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Jaynie's video diary 5 by Jaynie 01 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<296MB] 1280x720 7m 40s
I get a little flutter in my heart when I press play on Jaynie's videos. She's set the precendence in her previous videos - I just can't resist an articulate woman. It would be enough for me just watching her speak, so being treated to so much more of Jaynie every time we indulge in her diary just blows me away. And you think I'd be used to it by now.

semblance 2 by Shibby 02 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<167MB] 1280x720 4m 21s
I think the world is just a much better place because of dildos. From ancient tools made of bone and wood, to Shibby's fancy electrical buzzing machine, dildos have been giving women quality solo sexy times since the Upper Palaeolithic. Shibby and her body react dramatically to the use of a penetrative toy, which draws an interesting comparison to Semblance 1.

drenched 2 by shanna 03 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<278MB] 1280x720 7m 11s
It's almost scary to get so close to Shanna, in the clarity of silence, so intimate it feels like I shouldn't be there. Anytime the camera takes me underwater I take a deep breath, almost as if I'm being submerged myself - but as soon as we come up for air, I'm instantly eager to plunge back down again, into that rosy space of hushed intrigue.



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abundance 1 by Angelika 04 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<163MB] 1280x720 4m 14s
It seems like Angelika has barely gotten started when she's caught up in the throes of her first orgasm, taken by surprise by the steep incline of the curve of her arousal. For Angelika, though, an orgasm functions as foreplay, as she continues climbing to higher and higher peaks - until, of course, she is waylaid by a common source of interruption.

multiverse 1 by Pearl_P 05 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<226MB] 1280x720 5m 52s
There's a really stunning divide between the two distinct energies in this video, which leaves me aroused and confused - much like when I've just watched a particularly affective piece of performance art. Pearl_P's erotic energy is just that intense, completely taking over my consciousness with her presence. She leaves me with few words, and much to think about.

edie up close 2 by Edie 06 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<281MB] 1280x720 7m 43s
Edie has the magic touch. It's in the gravity, and then the total abandon of her movements, an unintentional grace that permeates her every sigh and plunge so that she inspires a slow-build, deep kind of longing in her viewers. Edie's elegance is a trait we don't see too much of anymore, and which I usually get my fix of from old movies... but those film stars don't give what Edie gives, a vulnerability magnified by her pure beauty.



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precocious 3 by Leena 07 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<258MB] 1280x720 6m 40s
Leena's made quite a stir these last weeks on the IFM Forums, so many of you will be pleased - and more than pleased - to see that her studio shoot was so luscious it just demanded to be seen in three parts. So Leena lovers, eat your hearts out, and anyone who was on the fence, well, now there's three reasons for y'all to keep your eyes on this one.

Jaynie's video diary 6 by Jaynie 08 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<273MB] 1280x720 7m 4s
I love the tools of Jaynie's technique. A brown towel, a crocheted blanket, a clutched handful of snowy white linen. I want to hear her talk about the different effects they have - her level of sensitivity must be such that they would each have their own noticeable texture against her delicate parts. I do so love to hear Jaynie speak. For now, though, I am content to watch and imagine, my mind wandering through the pathways Jaynie sets out for us.

focus in 2 by Kimba 09 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<259MB] 1280x720 6m 42s
Kimba's focus rests deep inside her own body, eschewing any consciousness of space and time. That kind of deep attention pays off, as she immerses herself in every single sensation conjured up by her own movements, simultaneously conscious and unconscious, left at the mercy of her patiently manifested arousal.



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spae kona 1 by ali 10 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<281MB] 1280x720 7m 42s
Oh yes, I like this. A fantasy of a medievil woman warrior on a rare day with nothing in particular calling her. All soft leather boots and woolen furs, a space of comfort in the privacy of the natural world, far from camp... a good fantasy indeed. But there's where fantasy stops - for Ali is no dream, but a real girl, and her endeavor today is of just the stuff the best tales are made from.

alabastrine 1 by Bambles 11 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<290MB] 1280x720 7m 40s
Bamble's quietly intense vocalizations make this studio one not-to-miss for those of you with sensitive ears. Her progressive loss of control and tendancy to speak words of need and appreciation will endear her to you, her marked indicators of arousal and uninhibited taking of pleasure will make sure you await part 2 with bated breath.

multiverse 2 by Pearl_P 12 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<189MB] 1280x720 6m 11s
Part 2 and part 1 of Pearl's 'Multiverse' are like alternate dimensions of each other, set just slightly apart - 2 dogs, 1 dog, a slightly different shirt, a different posture... but as we know, no two orgasms are alike. For those of you who like it really real, pay special attention to Pearl - the love between pet and mistress, loud neighbors, deep arousal, orgasms so strong they ache - this is as real - and as good - as it gets.



