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Esmae Up Close 3 by Esmae 13 May 2015
HD MP4 [<189MB] 1280x720 4m 54s
"I wander with my harp, Through the countryside of Stadt.
Whether nowhere or all around
Behold, the Blue Flower..." - Die Blaue Bloom

power play 5 loose end by Maria_W 14 May 2015
HD MP4 [<58MB] 1280x720 1m 31s
"It's so hard to express it in English" Don't worry Maria, I have had trouble talking about it and English is my first language. This is like licking the melted chocolate of the wrapper, you really won't want this treat to end.

Liandra video diary 3 by Liandra Dahl 14 May 2015
HD MP4 [<496MB] 1280x720 12m 48s
Have you ever had someone explain something to you with such joy that you get caught up in their enthusiasm and don't end up remembering anything they say? The natural progression from her last video has Liandra putting her exercises into breathtaking practice. I swear Liandra, you have all my attention but you are so distracting at the same time. I may just have to watch this video again.



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Geometric 2 by Molly_D 15 May 2015
HD MP4 [<315MB] 1280x720 8m 16s
What was seen as straight lines and geometric patterns in her first video now buckle under such intense pleasure into concave curves. Molly's body seems to bend and flex into perfect arcs, the more profound her sensations the more sweeping her contours become.

Danseuse 1 by Logan 16 May 2015
HD MP4 [<469MB] 1280x720 12m 49s
I always wonder about dancers, spending all that time studying their body in mirrors, intently watching their movements to perfect them. How often do they look into that full size mirror and see how beautiful they are? How many times do they admire the strength in their slender bodies? This is not a dress rehearsal, it's a seasoned performance where Logan is dancer and audience in one.

invisible Lingerie 1 by Julie_Y 17 May 2015
HD MP4 [<224MB] 1280x720 5m 49s
Somehow when Julie makes eye contact it seems like she is looking straight through a window instead of into the camera lens. Laying on her bed her sun kissed skin seems to radiate sunlight back into the room. Her tan lines seem to decorate her body like invisible lingerie, clearly marking the places of her immaculate body that she keeps for herself and shares with a select few.



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waiting for you 1 by Jordan_Q 18 May 2015
HD MP4 [<327MB] 1280x720 8m 28s
The last of the afternoon sun cascades through Jordans window, casting a shadow play of her bliss that dances across her body and stretches towards the wall behind her. Moving in unison but almost independently, Jordan and her shadow come together on this perfect end to a day spent by herself... but somehow not alone.

traci up close 3 by Traci 19 May 2015
HD MP4 [<340MB] 1280x720 8m 37s
Traci is talking about something that everyone experiences, the driving force that encourages a kind of escalation during masturbation. "As you get... more ready, it's quite nice to have something that's a little bit more intense. Something that perhaps plugs into the wall." What can start off so simply sometimes evolves and thrusts forward as you give into the pleasure. The only limits to what you can do is an adequate power supply.

surprise smile 1 by Anoucha 20 May 2015
HD MP4 [<264MB] 1280x720 6m 49s
There are moments when Anoucha seems surprised by how she can make herself feel. There are points when her smile suddenly pushes wider, like the pleasure she is giving herself has caught her off guard. Flashing in between moments of the general building sensations are these little gems of entrancing ecstasy that may just surprise you as well.



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Liandra video diary 4 by Liandra Dahl 21 May 2015
HD MP4 [<292MB] 1280x720 7m 34s
Oh Liandra, ten seconds into your video diary you have me smitten and giggling along with your talk of 'nudie yoga' and 'yogasms'. Two minutes into your video diary you have me excitedly absorbed with your talk of exploring your mind body spirit connection. Five minutes in and there isn't any talking but you have me, in every respect and undeniably you have me.

open eyes 2 by Amelia_T 22 May 2015
HD MP4 [<164MB] 1280x720 5m 27s
Amelia continues to open our eyes in another stunning video. While her body is rapt responding to her touch and scored by her jubilant whimpers, it's deep in those slender brown eyes that you can see Amelia's real satisfaction. Captivating us and leaving us wondering exactly what it is she can see.



