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VIDEO | 06 Nov 2010 Rachel S
16m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 386mb
Rachel S

Innocent looks and big gorgeous eyes make Rachel an instant turn on, but what could be better than seeing this rare beauty in the bathroom getting ready to take a sexy little dip under the bubbles!?

The scene is set as Rachel sits on the edge of the bath tub, twisting her gorgeous brown hair between her fingers, staring right at you, her evocative gaze will have you hooked all the way through this hot image set.

Moving over to check herself out to the mirror she starts to undress down to her small black bra and sexy little thong; she turns around bending over the bath to run the water, her round tight arse will have you captivated and your mind rushing about what might be coming up!

VIDEO | 08 Nov 2010 Christen
12m 21s
Download: MP4 1024x576 298mb

We've got a lot of stunning girls here at abbywinters.com, but Christen has to up with the hottest of the hot. Brunette, stunning body, amazing smile, perfectly formed pert breasts.

She really has got it all! In this her 5th solo she will once again have you wishing you could jump through the screen and join her in this evocative bedroom strip tease. You wont forget this girl quickly!

VIDEO | 09 Nov 2010 Caitlin T
9m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 239mb
Caitlin T

Caitlin with her glowing blonde hair and bright playful smile once again makes a come back to abbywinters.com. In this sexy little shoot she can be seen rolling and stretching around on the floor in her tight denim hot pants, pushing her erect nipples against the inside of her blue cardigan.

Unveiling her small pert boobs and seductive personality Caitlin slides on top of the window side book case and lets the natural light streaming in highlight the contours of her body. The scene ends with her little poker dot pants thrown on the floor and with her sitting on the window cabinets top, back arched and legs spread. Gorgeous.



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VIDEO | 10 Nov 2010 Mei
22m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 576mb
Down blouse

Mei is a really gorgeous, playful and fun Asian girl, that really does enjoy expressing herself and her body by opening herself up to you. Always having fun Mei is this time rolling, stretching and teasing in a beautiful glass sided room overlooking the lush greens of the garden.

Its a vibrant setting for an equally vibrant and exciting girl. Mei's slim body, sexual curves and pert breasts silhouette against the outdoor light flooding in around her. Her tight blue poker dot pants surround her tight little bum and dark black pubic hair.

Its really is a stunning setting and one you'll want to come back to time and time again.

VIDEO | 11 Nov 2010 Isadora
15m 27s
Download: MP4 1024x576 394mb

Hiding from the beaming heat of the Australian sun, Isadora plays in the dappled shade of a tall towering tree. Pulling at her top and small tartan skirt she starts to reveal her boisterous side and slowly and reservedly she undresses.

Underneath lies her all natural body with no tattoos to spoil. Full bushes of bright, vibrant red hair wisp out from underneath her arms pits, matched by her full and equally bright bush of red pubic hair.

Its a natural Red headed girl out in a secluded and gorgeous natural space just being, well... natural.

VIDEO | 13 Nov 2010 Rosanna
14m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 362mb

Underneath the glorious mid day sun, the vivid clear blue skies and lush greens of the outdoors wrap around gorgeous pale skinned Rosanna. Out side in the garden she plays and baths in the suns warming rays. Starting off in a bright pink little bikini she provocatively squirts blobs of thick white cream all over her chest; rubbing it over her body, under her top and around her breasts you can see her getting more and more turned on and the scene becoming hotter and hotter.

Then just as the heat of the day and her thoughts become too intense, the sprinkler system shoots on, showering her with an ice cold, refreshing mist of spray that beads on her freshly creamed figure. Her sun warmed skin tenses up and her nipples become taught as the cold water takes her body by surprise. Soon though Rosanna turns this wet surprise into a slippery, sexy and sensual sunbathing experience.

Defiantly gets you in the mood for some fun in sun!



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VIDEO | 15 Nov 2010 Jette
11m 4s
Download: MP4 1024x576 304mb

Seeing a super hot, super fun, red head getting naked on your drum kit and having a teasing little play is something that everyone wants to happen at some point in thier life!

Here Jetta shows us exactly why we all wanted to be musicians. Her gorgeous looks, stunning body and bubbly personality make this girl hard to resist. Pert breasts, silky skin and a tight arse flash, crash and bash through this musical fantasy come true.

