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HD MP4 237MB 1920x1080 5m`59s
Esther is ready to soar again, but this time, she’s giving her quick little hand a rest. All it has to do now is hold her toy, and maybe push a little bit - and the rest is between Esther and that buzzy motor, a conversation that seems to be extremely stimulating.



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park it 2 by Viva 01 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<385MB] 1280x720 13m 11s
More shenanigans in the car park. My first effort was fun, but a little too risky. So, in the interests of comfort I found a more secluded spot. I just loved fantasizing about all the people who could find me so easily, especially once I got so into it I stopped checking to see if anyone was really there. I especially liked those silent, knuckle-biting orgasms.... what a thrill.

gathering 2 by Louah 02 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<377MB] 1280x720 9m 45s
Louah is calm for now, but if her last session is anything to go by, this is just the eye of the storm, the quiet rest in between two tumultuous overtures. It's good to see how she conserves her energy, working from an intuitive place of body-mind connection, so that even as she gains speed, that synergy never wavers.

nonfiction 1 by Lila_J 04 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<273MB] 1280x720 7m 5s
In case you guys aren't on the up and up over at Ishotmyself.com, our Lila J recently won an Art Prize over there... and you should definitely check it out, just as soon as you're finished here, of course. Because honestly, once you see this still, it's impossible not to want to see more. So indulge. Lila_J's sure going to.



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crisp 1 by Alexa_B 05 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<274MB] 1280x720 7m 7s
Moments like these are good for the soul. Clean, crisp white sheets, clean hair, relaxed body... sun filtered in, window open, gentle breeze... Alexa B has everything she needs for a truly healing session of self-lovin', and she knows how to use these elements, take them in, breathe it out, and give herself everything she needs.

Nicholle Up Close 1 by Nicholle 06 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<220MB] 1280x720 5m 42s
Any friend of Kenji is a friend of mine, so I feel a little extra invested today in Nicholle's orgasm. I just really want her to have a great one, you know? There's something really sexually altruistic about the desire for someone else to come. A desire I'm sure you viewers are well familiar with.

skill share 3 by Liandra Dahl 07 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<219MB] 1280x720 5m 40s
This is just priceless material, and I find it frankly amazing that we made this video. Informative discussion combined with smoking hot demonstrations is like the height of sex-ed. It's one thing to be told that oh, different people like all different things, here's a list of them - and it's another to hear Shanna say it herself, and then watch her get her ass fingered, and just see how very much she loves it. Guys... this is the future.



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potassium 1 by LydiaBennett 08 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<198MB] 1280x720 5m 7s
I've seen too many people have banana sex to not have tried it myself, but somehow I've just never gotten around to it. It just makes too much sense. A perfect size, smooth, a great color... and practically free. I mean, they literally grow on trees. I actually don't think they make many dildos that can compare... especially when it comes to the post-coital snack aspect of the thing.

peachy keen 2 by Marlee 09 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<226MB] 1280x720 6m 12s
If I had my way, there'd be an Olympic sport category for masturbation. Not everyone would have to be an expert or anything, you know folks still play street hockey without comparing themselves to Gretzky, but some people are just really talented in this arena. And some people just go the extra mile. Basically what I'm saying is, I love watching Marlee's abdominals contract as she gets closer and closer.

rough handling 2 by AmarnaMiller 10 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<438MB] 1280x720 11m 29s
IFM's interest in shibari reflects the burgeoning interest of the world around us, as ropes and shadow and brusque, commands start to bubble to the surface of our sexual culture. Aren't we lucky - there's nothing quite so arousing for me as the dynamic we see here between Amarna and her lover, and its rising popularity just means I get to be privy to exquisitely beautiful moments like these.



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vicarious 1 by Maree_M 11 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<215MB] 1280x720 5m 35s
Much in the ways that going through something with a character in a novel or film can be cathartic, watching someone else have an orgasm can provide a special kind of mental release to those watching (even if you're not joining in!) I felt that way watching Maree just now, just an incidental stowaway on her journey - as something exploded out of her, I felt an answering something shift inside myself.

loose end 0072 by AmarnaMiller 12 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<89MB] 1280x720 2m 40s
Oh wow... how is this series so incredibly good? Loose ends are generally what they sound like, extra footage which is great but didn't really fit into the shoot... but this is something else. I love to hear Amarna Miller speak, and the beauty of the film quality here... I feel like this is a short piece rather than a loose end, a seriously wonderful little bit of film-making. Bravo, wow.

crisp 2 by Alexa_B 12 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<307MB] 1280x720
I like to watch Alexa's toes, clutching the window frame, moving ever so slightly, every so often. This whole scene seems to breathe in time with Alexa, starting out calm and gentle, pulsing slowly... and speeding up into shallow, measured gasps, maintaining equilibrium, and filling the space between me and Alexa with intensity.