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relinquish 3 by Taliah_M 13 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<287MB] 1280x720 7m 27s
It's amazing the way Annabellelee maintains such a high level of sensitivity throughout all of the stimulation Taliah offers her. At that intense level of physical sensation, pleasure and pain cease to have any real meaning. Instead there is frustration, need, desire, a climbing, ascending, building, of tension, emotion, shuddering, clenching... AnnabelleLee takes it and takes it, totally vulnerable to every extremity of feeling.

lovergirl 1 by susie 14 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<165MB] 1280x720 4m 32s
Susie's type of orgasm is one of my favorite kinds to watch. Red-faced, strained, her hand moving so, so fast... such intensity is often as painful as it is pleasurable, those two extremes of sensation combining to achieve orgasms that seem to shake the whole world, and not just the woman experiencing them.

disarray 1 by Becks 15 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<291MB] 1280x720 9m 28s
I'll tell you guys a little secret - half-dressed is sexier than fully nude. The ellipses of suspended nudity is full of promise, stimulating imagination, and the longer our object of desire - in this case, the lovely Becks - keeps her clothes on, the more intense that feeling of anticipation becomes. So this video is perfection for me. But don't worry - there's something for everyone... not in the least, for Becks herself.



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abundance 2 by Angelika 16 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<289MB] 1280x720 7m 28s
Angelika's got her phone on silent now, giving us a chance to see how a multiorgasmic lady engages when she treats herself to an uninterrupted pleasure sesh. Her body is like a livewire, trembling hard almost from the get-go - what must it feel like to be so dramatically effected by one's own touch? Maybe if we sing her praises in the forum, she'd be kind enough to come enlighten us...

spae kona 2 by ali 17 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<224MB] 1280x720 6m 7s
Ali has surrounded herself with the sweetest sensuality on all sides - the incredible softness of combed white wool cushioning the length of her body, the brisk winds carressing her back from calf to shoulder blades. No wonder she snuggles in, no wonder she exhibits such signs of sensory delight. There's nothing like the touch of the natural world to take any good feeling, and intensify it a hundred-fold.

lavish 1 by Charisma 18 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<287MB] 1280x720 7m 25s
The lovingly lavish luxury that Charisma bestows on herself is giving me this totally non-sexual urge to feel up my own boobs. I mean sometimes you watch a girl masturbating and it looks like it feels so good and for some reason it just makes you really want a massage... until about 5 minutes in, when the extraordinary lusciousness of the audio in my ears becomes a total game-changer.



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petit mort 1 by Amanita 19 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<155MB] 1280x720 4m 51s
Amanita's clearly feeling the urgency, for this is definitely not a stop-and-smell-the-flowers kind of orgasm. She treats her body like an impatient lover, eager to use it, and perhaps use it up - but unlike any lover, she has the right and the self knowledge necessary to do anything she wants. And she does - oh, she does do anything.

alicia_k up close 1 by Alicia_K 20 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<239MB] 1280x720 6m 12s
Alicia K is always a treat, and never more so than in the luscious detail of an Up Close. The muted color tones set off Alicia's beauty to perfection, highlighting small details - the dip of soft skin between hip bone and pubic mound, her simple gold bracelet, her long eyelashes and the fall of pale hair on the pillow.



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lovergirl 2 by susie 21 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<242MB] 1280x720 6m 38s
Susie's ready for more, after what seems to have been a relaxing rest against those reassuringly solid floorboards. They'll have to be strong, to provide the support Susie needs - I am prepared in advance for the intensity of her sessions. She demands so much of her own body, and her body rises to the challenge every time - sometimes even multiple times.

viva's video diary 2.5 by Viva 22 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<587MB] 1280x720 15m 49s
In which I tell a little story of the boy I always try to bang. I've been trying since I was 14. Was I successful this year? Listen, and find out! Also, I think my tits look great in this video.



