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Pandemic Flu

Have you even heard of this new one?

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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2008
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"'This swine flu "epidemic" is not something the US public needs to worry about, as long as they use some common sense practices - like keeping clean, washing hands, knowing the symptoms and seeking medical help if those symptoms appear.' Strait from the corporate controlled propaganda news, LIES YOOOOOOOOO!"

So, you're saying that the flu can be countered by not taking medication, not keeping clean, not washing your hands and not bothering to know the symptoms?


This is from the very same site you posted in your original post.

"Take common-sense steps to limit the spread of germs. Make good hygiene a habit.

Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Put used tissues in a wastebasket.
Cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve if you don't have a tissue.
Clean your hands after coughing or sneezing. Use soap and water or an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
Stay at home if you are sick."

THIS is word for word from the site. You're calling this lies?

You may refer to me as a dumbass, but I'd argue that I'm actually a smartass. There's a difference.

You started this thread asking "Am I crazy or does this H1N1 strain look like it could kill us all?"

Well, I didn't want to call you crazy at first, but since then, you've done nothing but prove how crazy paranoid you truly are. So, yes, I think you're crazy.

I also didn't want to attack your lack of grammar, but no one is going to take a person seriously that doesn't make an effort at good grammar. Fact of life, pal. Making a mistake here and there is understandable. Hell, I make grammatical mistakes all the time, but if you're unwilling to make an effort to spell correctly, how do you expect people to take what you say seriously?

Seriously! I was not being a smartass just then. Write down your thoughts and then go back and reread them, looking for spelling errors and/or grammatical mistakes before you post.

Everything you've written so far has been nothing but paranoid propaganda in itself. You started the thread asking if we thought the sky was falling and while we were trying to figure out if you were serious, you decided to start yelling at the top of your lungs that it is, but offering no proof, just opinion and conjecture.

And what do you expect from this thread? "Oh my god, this virus is going to kill us!" You expect us to say "Oh my god, you're right! We're fucked!" I mean, I offer you my honest opinion on things and then you call me a liar. My opinion doesn't come from the "corporate controlled propaganda news." It's common sense!

I think you're just looking for people to argue with. Well, congratulations, you've found some.

I'm not saying this strain doesn't have the potential to become a pandemic. I'm saying that of all the data I've seen so far, it's not likely to become one.

There are no certainties in life. You can walk out your door and get hit by a bus. Does that mean you're never going outside?

If the strains mutates and/or starts to become a crisis level event, I'll get worried. Right now, it hasn't, doesn't look like it will, so I won't.

The thing that gets me is that you attack the very same "corporate control propaganda news" that are making it out to be a pandemic. They're confirming (without proof) what you're fearing and yet you say they're lying. So, which is it?


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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WE are at a pandemic level 6! I am not paranoid. This virus is at very least two times as infectious as the common cold.

"Take common-sense steps to limit the spread of germs. Make good hygiene a habit. . . "
Yes, that is what that site says, along with the media. You bout it hook line and sinker, ergo you have no worries of catching it because you feel proper hygiene will keep it at bay. That my friend is a lie to keep from wide spread global panic. I wash up and bathe regularly but I still get the common flu when it comes around. This one is twice as infectious.

I love your attacking my grammar, soooooooo not the point. I am not a literary grad. As long as the words I try to type are understood I did my job as far as communication go's. this isn't a spelling bee so just stop your damn crying. Witch is more important finding out the uncensored truth or how I fucking spell steel.

Any further post bitching about how I spell will be ignored by me. what a joke. global infection verses Spelling? wtf dude come on!

Call me as crazy as you like. At first I was just a little worried it could get worse. now I am scared shitless not only because you people responding as if it was a joke, but because everyone I know both real world and cyber world are all shrugging it off.

One of my earlier posts gave reasons I chose this topic in this forum. Above all else world opinion is why I brought this here to all of you. there are three parts I was looking for.

1. who all is aware of the mutated h1n1 strain?

2. If they know, how are they reacting?

3. Is the media's propaganda really being swallowed?

so I will revoke my earlier calling of you a dumb ass, congratulations you are a drone. I dont hate you for it, if by some chance I enlighten you, I would hope your same passion for saying there is nothing to worry about will begin spreading the truth. Then again you have been programed since kindergarten to be a drone and I am not a magician.

say what you want about me I hope to god I am crazy, but the cost of me being right is death to most of us. witch is worth you looking for yourself into it.


