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VIDEO | 02 May 2023 Alicia G
30m 28s
Download: MP4 1080p (1.1G)

Alicia has the kind of megawatt dimpled smile that would brighten your whole day, if you just passed her on the street, but it looks even more vibrant when she's taking her clothes off. She starts out in a colourful top and skintight jeans that accentuate every curve of her bum, but quickly unzips them and puts one hand between her legs. Once she's stripped down to lime green panties with an enticing hint of camel toe, she tugs at them to reveal she's perfectly shaved. Dropping her knickers around her ankles, her eyes light up while proudly gazing at her slender nude body in the mirror.

Alicia's pure joy at being naked shines through as she dances through the flat, twirling her hair. She hops on the phone for an engaging conversation that results in the cord getting twisted around her hips, and against her small breasts. Her fingers drift between her thighs as she chats, and she decides to hang up and focus on her growing arousal. Spreading her legs wide apart, Alicia strokes her pussy until a look of sheer delight floods her face, when her pleasure reaches a crescendo.



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Apr 9, 2019
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Billie Eilish Blonde Got Horny Masturbation Solo DeepFake

Tags: DeepFakes, Deep Fakes, DeepFake, Deep Fake, Fakes, Celebrity Fakes, Ai Porn, Solo
Duration: 00:06:01
Resolution: 1280x720
Format: mp4
Size: 71.84 Mb

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Dec 31, 2022
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Storm by Arielcage 2 variants : dressed and naked/topless.............................................................................


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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 264MB 1920x1080 `6m`48s
Clara looks like she’s just skipped out of a festival, rolling through the studio for a little drop-in session with herself before running back out to embrace the wide and wild world. Perfect timing, Clara. In here, there’s a kind of infinity of self, a way to down regulate, even as your energy rises - a place to focus exclusively on you.



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winter is coming 6 + wrap chat by Mew 21 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<270MB] 1280x720 6m56s
What, you thought this was over? Ah, to live in a magical world where it’s never over, where Mew and Mae just fuck in front of this little fireplace forever, rubbing and kissing and getting fingered and eaten out without end – just orgasms forever. Honestly, watching them, this is how I feel – that their sexuality is limitless. But I’m glad it ends, if only because I love to watch and listen to them chat to the camera.

all eyes 1 by Catherine 22 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<355MB] 1280x720 6m56s
Catherine’s super endearing facial expressions really make this video for me – I love her cheeky lip biting and glances around, as she sets up for her wank sesh in the backyard. I love how frequently her eyes stay open, adding such a present awareness to the experience of watching her, and making it extra special when they close with pleasure.

bobbi_j's video diary 6 by Bobbi_J 23 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<523MB] 1280x720 6m56s
Menstruation and masturbation are so intimately linked for most women I know, honestly, it’s shocking that we don’t see more period blood in porn. Or maybe it’s not so shocking, because, you know, patriarchy – but rather than dwell on that, I just want to celebrate Bobbi as she brings us her truth. “If periods offend you, I’m not sorry.” Bobbi and her red towel, Bobbi and her tender period, her rich blood, her hot, sticky, needy, generous squirting orgasms.



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skin deep 2 by Rebecca_F 24 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<188MB] 1280x720 4m41s
I love a non-linear masturbation session, for the variety and intrigue. For me, once I start touching, it’s hard to stop – so I like watching the way Rebecca switches it up, swapping between rubbing her clit with her fingers and her toy, exploring herself until she hits the mark.

ecosexual by Jay_Elle 25 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<182MB] 1280x720 4m41s
Sex educator, activist, and all around badass bitch Annie Sprinkle coined the term ecosexual, and I think Jay Elle is exemplifying it magnificently right here. For those who think of nature less as a mother and more of a lover, the fresh breeze, rough bark, and rustling leaves are still probably as awe-inspiringly beautiful as they are to the rest of us - they just also happen to be incredibly, agonisingly, shiveringly hot.

willful girl 1 by Emily_K 26 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<405MB] 1280x720 4m41s
Emily is so sweet to herself here, awarding herself some of the most deliberate and thoughtful nipple play I’ve seen in awhile. I love the way her hands move with intelligence over the soft landscape of her chest, pinching and rolling her nipples purposefully, making them both harden with pleasure.



