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LANEYS VIDEO DIARY 5 by Laney 16 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<457MB] 1280x720 12m 30s
"This is one of my favourite diary entries. I shot it in the height of summer when I could spend every day doing whatever I pleased. Sleep in, make breakfast, set up lights, film myself masturbating, maybe go for a walk afterwards... When I watched this video back I saw the contractions of my orgasm clearly for the first time. It looks exactly how it feels. Unfortunately I can't tell you any more about the porn I was watching because it was too depraved. Sorry." - Laney

cheeky girl 2 by Vicky_J 17 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<311MB] 1280x720 8m 2s
More cheeky play for Vicky makes me feel like she's just so comfortable and confident with her sexuality - there's no rush here, only a thoughtful, deliberate process as she considers her options for how to best get herself off. A little nipple play? Sure, sounds good... yes that was nice... and let's see, what comes next...? As it turns out, quite a lot.

plane spotter 1 by gina_cherie 18 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<257MB] 1280x720 6m 38s
Damn, boyfriend - it's hard to believe that you would spend your visual attention on those airplanes when Gina Cherie's in your passenger seat with her jeans around her knees, going to town like this... but I guess, to each their own. I'm just glad a camera got set up, so I don't have to miss out the way he does.



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Me, myself and Mine 1 by Mine 19 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<325MB] 1280x720 8m 25s
Forgive the misleading title for it is Mine and Mine alone in this video. This is all she needs… and more than we could ever ask for. She closes her eyes, those blue tipped fingers start to caress and suddenly she becomes the only person in the world. She allows us to glimpse into that private world of hers, where the pleasure is all Mine’s and now our hearts are too.

Invisible Lover 1 by amari 20 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<395MB] 1280x720 10m 12s
“I’ve grown and matured and that comes out in what I do.” – Amari. I know I’m meant to be writing for this video but after watching Amari I felt that going through her back catalogue was just a little bit more important. With each video her confidence and rapture flourishes towards a climax here. Then, looking up at the camera with a smile, she reminds us that there are more videos to come. And as I start to daydream about how it could possibly get better, I start to forget about doing any work today.

traci up close 1 by Traci 21 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<329MB] 1280x720 8m 30s
All those who wander are not lost. Watching Traci appreciate the leisurely, peaceful pace that she sets from the start is something truly beautiful. Time seems to be entirely inconsequential for her as she feels her way through. This is an erotic saunter, where the destination is almost forgotten to wandering pleasure. Almost.



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Crawford Dreaming 1 by Georgia_L 22 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<329MB] 1280x720 9m 2s
It’s funny how something as simple as a bathing suit can make you so vividly nostalgic. That tiny piece of fabric is a little pocketful of time warp and has me seeing things through a purely 80’s hyper colored lens. Please excuse any 80’s slang that I may involuntarily use over the next few hours. I know she’s Georgia, but I can’t help seeing Cindy.

plane spotter 2 by gina_cherie 23 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<230MB] 1280x720 5m 59s
Hmph, Gina... what an angle to film from. But it makes sense, when I see what she's planned for this session - an under seat shot allows us to see more clearly what she's doing... well.. under her seat. Ok, I don't want to beat around the bush here, cause Gina wouldn't - so there's ass play. And it's really hot. Gina... you are just amazing.

missina 2 by Madison_M 24 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<192MB] 1280x720 4m 59s
Madison is a sweetly sensual being, the kind of girl who lavishes attention on herself, sparing no details. It's so nice to watch a person treat themselves well, stroking and caressing before entering the home stretch - and even then, Madison is attentive, slowing down and speeding up in direct response to her body's sensations.



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Liandra's video diary 1 by Liandra Dahl 25 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<303MB] 1280x720 10m 14s
Dear Liandra. It's about time! Remember way back in the day when you were the very first IFM hostess and I was a sparkly new video editor? We talked of documenting a week of our masturbation habits for the sakes of comparative analysis (and of course for the sakes of good porno). Back then we had very many ideas, got around to a few but this one always stuck with me and eventually, years later, in the echoes of your brazen, beautiful and charismatic way of thinking about sexuality it became the 'Video Diaries'. Finally you are here and you've made this lovely and charming thing for us. So lovely, so charming just as I knew you then and as I know you now. Oh and sexy, it's also very sexy, you are so very sexy. XO Aven

jaqui's song 1 by Jaqui 26 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<230MB] 1280x720 5m 58s
It seems like a paradox that I want to close my eyes while watching Jaqui. The aural experience of this video almost has a musical quality to it. As her song plays out the tempo quickens and Jaqui creates a driving rhythm as skin slides against skin. Listen closely, it is like you can hear her goose bumps rising.