Balki Bartokamus
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
I don't understand the half of it
but it has to do with virii
a smell-molecule is much bigger than a standard virus
so if you can smell something thru your "defense" then you can be infected.
However, a virus has to travel thru the air either on dust or a droplet.
The dust and the droplet are no match for any cloth you breath thru.
(must be dense)
Washing your skin removes the defense of the natural oily substance created by the body itself.
Any virus can mutate, Ebola can mutate as we speak
It is just waiting for the spark.
The Spark : the moment where a standard deadly virus finds an airborne flu-virus and "mates".
Let's say: Henta meets Spanisch Flu (98% kill)
what are we talking about, there are 1000 and more things to talk about.

War and traffic are still the deadlyest virii


Registered User
May 29, 2009
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Once upon a time there was a little dog.
He lived all alone in the cold streets.
One day he saw a man walking down the street.
The little dog thought "He seems nice, I'll follow him."
So the little dog followed the man down the street.
The man came to the cross walk and had to stop.
The little dog sat down beside the man and wagged his tail.
The man paid no attention to the little dog.
The little dog then began to bark.
This caused the man to look around nervously.
Afraid of where the barking might be coming from the man ran into the street.
The man was then promptly hit by a bus.
Now when ever the man hears a dog bark he worries about being hit by a bus.
The End


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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Ok ok ok, invoking thought and research into this has been my secret plan. I did very little research to start with this thread, I even told you all that.

"I had read little about this and knew it wasn't . . ."

or something like that it is on page one and I cant see it here on page two. (page 2 whooo hooo)

Most of you posters go find links and share them, this is what you do. I tried, without success, to invoke your skills in nudie picture finding, and apply it to finding some answers.

I am sorry for my sneakiness.

Now I will be upfront with all of you. I am without a doubt a conspiracy theorist. I seek truth in a world full of lairs. Most of what I have posted was aimed at getting you to use our collective internet searching skills to open up the truth. although results of information found by you was almost null, your opinions are perfect.

The death toll at most was and remains trivial as far as can be seen. This one is not the one so far. What truly scares me is that this is a test to see the world public reaction to the possibility of a real one that is expected around fall. How do they know that it will "mutate" in the fall?
I just spent a few hours listening to "Alex Jones" who like me is a crazy s.o.b. (no offense Mrs. Jones). He has been on this for years, and has gained national recognition. the wealth of knowledge he has uncovered is just to much for me to take in. I took a break from him when he started talking about an alien reptilian race controlling us. that was too much for me, but his work is respectable. Ignoring something just because it sounds crazy is not truth seeking. (so yea I'm one of them people)

Since I do have some of your attention I would like to ask you to help me. I will understand if you dont want to. please spend just a little bit of time, between faping, to do a little research. I did mine the last few days.
so far what I have found is h1n1 had killed 20 million people a hundred years ago. It isn't the same one as the one going around now. I think it was the natural swine flu. the one circling now is weak and not very deadly.

I want to know whats going on, and your opinion based on your research. no more stupid bs fighting, or mis direction. What is really going on? Whats this about a vaccine? N.W.O ? Marshal law?

I will leave my posts unchanged as at the time every word I wrote was honestly what I thought to be truth based on my slack research. I think I might start a new thread titled global goverment. what do you think?


The Resident Lady of Leisure
Staff Alumn
Jan 11, 2007
Reaction score
I'm more concerned with N. Korea's weapons testing then the swine flu.


