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Pandemic Flu

Have you even heard of this new one?

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Senior Member
Oct 10, 2005
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Its not a pandemic, cause if it was we would all be dead by now.


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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A pandemic (from Greek παν pan all + δήμος demos people) is an epidemic of infectious disease that spreads through populations across a large region; for instance a continent, or even worldwide.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a pandemic can start when three conditions have been met:[1]

* Emergence of a disease new to a population.
* Agents infect humans, causing serious illness.
* Agents spread easily and sustainably among humans.

A disease or condition is not a pandemic merely because it is widespread or kills many people; it must also be infectious. For instance, cancer is responsible for many deaths but is not considered a pandemic, because the disease is not infectious or contagious.

To snowman2k: Yes it is.


And try a little research before you say something dumb!




New and approved "my posts" With pictures


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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http://healthmap.org/swineflu - world map of h1n1


-The disease has now spread world wide reaching over 12 countries, effecting close to 1,000 people and suspected to have caused death with hundreds.

Every state in the U.S. now has reported cases of h1n1. The death toll remains low. Death is unlikely, but for every new person that gets infected there is a small chance of a mutation. approximately 6,787,224,538 human souls reside in the world, around 306,694,266 in the u.s. Think of each person infected as a city or town. each time the virus reproduces there is a chance of mutation. If a mutation occurs any further reproduction of that cell will result in the mutation being handed down. At the beginning of infection it would be relevant to a very small town. As it grows it will represent a city like N.Y. with a population in the millions. Each reproduction holds the chance of mutation. This n1h1 is spreading like wildfire, and there is NOTHING to stop it. every one of us is likely to contract it. raising the chance of harmful mutation from likely to inevitable. Not all mutation is bad tho. All tho a mutation could make it a killer. If I have read the reports right there already have been mutations, but none are of a concern, yet. There is nothing, short of hiding in a cave, that we can do to stop it.

When I started this thread only a few stats and Mexico had it. All of you who who talked shit and blew it off can now eat my ass! It is world wide, not every country has reported it, but it will be there soon if not already.

The biggest thing I want to convey is that this is not a naturally evolving virus. It was made in a lab and set upon us as a great plague.


"V" Is for Vagina
Staff Alumn
Sep 8, 2008
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man be real not apocalyptic, more people die from ordinary flue every month than have died from swine flue (h1n1).

medias have use news as they wish, there is only few real and detail sources, most are just making stories that will sell their magazines etc. all that raises value of pharmacy products and companies. but all in all its not so bad as they present it to us.

all in all... chill with conspiracy things. most things today are created by human, but we are still alive, and not even swine flue will wipe us off earth, it won't even be so much dangerous for us.

(p.s. my english probably sucks, and i apologize for that)


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
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-The disease has now spread world wide reaching over 12 countries, effecting close to 1,000 people and suspected to have caused death with hundreds.

What? Where is the logic in your posts? Did you mean over 74 counties? 12? Have you even looked at the map you posted?

Why do you still keep trying to build panic here? There have been only 1 case in my country, should I be panicing and wear face masks like some stupid Japanese and American tourists do? Yes they actually wear face masks!

and Sahataba, do not worry about your English. None of us speak perfect English here, not even those who have English as their first language. Heck...I only scored 78/100 in my last English test. :eyebulge:


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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I feel like I keep repeating my self.

I copyed that strait from the site, so Idk.

Just so I am clear here. I am not trying to panic people, like I said a few times now there is nothing that can be done. Panic and face masks are just a big fat waist of time. It is more infectious than reg flu.

1 reported case only means one person tested positive. That in no way means only one person has it there. Most people don't know it isn't the regular flu. Since it is very similar to it. I know I dont go to the ER for a fever and vomiting. Most people recover from it pretty fast anyway so you might have it and think nothing of it.

One last time I will try to explain why I keep on going on about this. It was made in a lab, so it was intentionally unleashed on us. The form it takes now is of little health concern but, when, not if, it mutates into a killer It will be a huge health concern.

It is spreading world wide that is a fact. Increasing the chance of mutation expodentcely.
Ignore it if you want. Not everyone is as oblivious as you who shrug it off are. Like G.I. Joe said "knowing is half the battle".

The media will use anything to sell there product, du! that in no way means it is not real, or that it is not a threat to our ways of life.

There are others that believe it is all made up so you let them inject you with this new Flu shot they will tell us about around fall. They believe it will be full of stuff you in no way want in your body. I don't know why, and don't care as of yet. I do think there is a lot no one knows.

All I want from you is to know. That is it. When the time comes you will know what is going on and be able to pass that knowledge on.