VIDEO | 16 Nov 2010 Khloe
14m 54s
Download: MP4 1024x576 367mb

Sat on the cold, hard laminate of her bedroom floor, dark-haired beauty Khloe shows off her amazingly seductive body. On all fours she pushes her legs up into the air, evocatively stretching her leggings over her tight shapely arse, hinting at the soft lickable skin beneath.

Undressing she reveals her sexy little set of leopard print underwear; seductively she slides her hands underneath her bra and cups her pert breasts. Slipping her bra and pants off she exposes her kinky little nipple piercing, matched by her pierced clit that lays temptingly between her perfectly shaved, smooth pussy.

Her cute smile and big eyes may make her seem sweet and innocent but, underneath lies a kinky and seductive temptress.



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VIDEO | 17 Nov 2010 Michaela
11m 57s
Download: MP4 1024x576 295mb

WOW! Michaela is really and undeniably gorgeous in pretty much every way, her large boobs stand pert and firm of her toned, slim body.

Her big bright eyes burst out from underneath her golden bobbed hair. This shoot is one that you'll most certainly be looking through many many times.

VIDEO | 18 Nov 2010 Daria
17m 10s
Download: MP4 1024x576 409b

The delectable and excitable Daria is smiling her way to your screen yet again. In this, her third shoot for AW, she brings all the cheek that her youth embodies. Hair tied in a ponytail for flicking goodness, you will be transfixed by her flirty ways.

As she shimmies her body left and right in an undress that delights, you best not divert your eyes for a moment. Peek a boos will catch you off guard as you desperately try and see if there are in fact no panties on underneath that bright orange skirt.

Her pretty flower like pussy wriggles and squirms as she climbs along the desk, and her blues eyes do not loose sparkle for even a second!



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VIDEO | 20 Nov 2010 Masie
39m 20s
Download: MP4 1024x576 984mb

Playful, blonde Masie wakes up late after a quick snooze on the sofa, all tired eyed, she's in need of a quick 'pick me up', and there's nothing better to get you ready for the day than some sexy personal entertainment. After an innocent little play she redress in her short tartan skirt and heads out for a coffee with change dug out from behind the sofa.

Coming back to the apartment sensually licking the split drink from the sides of the coffee cup she decides that her earlier antics didn't quite fulfill her needs. Quickly stripping off she wastes no time into pleasuring herself once more. Again running her hands between her amazingly pert breasts and trimmed, wet pussy. Inserting deep inside she finds the climax that shes been looking for, and as the light fades she finds herself feeling a little naughty but fully satisfied.

VIDEO | 22 Nov 2010 Allison
11m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 286mb

Allison's a seriously cute girl, blonde pig tails, freckles and piercing bright green eyes make her hard not to notice. Sitting contemplating on her armchair rolling her hair between her fingers Allison's mood turns to something slightly more intimate.

Slipping off her dress to reveal her matching set of purple underwear she flirts tentatively with the camera, hiding shyly behind the net curtains she then moves out and taking off her bra exposes her pert breasts outlined by a defined strip of tan lines. Allison is definitely cute and undoubtedly sexy, so favorite this shoot because no doubt you'll want to come back!



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VIDEO | 24 Nov 2010 Kelly R
27m 49s
Download: MP4 1024x576 673mb
Small tanned breasts

Against the cold white interior of the apartment, Kelly's gorgeous tanned skin, awesome slim body dark brown hair make her impossible to tear your eyes away from. She starts quite shy but playful in her blue hooded jumper by the window. But the playfulness soon gives way to raunchy sexiness as she plays with and pleasures herself around the room. As if she wasn't having enough fun she then calls over Barabara for a sexy little smoking break.

Alone again Kelly then makes her way over to the white shag pile rug, and bending over finishes off with one last kinky little play with her perfectly smooth shaved pussy. We think you'll agree that we cant wait for Kelly's follow up shoot to this awesome debut!

VIDEO | 25 Nov 2010 Kyle
14m 17s
Download: MP4 1024x576 341mb

Seductively flirting through the illuminated white net curtains, beautiful blonde Kyle plays and pulls at the pink dress that conceals her pale skin and curvy slim body. Bursting through her initial timidness and shyness Kyle stares at you with her bright green eyes whilst undressing down from dress, to bright red bra and then eventually everything from her pert pale nipples to clean shaved and smooth pussy is visible and flaunted.

