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1% vs. 99% & the climate crisis...


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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1% vs. 99% Putin & the climate crisis...

Hitler/Stalin/Putin/Xi Jinping all have one thing in common; they all had/have a complete
disregard for human suffering. As >this< disabled U.S. veteran sees it; When the wall came down,
the freedom loving countries of the world relaxed their guard, I know America reduced it's presence in
Europe with major troop reductions, just as the tech boom took off! I believe in a Strong military not in
Fat 1% Wall-Streeter profits/wallets, getting Fatter & imposing their will upon the 99% masses-'Us'!

Resulting in a further widening of the gap between the rich and the poor, thus the gap between the
1% rich 'right'& 99% labor 'left'. I completely understand the 'rights' point of view; We in many cases
(Trumps' & inherited wealth excluded) have earned what we've got; They create more jobs, create most
of their nation's GDP, pay more taxes than anyone else & fund more charities than anyone else! But
the Human Race is out of balance as the 1% 99% ratio in the wealth gap clearly points out! The
mechanics of our
'Spaceship Earth' cannot continue as the force for life it is, with suicidal humans at the
helm of 'our' spaceship with the 1-99% imbalance in power we have, as any mechanic would tell you.
It's too late to avoid a very hot future but we can still save mankind from a certain near extinction.

We must inform/teach/convince the 1% that 'They Are' at the helm of
our spaceship & they'll crash & burn it!! Unless they take the carbon
pacifier out of their mouths & immediately shift they're wealth &
"Go Green...
Those who invest in a
Green Future, after a difficult start-up cost, with a
long-range out-look will reap dual rewards. Not only will they earn a lot of
monetary rewards but they'll help save our
Planet that's is in a climate crisis in the process.

'Two birds with one Stone'

America is more than a soiled dove. America is a soiled dove that's shits all over the world (always
under the guise of helping it/them). Since WW-II, the $rich$ far right has been inventing reasons
to go to war to support it's government & it's people. But Russia has done the exact same thing post WW-II.
(Ukrainian attacked by Nazi militias?) That's a complete Lie that Putin created in Cyberspace & on
Russian media. Again, the rich and powerful deceiving the disadvantaged masses. Who & where are these
Nazi militants'? Except in staged media events? Putin is a dictator in a supposed democratic country.
President for life? There is no such thing in democracy!!

It's the same thing in both countries; The wealthy powerful right vs. the poor majority left.
It's nothing new history is full of evil Tyrants whos commit crimes against humanity...
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Actively social distancing
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Sep 26, 2005
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You're more optimistic than I. I see no chance for a good outcome unless they stop allowing the corruption that is so rampant in politics. And good luck with that.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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I agree completely but am as optimistic as yakovitch. I actually have a minor in environmental science from back in the 80's and remember having high hopes people would finally get the idea we cannot continue down this path which will lead to human (and possibly all life) destruction. Sadly, things have only gotten worse.

Btw, have you noticed how these exceedingly rich people are now spending so much money building spaceships with plans for space stations and who knows what else. Coincidence?
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Actively social distancing
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Sep 26, 2005
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Actually, didn't NASA give billions of dollars to Bezos & Musk for their space programs? If humanity survives long enough to master space travel I feel pretty confident that is when the beings of superior intelligence that have been keeping an eye on us will prevent us from infecting the rest of the galaxy.
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The Glyphis

Registered User
Sep 25, 2022
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Here is my response:
To hell with that communist propaganda.
Hitler/Stalin/Putin/Xi Jinping & the Green movement have had and still do have one thing in common:
Reduce America from being a Constitutional Republic and THE world power conceived in Liberty
to a Marxist State controlled by less than 1% of the population, in other words, a few people in a "very powerful government"

controlling the means of production and our pursuit of food and water and shelter and happiness
in the name of
Saving the Planet
and equity
and fairness
and peace
and social justice
and neo-democracy
and other words whose definitions have been cleverly distorted.

Go green, become a global citizen & save the world?
Only communists & useful idiots buy that.
Sadly, many do.

Go Green = Go Marxist = Kill Capitalism = Reduce The United States of America
Same message for the last 100 years from the Marxist crowd in America but in different packaging with a really sweet "Save the Planet" kicker this time around.
A "climate crisis" is a red herring. The communist agenda in America and now the U.N. is very real.
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Actively social distancing
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Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2005
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Here is my response:
To hell with that communist propaganda.
Hitler/Stalin/Putin/Xi Jinping & the Green movement have had and still do have one thing in common:
Reduce America from being a Constitutional Republic and THE world power conceived in Liberty
to a Marxist State controlled by less than 1% of the population, in other words, a few people in a "very powerful government"

controlling the means of production and our pursuit of food and water and shelter and happiness
in the name of
Saving the Planet
and equity
and fairness
and peace
and social justice
and neo-democracy
and other words whose definitions have been cleverly distorted.

Go green, become a global citizen & save the world?
Only communists & useful idiots buy that.
Sadly, many do.