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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World Health Organization
29 June 2009 09:00 GMT

Cumulative total Newly confirmed

Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
Algeria 2 0 0 0
Antigua and Barbuda 2 0 0 0
Argentina 1488 23 97 2
Australia 4038 7 758 4
Austria 12 0 0 0
Bahamas 4 0 0 0
Bahrain 15 0 0 0
Bangladesh 1 0 0 0
Barbados 10 0 0 0
Belgium 43 0 7 0
Bermuda, UKOT 1 0 0 0
Bolivia 126 0 79 0
Brazil 452 0 53 0
British Virgin Islands, UKOT 1 0 0 0
Brunei Darussalam 29 0 18 0
Bulgaria 7 0 0 0
Cambodia 6 0 1 0
Canada 7775 21 1043 2
Cap Verde 3 0 0 0
Cayman Islands, UKOT 9 0 0 0
Chile 5186 7 0 0
China 1442 0 353 0
Colombia 88 2 16 0
Costa Rica 255 1 33 0
Cote d'Ivoire 2 0 0 0
Cuba 34 0 0 0
Cyprus 25 0 16 0
Czech Republic 9 0 0 0
Denmark 44 0 3 0
Dominica 1 0 0 0
Dominican Republic 108 2 0 0
Ecuador 125 0 0 0
Egypt 50 0 7 0
El Salvador 226 0 66 0
Estonia 13 0 5 0
Ethiopia 2 0 0 0
Fiji 2 0 0 0
Finland 26 0 0 0
France 235 0 44 0
French Polynesia, FOC 3 0 2 0
Martinique, FOC 2 0 0 0
Germany 366 0 33 0
Greece 86 0 13 0
Guatemala 254 2 0 0
Honduras 118 1 0 0
Hungary 8 0 0 0
Iceland 4 0 0 0
India 64 0 0 0
Indonesia 8 0 6 0
Iran 1 0 0 0
Iraq 10 0 10 0
Ireland 39 0 10 0
Israel 469 0 64 0
Italy 112 0 10 0
Jamaica 21 0 2 0
Japan 1212 0 163 0
Jordan 18 0 3 0
Korea, Republic of 202 0 60 0
Kuwait 30 0 0 0
Laos 3 0 0 0
Latvia 1 0 0 0
Lebanon 25 0 0 0
Lithuania 1 0 1 0
Luxembourg 4 0 1 0
Malaysia 112 0 44 0
Mexico 8279 116 0 0
Monaco 1 0 1 0
Montenegro 1 0 0 0
Morocco 11 0 0 0
Nepal 3 0 3 0
Netherlands 118 0 2 0
Netherlands Antilles, Curaçao * 3 0 0 0
Netherlands Antilles, Sint Maarten 1 0 0 0
New Zealand 587 0 134 0
Nicaragua 277 0 12 0
Norway 31 0 9 0
Oman 3 0 0 0
Panama 403 0 45 0
Papua New Guinea 1 0 0 0
Paraguay 85 0 6 0
Peru 360 0 108 0
Philippines 861 1 416 0
Poland 14 0 1 0
Portugal 11 0 4 0
Qatar 10 0 0 0
Romania 24 0 5 0
Russia 3 0 0 0
Samoa 1 0 0 0
Saudi Arabia 69 0 21 0
Serbia 5 0 3 0
Singapore 599 0 284 0
Slovakia 9 0 2 0
Slovenia 4 0 1 0
South Africa 1 0 0 0
Spain 541 0 0 0
Sri Lanka 9 0 2 0
Suriname 11 0 0 0
Sweden 67 0 6 0
Switzerland 49 0 2 0
Thailand 774 0 0 0
Trinidad and Tobago 53 0 28 0
Tunisia 2 0 0 0
Turkey 27 0 1 0
Ukraine 1 0 0 0
United Arab Emirates 8 0 1 0
United Kingdom 4250 1 653 0
Guernsey, Crown Dependency 1 0 0 0
Isle of Man, Crown Dependency 1 0 0 0
Jersey, Crown Dependency 8 0 0 0
United States of America 27717 127 6268 40
Uruguay 195 0 0 0
Vanuatu 2 0 0 0
Venezuela 172 0 19 0
Viet Nam 84 0 21 0
West Bank and Gaza Strip 9 0 0 0
Yemen 6 0 0 0
Grand Total 70893 311 11079 48

Put that in pipe and smoke it!


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Oct 15, 2005
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So, by my calculations, less than 0.5% of the people who actually get it die from its effects.

Meh, still couldn't care any less...


"V" Is for Vagina
Staff Alumn
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score

total of 359 dead... now try to find how many died form ordinary flue in all those countries. and that will be small percentage of total dead count form flue ;) just for example... in my country more than 10 people died form ordinary flue, ad there is only one infection case, so stop being ignorant and do some real study before you post something really stupid. people die in third world countries and in rural areas... mostly because health care there is really poor. can you get bit better picture now? or it has to be drawn to you?