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Invisible Lover 2 by amari 27 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<398MB] 1280x720 10m 16s
Watching Amari roll her hips as her whole body rhythmically pulsates you can’t help but think there is an invisible lover there. But that’s just a mirage, and Amari is the reality. She is the only one making herself shake and we are the only ones that she is sharing this moment with… and what a spectacular moment it is.

power play 3 by Maria_W 28 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<287MB] 1280x720 7m 26s
Strawberry's pretty advanced in terms of her sexual predilections, and that means she's a confident lover. Her dominance with Maria makes this perfectly clear - Strawberry's playing nice, but there's no doubt about who's in charge here. Lucky Maria. Something tells me that when Strawberry's done with her, Maria's gonna have some processing to do.



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Esmae Up Close 2 by Esmae 29 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<243MB] 1280x720 6m 18s
"I wander, been around for a long time
Was hoping long, familiar,
But alas, still nowhere I
Have seen the blue flower." - Die Blaue Blume

Liandra video diary 2 by Liandra Dahl 30 Apr 2015
HD MP4 [<401MB] 1280x720 10m 22s
Less of an instructional video and more of a show and tell, today Liandra shares with us her beautiful jade egg. Liandra's depiction of both the orgasms she has had and the ones she wants to have reminds us that this is more than self-love, it is self-improvement. This isn't a lesson, but by the end it leaves us marveling at how much more Liandra has to teach us.



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VIDEO | 30 Dec 2010 Courtney M
18m 42s
Download: MP4 1024x576 439mb
Courtney M

In everyday life, sometimes the most subtle thing are the most stimulating. Courtney M, is a master at subtlety. A tender smile almost completely hidden. A racy thought that fleetingly passes through her doe eyes. Today's glimpse into the mystique nature of Courtney, shows that you don't always have to put it all out on the table, to be effective.

Dressed in quaint girlie frills, the purples of her dress bounce in contrast against her mocha skin. Dark features saucily captured for the viewers pleasure. You will be left day dreaming over what delights break through to make Courtney "mmm" in smiles. But something tells me she is not going to give all her secrets away at once!

VIDEO | 01 Jan 2011 Adelle
39m 23s
Download: MP4 1024x576 945mb
Pale pink nipples

Tall, slim and beautifully formed Adelle moves around the kitchen with a sensually feline demeanor. Teasing with her long legs and see-through tights she strips away her clothing to reveal amazingly pert large breasts and her slender toned stomach. On the floor she Stretches out to the cabinet top and removes her tights, and arching her back in such a way to send any functioning imagination into overdrive!

Adelle's body is only equaled by her stunning, movie star smile and cute large eyes; and as her long brunette hair wisps in front of her face, she instantly fixes your gaze as if she were a magnet drawing you closer and closer in. Moving onto the kitchen table, now completely stripped of clothing she lays outstretched, bum up and legs seemingly never ending. Adelle really is a rare beauty and hopefully one that will be back very soon!

VIDEO | 03 Jan 2011 AnnaBelle Lee
23m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 561mb
AnnaBelle Lee

Dirty and hot, possibly the best combination! Everyone knew or went out with a girl like this at college or uni. Cute and seductive Annabelle performs a naughty little strip just for you. Rolling around on the leather couch slowly exposing her toned body, smooth skin and small pert boobs you cant help but remember an old memory or think about being there with her and making a new one!



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VIDEO | 05 Jan 2011 Asdyna
21m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 533mb

A gorgeous slim body, cute suggestive smile and raven black hair really makes Asdyna stand out, and that's before you discover just what a sexually charged girl she is! On the bed texting something stimulates her, perhaps something so intimate and provocative that she has to act on it there and then. Moving off the bed she goes across to the window chair and slipping off her clothes she lets her imagination build her up more and more.