Go Green = Go Marxist = Kill Capitalism = Reduce The United States of America
Same message for the last 100 years from the Marxist crowd in America but in different packaging with a really sweet "Save the Planet" kicker this time around.
A "climate crisis" is a red herring. The communist agenda in America and now the U.N. is very real.

Now that's ironic!


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2009
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I'm not really sure what OP is mad about. Reads like he's standing on multiple soapboxes. I always welcome conversations like this, because it gives me the chance to dig deeper behind people's motivations and play devil's advocate. What exactly is your solution? I don't mean "go green", because that's just a slogan and we're not dealing with slogans. Dig deep. So...you're a CEO of a huge multinational corporation. You have sway not just in the corporate realm, but you've got some influence in the zeitgeist and in the area of politics as well. (Corporations want to be like yours. Men want to be you. Women want to be with you.) What do you change about your corporation and your own personal life? What would you do with the power you wield? Remember, you can't just make changes willy nilly. Your corporate empire doesn't exist in a vacuum. You're still beholden to shareholders and they don't want your gold goose to start laying green eggs, no matter what positives may come years down the road.

Old thread, so I don't expect to get an answer. Just a thought for anyone else that might wave the "why can't the world just <insert something positive>" flag. It's never as easy as you think.


Actively social distancing
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Sep 26, 2005
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I'm not really sure what OP is mad about. Reads like he's standing on multiple soapboxes. I always welcome conversations like this, because it gives me the chance to dig deeper behind people's motivations and play devil's advocate. What exactly is your solution? I don't mean "go green", because that's just a slogan and we're not dealing with slogans. Dig deep. So...you're a CEO of a huge multinational corporation. You have sway not just in the corporate realm, but you've got some influence in the zeitgeist and in the area of politics as well. (Corporations want to be like yours. Men want to be you. Women want to be with you.) What do you change about your corporation and your own personal life? What would you do with the power you wield? Remember, you can't just make changes willy nilly. Your corporate empire doesn't exist in a vacuum. You're still beholden to shareholders and they don't want your gold goose to start laying green eggs, no matter what positives may come years down the road.

Old thread, so I don't expect to get an answer. Just a thought for anyone else that might wave the "why can't the world just <insert something positive>" flag. It's never as easy as you think.

You're right... we should just stop trying to do something positive and embrace the fact that people are greedy assholes, and nothing else matters.


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2009
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You're right... we should just stop trying to do something positive and embrace the fact that people are greedy assholes, and nothing else matters.
Missed my point completely. Let me reiterate...SAYING that things suck and need to change is easy. DEVELOPED solutions, apparently, are not. Everyone knows it's shit and getting shittier. It's easy to complain about the shit, because it's everywhere and painfully obvious. But what is the fix? The divide between rich and poor isn't getting any better anywhere. War and violence are so commonplace within "first world" nations, that it's not even news any more. We've basically priced out the middle class from anything but a life of servitude until death. Our resources are dwindling. Our populations are growing. HOW DO YOU PROPOSE WE FIX IT?


Actively social distancing
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Sep 26, 2005
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Missed my point completely. Let me reiterate...SAYING that things suck and need to change is easy. DEVELOPED solutions, apparently, are not. Everyone knows it's shit and getting shittier. It's easy to complain about the shit, because it's everywhere and painfully obvious. But what is the fix? The divide between rich and poor isn't getting any better anywhere. War and violence are so commonplace within "first world" nations, that it's not even news any more. We've basically priced out the middle class from anything but a life of servitude until death. Our resources are dwindling. Our populations are growing. HOW DO YOU PROPOSE WE FIX IT?

Oh, I got your point.... and I don't disagree. My point is that as long as people exist there will be no solution. My only hope is that we don't get to the point where we are actually capable of spreading the disease that's killing our own planet to the rest of the galaxy. The disease being us.

Unless someone magically comes up with a cure for greed.


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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Well, at least I got some responses even if it was from pessimistic farts. I may be an old fucker but I side with the young.
I know very well that the world is going to shit & it's going to get a whole lot worse! But there is something that can be done!
It's called
'Voting Green'! In every post I make @ CNF I encourage the young to vote & if pontificating sour-grapes like you
would do the same instead giving up the ghost, perhaps we can make a difference...
Do the four of you vote?? I'm disabled, in a wheelchair & I have no vehicle. Yet I ride a bus for the handicaped
& I vote! For the sake of the young & those not born yet Please Stop calling it quits before the games even over!
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Actively social distancing
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Sep 26, 2005
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Pessimistic fart, realist.... same thing in my opinion. I'm not trying to discourage folks from trying to be better, it just becomes more apparent to me with each passing day that the human race, as a whole, sucks! Keep up the good fight Jaques99, humanity needs all the help it can get.


