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VIDEO | 11 Apr 2015 Flora & Sabina M
73m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1654mb
Tribbing in kitchen

Flora and Sabina get closer to each other in the kitchen as they openly flirt and seduce one another: they are not subtle in letting each other know what they want!

Flora licks her fingers as she locks eyes with Sabina, holding her gaze, she moves closer to her as she grabs her hips. Flora eases her lips closer to Sabina's mouth and she is greeted with some much anticipated and passionate kissing. Stripping each other's bodies down, they hold hold close and feel their breasts press against each other. Climbing on top of the kitchen counter, Sabia and Flora lock legs, their open, wet vulva's grinding as they hold on and rise to orgasm!

VIDEO | 18 Apr 2015 Gala & Lulu
71m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1098mb
Deep fingering hairy pussy

Gala leans against the piano, her elbows knocking against the keys as she stares at Lulu, her legs expectantly open and inviting in Lulu.

Gala and Lulu have been waiting for this moment, and the passion is visceral as they dive on top of each other! Fervidly tearing at each other's clothes they cannot wait to expose their petite, natural bodies. Pressing her tongue through Gala's thick, full bush, Lulu tastes her wetness as she pushes deeper into her open vulva. Exploring every inch of each other, they indulge in multiple orgasms in varied passionate positions.



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HD MP4 449MB 1920x1080 11m`29s
Teal and aquamarine, turquoise and cobalt and indigo. All the greens and blues of the sea wash over Sophia as she descends into the deep, caressing and sighing, allowing her hands to float over every inch of her body. With each circle of her fingertips, waves collect and grow, crashing over and over until she’s fully submerged.



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SPAM - best crypto pumps on telegram
Make 1000% and more within 1 day, join channel @***!
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footloose 1 by Isla_Rose 01 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<292MB] 1280x720 7m 23s
Attention toe lovers - Isla Rose is rocking some real cute tootsies today, and occasionally offering some sensational toe action angles. I love to see those signs of arousal and orgasm in hands and feet - it's easy to be distracted by the rest of the body, but try and pay attention this time. Fingers and toes curl and clench, mute testament to an intensity of sensation.

homecoming 1 by Klementine 02 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<232MB] 1280x720 6m 1s
Oh, the joys of living alone. Klementine comes home from a long day and strips off without hestitation, her only thought being to get out of those tight, restricting clothes and let herself relax completely, in the privacy of her own home. She seems to know how lucky she is, taking advantage of her freedom to appreciate it - and her own body - as thoroughly as possible.

alicia_k up close 2 by Alicia_K 03 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<198MB] 1280x720 5m 8s
Ha - I always knew no one used those "back massagers" for their back. What would feel pretty nondescript on hard shoulder muscles must be bliss against those softer, more delicate parts. Alicia's clued in to the best use of these commonly sold objects, and while it may not be the use the manufacturers intended, the result is more thrilling than any back massage I've ever had.



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good publicity 1 by BambieBlue 04 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<107MB] 1280x720 2m 56s
This is exteme public masturbation, folks - don't try this at home. By which I mean, don't go to your local park and jerk off, just cause you saw Bambie Blue do it. She can do this kind of thing because she's special. Really. Really special.

kitkat video diary 10 by kitkat 05 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<218MB] 1280x720 9m 54s
Little bits of Kitkat's diary still linger in my mind, so I am so glad to see that my mind is not the only place where Kitkat lingers. An extra diary entry comes as a surprise. I find her measured, deliberate intensity to be grounding and liberating in a way I hardly knew I craved, until I saw it.

liminal 2 by Mary_Jay 06 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<233MB] 1280x720 6m 1s
Forget diamonds, all hard and sharp - Mary Jay's pillow is this girl's best friend. Watching Mary Jay enjoy the friction is so intensely evocative, every push of her hips drawing us further into her experience. With that kind of visual stimulation, arousal is impossible to avoid.



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luxury jet 1 by Nikki_Silver 07 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<217MB] 1280x720 5m 37s
It's easy to underestimate the importance of a nice bathroom, but this is truly one of those essential life things that one ought not to skimp on. All I'm saying is, if Nikki Silver was having the same experience in a little closet of a toilet, instead of this naturally lit forest paradise, this would be a completely different video. I'd still watch it, of course - missing Nikki Silver just isn't an option.

convulsion 1 by Mew 08 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<296MB] 1280x720 7m 40s
Mew spends a long, luxurious time feeling herself up, so that by the time she gets seriously into it she's off and running, touching herself so fast and hard she has to make a visible effort not to come right away. I'm glad she did - believe me, this is one orgasm that is so worth the wait. I think I'm crying.

homecoming 2 by Klementine 09 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<343MB] 1280x720 10m 18s
The combination of voyeur's angle, Klementine's natural beauty, and the slow, teasing way she gets herself off makes this video extremely hot. Klementine is just perfect to watch, with a dazzling array of techniques and sensuality that makes me want to stay, watching her in these moments, for a long, long time.