Stood up now and in full view she exposes her pert soft breasts and plump round ass, and as she leans over in front of the window she maybe doesn't realize what an awesome view she's giving the neighbour's! Moving from room to room Asdyna then gives a very comprehensive lesson in self indulgence with insertion after insertion.

VIDEO | 06 Jan 2011 Danielle Y
21m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 564mb
Danielle Y

Tight jeans hug her ass and her shirt clings to her waist, offering a small taste of the lusciousness that lies beneath. She unbuttons her shirt slowly, her silky hot-pink bra and toned stomach revealed. With a smile she begins to undo her jeans... A hand slides down the front... It's all fun and games from there on in!

Danielle is a never fail beauty that you'll crave for more and more with every move she makes.

VIDEO | 08 Jan 2011 Kitty A
37m 33s
Download: MP4 1024x576 883mb
Kitty A

Kitty sits on the floor of the kitchen flirtatiously playing with the buttons on her shirt, luring you in to see her bra-less and tanned body. She smiles at the camera as she bursts open her top, showing her small but perfectly pert breasts.

Moving into the bright yellows of the hallway, Kitty pauses as if contemplating her next seductive move. It doesn't take her long to think of one and from this point on its a visual feast of her playing with her gorgeous slim body, long flexible legs and amazingly smooth shaved pussy. The shoot culminates in the bedroom, where she will have you as worn out and satisfied as she is!



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VIDEO | 10 Jan 2011 Iveta
13m 51s
Download: MP4 1024x576 341mb
Girl next door

Bursting onto the screen today is the bubbly effervescence of Iveta. This tall buxom European has a cheeky thirst for life and it's pleasures. She is not scared to tease with your thoughts or stare you daringly in the eye. But with any lively personality, she will just as easily dag about climbing up and about a carpeted stair case, giving you the best of views the climbing provides. A delicately pleated pussy surrounded by the clear milky skin of her thighs, Iveta is generous in her recline to show us the best of what Germany has to offer.

VIDEO | 12 Jan 2011 Maya C
25m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 630mb
Maya C

Back from her shopping Maya does the usual trying on and admiring all that she has bought. Taking off the bra she has on she tries her new one, only to find its too big for her petite breasts. But rather than bin it there's another use that Maya can get out of it, a more sexual and imaginative use!

Slipping off her remaining clothes Maya rolls up the bra and sensually runs its smooth fabric over her skin, from around her pertly erect nipples to her beautifully trimmed pussy. Stretching out herself and the bra she slides the material between her labia and over her clit. Finishing against the soft light of the glass brick walls she leans against its cold hard surface revealing her slim body in all of its stunning beauty.

VIDEO | 15 Jan 2011 Anycka
26m 30s
Download: MP4 1024x576 631mb

Waking up next to this brunette beauty is an experience that this shoot will have you day dreaming about for quite some time! Her large bright green eyes and cute seductive smile hold your attention and intrigue, and lead you into to the ensuing visual and sexual feast.

As Anycka moves though to the kitchen she keeps you at arms length, flirting with you and slowly revealing all the best parts of her slim but curvaceous body. Moving from the counter top to the floor she lays totally naked, and running her hands down her smooth tanned skin she aims for her perfectly shaved pussy. After all this excitement its time to climb back into bed and hope tomorrow brings the same!



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VIDEO | 17 Jan 2011 Sylvanna
14m 46s
Download: MP4 1024x576 377mb

Red-headed babe Sylvanna once again shows us her fun side by taking us on a little naked adventure out of the house and into the back garden.

Its a cold day and her tight nipples show it, but Sylvanna's willing to bear it as she strips, stretches and flirts her way to a bright, naked, feel-good afternoon in the outdoors. Lush greenery is broken by the vivid sexiness of her bright pink underwear as sexy Sylvanna shows why its kinkier in the cold.