Kyle really comes out in this shoot and judging by the images you'll be glad she did!



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VIDEO | 07 Feb 2023 Anna X
49m 43s
Download: MP4 1080p (2.08G)
Voluptuous blonde

As Anna sews on the sofa, her tight top provides enticing views of her deep cleavage, and her floral-print knickers are visible up her skirt. There's an alluring glow in her crystal-blue eyes, as she sheds her lacy red bra, and teasingly hides her large breasts behind her luxurious blonde hair, which extends past her hips. After unveiling her rosy nipples, Anna drops her panties around her knees, exposing her flawlessly smooth vulva. While standing nude with her hands on her hips, she flashes a cheeky expression, inviting us to admire every inch of her curvy figure.

Anna puts on her sexy librarian glasses, and looks over the frames, while spreading her legs to reveal her meaty labia with a warm smile. She finds all sorts of fun things to do once she's naked, including draping her body with colourful yarn, and modelling a tiny see-through top with nothing else on. After getting out her trampoline and happily bouncing up and down, she lies down on it and displays her flexibility, by grabbing her bare feet high above her head.



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denny up close 2 by denny 01 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<217MB] 1280x720 5m 38s
Denny's staccato moans punctuate her arousal, and with each one, slightly different than the last, the sexual tension grows for her viewers as well. Denny's orgasms are such a deeply integrated thing, traces of the building tension visible in her belly, neck, ankles, cheeks - an entire body coursing through the irresistible motions of trembling, uncontrolled release.

(wo)man in the mirror 2 by Pippy_McGee 02 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<241MB] 1280x720 6m 14s
Once you start getting off to your own image, it's kind of hard to stop. Self-esteem issues and insecurities put aside, that infinite feedback loop - watching yourself get turned on by watching yourself getting turned on - is one of the hottest kinds of visual stimulation available to us. So stop thinking about what's wrong with you, and start loving what's very, very right.

junipur's video diary 1 by Junipur 03 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<287MB] 1280x720 7m 25s
To me, video diaries are just about the best thing we've got on the shelves around here. It's a combination of scenarios, actually, that forms the most complete picture of any given contributor - we start to know her through her body language, her silence and her physicality. But it's not until the camera goes home with her, and she starts to speak to us, and make her own work, that we really get to know her. I am so excited to get to know Junipur in this way.



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chime 3 by Windradine 04 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<129MB] 1280x720 5m 32s
I like to pretend as I watch this that Windradine is in outer space. Try and imagine it - a woman suspended and timeless, her body churning in the grip of arousal, illuminated by the 2 x 10^26 watt light of the sun. The fantasy makes this video so epic that when Windradine comes, it's like the universe exploding. Note: This is especially awesome while listening to the 2001: A Space Odyssey theme music.

hearth 2 by Lucah 05 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<346MB] 1280x720 8m 57s
Mmm, seeing Lucah in a comfortable posititon like that makes me automatically feel more comfortable too. She looks beautiful - and the warmth of her flushed skin is a promise of what's to come, if her previous contribution is any indication.

rumble 1 by Nicholle 06 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<285MB] 1280x720 7m 22s
Our Dutch darling Nicholle is finally on stage here at IFM today, making the first of what should be some considerable waves around here. I'm looking forward to her bio, too - Nicholle is the kind of girl where the more you know about her, the more you want to find out.



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attic hours 2 by Sarit 07 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<388MB] 1280x720 10m 55s
Oh Sarit. I can't help but just obsess a little over your physical beauty. This is just so cool - the light intensifying in waves over Sarit's tight, muscular body, her beautiful face softening into needy arousal, hardening with tension, those incredible eyebrows.. I mean... she's got swords... anyway. I'm a bit in love. Stay tuned til the end, folks, to hear Sarit chat about her session.

HD MP4 [<173MB] 1280x720 4m 34s
Gala and Liandra are both committed to pleasure, in the way that some people commit to work or school or model airplane building. They've got a lot in common. Inevitably, when you get two people with the same interests together, they end up talking shop... but
between orgasm experts, talking just doesn't seem necessary. Instead, they've got other, better ways of sharing and comparing.