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Danseuse 2 by Logan 23 May 2015
HD MP4 [<384MB] 1280x720 12m 25s
Logan stretches those lean ballerina legs in front of the mirror and there is a vivacity that energises her muscles like she is about to step out onstage. No butterflies in the stomach for her though, Logan has a dancer's grace as she turns her composure inwards with a silver plug as smooth and reflective as the mirror she is watching herself in.

unbutton 1 by Amanda_T 24 May 2015
HD MP4 [<380MB] 1280x720 9m 49s
It starts with a cute little summer dress, the kind that unbuttons all the way down the middle. Button by button the summer dress is split in two revealing Amanda and her immaculate porcelain skin. The dress floats behind her like delicate wings as her feathered touch seems to almost pull her into the air.



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waiting for you 2 by Jordan_Q 25 May 2015
HD MP4 [<338MB] 1280x720 8m 43s
I'm working from home today so I can really relate to Jordan in this video. The lazy start with a cup of tea, the comfortable clothes with no shoes and of course the immediate distraction. Work can wait for Jordan, she is setting her own pace today and it is deliberately slow. She takes her time with her body, each stroke bringing relaxations closer and stronger. If only we could start every work day like Jordan.

Inevitable 1 by Laney 26 May 2015
HD MP4 [<398MB] 1280x720 10m 56s
Elsa and Laney. There's not much else that needs to be said really. You've met them on the forums, you know they're babes, you know they're smart and funny, you know Elsa has a voice that sounds like raindrops falling on honey and you know Laney has the kind of bone structure you write home to your mum about. You also know you're going to watch this. When you're done, come and say hi on the forums.



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surprise smile 2 by Anoucha 27 May 2015
HD MP4 [<264MB] 1280x720 6m 50s
Anoucha's second video starts with a sound so simple yet so evocative. The sound of the zipper on the side of her dress may be short but it is all you need to hear to know what comes next. Another secret surprise smile later and Anoucha bookends her video with that zipper sound, changing it from the exciting outset to the satisfying conclusion.

Liandra video diary 5 by Liandra Dahl 28 May 2015
HD MP4 [<351MB] 1280x720 9m 6s
I never tire of watching Liandra's video diary with her magical ability to make the everyday so sensual. While anal massage in a bubble bath lends itself to the sensual pretty easily, Liandra never feels staged. There is an effortless natural quality to her that makes me want her to carry around a video camera all day like a sexy Truman Show.



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invisible Lingerie 2 by Julie_Y 29 May 2015
HD MP4 [<162MB] 1280x720 4m 13s
I have a tendency to swoon over pretty much all of our contributors but Julie seems to have me totally spellbound. There is an intensity to the passionate way she loves herself and that fervor is broadcast right through the screen. I am unsure if I have the ability to put into words exactly how amazing this video is, I may just have to watch it again to be sure.

can't stand the heat by shanna 30 May 2015
HD MP4 [<181MB] 1280x720 4m 58s
When the monotony of the everyday requires a little break, Shanna is swept up with a little spontaneity. When you feel it, all it can take is a careless glance at a magazine to convince you to climb up on the kitchen bench and use whatever is nearby to to enhance your decision. Maybe it's time to take a leaf out of Shanna's book and have a little procrastination break, your chores will still be there afterwards.

Instant Gratification 1 by Dani_Jess 31 May 2015
HD MP4 [<299MB] 1280x720 7m 44s
Without delay Dannijess seems like she can barely contain her enthusiasm, taking the time to answer her body's call before even thinking about removing any clothes. Speeding towards a climax without ever feeling rushed, she just sets her fast pace from the very beginning. All her liveliness comes crashing back in a final wave leaving her looking a little bit exhausted, and it's not just her that is out of breath.