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snack time 1 by Em_J 27 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<363MB] 1280x720 8m29s
Out of the way, dildos and lube – when it comes to masturbation aids, Em J is all about the chocolate bars. Rich with bursts of energy, luscious indulgence, a little bit of sugar and a lot of loving comfort, I reckon chocolate and orgasms aren’t that different, really – in the end, all roads lead to bliss.

esurience 1 by Rachel_G 28 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<333MB] 1280x720 7m44s
The way Rachel’s partner devours her here, inch by delicious inch, gives me the sense that she’s his absolute dream girl. It’s so amazing to watch her be touched like that, that secure, confident worship – he’s almost smug as he reveals and revels in her beauty, taking his time, knowing what she likes.



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all eyes 2 by Catherine 29 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<328MB] 1280x720 7m44s
Catherine reminds me of Liv Tyler in Stealing Beauty here, her skin glowing like pearls under her clean white dress, all simplicity, green grass and chestnut-coloured hair. I love to watch her truly take her time, exploring her body. Watch her smile, the way her emotions change, her whole body expressive with feeling.

selador's video diary 9 by Selador 30 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<327MB] 1280x720 7m46s
Selador is an open book - or rather, an open diary, as it were. Once you like someone this much, you just want to know all about them, and Selador accedes, telling us everything, showing us everything - satisfying my curiosity with the kind of abundance that somehow leaves me wanting even more.



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VIDEO | 10 Oct 2014 Kenji
25m 17s
Download: MP4 1024x576 772mb
Full bush outdoors

Australian Kenji makes the most of her euro-trip by enjoying the lush green Dutch outdoors.

Undressing her stunning body, she exposes her pert breasts, soft curves and hidden tan lines. Smiling, she shows of her body as she stretches and moves through the landscape. Not shying away from showing off her great breasts and thick, full bush, Kenji radiates energy and fun!

VIDEO | 13 Oct 2014 Kenzei
21m 49s
Download: MP4 1024x576 651mb
Hairy outdoors

Kenzei explores the lush green outdoors as she undresses her slender, natural body and effortlessly displays her fun and seductive personality.

Peeking through her thick rimmed glasses, she runs her fingers over the seam of her shirt, hinting at removing it, to show her pert, small breasts and pale skin beneath. Nestled between the fallen trees and branches, Kenzei spreads her long legs wide and feels her soft full bush. Letting her fingers touch the insides of her labia, she pushes them deeper inside her open, wet vagina.

VIDEO | 17 Oct 2014 Analyn
31m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 780mb

Letting her dark, large nipples slip out from her clothing, Analyn gazes suggestively as she removes her clothes. Analyn explores her tanned Filipino skin and dark, unshaven full bush as she stands naked in the room. Her hands meandering around her body, she turns to the camera to reveal an exciting surprise!



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 20 Oct 2014 Mirai
21m 45s
Download: MP4 1024x576 719mb
Naked archery

Pulling her bow back to her chest, the tense string presses against her small pert breasts. Mirai stares down the shaft of the arrow, she's an excellent archer, but this is her first time ever in the nude!

Outdoors, in the lush green forest, Mirai undresses as she moves through the landscape. Her bow in hand, her quiver on her back and the leather strap tight between her breasts, Mirai explores the countryside. Her pale skin, glasses and natural demeanor shows off her fun and innocent personality, but with that bow she is dangerous! Mounting on a fallen log Mirai balances along the bark like a beam, balancing her bare feet effortlessly.

VIDEO | 24 Oct 2014 Satine
90m 12s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1433mb
Best friends naked

"I actually condition my pubes!" Satine's golden pubic hair fans out around her long labia while her best friend reaches forward to gently rub her soft thigh. Sliding a finger up towards her G-spot, Satine's pale skin starts to flush pink as pleasure fills her whole body.

"Everything's more fun naked!" Crawling up onto the sofa in her tight jean shorts, Satine makes herself comfortable before telling us about her recent trip to America. With a willing smile she shares some of her stretches, a helping hand reaches out to unbutton her shirt so her breasts and stomach are visible downblouse as she leans forwards. Placing her hands on top of mine, Satine guided me over her pert breasts showing me how she likes them to be touched. "How tight are you?" Gently, her hand creeps into her pink knickers and soon she is demanding to orgasm.

VIDEO | 27 Oct 2014 Anjali
33m 33s
Download: MP4 1024x576 999mb
Inverted nipples

Petite and toned Anjali demonstrates her flexibility as she stretches and strips, building up to a nude yoga session. Her firm, shapely limbs flex effortlessly as she grasps her bare feet to kiss her toes.

