieces from hard rubbish; old paintings, novelty lights, a sombrero from Mexico, and when no one else is around, me doing some naked yoga. I shot this the week before my duet with Shibby. Curious to know how she likes to get off, nervous about my first time with a girl, I set up my camera and searched for Semblance 1

gently paced 2 by Lulu_L 03 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<235MB] 1280x720 6m 4s
I'm really excited that Lulu hasn't gotten all of her clothes off yet, because the gradual nature of her reveal is part of what really drives me crazy about her. Slow is sweet, my friends - remember that the path is the goal. And Lulu's pace is what makes following her progression so very nice.



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job well done 2 by zosha 04 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<233MB] 1280x720 6m 5s
Ooh, you cheeky girl. Sneaking into the office at midnight is one thing... taking naked selfies in the boss' office is quite another... and then she gets into the markers. This kind of naughty fantasy is one of those which is conveniently easy to act on, and leaves no one the wiser. Unless of course you film it, and upload it to a popular website.

cheeky girl 1 by Vicky_J 05 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<147MB] 1280x720 3m 49s
There's something extra cheeky about the way Vicky J looks around the room, a little grin in her eyes to let us know that she's really getting off on this. It's fine and good to have sessions where contributors completely forget the cameras, but it's good to realize that for some of us, knowing that you're watching makes our experience that much more arousing...

free will 1 by susie 06 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<222MB] 1280x720 5m 45s
Those of you watching Susie on a tablet right now can relate to her in the most deliciously meta way, to the comfort and ease of getting your porn from such small and lift-able objects. Computers, laptops, and phones simply can't compete... the only thing better would be if our screens floated, weightless, in the air in front of us. Or of course, the theater of our own imaginations. That's pretty good, too.



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job well done 1 by zosha 07 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<298MB] 1280x720 7m 43s
Stop it, IFM! I can't handle the officey hotness. It's just so close to home.. like... so close to where I am sitting... right now. Zosha's too beautiful and sexy for words to describe so I will stop trying, and just glory in this wild under-seat angle, and the thought that this phenomenal event occurred in such close proximity to my humble office chair.

staff meeting 5 by Mylah 08 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 7m 10s
I feel like I could watch these girls for as long as they could go on. They're both so hot, so beautiful, and so erotically charged for each other. And there's a million little contrasts which hold my avid attention, endless tiny surprises. Mylah's fingers in Amarna's mouth, Amarna crying, "Si"... wow. And after all this, to think, that they will go back to work...

Laney's Video Diary 4 by Laney 09 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<474MB] 1280x720 12m 58s
This was my first time masturbating at work - you can tell by the state of my undies how excited I was about it. Since then it's become a bit of a habit for me. How lucky I am to work in an office with a secret room filled with Roy Stuart books and a window just big enough to make the risk of getting caught so thrillingly real. A note about that dildo - I swear I didn't know it was so huge when I bought it



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riding waves 2 by Liz_Beth 10 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<323MB] 1280x720 8m 20s
Liz Beth moves on the bed like someone enjoying the feeling of comfort so much they just want to submerge themselves in it, the way you snuggle into warmth or luxury or love. I think it's that comfort, or safety, or whatever it is she's reveling in, that allows her to truly expand her orgasmic experience here, coming multiple times, her vocalizations rich with authentic emotion.

power play 1 by Maria_W 11 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<409MB] 1280x720 11m 11s
Oh my - when I saw the in progress title of this video, I had no idea what was in store for me. Seeing Strawberry again on this screen makes me feel all sorts of things - personal things, emotional things, sexual. The way she dives right into Maria promises an incredible duet. And from Maria's reaction to the treatment, it looks like she agrees...

missina 1 by Madison_M 12 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<306MB] 1280x720 7m 56s
"Fall is here, hear the yell//Back to school, ring the bell//Brand new shoes, walking blues//Climb the fence, books and pens//I can tell that we are gonna be friends
I can tell that we are gonna be friends." - White Stripes



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free will 2 by susie 13 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<287MB] 1280x720 7m 26s
You can tell that Susie's really taking her time here, teasing herself deliberately and imposing her own will on this process. That can be an immensely satisfying thing, to have control over your own arousal, and to see just how far you can take it... I must say, Susie, I'm impressed with your discipline. But before it's over, you're going to have to let go... maybe more than once.

power play 2 by Strawberry 14 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<327MB] 1280x720 8m 27s
I love when Maria tells Strawberry that she didn't want to kill her... somehow, I have this idea that Strawberry wouldn't be a very easy person to kill, or even to hurt. Her sensation thresholds are high, loving intensity as she does - but for her sake, I'm hoping she'll yield enough to experience at least a small death. If not more than one.

Abbi Up Close 2 by Abbi 15 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<334MB] 1280x720 8m 37s
Abbi looks so cozy in these first few seconds, it just makes my heart glad. There's nothing like comfort and safety to prime a woman for a quality orgasm.. and so, vicariously, I appreciate the viewing experience even more when I get a sense of coziness myself.