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VIDEO | 07 Feb 2011 Gigi
20m 16s
Download: MP4 1024x576 508mb

Still gulping from the review I just did of this shoot, Gigi is one of the naturally sexiest creatures I have come across in a while. In this very naturalistic set, painted in vibrant oranges and blues, Gigi stimulates your every emotion. Sassy and fun-filled, seductive and erotic, Gigi knows how to show all her shades in one sitting.

The cut of her denim shorts, shapes her peach bum in a way that fixates your eyes to her rear. The wetness of her deep crimson lips every time she smiles, makes you think about the taste of a sweet kiss with her. Whilst slinking about the retro couch, her tummy muscles flex and release to show you how very fit a pretty young thing can be. And in a pleasurably tease that edges on painful, it is so good, she peels away her bottom layers to reveal the most precious immaculately shaved pussy. If a beautiful Asian beauty is a delight that makes you melt... Gigi would have to be the creme de le creme.

VIDEO | 09 Feb 2011 Dahlia
35m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 860mb

Gorgeous redhead Dahlia instantly grabs your attention with her large bright eyes and flirtatious demeanor. Slowly removing her clothes she teases with her braces; running her hands underneath the elastic and pulling them between her crotch as she arches her back in a show of provocative teasing.

When fully nude she stands in the light of the window, her smooth pale skin illuminated and her red hair vivid from the sunlight. Seductively touching her small breasts and trimmed bush she slowly starts to pleasure herself. Moving around the room from one position to the next she finds more and more places to satisfy her desires.



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VIDEO | 23 Nov 2010 Rachel S
16m 17s
Download: MP4 1024x576 396mb
Rachel S

Rachel, this girl needs more recognition! I find myself looking at her thinking "what hasn't she got!?", she really is the full package. A gorgeous, perfectly hour glass slim body, classically beautiful looks and a cute, innocent demeanor topped off with a mean sexual appetite!

Her back arched against the wall she scrunches up her cute little nose in an innocently seductive manner whilst slowly and sensually undoing the red poker dot top which conceals the rest of her stunning frame. Now on all fours she has taken all but her thin little g-string off, and as she pulls that to one side her wet, open pussy is left just for you to see!

VIDEO | 12 Feb 2011 Leandra
24m 51s
Download: MP4 1024x576 595mb

Leandra is blonde, tanned, slim and oozes sexual seduction. In this much anticipated first solo shoot she stops her daily routine to take part in some serious cavorting on the sofa.

Undressing she reveals her pert breasts and gorgeously long legs that lead up to her smooth, shaved pussy. Playing with herself she moves around the sofa, stretching and spreading herself out in a display that keeps you engrossed from start to finish.



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VIDEO | 14 Feb 2011 Gretchen
33m 15s
Download: MP4 1024x576 810mb

Due to popular demand... The Beautiful Gretchen is back!!!

This is Gretchen's second mind-blowingly sexy solo shoot, and she really has picked up where she left off. Gretchen is a sensuous and very provocative girl that in her first shoot started to enjoy experimenting with insertions in the form of a smooth glass dildo. In this, her experimentation seems to have moved on; and in the kitchen there's plenty to try out and play with. Cute glasses and a sweet smile show her innocence, but her soft shyness eventually gives way to her powerful underlying kinky side!

In this shoot she moves from evocative play to experimental, spur of the moment insertions with utensils, and even all the way to wanting to pee all over the kitchen floor. Its a seriously sexy shoot that really shows off this all natural girls erotic side!

VIDEO | 16 Feb 2011 Fae C
22m 51s
Download: MP4 1024x576 554mb
Fae C

Short and slim with jet black hair, Fae makes her inaugural solo shoot. In the bright vivid setting of the bedroom she lays seductively on the pink duvet, flirting to the camera whilst she slowly starts to peel away her purple dress and bright blue underwear.