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Nicholle Up Close 2 by Nicholle 13 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<252MB] 1280x720 6m 34s
Nicholle, I hope it's ok to say this here, but I just need to - you have got an absolutely magical bush. It's so rare to see that incredible flame-like color down there, even for me - and I can assure you all, I see plenty of bush. I love things that are special, things you don't see every day - and Nicholle, even without those amazing coloring, is definitely both of those things.

skill share 4 by shanna 14 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<235MB] 1280x720 6m 5s
Shanna grabs hold of the interview role a little bit here, exploring Liandra's desires, asking and confirming that Liandra likes exactly what she says she likes. These two have unquestionable chemistry, written in every line of their inter-twined bodies, and audible with the pitch and timing of every breath.

potassium 2 by LydiaBennett 15 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<271MB] 1280x720 7m 1s
It's always good to have Lydia Bennet around, whether it's in the forum or on the main page. Her great attitude combined with a healthy dose of cheekiness makes her a pleasure to read, and when I like someone's writing voice, it's even more exciting to watch them enjoy their own bodies. And Lydia Bennet is especially skilled when it comes to that sort of thing.



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nonfiction 2 by Lila_J 16 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<215MB] 1280x720 5m 34s
There's something about Lila_J's eyes, man... they just keep grabbing me, over and over. The way she stares straight into the camera in the beginning of this shoot slays me, and I find myself seeking her out, hoping she'll open them, and look at me again. Wild eyes.

forest lover 1 by Lilley 17 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<378MB] 1280x720 9m 45s
Only Lilley could make perching in a tree look more comfy than a plush recliner, her feet perfectly braced against considerately placed branches. Sitting there, high above the world, Lilley has only the sounds of river and day-birds to accompany her as she brings herself to orgasm again, and again, and again, her fluids falling like rain from the tree-tops.

calescent 1 by Claudia_R 18 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<271MB] 1280x720 7m 39s
From her first sigh, Claudia R had me. Something about her lace, her lips, her dark eyebrows inspire a wanting in me to know more about her. If you felt the same, I can assure you, the more you see, the more you want to see. And it doesn't end, even when she does - but that's ok. That's what part 2's are for.



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open wide 1 by illenya 19 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<197MB] 1280x720 5m 5s
It's so nice when people keep their eyes open while masturbating. It's pretty rare, and those who start out with eyes wide tend to close them at some point - even Illenya. Still, she keeps them most of the time, gazing into the air, only retreating inside when her pleasure nears climactic intensity.

skill share 5 by shanna 20 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<176MB] 1280x720 4m 33s
I can't get enough of listening to people speak during sex. Words are kind of my thing, and when people speak through arousal... ahh, well, it just has everything, doesn't it? Those changing pitches, tones, words giving way to moans... audible, decipherable testament to Shanna's good work, and the undeniable connection between these two women.



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teardrop 1 by Ryder_M 21 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<287MB] 1280x720 7m 26s
It's strange to think that Ryder's in a whole other world, that the subtle sounds of her breath and her movements on the sheets aren't a shared experience between me and her. As she drifts in her world of beats and harmonics, she lets go - of camera-consciousness, of time passing, and of us. She lets go of everything, concentrating fully on her own body.

hot and heavy 1 by roxy_h 22 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<251MB] 1280x720 6m 52s
I can't help but giggle a little at Traci's frank assertiveness - I just love that girl so much. And I think Roxy H agrees. Traci's irresistible, and once Roxy learns how to rev her engine, that straight-talkin' attitude melts right into uninhibited passion. Roxy answers with her own heat, and bam - it's on.



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vicarious 2 by Maree_M 23 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<291MB] 1280x720 7m 31s
One thing I find so beautiful, that we're lucky enough to observe on a regular basis around here, is when that first flush of arousal shows physical results - a flush of pink through the thighs and chest, tensing of her core muscles, a glimmer of wetness welling up deep inside a woman, and sparkling there so we can just make out its presence...

forest lover 2 by Lilley 24 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<274MB] 1280x720 7m 6s
The peaceful, gentle energy of the space around Lilley contrasts with her fierce masturbation, as she strives for her pleasure, her sex pulsing visibly. It's incredible to watch her sexual struggle, knowing exactly how it feels... that climb, that need to reach something, the frustration building as the desire mounts. Only to be finally pacified, satisfied in the end, to know that the struggle was worth the reward.



