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melt down 2 by Mona_M 09 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<290MB] 1280x720 6m56s
Mona’s Sunday sweet vibes continue, as she lays on her fuzzy sheepskin and continues to take it slow. The way she touches and plays makes me think of massage and orgasmic meditation, as she focuses attention on her whole vulva, letting her arousal know that every single bit is important, quiet and attentive, leaving no part of herself behind.

redbird up close 1 by Redbird 10 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<287MB] 1280x720 7m9s
Superheroes come in all forms, and with all sorts of talents. Incredible strength, impossible flight. Control, transcendence, transformation. But doesn’t simple orgasm, approached with bravery and willingness, accomplish all of these things? Redbird’s power is an almost heartbreaking sensuality, turned in on herself to accomplish extraordinary magic.



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HD MP4 394MB 1920x1080 `9m`58s
What do you think Jean is writing about? Study, journaling, her breakthrough debut novel - or maybe just some old fashioned letter writing. Whatever it is, it seems hot - at least as hot as the fast-paced, supercharged porn it drove her to watch. I love the stark contrast - between the media she’s watching, and the media she’s creating.



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Dec 19, 2016
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Wet T-Shirt Competition 101

A wild Bar Crawl leads up to a really naughty Wet T-Shirt Competition - a cheeky brunette whips her top off before the beat drops, then the punk girl with blue hair goes full throttle in the final before showing us her pussy piercing backstage...

reality, public, amateur, striptease, flashing,

File Name : WTSC101.mp4
File Size : 461.3 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:09:58

Download k2s.cc - WTSC101.zip - 461.3 MB


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VIDEO | 30 Jun 2014 Gala
47m 27s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1312mb
Anal fingering

Outdoors, Gala sits at the waters edge exploring and undressing her petite and natural body.

Stretching and flexing she shows off her toned and svelte body, her perfectly pert and shapely bum and her small breasts. Running her fingers through the thick hair that surrounds her wet vagina she toys with herself and starts to slip a finger inside. Arching her back with the feeling, she seeks more, letting her other fingers push inside her anus to heighten the pleasure!

VIDEO | 04 Jul 2014 Mila
40m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1098mb
Pert breasts

Looking through her glasses, Mila runs her hands down over her svelte body and pert breasts, effortlessly seducing with every move.

With her fingers slipping through her thick pubic hair, she spreads her labia. Looking down inquisitively to feel the wetness of her open vagina she pushes her fingers deep inside herself.

VIDEO | 07 Jul 2014 Flora
29m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 851mb
Meaty lips

Flora wiggles about on all fours, giving us a sneaky peek of her see through underwear. Gently lifting up her skirt she exposes the pale skin of her bottom, her fingers sliding into the front of her feminine underwear, softly touching what is inside. After slowly wiggling her hand within her knickers she pulls the fabric aside to reveal her full bush.

Flora playfully lifts up her t-shirt flashing us with her toned tummy muscles. Touching the soft skin around her chest, her fingers slip under her bra strap, pulling it gently off her shoulders. Pulling harder she exposes more of her ripe breasts, the soft flesh pale and firm. Pushing her bum high in the air she pulls her knickers down so her pink anus is proudly on display. Sitting on her bottom she brushes her fingers through her pubic hair before pulling her labia apart, Flora pushes her finger deep inside herself.



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VIDEO | 11 Jul 2014 Gisela
27m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 691mb
Toying at home

Laying on her side, Gisela curls her slim naked body up into a ball, pushing her bum and vulva out to the side she slides her smooth white dildo inside herself.

Peering over the top of her glasses, Gisela hints seductively at removing her top. Stretching backwards she shows off her flat stomach and delicate hips. Lying on her back she lifts her legs into the air and slowly removes her jeans.

VIDEO | 14 Jul 2014 Blanca
29m 47s
Download: MP4 1024x576 869mb
Hairy anus

Blanca hooks her finger in her underwear, pulling it high so the fabric presses against her hairy anus. Playfully looking to the camera, she slowly slides her hands into her underwear and pulls it down, exposing her stained used panties.