Balki Bartokamus
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
I'm more concerned with N. Korea's weapons testing then the swine flu.

you could start a new thread on that

and for the virus:
Security and people looking around has increased with over 1200%
those guys watch for virus-outbreaks too
outbreaks like this will continue as long as we are afraid of it
and it is a good way to keep peoples mind on other things

and for the scary : AIDS meets Common Flu

O, and this is another story

Once upon a time there was a little dog.
He lived all alone in the cold streets.
One day he saw a man walking down the street.
The little dog thought "He seems nice, I'll follow him."
So the little dog followed the man down the street.
The man came to the cross walk and had to stop.
The little dog sat down beside the man and wagged his tail.
The man paid no attention to the little dog.
The little dog then began to bark.
This caused the man to look around nervously.
the man ran way before the bus into the street.
the dog followed.
Now when ever the man hears a dog bark he looks for a bus.
The End


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
Reaction score
Security and people looking around has increased with over 1200%

What do you mean by this, I know military personnel are reinforcing the police. (thats not good) I also know they are using thermal scanners in airports to spot those that may be ill.

I also have no idea what you meant about a.i.d.s meeting the flu?
please alaberate.


Balki Bartokamus
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
What do you mean by this, I know military personnel are reinforcing the police. (thats not good) I also know they are using thermal scanners in airports to spot those that may be ill.

I also have no idea what you meant about a.i.d.s meeting the flu?
please alaberate.

People in security and safety has increased by over 10 times.
So 10 times more people are actively looking for strange situations. So, if it happens it is noticed very quickly.
You really don't have to be afreed of catching anything without it already beeing noticed.

If the AIDS virus connects/"mates" with the common flu then you have a real problem. And yes, this is possible (but it will probably not happen during our lifetimes)

Is this enough answer?


Senior Member
Oct 10, 2005
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So ptb_666777, how is life in your swine fly bunker going? Its so bad out here. The Government keeps hitting us with dud cruise missiles and telling us plains are bring down all our building so we don't worry. Any one ever tell you, that your a fucking moron. A dud cruise missile would just bounce of the reinforced super thick, steal reinforced walls of the pentagon.


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
m1abrams, why are you so mad? :eek:


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
Reaction score
So ptb_666777, how is life in your swine fly bunker going? Its so bad out here. The Government keeps hitting us with dud cruise missiles and telling us plains are bring down all our building so we don't worry. Any one ever tell you, that your a fucking moron. A dud cruise missile would just bounce of the reinforced super thick, steal reinforced walls of the pentagon.

Sorry all I herd was bhhhhaaaaaa bhhhhaaaa bhhhaaa (sheep sound)

I am not even going to justify your retardation with a response to your stupid questions.


Senior Member
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry all I herd was bhhhhaaaaaa bhhhhaaaa bhhhaaa (sheep sound)

I am not even going to justify your retardation with a response to your stupid questions.

Yeahhhhh, I have forgotten more on Explosives, and Demolition than your total knowledge. Before you spout your tin foil hat bull shit, maybe get a clue first.


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
Reaction score
Very much off subject but some things must be said.

o good an explosive expert. Then maybe you could talk about termite, and what it dose to high grade steal, But that's not this thread.

tin foil hats, lol. You know as well as I do aluminum won't stop the alpha waves being shot at us from space and microwave antennas. How ever a good steal screen will absorb most of it, But if I was going to do it I'd use brass matting underneath the drywall on all exterior walls. It absorbs most of the energy waves.

I am not one of those people thank you very much! I am a person of higher I.Q. who dose not do as I am told because someone said so. I also have a profound distrust of people with power. I observe my surroundings with a higher level of clarity than most people(I took tests that told me that). I know enough to know I know very little. I realized in grade school they where lieing to me about our history and science.

I Sir, have forgotten more then you will ever understand about the world.

You are nothing more than a drone of higher level. You are not a free citizen. you are the property of whatever government you call master. From your wording I would guess U.S. Army, but who cares what branch or country it still applies.

In all this know that I do not hate you or think I am better than you. Your story is one of millions, I am willing to bet. Sometime in high school, or shortly after, you stepped out in the world not knowing what you where going to do with your life. A recruiter, or friend suggested you go in and talk to them.(recruitment office) They told you about education, pay grades, health and security. They told you anything plausible to get you in. The rest is obvious. I may be wrong with you but our government preys on high school children, offering answers to questions like career and education. I myself was sworn in at my local meps center. So, I know what I am talking about and was almost you(you would have addressed me as sir and would of had to do as I said just because I would have been a higher pay grade).

I am up against the most brilliant minds of our time, and the century's before trying to sort out fact from fiction. Massive misinformation campaigns, Trillions of dollars, mass mind control, and the public full of retards(you) are quite formidable opponents. I have spent years taking it all in and forming my own opinions based on what I have learned.