VIDEO | 19 Jan 2011 Agnes V
30m 7s
Download: MP4 1024x576 739mb
Finger insertions

This is Agnes's first solo appearance and its set to make quite an impact. With her gorgeously harmonious mix of Czech and Asian heritage she really is a girl with a beautiful oriental twist. In the shoot we see her not only show off her toned, slim body and long elegant legs, but we also get an insight into her vivacious and playfully sexual personality.

Starting off in her cute little glasses and small blue mini skirt Agnes teases with some arousing up-skirt peeks, intensified by her lack of underwear! throughout the shoot Agnes alluring affect takes a stronger and stronger hold as she moves from room to room and from one seductive pose to the next, always keeping up an intense air of temptation.

When every item of clothing has been dismissed she sits showering her soft tanned skin with cool beads of water which run past her erect nipples down to her smooth shaved pussy.

VIDEO | 20 Jan 2011 Naomi E
20m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 488mb
Naomi E

Alone in the bedroom Naomi decides the best thing to keep her entertained is to check her stunning nude body out in the mirror.

I don't think either her or you will be disappointed with the reflection. Pert small boobs and her trimmed vagina are two things that will have you hooked for the whole shoot and waiting for her next sexy installment.



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VIDEO | 22 Jan 2011 Kandice
42m 17s
Download: MP4 1024x576 977mb
Erect nipples

Brand new model Kandice brings a gorgeously intimate and playful shoot; her classical hour glass figure and dark brunette hair stand beautifully from the light wood of the apartment and as her summery yellow dress come's off more of her features are revealed. Underneath the dress she has on a very sexy cut green top, that does its best to barely cover her large breasts and erect nipples, occasionally failing and giving us a preview of what is still to be exposed.

Spilling water on the table she tries to mop it up with her top, resulting in her having to remove it and finally bare herself fully. Its a sight to behold and as she moves from position to position she gives us all the best angles to admire, teasing and playing with her wandering hands. Hopefully this will be the first shoot of many for Kandice.

VIDEO | 26 Jan 2011 Twyla
26m 20s
Download: MP4 1024x576 634mb

Kinky Asian Twyla has really got a sexy unique look about her that instantly captivates. In this shoot she starts off playful flirting and teasing the camera, slowly revealing more of her smooth tanned skin and small breasts.

Grabbing a pair of scissors Twyla cuts open the crotch of her tights allowing her full bush of thick black pubes to be exposed. She runs her fingers through the hair and over her clit, her body tensing with each stimulation. Moving from one position to the next she shows us her sexual and flexible prowess.



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VIDEO | 27 Jan 2011 Zippora
17m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 423mb

Zippora is a real dark haired Australian beauty, her long wavy black hair lays sensually on the shoulders of her slim figure and well shaped small boobs.

Zippora stretches herself out in the light spilling through a large bay window, the lush of the green outdoors frames her as she strips away her clothing to reveal her body to you. Moving her way through the space of the window she invitingly positions herself for your imagination to put you right in that room with her.

VIDEO | 29 Jan 2011 Zoey
23m 15s
Download: MP4 1024x576 mb

Glasses, a cute smile and a shy but evocative personality really add to Zoey's attractive slim figure and will keep you captivated as she undresses and moves around the room. Making full use of the available furniture she finds inventive and sexy ways to flirt and arouse.

Sitting wide legged and showing her full bush of pubes she pulls a mirror in front of her and gives us two of the best views you could hope to see. Her long legs lead beautifully up to her pert bum and curvaceous hips.



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VIDEO | 31 Jan 2011 Anais
9m 56s
Download: MP4 1024x576 mb

Sensually smooth dark skin and a stunning smile make Anais a difficult woman to take your eyes off. Laying on the sofa she stares suggestively into the lens, as if hinting at what is to come.

Some cheeky up-skirt looks soon set the tone, and when she starts to slip off her top and bra the shoot really gets into full swing. Her breasts and dark, erect nipples serve to be more than a handful for her, and as she bends over on all fours exposing her full dark bush they hang sexually and seductively from her body.

VIDEO | 02 Feb 2011 Alyssia
17m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 mb
Finger insertions

Standing in the light of the open attic window, dark haired Alyssia sensually undresses herself and runs her hands all over her slim, tanned body and tight pert breasts. Oozing an inescapable air of seductiveness she captivates you with every supple body movement and extension of her long slender legs.