Standing naked on the bed she shows off her small breasts and petite frame as she slides her hands down towards her smooth shaved pussy. Moving from one position to the next she finds a multitude of poses in which to entertain herself. Hopefully this wont be the last we see from Fae!



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VIDEO | 17 Feb 2011 Masie
30m 35s
Download: MP4 1024x576 738mb
Menstruation blood

Masie always brightens a day up with her bubbly and playful personality, and this shoot must have been one of her very good days! More boisterous than usual Masie giggles and flirts with the lens, bouncing from pose to pose whilst attempting to get ready for the impending visit from her mum.

Her hands slowly undress and caress her smooth, slim body. Her full bush of pubes and perky breasts slowly revealed as the shoot progresses. This shoot as everything that Masie does is full of surprises, from her captivating use of kitchen utensils to the more unplanned events!!

VIDEO | 19 Feb 2011 Natalja
23m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 566mb

A radiantly seductive smile and bright, beautifully mischievous personality make Natalja instantly stand out in this, her first solo shoot. In the small confines of the bedroom Natalja makes the most of the bunk be as she moves from top to bottom leaving items of clothing as she goes.

Revealing her large breasts and smooth pale skin is a sight to behold, and as she starts to play with herself and the environment the scene quickly hots up. With her long legs dangling from the top bunk of the bed she drops onto the floor ans spreads out her tall shapely frame giving us a sight to savor.

VIDEO | 21 Feb 2011 Charlotte E
16m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 389mb
Charlotte E

Tall and seductive Charlotte stands on her bed tugging on the gray dress that hangs so loosely over her tall, slim body. Pulling it down she exposes her gorgeous tanned body and pert breasts. Dragging it down even lower she rolls onto her back and slides the dress of her legs revealing bright blue and sexy lace pants, barely covering her shaved pussy.

Back to the wall and legs apart Charlotte really shows us just what a stunning body she has, and as she falls back onto the bed and into the covers, she stretches to show us exactly what she can do with it!



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VIDEO | 23 Feb 2011 Alexis V
28m 6s
Download: MP4 1024x576 690mb
Slender body

The long awaited solo debut from Alexis! After appearing in the gorgeous girl on girl shoot with Nichole the anticipation for her solo has been growing daily; well here it is, enjoy!

Playful and flirtatious, Aussie brunette Alexis gets caught messing around doing the hoovering and turns the day of chores into a much more enjoyable and intimate endeavor. Stripping away her clothes until she has only her underwear for cover she dances around the house listening to her ipod, and making a pretty poor effort at doing the housework she'd planned!

Giving glimpses of her pert little bum and small firm breasts she reveals whats left to discover of her tanned, slim body as the cute bra and knickers set quickly falls away. Indulging in some every sexy and very intense self indulgent masturbation's Alexis makes this solo, one you won't forget.

VIDEO | 24 Feb 2011 Mykala
19m 14s
Download: MP4 1024x576 489mb

Gorgeous smooth tanned skin and big bright blue eyes are the first things that strike you about sexy Mykala, but as you'll see in this sexually intimate shoot, she's got so much more hidden away!

She has a VERY sexual personality and this comes across in the erotic movements and provocative positions of her body, and the way she runs her hands down over her skin and inside her long slim legs. Removing her clothes she rolls her full and firm breasts in her hand as she gives a sneak peek at her smooth shaved and wet pussy. Slipping a couple of fingers in past her large labia she arches her back in pure and intense intimate enjoyment.

VIDEO | 26 Feb 2011 Anastasiya
25m 9s
Download: MP4 1024x576 599mb
Meaty lips

Stunning, slim, long-legged Anastasiya treats us to this amazingly sexual and playful shoot. Her piercing blue eyes and flawless figure keep's you transfixed on her every movement as she moves and flex's her body on the pink cover of the bed.

She teases us with each item of clothing she removes, prolonging the tension as we build up to the long awaited full nude reveal! When standing fully exposed on the bed she caresses her small breasts and innocently stares down the lens.