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promised lands 1 by Liandra Dahl 10 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<114MB] 1280x720 2m 59s
Whet your appetites, boys and girls... the inestimable Gala Vanting, and the insatiable Liandra Dahl, have slouched down in the doorframe to whisper naughty secrets and pull each others' pigtails. Hostess on Hostess, this is the I Feel Myself duet of a lifetime. Why isn't there a word in English that combines 'honored' and 'aroused'? Anyway, I'm that.

fleetfoot 1 by Gizelle_Z 11 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<310MB] 1280x720 8m 2s
I didn't even know we'd gotten this in the mail until now - and I'm glad I didn't, because I would have been snooping around and pestering Aven until it was ready to watch. I love Gizelle Z's contributions, every time. Her name is aptly chosen. Her delicacy and wildness put me in mind of a gazelle, so beautiful to watch, and so easy to frighten away.

Rouge Soie diary 11 by rouge_soie 12 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<245MB] 1280x720 8m 25s
To be honest, I'm starting to think (hope? wish?) that these diary entries will never end, that Rouge Soie will just keep on checking in with us forever, sending us little videos of her masturbatory adventures from time to time, like some people drop each other letters. You're always welcome round these parts, lady.



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footloose 2 by Isla_Rose 13 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<293MB] 1280x720 7m 36s
Sex toys for girls are just so nice. It's all well and good to thrash about and exercise your forearm muscles, but having the option to kick back and let a little motor do the heavy lifting is delightful once in awhile too. Isla Rose demonstrates her agreement, with a contented smile and some gentle stroking of her body, as her two toys work their magic.

hearth 1 by Lucah 14 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<302MB] 1280x720 7m 49s
Oh, how cozy! When you just need to be naked on a winter's day, there's nothing like an indoor fire to warm those cold bones, and keep the frost at bay. Although it takes her a little while to get going, by the midpoint of this video I'm not sure Lucah even needs her fire anymore - she's hot enough by now to warm another chilly body, if one happened to be nearby.

chime 1 by Windradine 15 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<221MB] 1280x720 5m 44s
Windradine - evoking wind chimes. An accurate name. She begins to shake and shiver so hard as she becomes aroused, I wonder if her body will be able to hold all of that energy in, or if she will simply break into pieces before she gets her orgasm. Each tiny muscle of her body trembles as she pushes towards climax, a fascinating visualization of the energy coursing through her.



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fauna in wonderland 1 by Fauna 16 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<207MB] 1280x720 8m 55s
A flash of pink skin through the black mesh of Fauna's panties creates that 'need to see' sensation in me. It's amazing. No matter how many times I find myself privy to the private parts of others - and trust me, I have seen a lot of that sort of thing - they just never seem to lose their appeal. Sex is a thing that defies repetition, especially if you provide just a hint of variety once in awhile.

denny up close 1 by denny 17 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<331MB] 1280x720 8m 35s
Denny is simply amazing. There's so much more going on than just what we can see - the sexual energy in that studio is so intense that just listening to this is almost overwhelming. As I restart the video to watch the whole way through again, it's clear that Denny skirts a thin line between the ultimate ecstasy and total sensory overload, pushing herself further and further into frenzy.

good publicity 2 by BambieBlue 18 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<169MB] 1280x720 4m 23s
Tucked away in relative safety compared to the oh-so-exposed spot she chose the first time, Bambie Blue has a chance to expand on the program, letting her thoughts wander and her arousal build for a little while longer this time. Still, eventually the hotness of the situation - crouched in an alley, touching herself - will get to her, and she'll be unable to resist giving in to her unavoidable orgasm.



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fleetfoot 2 by Gizelle_Z 19 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<354MB] 1280x720 9m 10s
Usually I sort of watch and write at the same time, but there was no question of my ability to do so while watching Gizelle Z. I simply watched, for the entire 9 minutes, as Gizelle passionately fucked herself to an absolutely magnificent climax. I am supposed to have a million words at my fingertips, but those long legs, and everything else - I'm done for. I'll just say it again. Magnificent.

convulsion 2 by Mew 20 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<481MB] 1280x720 12m26s
Okay, after p.1's unbelievably intense climax, I'm going to try and prepare myself a little more thoroughly for this one. I'm breathing deeply as I watch her. Mew's orgasm is one of those - as much emotional as physical, and, based on the intensity of her full-body contractions, extremely physical at that. Just saying... be ready. I hope Mew is.