Moving around the room she holds your gaze as she starts to slip her fingers between her smooth shaved pussy and slowly pleasure herself. Standing in the middle of the low attic roof she reaches up and grabs the wooden beams as she squirms from the thrills of her own self-satisfaction.



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VIDEO | 03 Feb 2011 Navah
13m 21s
Download: MP4 1024x576 380mb

If you've not come across Navah by now... where have you been!? She's a gorgeous, cute, short little brunette that's just as vivid and sexually colorful as the bright yellow jumper she's decided to wear in this shoot.

Navah with her blunt fringe and big eyes cant help be be effortlessly seductive, and just as her eyes poke out from underneath her hair, her yellow jumper cant conceal the protruding points of her excitedly erect nipples. Lifting up the top she shows off yet another one of her bodies amazing features; her perfectly sculpted arse sits firm in a pair of gray hot pants, waiting to be exposed.

Eventually, slipping off the pants and jumper she stands fully nude, and her raw sexiness can be properly appreciated. Pert boobs and a sweet, shaved pussy are just the tip of the iceberg and the rest is still to be explored.

VIDEO | 05 Feb 2011 Nayomi
37m 29s
Download: MP4 1024x576 892mb

Nayomi's gorgeously dark smooth skin stands in perfect contrasts from the harsh whites of the kitchen. Sitting on top of the counter, she flirts and seduces the camera with sexy little flicks of her legs and passionate grabs of her large breasts.

She starts to remove her clothes and moves off the kitchen counter and onto the vibrant red chairs underneath. Moving her hands over her body she starts to play with her smooth shaved pussy and arches her back up in the air with the pulses of sexual pleasure running through her.

Playful, seductive and most definitely erotically charged this photographic exploration of Nayomi is a real treat.



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VIDEO | 11 Feb 2023 Juliana
46m 17s
Download: MP4 1080p (1.8G)
Meaty lips

It's superstar model Juliana's first shoot in over four years, and her excitement shines through in her note. "I have very much missed working with Abby Winters: being back here feels fantastic!", she writes. She starts out in a glamorous outfit, including a sheer top that displays her bra, and a plaid skirt that she lets us peek up. One perky nipple slips out when Juliana peels off her shirt, and she squeezes her boobs with a cheeky expression. Her silky red panties offer a hint of camel toe, so she drops them around her ankles and reveals her perfectly shaved pussy.

Juliana flashes an enchanting smile when she spreads her legs, offering intimate views of her meaty labia. After rubbing a brush all over her body, she gets into flexible positions on the sofa. Whether she's putting her hips in the air and gazing invitingly over her shoulder, or relaxing with her bare feet together and her knees apart, Juliana is clearly delighted to be naked on camera again. She briefly wraps herself in a cosy robe, but only so she can throw it open, and giggle while shaking her round bum.



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HD MP4 567MB 1920x1080 14m`59s
June’s got a point here - why is it always women who put the most effort into sexts and profile pictures? There’s a whole world of Erica Jong and Susan Sontag we could delve into there, but for now, let’s focus on the positive. Boys, a little effort will go a long way for you. Take it from June…



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B&B 1 by Ambra_A 01 May 2015
HD MP4 [<109MB] 1280x720 5m 18s
A bathtub with a view and Ambra's flawless skin makes this video truly scenic. As Ambra strips bare, her body becomes its own little bed and breakfast for her to escape to for a long weekend. This is an indulgent slice of erotica so lose your city troubles with Ambra, it’s about time you relaxed.

Me myself and Mine 2 by Mine 02 May 2015
HD MP4 [<313MB] 1280x720 8m 5s
Mine returns, barely skipping a beat since her last video. We were thankful to catch our breath before she steals it away again. Without losing any of the momentum she inhales our affections with gasps that grow shorter and sharper. By the time she slows into that deep, relaxed rhythm you may have to remind yourself to breathe again.

Geometric 1 by Molly_D 03 May 2015
HD MP4 [<331MB] 1280x720 8m 33s
It may be the gorgeous geometric tattoo that lies between Molly’s hipbones but there is something beautifully angular about her body. I can’t help but see shifting shapes in her skin. Carefully following the lines that run from her knees up her thighs, the soft concentric circles of her breasts and the triangle that points down from her hipbones.