HD MP4 [<316MB] 1280x720 8m 12s
Sexy and dramatic, fierce and vulnerable, Hollywood was born to be watched. Her beautiful eyes blink slowly, eyebrow raised, as she stares right into the camera - a challenge to herself, via the rest of us. 'Look at me,' she says. 'Stay with me - and don't you dare stop looking, until I'm finished with you." And of course we won't, Hollywood - we'll still be looking, long after you're gone.



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junipur's video diary 2 by Junipur 10 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<374MB] 1280x720 10m 5s
Junipur is always adorable, but overheated summertime Junipur holds a special allure for me. Although a cold wind is blowing here, just watching Junipur sweat, seeing her blood rise and heat permeating her pale body, has brought her 100 degree weather right into the IFM HQ. And damn, girl, it feels good.

manuka 2 by Mishah 11 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<327MB] 1280x720 8m 28s
"You moved like honey in my dream last night / Yeah, some old fires were burning / Trying to attain the end to satisfy the story / Shall I release you? / Must I release you? / As I rise to meet my glory / Slow like honey, heavy with mood." - Fiona Apple, Slow Like Honey

dappled by MylaDAye 12 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<232MB] 1280x720 6m 1s
Whoever was looking for Myladaye in the forums recently is going to be happy today. I don't care how you're feeling when you start watching this video - I can guarentee that by the end, you'll be feeling lit up like a lightbulb from the inside, a lot like how I imagine Myladaye herself is feeling right about now.



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seashells 1 by Kristine 13 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<189MB] 1280x720 4m 54s
Kristine looks like she's popped into bed straight out of the bush, her bare feet still bearing the traces of those sandy wooden steps that wind up from beautiful shorelines. She carries that nature into the studio, her body moving with easy pleasure like the tides, an ebb and flow of tension and release.

flutter 1 by Erato 14 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<199MB] 1280x720 5m 9s
Some mystical conspiracy of light, angle, and Erato's beautiful body has produced an awesome visual here. This may be one of the coolest orgasms, just physiologically speaking, I've gotten to observe at IFM. From time to time folks come to the forum looking for videos that showcase visual contractions. If that's you, pay attention - Erato's orgasm is the perfect example.

madison up close 1 by Madison 15 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<256MB] 1280x720 6m 38s
If anyone else follows Madison Young online, they will be able to date this video, as her body carries a timestamp in the firmly rounded curve of her belly. Madison, if you're reading this, I wonder if the visual reminder of this time in your life inspires nostalgia? If so, I imagine that nostalgia well-tempered by lust - for this is one hot snapshot, from a life ripe with exceedingly sexy moments.



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pamper 1 by Kiki_V 16 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<271MB] 1280x720 271mb
It's good to see Kiki V in her own space, offering a glimpse into what she gets up to on her days off. A girl deserves a little pampering every now and again, from head to toes and everything in between - and for sure Kiki V's the kind of lady who knows exactly how to take care of herself.

junipur's video diary 3 by Junipur 17 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<355MB] 1280x720 9m 11s
The shy exhibitionist - these seemingly conflicting personality traits would be a conundrum for our dear Junipur, if not for IFM's uniquely suited platform of self-direction. This way, Junipur can choose her own space, her own time, and expose herself to our view, without exposing herself to the intense energies we'd bring right along with our actual presence.

rumble 2 by Nicholle 18 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<201MB] 1280x720 5m 13s
Nicholle's got it - a fierce, animal passion that takes over her movements, possessing her body as she lets herself go. A blur of hands, a writhing of flesh and muscle, and those uninhibited growls which escapes from deep in her throat all contribute to a wild earthy energy, which she taps into as surely as it taps into her.



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snoop 2 by AnnaBelleLee 19 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<242MB] 1280x720 8m 56s
This video is extra, super sensual. AnnabelleLee's slow and deliberate exploration of her senses comes across as viscerally textured and luscious as anything I've seen around here. I can't help but get that "mmmmph" feeling - it's all so rich. All this, despite the fact that the panty's owners might come home at any moment... As AnnabelleLee inhales that intimate, forbidden odor, can't you just smell the sex?

idol 1 by Indica_A 20 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<206MB] 1280x720 5m 20s
Indica A's got that rock star vibe, a challenging insouciance that might come across as standoffish if our meeting grounds were more casual. It's precisely that attitude that makes our rock idols so very alluring, and it's doing the same for Indica - heightening and intensifying the unfolding experience of increasing intimacy.

flutter 2 by Erato 21 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<201MB] 1280x720 5m 12s
Erato's technique is unbelievably hot to me - a continuous flicker of super-light touch directly on her most sensitive parts, sustained until orgasm. There's something so exciting about the way she stimulates herself without embellishment or variation, without any hint of awareness of camera or viewer. Immersed in her own pleasure, Erato allows her viewer to be immersed in theirs, too.