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give voice 1 by Chan_J 25 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<355MB] 1280x720 9m 10s
I love Chan_J's grin as she jumps into the bed. This process, and masturbation in general, are (like all things in life), multifaceted experiences. So it's totally understandable when people bring a mishmash of emotions to bed, even intriguing - but sometimes, you know, a regular ol' grin of anticipation, a body unashamedly prepped and pumped to get off - well, the simplicity of that, makes me happy too.

open wide 2 by illenya 26 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<177MB] 1280x720 4m 34s
A delicate afternoon for Illenya, that time in the day when the air stands still and seems to hold its breath, waiting for something to happen. But Illenya's not holding her breath - breathing deep as her stimulating touch threatens to overwhelm, Illenya fills the space with urgency and expectation, only relaxing into calm when she's gotten what she needs.



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Charlotte_V Up Close 1 by charlotte_v 27 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<327MB] 1280x720 8m 28s
Are you ready for this? Our very own Charlotte_V, up close and oh so personal... nice and slow, deep and sensual. I feel this is one of those IFM moments which should really be savored. If you can, turn off the lights, give her your full screen and your full attention. Because Charlotte V never gives anything less than her all.

teardrop 2 by Ryder_M 28 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<368MB] 1280x720 9m 30s
It's great to be able to hear Ryder's music, and understand more fully how it informs her experience. Sex and music go together, intuitively - like dancing, you can do it without a beat, but it's that rhythm which allows our physical bodies to truly be transported, carrying us through sensuality, and out into the great unknown.



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hot and heavy 2 by Traci 29 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<222MB] 1280x720 5m 44s
Roxy H and Traci, together, fill the room with an incredible sexual energy, all panting and movement and heat and flow. Roxy here, especially, is simply voracious, sucking and biting and touching and licking until Traci comes, nearly screaming with the release.

calescent 2 by Claudia_R 30 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<307MB] 1280x720 7m 57s
I love the nearly unconscious way Claudia worships her breasts here, her hands pulling and kneading them in such an instinctual way. And visually, the effect is stunning, hypnotically beautiful, the full flesh of her pushed and pulled, rolling under the spread fingers of her hand. That passion carries through into an orgasm so gorgeous it makes me remember all over again why I love this site.

action items 1 by Mylah 31 Jan 2015
HD MP4 [<241MB] 1280x720 6m 15s
Mylah's intent on dramatically enhancing her core competencies. Before she can proactively harness her potential for collaborative idea-sharing, though, she needs a little time to facilitate her own flexibility and "outside-of-the-box" thinking. I'm sure that after a few power sessions like this one, Mylah will be uniquely empowered to achieve the kind of friction-less partnerships a high-powered corporate young woman dreams of.



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VIDEO | 29 Nov 2010 Calypso
15m 50s
Download: MP4 1024x576 368mb
Small pert breasts

Calypso's smooth dark skin lays contrasted to the bright white of the bedroom. Flirting through red flowery glasses she teases with longing strokes and caresses of her petite, slim body.

Undressing down to her little pink thong and white bra she hints playfully at what is yet to be revealed underneath. When fully naked she shows off her perfectly smooth, shaved pussy and small pert breasts. The shoot culminates in an explosion of playful jumping, stretching and bending bedroom action.

VIDEO | 30 Nov 2010 Dolly
15m 18s
Download: MP4 1024x576 392mb

Illuminated by the bright Australian sun and the vivid outdoors Dolly is really glowing with her pregnancy. Blonde hair highlighted with a strip of pink and piercing blue eyes are accents to her smooth pale skin and vivacious personality.

She tells us that since her pregnancy, her sex drive and need for sexual entertainment has sky rocketed, and this definitely comes across in this intimate shoot! Sensually sliding her hands over her body and full pert breasts she undresses from her pink frilled underwear and exposes her trimmed pussy and tight little bum.

VIDEO | 01 Dec 2010 Brandi
37m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 888mb
Dildo insertion

Helping out on her friends abbywinters.com shoot Brandi started to get a little curious about how she would feel in front of the lens; sliding onto the bed with Leoni K she asks for a few tips to rid herself of nerves. Eventually she decides to go for it, and you're seriously going to be glad she wanted to!

The shoots starts with a mood of shyness but with a hugely seductive feel, you just know from that point on that she's got a lot of sexual desires underneath that gorgeous, silky smooth surface that she needs to get out! Pulling at her tight blue top and ripped jeans she gives us glimpses of her perfectly formed, slim, toned body.

