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Religious Right, right?


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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cableguy said:
though not a christian, i feel compelled to point out that the christian right, no matter how much you hate it, does not kidnap and behead, blow up bombs in crowded public places, threaten to go to war because of religious reasons, or want any other religion killed off completely...

Well not anymore anyway cable i'll grant you that, but probably owing to the fact that countries that are predominantly christian have curtailed the power of the church through the adoption of secular values. :)

A reformation at least is needed in the Islamic world, that and a lot of intellectual and political maturation. Basically they need to grow up and stop behaving like children.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Where's a water cannon when you need one?

Following this affable protest we all sat down and had a lovely cup of tea, and agreed that we can all live together despite such differences. :lol:


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2004
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Cable, gotta say, although the Christian Right doesn't behead, terrorise or generally blow up shit much ANYMORE, you've gotta think about the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, the IRA, the occasional Pro-Life group as a few examples. There are still things done on behalf of the Christian Right that are not great. But I think the difference is that it's minimal, compartively. There is a very small number of zealots in the Christian Right, as opposed to the sheer scale of them in other religions. In the past 15 years, almost 2000 Muslims have died on the pilgrimage to Mecca, mostly from stampedes and similiar events. That's a worry when your religion gets in the way of you noticing that you're stepping on someone's face.


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2004
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I thought this was spot on:

The Muslims protesting the allegedly offensive cartoons are nothing more than rank hypocrites if they have failed to condemn the actions of radical Islamists with equal vehemence. Do the people who are torching embassies and screaming bloody murder realize that the actions of Osama bin Laden and his ilk are far more defamatory to their religion than the satirical doodlings of political cartoonists? Or do they not even care?



Senior Member
Jul 24, 2004
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Thanks, mindido!





Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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And Bush thinks he can convert these guys to democracy???? Seems like a pretty fat chance.


Some interesting quotes:

"Denmark — where the drawings were first published four months ago — warned Danes to leave Indonesia, saying they faced a "significant and imminent danger" from an extremist group and announced it had withdrawn embassy staff from Jakarta, Iran and Syria."

"Saudi Arabia's top cleric said in a Friday sermon that it was too late for apologies and those responsible for the drawings should be put on trial and punished."

I take it he wants to behead a cartoonist for this! Unbelievable.

Preferred User

Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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mindido said:
"Saudi Arabia's top cleric said in a Friday sermon that it was too late for apologies and those responsible for the drawings should be put on trial and punished."

I don't for a minute believe that Bush thought God wanted him to break away from one of his many vacations to save Terri Shaivo. He just knew how to cement his place with the Religious Right.

By the same token, I can't help but wonder if some of the Mid East leaders use their Relgious Right fanatics the same way. Look at the way Syria used this cartoon thing to whip up the Muslim lemmings. 'spose the Saudi family is using the Muslim fanatics the same way?

As The Fuhrer said,

"What luck for rulers that men do not think."


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Preferred User said:
'spose the Saudi family is using the Muslim fanatics the same way?


But I thought the Saudi's were supposed to be our best buds in the region! I guess maybe not.

Preferred User

Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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mindido said:
But I thought the Saudi's were supposed to be our best buds in the region! I guess maybe not.

I don't think there is such a thing as a friend in the middle east. Only people with temporarily alligned interests. I trust the Saudis no farther than I trust anyone else in the middle east, including "our friends" in Israel.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Time for some good news i think-


"In a 6-0 final action vote, Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 became the first school district in Kansas to reject the science standards passed by the Kansas State Board of Education on Nov. 8, 2005"

"The K-State resolution stated five primary concerns:

n Adoption of these standards will diminish the quality of science teaching in USD 383.

n The Kansas State Board of Education standards have created enormous negative publicity, which threatens the efforts of K-State and local businesses to recruit qualified professionals.

n The standards singled out evolution for criticism, while excluding other scientific theories for such criticism.

n Concern exists that U.S. students are falling farther and farther behind in world norms.

n The changes made to science standards are based on the belief that evolutionary science is based on an atheistic philosophy."