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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311 dead read the chart!

One more time for you R-tards.
This strain is not very lethal, I know and have said that already. It is its offspring that has the potential to be the killer. It is a engineered flu that already has one mutant child. Becoulse it is an engineered virus, it is not very stable. Just sit back and wait, the worse is yet to come. You people have a hard lesson in denial to over come.

The total dead is total dead from h1n1. Weather or not they had anything else don't make them any less dead. What your missing is the point. This n1h1 is a baby less than a year old. This isn't any of the other flu strains that have been around for Years.

Every one is so quick to dismiss this and me. what you need to get thru your skulls is this. . . . I don't care if you die from this or cancer. I don't give a damn about any of you. I do however feel that knowledge and information should not be coveted. So I am sharing, you don't like it then go look at a celebrity's pics and put that denial to work thinking you have even a small chance in hell with her/him.


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Oct 15, 2005
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I still don't understand why you are trying to push this issue in a forum of this nature. You're preaching to a bunch of guys (and gals) who spend their free time looking at scantily-clad celebrities.
Seriously, do you really think any message that you are trying to send is going to sink in, or for that matter, be taken to heart?

As for dismissing you and this issue, I feel that it is because you are beating a dead horse. You haven't told me anything that I didn't already know, and as far as I'm concerned all you've done so far is pushed your idea of a doomsday on us with poor grammar and shittier spelling.

Keep it up if you want, but I think I've got a better chance of hooking up with Jennifer Love Hewitt (hell, if Jamie Kennedy can...) than coming down with, let alone dying from, this flu or any of its offspring that you seem to be so afraid of.

/tinfoil denial hat locked 'n loaded :crazy:


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
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Seriously, do you really think any message that you are trying to send is going to sink in, or for that matter, be taken to heart?

Well...he's got me...sort of...or not.

ptb_666777, there's no point of discussing about this flu no longer, I think, those who care have already get the point and those who haven't won't. Bring up this discussion when about 1 million people or one of our members have died. Better participate in "Bullshit" section or just look at the gorgeous babe pics like the rest of us pervs do.


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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I'm calling this practice. Just in case I feel the need to go to a larger scale. The dummy's that come here and try to trash me is well worth it.

I don't come here for titie pics, I can find them without help(google, yahoo, exc.) Hell I tried posting one and within a few hours it was moved to trash. So, fuck that.

Every time I post someone responds. That in its self justifies my time wasted. It is funny because everyone thinks I care what they think. I like to argue with stupid people purely for the humor in it.

I say that there is a potential for a world wide pandemic, some idiot responds with "can't wait to get it" or something similar. I say it is now pandemic level 6, some Fucking idiot says "no it isn't". I explain how it is man made and will mutate some nonenglishman Bitches about my Spelling and Grammar. Do you not see how funny it is? I am laughing my ass off. Mostly because these fucking idiots Think they are discrediting me.

Lastly There is a great point and I'll explain.

It is still spreading, It is mutating, and it is no where near over. We have just began.

I will continue until December 2012.


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
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I do find it funny you're discrediting everyone who has talked about your spelling and grammar errors as if they are the idiots, when this thread has at least 60-100 errors from yourself. It's also funny how you say you don't care what anyone says yet keep coming back and responding, while calling anyone and everyone that visits this site "R-tards". If you presented your case without an air of arrogance and with a modicum of intelligence, you would probably receive an overall much better response from this user-base. It would also help if you had some scientific evidence from actual, documented sources to support your case.

As far as the one picture post you made, it was a photoshopped picture, which, if you had read the rules, would have known that any edited picture, in that manner, is not allowed.


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Oct 15, 2005
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I'm calling this practice. Just in case I feel the need to go to a larger scale. The dummy's that come here and try to trash me is well worth it.

Can you give me a half-decent reason to keep this thread open if you're just here to stir up shit in it?
By the sounds of that last post you're just here to poke the bear...


"V" Is for Vagina
Staff Alumn
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
311 dead read the chart!

ffs 311 + 48 = 359

also stop being ignorant, read all about flues, than about h1n1, and than try to make conclusion, not just copy/paste load of shit from blogs/pages... if that would be representative argumentation, we could c/p stuff from nazi forums, etc. and have racism based argument... and so on... well all in all, think for yourself.

(my english sucks :D)


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
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ffs 311 + 48 = 359. . .
Once again read the chart! start at the top where it says "Cumulative total Newly confirmed

Cases Deaths Cases Deaths"

It did not paste well but, I will explain. Four rows of numbers. first two are cumulative total. The second two are new since last report. So first set of numbers is total, first number is "reported, and confirmed cases" total. the second is the death toll within theses cases. The third is the new reported, and confirmed cases since last report. Finally the last is the deaths since last report.