Peeling off her tight tank top, Anjali exposes her radiant skin before working her hands down to tease up her skirt. Through threadbare panties, dark curls of pubic hair wait to be exposed. Naked at last, Anjali perches upon the tabletop on her knees, raising her small breasts up. Her tiny inverted nipples perk as her limber frame bends backward into a provocative arch.



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VIDEO | 31 Oct 2014 Gala
48m 57s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1332mb
Full bush

Undressing her slender, petite body, Gala checks herself out in the mirror. Running her hands around her pert peachy bum she bends over to catch a better look!

Standing next to the mirror, she lifts her leg up high, stretching it and showing off how flexible she can be. Running her hands over her taught body, they grip at her firm contours, holding her small breasts. Sitting, she leans forward watching herself explore her open vulva and full bush as she pulls, feels and plays with herself.

VIDEO | 03 Nov 2014 Hania
35m 49s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1054mb
Dark nipples

Hania seductively looks through her thick rimmed glasses as she runs her hands over the curves of her body.

Pulling down the top of her dress, she reveals her beautiful breasts and dark, erect nipples. Gripping them in her hands, she feels and explores herself. Showing off her petite pale body and auburn hair, Hania stands naked in the soft light of the window thinking about touching herself more. Sitting back in the armchair she opens her legs, her fingers pushing through her full bush, she presses into her wet, pink vulva and her body tenses as she feels inside herself!



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VIDEO | 07 Nov 2014 Jada
17m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 545mb
Pink anus

With her naked bum facing you, Jada opens her legs wide, exposing her pink anus and vulva.

Undressing the rest of her petite body she maintains eye contact, effortlessly seducing as she reveals more and more of herself. Pressing together her small pert breasts, Jada leans back over the chair, her glasses almost slipping from her face as she smiles upside down. Lifting her legs up high in the air, she shows off her vulva and full bush with a cheeky grin.

VIDEO | 10 Nov 2014 Jaimie
17m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 524mb
Large natural breasts

Running her fingers around the seam of her top, Jaimie pulls it down to reveal her large breasts and soft, pink nipples.

On the bed Jaimie undresses herself, running her hands over her body as she explores her petite curves. Dancing to music turns her on and she lets her fingers move closer and closer to her vulva. Lying back onto the bed, she lets her sexual desire take over as she opens her legs wide and spreads her pink labia.



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Apr 9, 2019
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Britney Spears Cosplay JOI Solo DeepFake

Tags: DeepFakes, Deep Fakes, DeepFake, Deep Fake, Fakes, Celebrity Fakes, Ai Porn, Solo
Duration: 00:29:41
Resolution: 1440x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 562.74 Mb

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HD MP4 1304MB 1920x1080 `13m`28s
Sometimes restorations are perfect as they are, a glimpse of what was - but sometimes, they create this aching feeling in me, a curiosity, a desire to see what a contributor is like now. Louis, who ran down the batteries of our old cameras, whose stamina we would capture differently, now. How bittersweet, to see this much, and know we may never see more.



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May 3, 2023
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Who else remembers the show Sexcetera? Described as the 60 minutes of sex this show was certainly unique. It covered the world of sex from the erotic to the dam right bizarre. Here's a documentary I made on the show let me know what you think, and what your memories of the show are :)

Sexcetera documentary


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HD MP4 394MB 1920x1080 `10m`2s
Ellie’s brought her boho vibe into the studio today, gracing us with her goddess-like presence. Actually, today she’s giving Mamma Mia, don’t you think? All that tumbling blonde hair and tanned skin - the azure sky and sea are just implied. But instead of hijinx, Ellie’s brought her serious game. And her serious toys.



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VIDEO | 05 May 2023 Jessy & Nataly
52m 22s
Download: MP4 1080p (2.1G)

Jessy and Nataly are wearing stylish plaid skirts, as they make the bed together. Jessy can't resist squeezing Nataly's bum, then playfully tossing a sheet over her. As the girls tumble to the floor, their clothing quickly falls away, and they make out topless with their hands deep in each other's panties. Once Jessy is naked, Nataly cheekily tugs at her fluffy bush with her mouth, then begins eating her out. As she savours the feeling of her friend's warm tongue on her pussy, Jessy gets lost in pleasure.

The two blondes move into a passionate 69, so they can go down on each other at the same time. After Jessy stands up to be lovingly penetrated by Nataly's skilled fingers, they sit on the floor to face each other, with their legs open. Each girl uses her big toe to stroke her partner's clit, and the double footjob makes them both moan to orgasm. Deeply satisfied, they fall into a sweet embrace and shower each other with grateful kisses.