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Connecting 1 by Bobbie_R 04 May 2015
HD MP4 [<292MB] 1280x720 8m 50s
There is a pocket-sized companion that Bobbie keeps close in this video. Part toy and part tool, she carries it everywhere with her. Contained within that little four inch window there are entire universes full of options to turn her on. Is she looking at a lovers pictures, or pictures she has sent to a lover? Is she talking to someone, or is she listening? She could even be watching a video of a woman just like we are. Once Bobbie was alone in her bed, now her body is connected.

traci up close 2 by Traci 05 May 2015
HD MP4 [<274MB] 1280x720 7m 6s
There is a hypnotic quality to how the vibrations ripple through Traci's skin. It becomes difficult to tell the difference between those tiny shakes that are made by the massager and those that are just the natural vibrations her body makes when she is experiencing such an ecstatic orgasm.

Crawford Dreaming 2 by Georgia_L 06 May 2015
HD MP4 [<296MB] 1280x720 8m 7s
Georgia transforms a very normal backyard into an extraordinary ethereal plane with her breathtaking self-worship. Whether it’s the glow of the sunlight or the natural glow Georgia exudes, this video seems bathed in light. Her body and her charm has bewitched the sun to hang suspended in this dreamlike moment. She makes it her spotlight and boy does she shine in it.



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180 degrees by Viva 07 May 2015
HD MP4 [<469MB] 1280x720 12m 6s
I think the reason Viva has such an exquisite back catalog is that she has a natural confidence in knowing exactly how to present her body on camera. Each time she turns she accentuates her beauty. Viva's orgasm teeters on the edge of ecstasy for almost half the video. Each time the swell seems to peak it's just Viva taking one step closer to her joyful conclusion.

jaqui's song 2 by Jaqui 08 May 2015
HD MP4 [<368MB] 1280x720 9m 31s
Returning to the stage for an encore, Jacqui's second song seems to be far more like an orchestral movement than a driving beat. As her own conductor she starts with the subtle, evocative woodwinds that seems to sweep across her breasts as lightly as she plays them. Then, piece by piece the rest of her orchestra joins in the building crescendo until you can almost hear the thunderous applause. Jacqui truly deserves a standing ovation.

B&B 2 by Ambra_A 09 May 2015
HD MP4 [<182MB] 1280x720 5m 20s
Simple yet so indulgent, Ambra slides into just a couple of inches of warming water that gently rocks her body with tiny waves. This is a holiday bath, she has no preconceptions about actually bathing, the purpose of this lay within the realms of pure relaxation and gratification. Watching Ambra's muscles tense with pleasure then relax into a deeper bliss seems to leave her with a glowing aura that anything would be entranced by.



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open eyes 1 by Amelia_T 10 May 2015
HD MP4 [<207MB] 1280x720 6m 57s
It is intriguing how masturbation can change if you just try to keep your eyes open, if you try and stay present outside the realm of personal pleasure. Amelia is keenly aware of the world around her to begin with but it always gets to that point, where the hand will grasp at the sheets and she drives her hips down into the bed. That point where her lids slip close and the sensations of touch take priority.

Connecting 2 by Bobbie_R 11 May 2015
HD MP4 [<167MB] 1280x720 6m 12s
The visuals here make me think that Bobbie is a designer or a stylist. There is something about her aesthetics that tie so naturally into her bedroom landscape. This video is her carefully crafting our eye-lines and presenting herself as an expression so vivid that I want to frame my screen. While creating stunning tableaus that seem to hang outside of time Bobbie made me realize that whatever she is, today she is sincerely an artist.

power play 4 by Maria_W 12 May 2015
HD MP4 [<322MB] 1280x720 8m 20s
Maree's short kisses that seem to pinch that cream skin, her longing upward looks and the playful giggles these two share... How much more of this duet can you handle? While she seems completely insatiable with Maree's hands and lips, by the end even Strawberry can't seem to withstand being touched any longer. It's time we all faced the facts that we are completely powerless to this power play.