The fabric of Blanca's worn bra slips over her nipples, slowly exposing her young breasts and white surrounding tan lines. Her fingers slide over her pale skin and down into her hairy crotch, teasing over the soft hair. Pulling her labia apart, Blanca displays her natural wetness, running her fingers over her sensitive feminine parts. Getting hornier, Blanca lines her fingers up with the entrance to her vagina and pushes her fingers deep inside!

VIDEO | 17 Jul 2014 Charlotte E
16m 15s
Download: MP4 1024x576 609mb
Nipples through black lace

Glimpses of Charlotte's naked body peeks out from the shadows. Her long legs, flat stomach and smooth shaved vagina all being slowly revealed as she undresses.

Running the bath she strips out of her lace full piece underwear. Her tanned skin stands in contrast against the dark backdrop of the dimly lit bathroom. Stepping into the water she lays with her legs up, the water from the tap splashing over her vulva!



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VIDEO | 18 Jul 2014 Jada
26m 56s
Download: MP4 1024x576 779mb
Masturbating with brush

Licking her wetness from her fingers, Jada moves her hands back towards her open, wet vagina. This time she takes two fingers and pushes them deep inside herself, making her whole body tense with the pleasure.

Looking through her glasses she holds eye contact as she bites her lip. Experimenting with herself, Jada takes some of her own possessions and uses them in an unexpected way! Lying on her side she grabs her petite bum and pulls her cheeks apart to reveal her full bush and tight anus.

VIDEO | 21 Jul 2014 Iva
13m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 412mb
Small breasts outdoors

Iva pushes the mesh of her yellow top against her chest, her small breasts and tan lines visible below the fabric, softly brushing up against the material as she moves. Slowly moving the threads of her top over her hard nipple, she exposes the sensitive tip and surrounding dark areola.

Walking half-naked outdoors, Iva pushes her bum against the tree, exposing her see-through underwear. Hugging the tree to her bare chest, she slowly presses her nipple to the bark enjoying the texture on her sensitive nipple. Sliding her fingers between her flat stomach and the seam of her knickers, Iva teases the reveal of her dark hairy crouch which, is surrounded by white tan lines.



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VIDEO | 25 Jul 2014 Yara
19m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 623mb
Meaty lips outdoors

Walking through the forest, Yara lifts up her sweater exposing her flat tummy and the feminine curves that make up her impressive hip to waist ratio. Raising her top higher, Yara uncovers the bottom parts of her ripe breasts, two soft semi circles of womanly flesh.

Yara's hard nipples poke trough her t-shirt while she shows more of her body. Enjoying being naked in nature she drops onto all fours pushing her bum high in the air, revealing her pink anus. Her hands slide into her hairy crotch slowly pulling apart her labia and with her brown eyes smiling from behind her glasses, Yara invites you to watch her outdoor journey.

VIDEO | 28 Jul 2014 Scarlett D
30m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 826mb
Inverted nipple

Lifting her dress up, Scarlett reveals her perfectly pert and round bum, highlighted by her cute pink underwear.

Sitting on the sofa she opens her legs wide and exposes her pink vulva, framed by soft pubic hair that she runs her fingers through as she spreads her labia. Grabbing her small, pert breasts she pushes them together as she stares suggestively.



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good grasp 1 by Madison_M 11 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<248MB] 1280x720 6m6s
I love the way Madison touches and holds and squeezes her breast here, with so much attention – but also in this way like I don’t know whether she’s holding her breast, or it’s holding her. Sometimes parts of our bodies can soothe and anchor us in the most amazing ways, as our consciousness drifts and storms, pulled to and fro on waves of sensory overload.

quiver thrill 2 by Emily_O 12 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<287MB] 1280x720 6m1s
Emily O is so good to watch, with all of her signs of arousal building so inevitably, and in such a linear fashion, giving her viewers the opportunity to see a whole story unfolding in any small microcosm of her body’s universe. Today I’m obsessed with her toes, as they curl in, holding all her tensions, and finally releasing with such evocative relief.

best practice 2 by Mayam 13 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<416MB] 1280x720 6m1s
Everyone should know by now that going ass-to-vag is a big no no – there’s just different kinds of little bacteria in different places, and mixing them up can mean dire consequences for a woman’s health. I love that Mayam’s demonstrating how condom use can just take all the worry and stress out of sex, allowing her to safely get all the kinds of penetration she craves.