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snoop 1 by AnnaBelleLee 21 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<253MB] 1280x720 7m 34s
Ohhh, bad girl, AnnabelleLee. Sneaking into another girl's apartment... reading her books.. stealing her panties... and having a wank in her bed!? For shame! But I can't really admonish her too seriously, to be honest. Anyone who's given keys to AnnabelleLee is certain to welcome the experience of finding her in their bed, half-naked and drowsing in post-orgasmic bliss.

green goods by meow 22 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<331MB] 1280x720 8m 34s
Oh Meow, what a fabulous contribution! I recommend that everyone watch this one, even if studio shoots aren't your thing. Meow has a lot to teach us about the vegetable aisle at the grocery store - and I am not even kidding when I say that next time I go for a shop, I'll be considering the zucchinis very, very carefully.



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fauna in wonderland 2 by Fauna 23 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<206MB] 1280x720 5m 39s
Interesting choice of camera angles here, as we watch Fauna from very high - and from very low. There's something a little fairytale-like about the whole thing, really - Fauna's little hideaway, where she can be tucked away from the world between bed and books, and these Alice-In-Wonderland heights... I love it when a hint of the fantastic comes through an IFM shoot.

promised lands 2 by gala 24 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<314MB] 1280x720 8m 6s
Oh my god, this is like a feast. It almost doesn't seem fair to be allowed to watch. So comfortable in their arousal, familiar with their bodies, and infinitely wise in the ways of orgasm, Gala and Liandra are taking their time - and taking it again. And again. And all this, before they've even kissed hello.



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(wo)man in the mirror 1 by Pippy_McGee 25 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<236MB] 1280x720 6m 7s
We here at IFM highly recommend that every woman give this a try: get yourself a nice big mirror and have a good long look at yourself, especially at your lady parts. Girls, our bits are tucked away all the way at the bottom of our bodies, and if you don't make a nice effort to have a look, you might not even know what yours looks like. If your self-examination leads to the kind of good time Pippy's having, well, all the better for you.

disrobe by hyperballad 26 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<314MB] 1280x720 8m 07s
I think Hyperballad would be fantastic to play strip-poker with - I love the way she does it, slowly, each earring and necklace and piece of clothing coming off so deliberately. It's not that disrobing is a lost art, exactly, but as nudity becomes less and less taboo, the act of taking clothes off seems to have gotten just a little less special. Hyperballad just brings back all the special, in this, and in so many other ways.



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chime 2 by Windradine 27 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<287MB] 1280x720 7m 27s
Totally naked now, Windradine's body exudes strength, making me think that perhaps my memories of her sensitivity are exaggerated. But no - look, as she begins to touch herself, the way the shocks run through her, just under the skin. The sensations of her body all collect deep inside her, in deep liquid pools which threaten to overflow with every thrust of Windradine's fingers.


luxury jet 2 by Nikki_Silver 28 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<195MB] 1280x720 5m 4s
It's good to see that bathwater steam around Nikki Silver's body as she relaxes in that palatial suite of a bathtub - but it's only when she turns the jets on that I finally twig onto what's really going on with this whole luxury thing. And they say money can't buy happiness. Side-note - this is one of the only truly hands-free orgasms I've seen on IFM. I'm a little jealous - aren't you?



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manuka 1 by Mishah 29 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<254MB] 1280x720 6m 36s
Watching Mishah gives me a melting feeling, like being stirred into a big pot of carmelizing rhubarb laced with poppies. Low heat, slowly bubbling, and pure shivering sensuality all the way to the end - this is one of my favorite modes of sexuality to observe, combining experience, relaxation, and deep release.

attic hours 1 by Sarit 30 Sep 2013
HD MP4 [<298MB] 1280x720 8m 9s
Sarit's a woman of cycles, and it's clear that her body is a fine tool, fit and ready to receive her demanding instructions. There's not a long period of rest for Sarit before she finds herself needing more - and if I know anything about these kinds of patterns, 2 is a number for good beginnings...