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alabastrine 2 by Bambles 23 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<301MB] 1280x720 7m 47s
I love the Bambles' color palette - her pale alabaster skin and the shocking flame-color of her hair make beautiful paint strokes against those soft pink sheets as she writhes and pulses in the grip of her own intense masturbation. And as her own hand tightens around her soft neck, an almost alarming color comes into the frame, giving this scene a power and viscereality that takes my own breath away.

bluegrass 1 by Kenji 24 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<276MB] 1280x720 7m 8s
Just another perfect day playing in the park - that's what life is like for Kenji. Even when she's not wearing summer dresses and getting all amorous in the sunshine, there's a glint in her eye that says, "Gimme 5 minutes." She's always ready to drop everything - including her undies - and run pell-mell for the grass, to play in as many different ways as she can accomplish before the sun goes down.



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liminal 1 by Mary_Jay 25 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<320MB] 1280x720 8m 16s
I love the way Mary Jay's breath catches in her throat as she begins her slow exploration, building anticipation of the pleasure yet to come. Slowly but surely, the shuddering in her muscles, the desire in her face, all give way to deep sighs and slow, sensuous hip circles - a catalogue of sexual expression, with only one inevitable conclusion.

petit mort 2 by Amanita 26 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<207MB] 1280x720 5m 28s
I like Amanita's eye for dramatic lighting - her fiery hair, her placement in frame, and the frenzy of her masturbation make her look like a piece of art on display, giving me dirty ideas about this kind of setup - except in a shop window at night, for example, instead of in the privacy of home. Amanita, like her namesake, seems to be a dangerous kind of woman.



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relinquish 4 by Taliah_M 27 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<328MB] 1280x720 8m 30s
I get a sense that these two really like each other, don't you? AnnabelleLee's last orgasm was one of the most intense I've seen from her, and she's keen to return the favor. Her skilled tongue in combination with Taliah's oh-so-responsive body ensure that it won't take AnnabelleLee too long to make Taliah come... the question is more likely to be, how many times can she do it?

lovergirl 3 by susie 28 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<197MB] 1280x720 5m 24s
"Whoooahh! Bite! // Whoooah! Bite! // Release the bats! Release the bats! // Don't tell me that it doesn't hurt // A hundred fluttering in your skirt // Don't tell me that it doesn't hurt // My baby is a cool machine // She moves to the pace of her generator // Says damn that sex supreme // She says damn that horror bat." - Nick Cave, "Release the Bats"



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disarray 2 by Becks 29 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<246MB] 1280x720 6m 23s
It looks like a signifigant amount of time has passed, judging by Becks' relaxed posture and the way the light is falling on her body. Orgasms are tricky like that - one minute, you're thinking you might as well enjoy a quick distraction in those inbetween moments of the day. The next, it's 5pm, your body is languid, and your hands seem to have a mind of their own. One more... just one more...

lavish 2 by Charisma 30 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<249MB] 1280x720 6m 26s
Alright, so there's been two recent conversations on the forum - one about girls getting wet when they get turned on, and the other about really good sounds in IFM videos. To both of you querents, to all of you out there, I insist that you tune in for Charisma. She's got it all going on, pretty much. Go on. Just see - and hear - for yourselves, why don't you.

bluegrass 2 by Kenji 31 Aug 2013
HD MP4 [<244MB] 1280x720 6m 28s
Kenji's playtime takes on a slightly more serious tone here, a weight of thoughtfulness as the day draws to a close. Framed by the pretty flowers of her garden, Kenji gives herself a little more space to feel the changes in her body as her movements grow faster, and slower, finally taking her to an intensity of need she simply cannot resist.



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HD MP4 315MB 1920x1080 8m`39s
They say variety is the spice of life, and it seems like Mona would agree. Two years since she’s slept with anyone brand new, and a first date with a woman just on the horizon. I love that sense of anticipation before a first date… the way that imagination can just run away, and do what it will with you.



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VIDEO | 06 Dec 2014 Anjali & Gala
79m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1654mb

Holding her legs above her head, Anjali opens up her vulva to let Gala press her mouth and tongue deeper inside her wet, pink vagina.

Licking Anjali's labia and clitoris, Gala grips onto her pert and firm buttocks as she works Anjali closer and closer to orgasm. Entwined on the couch together, the two hot and sweaty bodies grind and pleasure one another. Using their hands, mouths and bodies, they don't stop until they both reach screaming climaxes!

VIDEO | 13 Dec 2014 Hania & Lulu
72m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1600mb
Tribbing orgasm

With water cascading over their bodies, Lulu and Hania grind against each other's wet skin, their hands moving and exploring as they get more passionate and urgent!