Hooray for common sense. :banana:


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Holy cow! There is some intelligence in Kansas! It figures, though, that it would be in Manhattan. Now lets see if Lawrence follows.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Well, there are still quite a few idiots in Kansas. I really can't believe this. Some clown from Kansas and his Baptist church idiots are protesting at the funerals of fallen soldiers from Iraq!!!


A quote:

"Phelps' group, which says casualties in Iraq are the result of America's tolerance for gays, shows up at funerals with signs such as "Thank God for IEDs," referring to the homemade bombs that have killed many soldiers serving there. The group has protested at at least three services for Wisconsin soldiers in recent months."

About time for this guy (Phelps) to get his own nationally syndicated TV show.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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mindido said:
And speaking of idiots. Some Pakistani cleric has put out a $1 million bounty on the cartoonist.


Kind of makes you wonder where the heck a cleric can get that kind of money.

You and i know there's a lot of money in religion, what's happening with our church? are we still going ahead with it? ;)

You'd think that there would be a law against people publicly advocating the murder of another human being on a public platform, especially when it comes from somebody who despite being a complete and utter fucking moron and waste of oxygen himself, is in a position to influence a great many sheep to do such an act, and has given an added incentive to somebody to commit such an act by offering a financial reward?

Ordinarily i'm not one to wish harm on others, but i do hope that such a repugnant piece of shit such as this cleric and others like him die a slow painful death when their time comes, crying to their fictional deity. :twisted:


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2004
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It's become a big thing here in Australia, because the heir to the throne of Denmark is Prince Fred (as we call him), married to Mary Donaldson, from Tasmania, Australia. So apparently they're getting death threats, so our media has not shown or released any of the lame-ass cartoon that started all the trouble. Really makes you wonder about free speech.... do you bury something that may cause a riot, or show it because we all have a right to see it?


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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endymion said:
so our media has not shown or released any of the lame-ass cartoon that started all the trouble. Really makes you wonder about free speech....


Pretty much the same in the US. So far, as far as I know, there are only a few college newspapers (including my alma mater's, the Badger Herald) that have dared to print them.

And Mox,

Ordinarily i'm not one to wish harm on others, but i do hope that such a repugnant piece of shit such as this cleric and others like him die a slow painful death when their time comes, crying to their fictional deity.

I think I'd agree with you there.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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"More than 300 teachers were invited to attend this year's American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) conference in St Louis, Missouri, yesterday, and many revealed their concerns.

In an unexpected move, some clergy are now speaking out against intelligent design. Warren Eschbach, a retired Church of the Brethren pastor and professor at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, helped sponsor a letter signed by more than 10,000 other clergy in favour of evolution.

"We believe that the theory of evolution is a foundational scientific truth, one that has stood up to rigorous scrutiny and upon which much of human knowledge and achievement rests," they wrote.

Catholic experts have also joined the movement. "The intelligent design movement belittles God. It makes God a designer, an engineer," said the Vatican Observatory's director, George Coyne, an astrophysicist who is also ordained.

"The God of religious faith is a God of love. He did not design me."

In other news,

"Four out of 10 people in the UK think that religious alternatives to Darwin's theory of evolution should be taught as science in schools, according to a BBC poll.

When asked what should be taught in science classes, 69% said evolution, 44% said creationism and 41% said ID. When given the option of three explanations of the origin of life, 48% of the 2,112 adults polled by Ipsos Mori between January 5 and 10 opted for evolution without God, 22% chose creationism and 17% chose ID."

Brits are evidently no brighter than the colonies. ;)

The UK's no.1 creationist, Reg Vardy, tried to set up another creationist academy not far from where i am, parent power stopped the project. It would seem though that he plans to open 8 new academies in the north of England. :bah: