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Pandemic Flu

Have you even heard of this new one?

  • Total voters


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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As reported by

Infected Dead Date

1770 24 April 2009
Grand Total 15510 99 29 May 2009
Grand Total 17410 115 1 June 2009
Grand Total 19273 117 3 June 2009
Grand Total 21940 125 5 June 2009
Grand Total 25288 139 8 June 2009
Grand Total 27737 141 10 June 2009
Grand Total 28774 144 11 June 2009
Grand Total 29669 145 12 June 2009
Grand Total 35928 163 15 June 2009
Grand Total 39620 167 17 June 2009
Grand Total 44287 180 19 June 2009
Grand Total 52160 231 22 June 2009
Grand Total 55867 238 24 June 2009
Grand Total 59814 263 26 June 2009
Grand Total 70893 311 29 June 2009
Grand Total 77201 332 1 July 2009
Grand Total 89921 382 3 July 2009
Grand Total 94512 429 6 July 2009
73 days

Any one wan't to help crunch some numbers? This is the Official count according to The World Health Organization.

Infection rate
Month days infected daily average for month
April 30 1700 56.6
May 31 15510 445.5
June 30 70893 1846.1
July 6 94512 13167
July 31

13167 new hosts every day as of July 6. In a total of 73 days.


Balki Bartokamus
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
The total amount of deads by flu exceeds the total number of traffic deads in a same timeperiod (A. Osterhuis)
The World Medical Something Organisation has taken down the quarantine rule for this type of flu.
So everybody has to endure the new flu someday
The hard part : 1 out of every 80 persons on this planet will die that way.(sooner or later)

I will notify you here if that flu hits me.

Would be a weird thing if i never reported back here



Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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If I am doing my math correctly (or at least better than my spelling and grammar) bye the end of the month infection rate per day should be round 90k. At that rate that's 450 deaths a day. That is at four months old.

GrapJ, you will get it, but your not going to die. We will all get it sooner or later. I just hope it gives us some immunity from its love child(ren).


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Guys, here's a fact from a doctor which will put all of this into perspective:
1/1000 die of 'Flu' (the seasonal one that attacks OLD PEOPLE AND UNHEALTHY people)
1/6000-7000 die of 'Swine Flu' (the 'pandemic') The only difference is this virus attacks all, and so it will spread faster, and yes, lots of us will get it, and it won't be great, but 90% of the ones that have died from it have already had underlying medical conditions, I.E, they were already dying.

The main concern comes from the mutation, and moreover, the combination of Swine Flu and Avian Flu. There's only a small chance of this though, and in the meantime, whilst it'll be widespread, having this flu early might be enough to protect yourself against later possible mutations. It won't be the end of the world guys, so don't stay awake at night thinking about it.

Just remember, the first person to contract this disease was a small child in Mexico, with no treatment available, and he lived and was playing football again within the week.


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
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Finally someone posted something smart in this thread.

btw I didn't thank you for your smart post about this flu, I thanked you for this sentence.

he lived and was playing football again within the week.


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2008
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And guys, just a quick update, I can now tell you first hand what Swine Flu is like, as i have it!

It started with a tickle in my chest, so the best time to act is when you have one of those and it doesn't go away after a few hours. My personal symptoms are:
Headache, strongly itchy and almost painful cough, only a slight blocked nose (probably not a good sign), slight nausea and an achy back.
It's pretty brutal, but not completely unmanageable and the care is there, and if you're in the UK (not sure about US), simply type i have swine flu into google, and the page to go to will be there.



I'm just here for the tits
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Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
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What those two above me said.


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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Gear up for a fight, we will all have similar posts at some point.


You should be feeling better within a week by now. Hopefully you will be fine soon.

I need numbers. This thing is strong enough for global domination in under a year. If it is a "test run" we are all screwed. If It where something worse it very well could have done just what my first post said, "kill us all"! Of course it could always share some Spanish or Avian influenza genetics and still get us. It will defiantly come in to contact with every know virus, and bacteria.

Honestly, has bad as I you may think I am making it to be, Far worse is already happening. I'm not talking about the bio-warfare. There are strings of seemingly unrelated shit going down.

Any other strategist's around?