Bio warfare is nothing new. Our government lieing to us isn't either. Just turn on the history channel.

Hell, if you want proof go out side tomorrow and look up. Notice miles of smoke trails kriss crossing the sky. I am 27, ten years ago I would watch the jets fly across the sky and there trails dissipate shortly after. Now they last for days. I even know why there doing it and what it is, but that's another thread, maybe. If you wanna know more search haarp and cemtrails(both might be spelled wrong)

Now i will respond to your first attempt at hurting my feelings. I don't know what it was that hit the pentagon, aside from it not being a jet liner. I do know enough about physics to know it could have been a marshmallow that punch threw if it had enough speed. (no I don't believe it to be a marshmallow) I also know that particular part of the building was empty do to repairs on the structure. Strange coincidence, I doubt it but is is possible. Wile I'm ranting on this subject and your military, please explain what NORAD is. (probably spelled wrong) o, and while your at it lets hear how protected the airspace above the White house and pentagon is?

I don't care who you are or what you think you know. You are a fool if you believe what our government and military tell you. Your nothing more than a payed assassin with the highest level of thought manipulation (mind control, or brain washing). An expendable pawn who murders on order. You don't even know what chemicals you where a Ginnie pig for in them shots they gave you. Hows that chip in your hand there buddy, do you like being tagged and spied on at all times. You may be an older retiree with out one, but a simple x-ray of your hands will tell you if its there. Familiar with the mark of the beast?

Now on a more personal note, FUCK YOU and the horse you rode in on. I did not ask you to read my words, nor did I ask for your shit. Spend some time looking into this shit, when your little burnt out mind starts to see the wool over your eyes, I will be here. I will forgive your ignorance, and I will show you what I have observed in my time with my own eyes. A word of caution as I do care about you in that you are my brother, the propaganda far out ways the truth. Take time and listen. Try not to form opinions or beliefs. Just listen and ask one question "Why".

I will be waiting, but Hurry brother The end game has already been set in motion.


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
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Senior Member
Oct 10, 2005
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Something that ignorant dose not even warrant a response. But.
1. I know I'm better than you.
2. Ive been an Officer since i was 19 years old. Now I'm a full bird.
3. paid assassin, I may have killed more people than you have ever met, and I'm proud of that.
4. WTF do you think NORAD is? It was set up to monitor the skies above The USA and Canada for incoming nukes during the cold war. It is still used to watch for any inbounds. There is nothing secret about it.
5. No, no 5. trying to think all the way down at your low level hurts.


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
Reaction score
Seriously are you even trying m1tank?

I know what norad is as well. It is the biggest hole in your 9/11, war justifying, oil steeling, get a few bases into the middle east, Some one flew a plane into a building designed to with stand multivalued plane hits, Jet fuel melts high grade steel, Bull shit story. I see you left termite alone.

I also am assuming since you join at 19 you where pray for the recruiter.

Killing is murder. Murderers are The lowest scum. We destroy them.

Your no better than Hitler, not even in same class as I am. I know heroin addicts I will respect more then you.

Above all else your life expectancy is around ten years once you retire. I just hope there is a hell. Cuz your going, Buddy.

Finally I understand thinking for your self hurts, but for shit's sake try just a little.

I spent about an hour making a response to your bullshit. All you have to offer is a few lines of barely coherent "no I'm not, you are" childish crap.

Ascending to my level of awareness is not even possible to your close off mind. I bet you don't even have a spot in one of the underground bases in a doomsday scenario.

I am disappointed, I was hopeing you had some intelligence.

Hi all,

Schools around the world are finishing up. this means new cases of n1h1 will decrease dramatically. It is expected to pick back up when the children return in a few months. Until them I guess we are waiting on the "mutation" and school. Look for my new threads on more conspiracy's. I am also going to start a fight thread so you assholes can come and flame me all you want and not pollute my discussions.


Balki Bartokamus
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score

I go with you allmost all the way and i agree on most of your texts
this is a pictureforum not a discussionforum
please don't lure people into discussions
(Can you post some good pics please, you have over 50 textposts)