Pressing her face and mouth hard against Hania's open, wet vulva, Lulu licks deep inside, her efforts making Hania tense her petite, stunning body. Holding onto Hania's pert, full breasts, Lulu feels her shake as she she brings her to orgasm. Moving around and experimenting in all sorts of new and exciting positions, they both hold close as they scissor to simultaneous orgasm.

VIDEO | 20 Dec 2014 Anahi & Gisela
52m 12s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1422mb
Large breasts

Gripping onto each other's naked bodies, Gisela and Anahi gasp with pleasure, their mouths millimeters from each other as they move closer to orgasm.

Kissing passionately, they waste no time getting each other undressed and exploring their beautifully feminine bodies. Gisela grabs a handful of Anahi's full, large breasts as she reaches around to let her fingers slip between her legs and press against her clitoris and open, wet vulva. Holding each other close, they raise each other to simultaneous orgasm!



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VIDEO | 27 Dec 2014 Anjali & Flora
61m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1525mb

Bending over on all fours, Anjali spreads her pert bum, inviting Flora's tongue to delve deep into her open, wet vulva.

Pressing deeper inside her, Flora looks over Anjali's back to see her mouth gasp open with the pleasure. Both naked, they press their slender, feminine bodies against one another. Anjali revels in Flora's beautiful pert breasts as she grips onto them. Pleasuring each other in a multitude of positions, they hold each other close to feel their partner orgasm.

VIDEO | 03 Jan 2015 Elisa & Hania
75m 32s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1645mb
Shared knickers

Reaching around Elisa's slender, petite body, Hania presses her fingers against Elisa's vulva and feels her wetness as she teases Elisa before pushing her fingers inside.

Holding each other close, they explore each other's bodies from top to bottom. Passionately kissing, they let their hands run wild, gripping and feeling. Bending over Hania's slim body, Elisa looks up at her as she spreads her pert bum and pushes her face between Hania's legs. Her tongue delving into Hania's open vulva, she starts to raise her orgasm.

VIDEO | 10 Jan 2015 Anjali & Maylin
51m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1333mb
Squirting on her face

In their homemade den, Anjali and Maylin lie between the sheets as they get closer to each other, their hands getting bolder with every touch.

Pulling Maylin close, Anjali lifts up her top and wraps her mouth around her pert breasts, her tongue flicking over her puffy nipples. Undressing each other, they embrace their naked bodies, locked against one another they grind and press their vulva's. Licking, rubbing, sucking and fingering they rise to a wet orgasm as Maylin squirts all over Anjali's soft skin.



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VIDEO | 17 Jan 2015 Beatrix & Gisela
55m 20s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1276mb
Ice on clit

Spreading Gisela's pink labia Beatrix flicks her tongue over her clitoris, feeling Gisela tense and squirm underneath.

Passionately kissing on the bed, they race to undress one another, Gisela hungry to grip Bratrix's stunning hour-glass body and large breasts. The two entwine together as they use their mouths, fingers, and bodies to raise each other to orgasm.

VIDEO | 24 Jan 2015 Elisa & Evi
62m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1330mb

Climbing into the bath with Elisa, Evi slips into the warm soapy water, feeling Elisa's body press against her as she reaches around to touch her beautiful pert breasts.

Kissing passionately, they embrace in the water, Elisa stripping whats left of Evi's wet clothes from her toned, tall body. Elisa moves between Evi's long legs and looks up at her smooth shaved vulva before wrapping her mouth around her labia. In and out of the water, they treat each other to a multitude of positions as they slowly raise to orgasm.

VIDEO | 31 Jan 2015 Esme & Flora
60m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1487mb
Naked wax play

Flora takes in every inch of Esme's beautiful dark, soft skin as she touches tastes and explores her own naked body.

Entwined and passionately kissing, Esme and Flora pull each other closer, their legs locking together so they feel their wet vulva's pushed up against each other. They grind and press together, feeling their bodies tense with the building pleasure. Experimenting with multiple positions, and even using some hot wax, they raise themselves to an intimate orgasm.



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VIDEO | 07 Feb 2015 Anahi & Yara
62m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1454mb
Deep oral

Anahi draws Yara closer to her, pulling on the waist of her pants she gets a sneak peak of what's underneath. Not able to restrain herself, Anahi slips her hand down Yara's pants.

