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Religious Right, right?


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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mindido said:

Darwinism a religion? Man..... That clown Robertson doesn't have a clue. Not a clue.

You hear it all the time though from anti-evolutionists. I don't know whether it's the case of not having the intelligence to distinguish the difference between science and religion, in which case I can accept as unfortunate- nobody but a cruel person would pick on a retard would they? or whether they have the intelligence to distinguish but choose not to make it, in which case it's intellectual dishonesty and self deceit?

I love the outward dishonesty of the Crick incident though, i mean come on at least try to hide it! :)


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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moxdevil said:
I don't know whether it's the case of not having the intelligence to distinguish the difference between science and religion, in which case I can accept as unfortunate- nobody but a cruel person would pick on a retard would they? or whether they have the intelligence to distinguish but choose not to make it, in which case it's intellectual dishonesty and self deceit?

Personally, I think the only explanation is deceit, an attempt to hoodwink those of limited intelligence. I mean, think about it. Robertson is not an idiot (or at least he hasn't always been, maybe he has Alzheimers now), he wouldn't be where he is if he didn't have some intelligence. He, and the others, knowing that they have an opportunity as long as this administration hangs around, are doing the same thing as Bin Laden. Trying to reverse time to when religion was the ONLY accepted influence.


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Dec 23, 2004
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mindido said:

I guess Muslims have no sense of humor. Theres some big flap in Europe about satirists making caricatures of Muhammad and the other deities.


I hadn't seen anything of this in our media. From reading the article and the comments that people- every one of them called Ali it would seem- have written complaining and ranting about sacredness just reiterates the need for such openness when dealing with such beliefs.

It doesn't really surprise that people are taking offence, and let's face it people with dogmatic beliefs don't like their precious beliefs to be questioned or ridiculed, even when deserving of it. Religion should be open to question and ridicule like every other belief; we rightly don't deem one's political beliefs or economic beliefs to be above such questioning, what has religion done to deserve such protection?

Caricatured like this? :)

Related to this, i'm currently celebrating the British Parliament's decision on religious hatred bill-



Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Oh the irony in their words-


Nice lot these fundamentalist Muslims, to think that some may consider them hostile; uncivilised, backward, and likely to resort to violent acts and terrorism, honestly i don't know where such impressions come from. :rolleyes:

"Al-Sistani, who wields enormous influence over Iraq's majority Shiites, made no call for protests and suggested that militant Muslims were partly to blame for distorting Islam's image.

He referred to "misguided and oppressive" segments of the Muslim community and said their actions "projected a distorted and dark image of the faith of justice, love and brotherhood."

Feel the love, oh I’m bathing in all this warmness of spirit, no wait it's a different warmness, oh yes it's that flag burning or perhaps that building burning that's giving off the warmth. :confused:


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Man oh man,

These people have no sense of humor. I thought these quotes were interesting:

""Whoever defames our prophet should be executed," said Ismail Hassan, 37, a tailor who marched through the pouring rain along with hundreds of others in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

"Bin Laden our beloved, Denmark must be blown up," protesters in Ramallah chanted."

And our President thinks he can make democracies from people like these? Maybe in a million years.

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Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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mindido said:
In case anyone is interested, here are the cartoons in question:

Thanks for the link Min. This little qualifier was on that page before the cartoons, and it's one of the things I'm tired of seeing:

"I am sure the outrage about these cartoons erupted only among the extremist Islamists for I do believe the moderate Muslims would fully understand the principles of freedom of expression in a democratic country. Have fun friends."
Why is it that we all feel the need to protect this supposed silent majority of Muslims who will not stand up and protect themselves? Everywhere in the West I see people working hard to protect the alleged "Muslim majority". Why don't they stand up and protect themselves so that there is no need for Westerners to point out that most Muslims don't buy this stuff?


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Moderate Muslim though, what is that? somebody who thinks ah well most of its true but i can't live without my bacon sandwiches and Jack Daniels? :confused:

There was a post in the comments section of the Times on the protests in London over the cartoons and the fact that the BBC and C4 both showed, albeit fleetingly, some of the cartoons, the writer noted that whilst this protest drew hundreds of offended and seriously hurt muslims, a protest against terror drew as many as 50 muslims. They cannot stand up against terror but they can come out in voice against some tame cartoons of their prophet! It says a lot about one's values and one's bravery i think. Why a water cannon wasn’t used on these people only our pathetic cowardly government knows.