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VIDEO | 06 Feb 2023 Anca & Nataly
18m 56s
Download: MP4 4K (1.3G)
Touching her friend

There's a sweetly flirtatious vibe in the air, as Anca dances in place on the windowsill, and Nataly provides the rhythm, by tapping Anca's bare thighs. Then, Nataly's hands move up Anca's skirt so she can peek inside her friend's undies. "It looks so cute!" she exclaims. "I want some exchange: since you have seen my pussy, I want to see yours!" Anca replies mischievously, and her eyes light up as she looks between Nataly's legs. With a sweet kiss, the girls whip off their panties at the same time, and spread their legs to savour the view of each other's perfectly smooth vulvas.

Wearing only her neon pink stockings, Nataly confesses that she's never masturbated with another person, and asks Anca: "do you want to try to cum with me?". Anca's eyes sparkle behind her glasses as she nods eagerly, and they begin sensually rubbing their clits side by side. Nataly wraps her arm around Anca's leg, so they can get cosy, as they both touch each other's bare breasts with their free hands. Nataly reaches orgasm first, and her emotional cries of pure pleasure inspire Anca to follow her soon after. Nataly kisses Anca's nipples in the afterglow, and they make plans to go out on a date.



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HD MP4 369MB 1920x1080 9m`29s
So many women display a kind of restraint around their Hitachi wands that I can only dream of - an ability to put them down and take them up, switching between motor and hands with ease. I could never. Watch Ellie here to see exactly what I mean.



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VIDEO | 26 Oct 2010 Jodie C
18m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 445mb
Jodie C

....there was a song that you might fondly remember from the year 1983..."she's got legs and she knows how to use them". And truer statement were never true when it comes to redux model Jodie C.

Adorable mousy brown hair cropped daintily around her jaw, drawing your attention to cheeky little dimples that smile nervously. From the tips of her pink toes you can follow her giraffe like legs all the way up the heavenly path between her thighs.

Wearing a blessed tight denim skirt that stretched across her pale thighs to show you the sensational, throb evoking glimpse of her patterned g-string. With plenty of floor movement, the added down blouse teasers are enough to send you over the edge.

VIDEO | 27 Oct 2010 Vanda
16m 58s
Download: MP4 1024x576 427mb

Introducing Vanda, here she is in a colourful abbywinters shoot. Baring proud scars and all there is no one like Vanda. A confidence that will rival any sexual hedonist, Vanda is a woman that knows what she wants. A never quenched thirst for sex that is so refreshing to be around, and especially to document. Cuddled on an armchair with a wealth of blankies and cushions, Vanda wraps you up in an intimate journey of her every inch.

Not afraid to show you what makes her beautiful, she gently grips at her pert breasts with honey tipped nipples. And as you journey deeper, you find the inviting part of her perfectly shaved pussy is evoking, beyond any self control.

VIDEO | 28 Oct 2010 Kate C
13m 9s
Download: MP4 1024x576 328mb
Kate C

Kate returns to abbywinters.com with a different haircut. In her first solo Kate had two toned hair but in this image set she opted for the straight brunette after traveling around where she found it easy to maintain natural.

She looks so hot with her freshly tanned body out in the backyard. And it is some body. Kate is tall, with long legs and a really firm and tight body from head to toe. I loved the shots of her hiking her g string up around her waist and twisting and writhing all her clothes off to reveal her amazing body in complete detail. A real treat!



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VIDEO | 01 Nov 2010 Juno
15m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 396mb

This is Junos second solo, making it the second chance you've had to see her gorgeous pale skin, sensual form and natural bush.

In this set Juno starts by staring playfully into the lens, and as the eye contact stays her clothes quickly depart. As the clothing peels away Juno reveals exactly what youve been searching to find.

VIDEO | 02 Nov 2010 LeeLee
18m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 448mb

If there was ever a model to completely cute you out, LeeLee is the girl to make you smile.

Having personally shot one of her redux solos before, there is nothing to not love about this pint sized red head. A petite deliciously shaved pussy pleated neatly, a freckled face which dots beautifully to the rest of her body, blue eyes that don't stop sparkling...and swoon that smile.

Cheeky, yet girly in the best possible way. Her every attribute is captured in fine art today with greens pulsing through a floor to ceiling window. Moving coyly on a kitchen chair in a blue men's business shirt, I would die and go to heaven if this is the site I found when I returned home from work...

VIDEO | 04 Nov 2010 Col
15m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 387mb

Col returns to abbywinters.com in this beautiful image set. She is blonde with ocean blue eyes that look right through you and make you feel a sudden rush as you are locked into them. And as you click through this image set its hard to take your eyes of hers and then suddenly you notice, by the slightly cheeky grin on her face, that she has slipped out a boob.

Col reveals an immaculately smooth skinned body, full bush and a really honest warm feel to her personality. This image set is well worth the time getting to know Col in great detail.