I added the address, but I'm sure you did not go, to the W.H.O web site. Just look at the chart instead you wanna play I know you are but what am I. B.T.W your English is fine, but your an asshole.

If there happens to be anyone that might agree with me they do not want to discredit them self's to agree with me or share what they have learned. I try to post what information I can find and then give my opinion and view of that information. I have linked to establishments like w.h.o and other places to show I am not making this stuff up.

I only defend my self, I do not go around and "fuck" with people. I don't like being laughed at or heckled. If they where in person responding to me with this level of disrespect I promise you I would hit them. . . hard. . . repeatedly. I realize that it is easier for them to just pretend it isn't real. Then make fun of me, or say something stupid.

I am a human like most of you and I can only take so much. In that response you quoted I had already answered that question and since the same question was asked again I gave "you" a different answer. I came here because there is a good mix of people, some seemed to be of higher intelligence. There are a few more reasons but it is the biggest.

Is that a proper answer/response?


For real you too? Fine again just for you. What is more important finding out about a new man made virus that could kill us all or my spelling.

I list web sites as my proof. Would you like me to send you a few collage text books that have to do with microbiology, genetics, and maybe history. Maybe you would like slides and a microscope. How about we go door to door with an influenza test kit and test everyone our self?

"If you presented your case without an air of arrogance and with a modicum of intelligence, you would probably receive an overall much better response from this user-base."

Have you been reading my posts or just scanning thru the spelling? I do not have a case to make, I am just telling you what is going on in OUR planet, you go find proof. Further I am being attacked for stating my views, but mostly for spelling.

Gen pop:

I started this thread without any anger directed at anybody but the government agency's responsible for its release and maybe the media. It seems however that the only response I get is one of ignorance or members trying to show me up. The disappointment I feel every time I read threw the new posts is enormous. The only comfort I have is how absolutely retarded the arguments are. God forbid someone has something of worth to say.

Since it has been asked a few times now I will respond. I will answer every post, good or bad, as soon as I see it no matter how stupid or hurtful that individual is toured me.


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
I only defend my self, I do not go around and "fuck" with people.
Is that a proper answer/response?

No, not really, but I'll admit that you've been provoked the odd time but for the most part (as far as I'm concerned) you've been the instigator in all of this.
A few of the cases in point:

ptb_666777 said:
B.T.W your English is fine, but your an asshole.
ptb_666777 said:
I like to argue with stupid people purely for the humor in it.
ptb_666777 said:
...fuck you you stupid drone
ptb_666777 said:
Your retardedness makes me glad cus you'll never realize I'm your daddy, and by exstention Yes I fucked your mother. loose and dirty, took weeks to wash that cunts stank off me. Your dumb enough to believe anything else, fuck it why not.
ptb_666777 said:
Now on a more personal note, FUCK YOU and the horse you rode in on.
ptb_666777 said:
I just hope there is a hell. Cuz your going, Buddy.
ptb_666777 said:
All of you who who talked shit and blew it off can now eat my ass!
ptb_666777 said:
One more time for you R-tards.
ptb_666777 said:
I like to argue with stupid people purely for the humor in it.
ptb_666777 said:
some idiot responds ... some Fucking idiot says ... some nonenglishman Bitches ... because these fucking idiots...

For someone who is trying to spread "knowledge", you're sure doing a shitty job of purveying it.


Senior Member
May 13, 2009
Reaction score
That is totally unfair. Each of them quotes are taken way out of context.


... Go die in a fire you idiot.

Seriously, your posts give me headaches. My cat spells better than you.

Originally Posted by ptb_666777
hey choppers, fuck you you stupid drone. . . Your retardedness makes me glad cus you'll never realize I'm your daddy, and by exstention Yes I fucked your mother. loose and dirty, took weeks to wash that cunts stank off me. Your dumb enough to believe anything else, fuck it why not.

Response: I feel Justifyed.

. . . Any one ever tell you, that your a fucking moron. . .
So ptb_666777, how is life in your swine fly bunker going? . . .
. . .5. No, no 5. trying to think all the way down at your low level hurts.

Originally Posted by ptb_666777
Now on a more personal note, FUCK YOU and the horse you rode in on.

Response: I feel Justifyed.

. . .3. paid assassin, I may have killed more people than you have ever met, and I'm proud of that.

Originally Posted by ptb_666777
I just hope there is a hell. Cuz your going, Buddy.

The rest I will admit are not justifiably. It is me being angry.


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
That is totally unfair. Each of them quotes are taken way out of context.


The rest I will admit are not justifiably. It is me being angry.

That seems a little contradictory to me . . . . . and whether it is unfair or not on my behalf, that sort of attitude towards others isn't exactly "standard forum etiquette" (read: don't be a dick) whether you feel it is justified or not.
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