She says in her handwritten bio "It was a great experience, I can't wait to do the next!", well hopefully we won't be waiting too long..



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VIDEO | 28 Feb 2011 Nichole
40m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 936mb

Nicole stands brushing her teeth in the bright white of the bathroom flirting with the expectation of what is to come; she bends over to wash her mouth out and playfully sticks out her bum. Crouching down low she starts to remove her purple top and exposes her large pert breasts.

Lathering up her brunette hair with shampoo she climbs into the shower and slides off her pants. Under the shower head she lets the water cascade down her body and smooth skin as she rinses herself off. What follows is a mix between her routine of showering and shaving her legs and intense sexual deviations.

VIDEO | 05 Mar 2011 Sofie
31m 2s
Download: MP4 1024x576 731mb

The tall, slim, tanned figure of Sophie moves around naked on the windowsill of a multi-story apartment block. The bright blues of the cold Amsterdam sky wrap around her, highlighting every small detail, from her gorgeously pert breasts to her full bush of thick dark pubic hair.

Playfully shy she elegantly drifts around the space and picking up a poker dot umbrella she teases and flirts. There's something effortlessly seductive about Sophie and i think we're all looking forward to seeing her again soon.



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VIDEO | 07 Mar 2011 Anna L
20m 42s
Download: MP4 1024x576 540mb
Meaty lips

Starting off on the set of Chloe B and Lailie's shoot, things get pretty intense between the three girls, heated flurries of passionate kissing and groping come to Anna from all sides and you can see her getting more and more aroused by the sexual bombardment. When it comes to her leaving she reluctantly goes into the room next to the girls, and as she can still hear them next door needs to get rid of all that sexual desire that is built up inside of her.

Quickly jumping onto the bed and with the sounds of Chloe and Lailie coming through the door, she tears her clothes off and lets her hands wander and sensually move around her slim, tanned body as if still guided by one of the girls from two minutes before. Already exposing her amazing, large pert breasts Anna passionately slips her hands down her knickers and inserts a few fingers in to her wet pussy, i wonder what she's thinking about!?

VIDEO | 09 Mar 2011 Dewisandra
17m 56s
Download: MP4 1024x576 447mb
Small breasts

Gorgeously, slim and tanned Dewisandra shows of her natural Asian good looks and sexually vivacious personality in this, her first solo appearance! Removing her short stripped dress she stands in the kitchen wearing nothing more than a pair or tight green knickers and small bright yellow boob tube.

On the floor she flirts and seduces through the lens as she goes about painting her nails. With her clothing now completely gone her statuesque body shows off her pert breasts, large nipples and smooth shaved pussy.



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VIDEO | 10 Mar 2011 Zasha
18m 42s
Download: MP4 1024x576 462mb

Once again Zasha makes a stunning appearance on site for your undeniable viewing pleasure. Zasha is a seriously cute girl, big eyes, slim figure, dark skin and amazing breasts make her a definite must see! In this shoot she presses her tight toned body up against misted, rain dropped windows.

Its a seriously sexy scene to watch and as the sharp cold of the glass touches skin her perfectly small little nipples tighten up in a mix of cold and sexual stimulation.

VIDEO | 12 Mar 2011 Lawan
28m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 695mb

Gorgeously tanned Asian beauty Lawan moves through the hall as she puts away her washing, her slim figure illuminated by the deep blue light through the glass door. Her bright Filipino smile is as enchanting to watch as her slow and seductive removal of the clothes that cover her.

She runs her hands past her small breasts and down her smooth, tight body she heads down to her shaved pubes where she pulls at her labia to reveal her wet, pink vagina. Trying on her bright blue jumper and little patterned hot pants she wraps up this vivid and brightly sexual glimpse into a portion of her day.



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VIDEO | 14 Mar 2011 Julia M
16m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 393mb
Julia M

Julia looks seriously stunning in this shoot; Alone in the apartment on the creamy white sofa she gives a winning lesson in seduction. Touching her smooth tanned skin she stares right at you as she evocatively uncovers her gorgeous figure, small breasts and tight little nipples.