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promised lands 4 by Liandra Dahl 22 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<275MB] 7m 7s
I like the continuity of placement, as Gala moves Liandra into the space which she occupied herself only moments before. The typical turn-swapping of your average sexual encounter breaks down at this point, however, as Gala and Liandra move forward into simultaneous stimulation. It's so good to watch them feeding off of each others' considerable energy, blurring those pesky everpresent lines between mutual arousal and independent orgasm.

madison up close 2 by Madison 23 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<251MB] 1280x720 6m 8s
I just love the look on Madison's face when she fucks herself, a sweet smile like she's finally gotten something she'd been waiting for long enough. Madison hypnotizes herself with penetration, putting herself intentionally into a sexual trance - and why not? Some people meditate, some people do yoga - Madison has orgasms. Each one attains her own bliss in the end.



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junipur's video diary 4 by Junipur 24 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<347MB] 1280x720 9m 7s
Oh god. Junipur's fear as she hears the noise of someone's precence in this abandoned house is palpable - the tension in her shoulders and the dark, vulnerable look in her eyes set my heart pounding in anticipation. Then the uncanny jingle of a text message... oh guys, I'm spooked! And turned on. And emotional for some reason? Junipur, you've created art. I think David Lynch would be downright... inspired.

seashells 2 by Kristine 25 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<146MB] 1280x720
Kristine's coloration is something startlingly erotic - the hot pink of her sex set off by the deep golden tan of her skin. Something viceral there, strange and close-up, like sharing breaths with another person. Disarming. To be invited to look inside another person is something intimate - just try and look away.



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wraparound 1 by Bela 26 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<371MB] 1280x720 11m 22s
Oh man, there ain't nothing like a wraparound porch all the way out in the country, with all the chores done and nothing to do but watch ice melt for the rest of a balmy afternoon. Actually it looks like Bela's got something a little more interesting in mind.. oh yes. Something more interesting for sure.

big guns 1 by Traci 27 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<374MB] 9m 40s 1280x720
Fast, slow, fast slow, as Traci warms herself up, a delicately constructed amuse bouche before the main course. I understand the desire to tease oneself, like doing yoga in front of a big, delicious, rich chocolate cake. How long can you hold out when you know exactly how good it's going to feel to take yourself to the next level?



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bohemia 1 by michaelah 28 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<369MB] 1280x720 9m 32s
Home mades are almost as good as diaries to me. I love seeing other people's bedrooms in the same way I like seeing inside their handbags - is that TMI? But really, the ways that people decorate their spaces tell you so much about them, their choices reflecting their internal world. Michaelah's is like a bohemenian fantasy, rich and vibrant, with inspiration lurking in every nook and cranny.

pamper 2 by Kiki_V 29 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<338MB] 1280x720 8m 44s
While we pride ourselves on the democratization of pornography, it's also cool to avoid swinging those stereotypes the other way. The idea of "real girls" vs. "porn stars" is a false dichotomy, boring and damaging. So I love to see Kiki V here today. She takes her pleasure and loves it, and doing so in this space, reinforces our bottom line - that orgasms are awesome. Simple and true.



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underlight 1 by ali 30 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<171MB] 1280x720 4m 42s
My imagination, which favors science fiction, delights in this imagery - the human girl as specimen, primed for observation, laid out on this hard and bright surface. Perhaps we can question, then, our need to watch our fellow humans engage themselves amorously, again and again and again. Look at her - is she just like you? Is she untouchably distant? And which one of us is the stranger here?

junipur's video diary 5 by Junipur 31 Oct 2013
HD MP4 [<187MB] 1280x720 5m 11s
Junipur's shy, sweet voice and demeanor make for an extra-hot contrast to her "naughty" behaviour, as she jerks off in the driver's seat of her car, parked in a crowded public area, and she knows it, too. I love that about Junipur - she gets a kick out of being that introverted perv, knowing that no matter what people think of her, she's got a secret...