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2009
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there is something that can be done! It's called 'Voting Green'!
Nope. That's not the answer either. In the US, Democrats don't care about being green. They'll spout the rhetoric to get votes, but once they get in office, they're shitbags. The Republicans don't even PRETEND to care about green, and yet they're still in control of congress and have an indefinite control of the Supreme Court. What you don't seem to get is that we're not the only bully on the playground. Green types have no idea how to do anything else. Good for the environment, bad for the economy and national defense. If America went green right now, do you think China, Russia, North Korea are gonna step back and admire us? No. They most certainly will not. I'm no warmonger by any means, but there are some truly terrible people that would love to see the US miserable. Greenies won't protect us from that.


Celebrity Connoisseur
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Jan 30, 2017
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I hear you Apocalypsegene, believe me I do. But I'm a student of history & I'm not a Greenie. In fact, I'm a U.S. veteran & I used to vote Republican until George Bush Jr. when the Republican party totally went off the rails. Being a student of history, I also know there's a thing called Revolution! Putin is already on his way out & the rest of the Evil motherfuckers in charge, get old & die off or are overthrown. But if you just give up & give up your Democratic principles, it's then we're in a world up shit! Now I'm not saying it's time for revolution in America, yet. If you remeber not so far back there was candidate worthy of your vote like, Bernie Sanders & sooner or later someone will pick up his torch. But if people just give up & opinions such as yours propagate, then the young & unborn yet, (those who are really in danger of climate change) will really suffer. I mean let's face it, >we< will be dead & gone before the human race will be in real danger of extinction. So I say agian, 'Vote Green'! It's our best/only option at this point...
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Actively social distancing
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Sep 26, 2005
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I used to think much the same as you, Jacques... until I reached the point where I would have to disagree with one thing you said. I believe the human race is already flirting with eradicating the world as we know it. What used to seem would take generations to devolve to now appear imminent. Unless there's a way to change how half the world thinks I fear that any other progress is just delaying the inevitable.


Registered User
Sep 20, 2022
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Perhaps a bit rash to draw such broad conclusions. Cleveland was under a mile of ice 10000 years ago. That water has been raising oceans since. Humans didn't make it cold or warm. Al Gore is filthy rich from bilking green, and Greta is coming on. Even Michael Moore showed us how destructive the green movement is to our planet.


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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Gunnerpilot, it's not a matter of whether are ocean's are rissing or lowering. Heat melts artic ice!
It's a matter of how much carbon is in the air & ever day there's more than ever in human history
& thus we have all of the casses wildlly divergent wheather patterns happening all over the planet;

Meteorologically speaking, today more people are dying becuase of floods & horrible droughts and precipritation-microburst
with an unprecedented rain 6 to 10in/hr (localizied). I mean shit happens normally, yeah. But as fast as the world's weather is
changing now, just isn't Fucking normal! And that's not saying that cold shit doesn't happen, Do you remember winter-storm Elliot?

The Earth is warming faster than it has in history! We must pull out head outs & realize, if 'we' don't pull the fossil-fuel pacifier
out of our hind quaters, 'we' the human race, can all kiss the future of the human race as we know it, Goodbye. Is it time for change?
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♥ teen lover ♥
Staff Alumn
Dec 12, 2020
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It's too bad I'm just now seeing this conversation. Voting is good for the people who do it. I do believe that it is skewed but there is [personal empowerment in the act itself giving creedence that we may choose for ourselves who is worthy to devide the cake (money).

Although things can change drastically in moments for any of us, most of the people cutting the cake, placate the rest for the most part to cover their own imequities.

I know that the earth is flat because we call the plateaus.
Other parts of the earth are different dimensions :D
Round, Square, Triangular, polygonal;

I am American and I thank everyone who is or has served in the armed forces. I'm not dogmatic enough to think that just because I thank them that they will like me nor take a bullet for me in the streets of New Orleans. Overall, I have enjoyed my life until about 3 1/2 years ago. I won't go into it but my life is stalemate at this point in regards to truly being free.

I suppose it is partially my fault so I have to accept my own bad choices. So far, it has not disrupted my allegiance to nature, Mother Earth and Father Sky. However, humans suck! We can't be fixed. The universe will be better off without us!

Just thought I'd end on a high note :p


Celebrity Connoisseur
Respected Member
Jan 30, 2017
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Welcome to this conversation, rbn. The more the merrier. Might I say you've got a
quite a dour outlook on things That's OK, there sure fucking isn't much to be cheery
about these days! In my opinion, 'We' are all apart of the universe and so will our remains
be, so in essence 'we' are the universe! Whatever becomes of the universe? So will 'we' all.
If 'we' become inert matter, no matter 'we' will still be here and no one can take that from
you! As far as what becomes of the universe? Whether it becomes cold and dark for eternity
or it is indeed it is eternal and ever repeating?? I'm not sure but in my experience gravity
always wins in the end! I know my balls hang a lot lower than they used to~he~he! So my
money is on a universe that recycles its self between a very long dark periods and very long
Hot periods, when life as 'we' know it happens. If 'we' don't Vote 'we' forfeit our only
oppertunity to conciveably do anything that makes a positive diffirence in the lives of everyone...

Money...Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie - Pink Floyd. 39.3MB

https://tezfiles.com/file/8a8133bda5523/Pink_Floyd - Darkside of the Moon.mp3
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