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botticelli's dream 2 by Io 14 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<247MB] 1280x720 5m40s
Io looks so much like a renaissance painting in these moments, with her classically beautiful face, tangle of honey-coloured hair, and the luxurious shapes of her body, stretched out in these forms of languor. The stillness of her repose contradicts the feverish pulse of her orgasm, and as we move between the two camera angles, the whole story of her pleasure is revealed.

victory lap 1 by Rosie_A 15 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<255MB] 1280x720 6m38s
It’s been a little while since an IFM video had me on the edge of my seat. Rosie makes me feel like I’m watching a down-to-the-second head-to-head sports match, complete with cheering my screen and an incredulous, joyful fist pump as Rosie achieves her victory. I never much liked sports, but I’d wear Rosie’s colours any day.

erotographomania by Blake_W 16 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<340MB] 1280x720 7m31s
Ah, what I wouldn’t give for some zoom and enhance technology now! Those handwritten pages lay so tantalizingly next to Blake as she moves into whatever inspiration that journal has driven her to – or else, perhaps it’s the arousal itself which drives her to write? I wonder if those pages are full of fantasies, Blake’s sexuality laid out like a map, a treasure box of dirty thoughts.



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holding space 2 by Lilly_P 17 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<443MB] 1280x720 9m55s
Lilly’s returning the cascade of kisses – I suppose, we give what we like to receive, and so between Lilly and Henna that river of little kisses flows wildly, splashing all firm and soft and cool and tickling onto every part of their shared geography. Just a paradise of little kisses, deepening into more serious ones, flooding Henna with the sensation of them. Until her whole world is Lilly’s open mouth. Lilly’s kiss.

HD MP4 [<279MB] 1280x720 6m41s
It can be so frustrating to be injured, especially in such an important and frequently used area of the body, but I suppose it could be worse. At least Dariah’s injured hand isn’t her dominant one – while she heals up in bed, her other hand will be busy keeping her well entertained.



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bobbi_j's video diary 3 by Bobbi_J 19 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<497MB] 1280x720 13m56s
Bobbi’s doing such a good thing here, blending eroticism deeply into the poignancy of her reality. Honestly, this is the porn I’ve been looking for, porn where I care about the people whose bodies I’m getting off to. One girl, one camera, one small life – and she’s made a series of films that can arouse and inspire, emotion and orgasm. If this isn’t good, what is?

HD MP4 [<350MB] 1280x720 8m12s
I love when a studio shoot shifts away from the standard format, giving necessity to reorientation, to the questioning of comfort and routine. India, not in the centre but at the edge of the bed, poised against the black, reflecting herself into infinities. Taking the space, and doing with it what she will.



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HD MP4 454MB 1920x1080 `11m`58s
Evie and her phenomenal feet are back. What will she do this time to activate those electric toes? A little time on her tummy, that slow touch - careful attention to penetration of any and all empty spaces on her body which demand her touch. Consistency is key, and acceleration. Plus, that pretty toy doesn’t hurt.



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botticelli's dream 3 by Io 21 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<171MB] 1280x720 4m24s
Io’s day of leisure hasn’t yet drawn to a close. A day like this sort of builds upon itself – as pleasure creates ease, which creates more pleasure, which creates more ease, and so on. Maybe this is why uptight, stressed out folks like to ban masturbation – maybe they’re worried that if folks get started, they just won’t ever want to stop.

water tension 1 by Dorian 22 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<330MB] 1280x720 7m15s
Dorian’s got an incredible repertoire of sexy faces, hypnotically erotic. Her face alone could bring me to my knees, and it’s only a fraction of her whole - all her heart-breaking curves, those bruises on her thighs, suggesting such tenderness, and finally, the unstoppable tremor which builds and spills over, exhilarating, a trembling celebration of orgasms.

start up 1 by Rita_J 23 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<290MB] 1280x720 6m50s
Attention, any current or potential lubricant entrepreneurs - perk up. Without much of a thought, Rita pretty much just revolutionized the industry. All you’d have to do to get everyone on her genius level is just shape the bottle to be just a little tiny bit more suggestive, slightly more accommodating, and bam – lube and dildo, intentionally bundled, all ready to go.