After a little more tentative teasing all is revealed, a trimmed strip of pubes, small pert breasts and long slim, sexual legs. Turns out though that Brandi has a LOT of stuff she needs to get out, one of these being her purple dildo smuggled into the shoot with her bag. Using this and photos of Leoni K she gets herself to an awesome and erotic climax that perhaps she didn't think she'd do on camera!



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VIDEO | 02 Dec 2010 Jessica C
9m 48s
Download: MP4 1024x576 243mb
Jessica C

Jessica's blonde highlighted hair and vivid green eyes are illuminated as she lays suggestively under the windows light; she runs her hands over her slim body and down to her long grey leg warmers. Flirting with her cute and longing smile she unbuttons her cardigan to reveal her small, pert boobs and erect petite nipples which lay beneath.

Moving on to the cold, hard surface of the wooden floor she arches her back, and throwing her legs up slips off her bright blue knickers to expose her trimmed wet pussy, ready and willing for a play with her smooth pink dildo.

VIDEO | 06 Dec 2010 Lailie
22m 42s
Download: MP4 1024x576 585mb

Guess who's back!? None other than our lovely Lailie! This girl is absolutely breathtaking... with her soft and supple skin, rocking body and crikey, that smile is to die for. She teases us thru her cute little red panties, slowly but surely sharing more of her luscious body with us. She starts by fingering herself nice and deep, then later implements the use of a white dildo to help her out a little more.

This shoot has it all, fun and playful, and then Lailie turns on that sexy and smouldering stare that we all know and love. You definitely don't want to miss this one she's just so fucking hot!

VIDEO | 07 Dec 2010 Katia
17m 34s
Download: MP4 1024x576 423mb

Flirtatious red-head Katia stimulates your imagination as she suggestively twists, contorts and stretches her naturally gorgeous form under the vibrant and dappled afternoon sunlight. This image set features the curly haired cutie revealing her, puffy nipples and tight arse.

Her playfully tiny denim hot pants ensure you cant miss her wonderful butt and pretty soon they give way to an evocative display of sexual flexibility that will have your mind running wild with endless possibilities. You'll also be pleased to know her bush is also sweet ginger and as they say, the drapes match the carpet.



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VIDEO | 08 Dec 2010 Barbara
40m 48s
Download: MP4 1024x576 961mb

Reading her girls mag, Barbara cant help but feel a deep sense of sexual desire boiling up inside her, and simply can not contain the overwhelming urge to satisfy herself.

Pulling at her clothes and rubbing her clit she reaches a level of arousement that can not be left alone. Stripping down to nothing she arches her slim, smooth figure over the cushion of a foot stool. Writhing around with intense pleasure she slips onto the cold hard wooden floor of the room and with unknown sexual thoughts running rampant in her imagination she longing slides two fingers deep inside her.

Barabara is a seriously hot girl and this intimate insight into her really shows what a kinky little girl she can be!

VIDEO | 09 Dec 2010 Jenni
12m 26s
Download: MP4 1024x576 310mb
Small breasts

Ever started a mundane job about the house and had it unexpectedly turn into something surprisingly racy?

Today's homey redux shares that cheeky moment of distraction, where Asian beauty Jenni goes from mundanely changing the sheets, to feverishly changing your heart rate. Tresses of kinked black hair brushing past honey colored nipples, and a toned tummy that epitomizes the bliss that is female youth.

The sheets get forgotten quickly, and the mood in the room slips into a playfully erotic zone of bouncing pert breasts, widely spread limbs that give the most delicious peek a boos to Jenni's scarcely haired pussy.

VIDEO | 11 Dec 2010 Odette
10m 46s
Download: MP4 1024x576 262mb

Bathing in the warmth of the setting Australian sun, Odette moves around these natural surroundings in a sensual, seductive manner that will have you wishing you could be up there with her.

Bending and arching her back over the worn, hard wooden bench Odette teases until she finally reveals her large breasts and wet pussy surrounded my her full bush of pubes. A perfect shoot for all the voyeurs out there!



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VIDEO | 13 Dec 2010 Tinneale
18m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 472mb

Tinneale is a real all natural beauty. Her untouched body with soft, sensual under arm hair and full pubic bush is a gorgeous sight from any angle. These features are beautifully accented by her brilliantly bright blue eyes and pert, well shaped breasts.

In this shoot Tinneale is found alone in the kitchen stroking her pet cat on the table top, looking deep into the lens with her big blues she flirts with your gaze; and soon you will be willing her to undress and reveal to you her stunning body. Happily the series culminates with just the erotically naked scene you wanted.

VIDEO | 14 Dec 2010 Felicity C
17m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 423mb
Felicity C

Felicity's is the 'real girl next door' type. Very natural and quite with that sexy air of mystery surrounding her; and you know what they say about the quite ones!