By the end of the scene she lays nude outstretched on the sofa. A truly gorgeous girl revealing herself in gorgeous surroundings is a beautiful sight to behold and one you'll defiantly want to see from start to finish.

VIDEO | 16 Mar 2011 Kalina
30m 4s
Download: MP4 1024x576 723mb

An alluring sweet smile, slim natural body and gorgeous bright eyes under cute and slightly geeky glasses really make Kalina a beautiful and most welcome addition to abbywinters.com. Her first shoot see's her in the living room surrounded by her books and slowly undressing herself on the sofa.

Partially dressed, with nothing but a small denim skirt on and her small breasts and slim frame beautifully exposed she reaches across for her xbox controller and picks a game to play to entertain herself; and moving on and off the sofa she starts to get more and more engrossed in the prospect of winning. She leaves the game, and on the floor starts to stretch and flex her long legs and shows off her gorgeously round and pert bum before seductively sliding off the solitary item of clothing to reveal her trimmed pubes and unbroken smooth pale skin.



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VIDEO | 12 Feb 2023 Paisley
48m 55s
Download: MP4 1080p (1.7G)
Sex toy

"I've been told I'm going to be using a very powerful sex toy: I'm not sure what that means yet!" freckled blonde Paisley excitedly announces. She's overjoyed to learn that she gets to ride a Sybian vibrator, and confesses that she loves masturbating to videos of girls using them. While experimenting with the settings, her eyes widen as she sees how intense it gets. Stripping off her tight shorts, she gets acquainted with the accessories, by spreading her legs to rub them against her hairy pussy. Then, she hops nude onto the machine, and savours the feeling of the bunny ear attachment cuddling her clit.

Paisley's moans intensify as she rubs ice cubes on her perky breasts, while grinding her hips on the rumbling toy. She sweetly announces her first climax, her legs trembling and boobs bouncing, then sighs: "this takes excellent care of me! I'm still breathless." For round two, she puts a dildo on the Sybian and takes it deep in her pussy, boosting the speed, while cheeky shoot producer Giulia asks her increasingly intimate questions. Paisley shares her dream of living in the Greek islands, her teen crush on One Direction, and her gangbang fantasies, until the vibrations and sexy talk make her explode with a blissful second orgasm. "I came so hard! I definitely need one of these for my bedroom" she giggles, flushed pink with pleasure.



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HD MP4 507MB 1920x1080 12m`49s
Leone’s taking a hiatus, an extended break from all things stress, work, and challenge. For now, instead, a world of pure pleasure - fully reclined, erotically entertained, and totally free to go wherever her wandering hands take her.



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Sleeping In 1 by Lulu_L 01 Jun 2015
HD MP4 [<233MB] 1280x720 6m 12s
I don't know what day of the week this was filmed on but I can't help but imagine it was a Sunday. When you have already gotten out of bed and put on your jeans only to find yourself back on top of the covers with your mind wandering towards one thing. Lulu is the personification of a sexy Sunday sleep in, a leisurely indulgence that tells you that the world can wait until tomorrow.

denna up close 1 by Denna 02 Jun 2015
HD MP4 [<336MB] 1280x720 8m 41s
Denna seems to have a classically understated style, a stunning raven haired woman in a white singlet, deep red skirt and white panties gifts us with her a timeless aesthetic. So evocative yet so subtle just like Denna herself, as she takes her time with her pleasure the dusky flow of her rhythm lets Denna leave the ephemeral behind.

little rivers by Lila_J 03 Jun 2015
HD MP4 [<238MB] 1280x720 6m 9s
The sneaky glances in the bathroom mirror, the wet smudged makeup around Lila's big brown eyes, the soap bubbles highlighting the little rivers that form as the hot water trickles down her body's landscape. There are so many beautiful things to admire about this hot shower, enough to warrant a cold shower afterwards.