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2008
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Yea, i'm pretty much ok now, just a little cough left over, the tamiflu really does work well, so get your hands on it the second you feel unwell.


Balki Bartokamus
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
ok, w'll do, and great to have you back


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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here you go, play this and feel happy, here you can relax while we're watching more interesting content. enjoy.


- Total 194 km2 (74.9 sq mi)
Population (2008 estimate)
- 2001 census 72,717

Point, your opinion means nothing. You represent nothing and no one of importance. Just another heckler who has nothing to offer but a weak and lame attempt at bringing me down. If the content here is so uninteresting, then why do you keep coming back?

Pandemic 2
Game tip, If you do not infect Madagascar you lose.
game is lame, here are way better ones.













and one last good one for you Sahataba



"V" Is for Vagina
Staff Alumn
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
oh, you got last game recommended many times before so you know?
well, thanks but no thanks.

try to think for yourself.

p.s. most of us who post here are also registered on some other forums that cover other things than nude pics... so guess what drama queen, you don't really do anything here, raising some awareness or something, after all, all you're saying is if it mutates most of people will be dead, guess what, if 3rd world warr happens same thing will happen, lets make drama of it because north korea is testing weapons, or something like that...

now part that really irritating: you insult other people bit too much, and guess what it shows how many arguments you have to backup your words. also you have been warned about that and accumulating warnings often result with ban.

after all those are just my 2 cents. (that for you don't represent anything but still you'll reply, as contradictory as it is, still you'll do so, as you did before.)
and for post before, i guess that you didnt get it so i'll explain you bit more detailed.
this is kind of forum where pople come to relax, some come to wank etc. but it's relaxation. if anyone is interested in swine flu he will google it up, there are more way more content on other sites that are for those kind of content.
part with the game link was a joke, but you didn't get it, it's ok.

i won't be back in this thread, i explained why.


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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Sahataba R.I.P

O yes I got the joke, hilarious. It is so funny that the total population of your home town is expected to die in the next few months here in the states. It is just so funny that all those people are going to lose there life. I can not contain my laughter and joy when I think of all the children that will die. Wait . . . no that's not right. You wanna tell me that this is something to laugh at? Somehow your passing your post off as such and getting props for it. I am not a "drama queen". This is deadly serious. people have died, so many now that it is being kept secret.

As for N. Korea testing weapons, I believe it is there right to do the same thing most other country's have. That in no way means I have to like it, witch I don't think anyone dose including me. They have there own beliefs, and frankly they are being backed into a corner. It is there own right to find there own way. Let us not forget it wasn't Russia, Korea, China, or Germany that dropped the bombs that killed millions. If I was not a us citizen, I would be more afraid of the U.S. and it's thousands of nukes, and satellite weaponry. But back to the subject . . .

This forum, all tho mostly nude pics, is not a censored environment dedicated entirely to nudes. Every person who posts here brings there own thoughts and opinions with them. If there is something they would like to discus they start a thread. Then other people add there thoughts and opinions to it. Weather you like it or not I am doing just that witch is as much my right as yours. If you don't like the subject matter, click back and go to another thread you will not be missed.

Now on to the last bit of your own rant. I do not attack, I defend. If you don't want me to insult you, don't insult me it is just that simple. I am not looking to win a popularity contest. I say what I need to and wait to see what others have to say.

Just so you know, I know you follow this thread. Even tho you give props to anyone who trys to trash me your still here reading every word. For what ever reason that may be you obviously have interest in the subject or possibly what ima say next, Either way, love me or hate me, Thanks. I respect that.


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
No no no no, ptb_666777, You've got it all wrong. I don't give people "Thanks" because they trash you, I give props if they've got a point in their posts, unfortunately a sentence or two trashing you happens to be there.

We get it, the flu has killed many people (weak), Yes it might mutate and become even more dangerous, yes a flu season is coming in a month or so. WE ALL KNOW IT. But when it happens, it happens, we can't do shit about it. But it also might not happen, remember bird flu?

About the nuclear testing? Have you noticed all countries who do that claim they do it for theyr defense? Not that's what I call bullshit. I stop it there, this is not a topic to discuss it in.

Sahataba and ptb_666777, please stop flaming at each other.


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
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Fucking Greenland