Moreover i'm really embarrassed by the cowardice shown by my own country's media on this issue, not one of the papers has the guts to stand up against Muslim fascism, pathetic! i have newfound respect for those countries that showed the cartoons. And my bleeding-heart pathetic little shit-heads of a government speak out against the publishing of the cartoons! Yellow-backed bastards. :bah:

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Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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moxdevil said:
Moreover i'm really embarrassed by the cowardice shown by my own country's media on this issue, not one of the papers has the guts to stand up against Muslim fascism, pathetic! i have newfound respect for those countries that showed the cartoons. And my bleeding-heart pathetic little shit-heads of a government speak out against the publishing of the cartoons! Yellow-backed bastards. :bah:

You don't see American papers printing the cartoons either. However, we have NBC backing off some dumb Britney Spears appearance because our own religious right is protesting the way it might depict our Mohamed.



Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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That looks quite an entertaining episode if it was as the god-defenders feared. :)

Every news programme that we have has got a representative of some muslim council or another, and if we're lucky a bleedin-heart liberal do-gooder who fawns over the muslims as though they are the new persecuted innocent minority, such balance :rolleyes: makes me sick, there is no official response from intelligent people to the outright lies and drivel these people speak; one representative of a humanist organisation would really be nice.

Tomorrow i'm doing my bit in support of Denmark, at the supermarket i'm going to get stocked up in Danish bacon. :mrgreen:


Kinda close to home, I Work for a surveying firm in CO and we have the contract for this school which is being remodeled. The town might as well be in Kansas. Read some of the discussion from the story and you'll see the uproar it's causing

Faust Opera shown to grade school

Wait till the kids get home and watch some of these cartoons they show these days, they'll really be in trouble.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Cobra said:
Kinda close to home, I Work for a surveying firm in CO and we have the contract for this school which is being remodeled. The town might as well be in Kansas. Read some of the discussion from the story and you'll see the uproar it's causing

Faust Opera shown to grade school

Wait till the kids get home and watch some of these cartoons they show these days, they'll really be in trouble.

That is plain silly. :confused:

"Another parent, Casey Goodwin, said, "I think it glorifies Satan in some way." Hahahaha, i'd better change my avatar if cman get's all conservative he might think i'm glorifying the devil. :mrgreen:


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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the only thing i could think of that is mad ein denmark is legos, so i bought a few sets yesterday... just doing my part... and i love legos... :) does anyone have a convenient list of danish exports?? if not, i can go find one myself, but if anyone has it handy, perhaps they could post it...


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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nsewerin is a Dane, i'm sure he'll be able to give you a list cable, otherwise, bacon and dairy products, and Carlsberg beer, and lego :) come to mind.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Man oh man,

Is there really ANY difference between the Christian right and these crazy Muslims (other than their prophets, of course)? If there is, I certainly don't see it. I feel really sorry for that lady in Colorado. Luckily, good teachers don't have much of a problem finding a job nowadays.


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2004
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I'll be buying some Danish beer for Super Bowl Sunday. Sounds weird, but I've got to support my Scandinavian brothers (being 1/4 Swedish, and all)!


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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We had a rare programme that criticised religious belief on TV recently in the UK- more specifically as Richard Dawkins presented it, it looked at fundamentalist religious belief and the issue that it has with modern science. He had a guy called Ted Haggard of Colorado on the programme, and Dawkins attended one of his conventions in Colorado- it was a joy to behold, Dawkins sitting there shaking his head and wishing no doubt he was anywhere else. He met the guy afterwards and the fundie called Dawkins arrogant for thinking that thousands of years of accumulated science, and Dawkins own work in the field of evolutionary biology gave him a better understanding of evolution and how the world has functioned than Haggard, who smiling, in a way that only fundies can- you know the one- patronising and at the same time disconcerting due to the lunatic glint in the eye, with his book and ID 'scientists'. Funny thing is the pastor threw Dawkins and his camera crew off the premises afterwards- exhibiting christian love no doubt.


Provides a brief telling of the programme from the man himself.


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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though not a christian, i feel compelled to point out that the christian right, no matter how much you hate it, does not kidnap and behead, blow up bombs in crowded public places, threaten to go to war because of religious reasons, or want any other religion killed off completely...