Both grow hornier and hornier as they come closer and passionately kiss, tearing at each other's clothes, collapsing in a heap on the bed. Grinding against each other they explore each other's bodies as they experiment with deep oral and face sitting. Yara can't get enough of Anahi's beautiful, large breasts sucking and squeezing them, helping them both reach climax!

VIDEO | 14 Feb 2015 Elisa & Flora
62m 51s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1487mb

Flora looks up from underneath her petite body as she pushes her fingers deeper inside Elisa's wet vulva Flora.

Passionately kissing and undressing, Elisa and Flora cannot get enough of each other's naked bodies, exploring every inch of their pert breasts and slender hips. On and off the bed, they dedicate every ounce of energy to giving each other the best orgasm they possible can!

VIDEO | 21 Feb 2015 Beatrix & Nichole
65m 23s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1353mb

Beatrix lifts up Nichole's top and reveals her stunning large, pert breasts. Gripping them with both hands, Beatrix pushes her face against them, her lips exposing Nichole's nipple from underneath her red lace bra.

Flicking Nichole's nipple with her tongue, Beatrix raises their want for each other as they collapse in a half-dressed heap on the bed. Undressing fully, they both indulge in each other; Nichole places herself between Beatrix's legs, putting her fingers inside her wetness and then putting her mouth over her open vulva. Experimenting with every position they can think of, they entwine together and bring themselves to intense orgasms!



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VIDEO | 28 Feb 2015 Lulu & Salma
88m 4s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1920mb

VIDEO | 07 Mar 2015 Elisa & Esme
64m 13s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1433mb

Fervidly undressing Esme, Elisa stares longingly at her smooth dark skin as she runs her hands over her slender body before gripping onto her hips and drawing her closer.

Staring at each other with intent, they open their legs and push their wet vulva's together. Grinding their hips, they start to raise each other to orgasm but not before first trying out some more positions! Elisa lies on her back, reaches up and grips Esme's firm bum with both hands and pulls her pussy down onto her mouth, her tongue flicking over her clitoris.



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VIDEO | 14 Mar 2015 Anjali & Sabina M
70m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1690mb
Anal fingering

Sabina undresses Anjali's slender and tanned body, her eyes fixed as she peels the clothing off her body to reveal her perfectly pert round breasts and small erect nipples.

On all fours, Anjali bends her naked body over and pushes her bum out. Sabina can't keep her hands off Anjali and moves closer to spread her bum cheeks apart before slowly pushing a finger inside her anus. Holding each other close, they passionately kiss before entwining together. Licking, grinding and fingering they both raise each other to stunning and intense orgasms before collapsing in a tired embrace.

VIDEO | 21 Mar 2015 Alicia M & Beatrix
47m 47s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1222mb
Deep fingering

Beatrix pushes herself back into Alicia's arms as they explore each other's bodies. Alicia's hands grip onto Beatrix's beautiful pert breasts as the passion for each other rises.

Moving around and experimenting with different positions, Beatrix and Alicia treat each other with deep fingering and long full mouth oral as they slowly raise each other to orgasm. Lifting up Alicia's slender hips, Beatrix wraps her mouth around her open, wet vulva and pushes her tongue deep inside her, feeling her body tense with every movement she makes.



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VIDEO | 28 Mar 2015 Maely & Willa
64m 3s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1535mb
Pussy eating

Pushing Willa back over the table, Maely lifts up her legs, pumping her fingers in and out of Willa's open wet vulva and making her tremble with the pleasure.

Getting close in the kitchen, short haired Maely and brunette Willa soon let innocent flirting become something more as the passionately kiss and begin to undress each other. Exploring each other's natural bodies they try all the positions they can to indulge in one another. Both of them wrap their mouths around the other's full bush and press their tongues deep inside and back out again, pushing each other hard they bring each other to orgasm.

VIDEO | 04 Apr 2015 Esme & Evi
44m 13s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1008mb
Lesbian 69

Opening her legs wide, Esme pulls Evi between them. Pressing their open wet vulva's hard against each other's before grinding their hips back and forth.

Evi revels in Esme's smooth dark skin as she undresses her slender body and svelte feminine hips. Running her hands over her, she feels and grips her small breasts in her palms and lets her fingers slip down to her trimmed pubic hair and inside her pink vulva. They experiment with 69 positions, deep oral and hard sex to get some passionate orgasms!