With smooth pale skin, red hair and a cute, suggestive smile you can tell that this girls actions speak a lot louder than her words! Playing with the camera (and your imagination) she teases with the innocently slow and timid removal of her clothes, revealing her small, pert breasts and full bush of red tinted pubes.

VIDEO | 15 Dec 2010 Leonie K
38m 39s
Download: MP4 1024x576 906mb
Leonie K

A blonde and bubbly babe, Leonie really is awesome to watch as she moves sensually from bedroom to shower and back again. Waking up after a quick nap, Leonie decides a quick bit of pampering is what she needs to get her going; but rolling her finger over the moist, smooth surface of her lip balm soon gives her the inspiration for another kind of personal pampering.

Stripping off and getting into the shower Leoni lets the beads of warm refreshing water spill over her slim, toned body and writhes as her finger slips inside her. Playing with herself on the shower floor she reaches for her pink, smooth dildo and slowly inserts it inside her, invigorating herself with every motion.

Obviously feeling refreshed she dries off and heads to the bedroom to finish herself off in a leg splaying display of intimate sexuality.



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VIDEO | 18 Dec 2010 Zarina
37m 48s
Download: MP4 1024x576 892mb
Inverted nipples

Relaxing on the window ledge Zarina needs to measure out a dress to be made for her, and with such a great body like hers it would be a waste not to do it in the sexiest way possible!

Dark tinted skin covers her slim sensual body and a sexy set of braces protrudes from her cute little smile. Undressing to get a closer measurement she unveils her smooth shaved pussy and pert breasts with rare, inverted nipples. As she continues to measure and run her hands around her body you can see her getting more and more wound up with inner sexual tension until she snaps and has to reward her self with some personal satisfaction!

There is much more to discover in this shoot, but that would be giving away the intrigue; but as a hint there's a quick pee stop and a toy involved...

VIDEO | 20 Dec 2010 Hannah C
21m 42s
Download: MP4 1024x576 523mb
Hannah C

Radiant Hannah really looks stunning in this gorgeous and intimate insight into the world of pregnancy. Her breasts, full and enlarged are most definitely a perk, and her beautiful round figure holds sensual contours and shapes found only during this special time.

Glowing Hannah lets us enjoy her body just as she is right now. Its said that women can look their best when they are pregnant and i think with Hannah and how gorgeous she comes across in this set, the saying might just be true.



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VIDEO | 21 Dec 2010 Lyla
13m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 328mb

Gorgeous Lyla and her curly brunette hair, bearing all in the middle of the lush wooded outdoors. Naturalists everywhere hope that one day they might be able to sneak a peak through their binoculars at such a beauty entertaining herself outdoors, but here at abbywinters.com, we've done the searching for you and we think you'll be pretty happy!

The marbled sunlight falling through the leaves above highlight every curve, tan line and detail you could possibly want, making this trip to the woods a real voyeurs day out!

VIDEO | 22 Dec 2010 Marietta
26m 54s
Download: MP4 1024x576 645mb

Playful and boisterous Marietta gives a fun filled and very intimate insight into herself and her toned, slim, all natural body.

Sensual and seductive Marietta shows off her cute and erotic side in this shoot. Undressing on the bed she leaves all but her hat on as she stretches and flexes into many exposing and suggestive positions; and with legs spread she slips her fingers around her wet pussy and in between her full bush of natural pubes.



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VIDEO | 25 Dec 2010 Priya
26m 20s
Download: MP4 1024x576 613mb

Gorgeous, warm, dark skin covers Priya's slim tall body, and as she sensually runs her hands over it seducing you, you'll find it more than impossible not to see this set through from start to finish, and probably back again!

In the attic bedroom she stand under the exposed wood beams, stretching up to touch them and staring longingly with her piercing green eyes. Moving from the cold of the window to the warmth of the floor she reveals her smooth shaved pussy and petite breasts, and as she flicks off her boot she hints at her playful and boisterous side!

VIDEO | 27 Dec 2010 Blossom
18m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 454mb

Blossom is undeniably hot, and whats more she manages to be effortlessly sensual and flirtatious. (It's probably got something to do with that super hot body she's got!) With her gorgeous, dark hair and seductively cute smile you cant help but be transfixed by her every move as she writhes and stretches form one teasingly erotic position to the next. Taking off her bra from underneath her red football jumper, she'll have you begging to see her amazing, pert breasts!

Slipping off her pants, she exposes her trimmed jet black pubes as she lays on her back with legs wide spread. Blossom is a girl that guaranteed you'll be keeping an eye on from now on!