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redbird up close 2 by Redbird 24 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<292MB] 1280x720 6m44s
Redbird is all reverie in these moments, her consciousness travelling the spaces of her body, letting them open and soften under her attentive touch. I love the feeling of the camera’s zoom, wanting to focus in more and more as she gets close, wanting to hold space for Redbird, in awe and adoration.

good grasp 2 by Madison_M 25 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<203MB] 1280x720 5m16s
I love the watch the subtle deepening of colour as Madison’s chest flushes progressively, tinging pink as the blood rises with the tides of her pleasure, pushing and rushing under the surface of her beautiful pale skin. As the colour there changes so too does her breath and the tiny movements of her muscles, all coming together in the rush of orgasm, a tumble into trembling bliss.

bobbi_j's video diary 4 by Bobbi_J 26 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<328MB] 1280x720 7m9s
I gasped out loud when Bobbi said she’s a boring masturbator – oh girl, oh no! It’s a good reminder how even the artists and humans we adore, look up to, and jerk off to can be so human, insecure and doubtful, even as we admire their beauty and artistry. Bobbi’s real is my fantasy, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.



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victory lap 2 by Rosie_A 27 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<205MB] 1280x720 5m50s
I think I love Rosie the way Ilana loves her doppelganger on Broad City – at first, she just crushes hard without realizing why, until Abbi points out that they’re identical. That puts Ilana off, but it just makes me love Rosie even more. Cause this is just how I feel about watching her – a sense of yes. I can’t help but feel like Rosie fucks herself right, which means, of course, just the way I like it.

grave desire 1 by Nazz 28 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<351MB] 1280x720 6m42s
Nazz looks especially beautiful today, wandering in her white dress, barefoot in the cemetery. This close to Halloween, one might even mistake her for a ghost, despite her activity – but then again, why not? Even ghosts deserve to feel good. If I could have orgasms as good as Nazz’ in the afterlife, I reckon I wouldn’t be scared of death at all.



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touched 1 by Margarita_C 29 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<353MB] 1280x720 8m32s
I have a really warm spot in my heart for naked breasts under white long-sleeved shirts – it’s always been something I cherish. And watching Margarita play in these first few minutes, it’s not hard to understand. The soft sheerness, the comfy, braless warmth of it all, the way her beautiful curves move under the fabric… it’s just so nice. Long-sleeved shirts are the new lingerie.

start up 2 by Rita_J 30 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<236MB] 1280x720 5m2s
Honestly, this is how every yoga session should end. After a long, drifty shivasana, instead of beginning to wiggle your fingers and toes, just let yourself slowly undress, instead. Forget the teachers. Focus all that gratitude inward instead, with a generous demonstration, look yourself deep in the eyes, like Rita does. Namaste, indeed.

holding space 3 by Lilly_P 31 Oct 2017
HD MP4 [<419MB] 1280x720 10m11s
There’s a difference between people new to sex together and those who have done it a thousand times. It’s that history between Henna and Lilly which creates space for playfulness, space for fears to arise and be soothed, and time for the practice which allows for those quick glances of calibration. Relationship, well done, yields telepathy and joy, intertwined with startling depths of love.



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HD MP4 324MB 1920x1080 `8m`58s
Mina’s holiday isn’t over - in fact, it’s just getting started. A little puzzle play suits the rainy afternoon, but intellectual pursuits can only hold Mina’s interest so long before her body beckons her right back to bed, soothing her back into the warm, drifty pleasure of vacation.
