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on top by Ellie_K 01 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<168MB] 1280x720 3m56s
Ellie climbs into bed and grabs her pillow with the anticipatory zeal of a girl getting home and kicking off her shoes after a long day outside. This is her comfort zone – ease and magic, that confident, grinding ride, a certain dance to result in inevitable pleasure. And that sweet reveal in the end, to delight and inspire.

loose end 0073 by Lilly_P 02 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<52MB] 1280x720 3m56s
“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.” - Neruda

Selador's video diary 7 by Selador 02 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<355MB] 1280x720 3m56s
Selador is an incredible story teller, articulate to the depth of her fantasy as she talks dirty to her audience. That kind of voice over would be enough for me on its own – eyes closed, listening to Selador talk about older men, her feelings, what they do to her, what she does to them – but the visual of her, simultaneously getting off to her own memory, takes this diary entry to a whole other level.



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water tension 2 by Dorian 03 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<440MB] 1280x720 9m25s
I think one of the main issues I have with mainstream porn is how very active it is. Far from being a purely athletic pursuit, sexuality requires almost as much presence and mindfulness as actual meditation. So much is in the quiet moments – the easing in, the bearing down. So I’m grateful for Dorian’s quiet beginnings, allowing me to take my own deep breath, as I orient to her.

grave desire 2 by Nazz 04 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<250MB] 1280x720 4m48s
Gentle spirit, there’s a tenderness to Nazz which is so lovingly depicted in this shoot. Raw and ready, capable and generous, Nazz takes herself, and gives back to herself, in a thousand tiny gestures. The eloquence in her touch is magnified exponentially as she nears orgasm, every feel and smooth response adding up to perfect poetry, a polished work.

starling 1 by Lou_J 05 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<302MB] 1280x720 6m54s
Lou’s debut today has me absolutely arrested, my gaze fixed on my screen as she works herself slowly and deliberately into a sweet, panting orgasmic frenzy. I love the way she gives those startled gasps every time she reaches for her own nipples, surprised each time at the strong rush of feeling.



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dear diarist by Georgia_L 06 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<330MB] 1280x720 7m25s
Are You There, God? It's Me, Georgia. Watching today, I’m feeling super nostalgic for the early 90s, when you came home to write in your diary, and the afternoons stretched long into evenings, full of promise, when there was infinite time, and, as long as you were quiet, endless potential for self-discovery.

dakota up close 1 by Dakota 07 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<233MB] 1280x720 7m25s
I love the sweet rhythm Dakota gets into, one hand on her breast, one tucked between her legs, her fingers moving perfectly in sync as waves of building arousal thrust the length of her body between them. What a good full-body connection, perpetual motion, only stopping when the stimulation overflows to exploding.



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hits the spot 1 by Bina 08 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<234MB] 1280x720 7m25s
When I was a little bookworm of a kid, I used to dream of trees like these – a place to sit outside with your back up against the comforting roughness of bark, supported and free to drift. Now as an adult, my tastes run more to Bina’s preoccupation. Who needs the imaginary stories, when our real bodies are so very intriguing?

loose end 0074 by Lilly_P 09 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<189MB] 1280x720 7m25s
I wish this loose end came with a youtube link! I want to put on that song and dance along with Lilly and Henna. In fact, I just want their life – come on! Naked dance parties, great sex, adorable affection... it all just seems so good and fun. Relationship goals, indeed.

bobbi_j's video diary 5 by Bobbi_J 09 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<429MB] 1280x720 9m32s
Bobbi’s secure at home now, after a long winter in a strange town, which is nice – but there are pros and cons to homecoming, and that point in life where security goes hand in hand with a lack of privacy. I love the way she uses that tension to her advantage, emphasizing her genuine desire not to be caught, as she stimulates herself past that place of no return. So hot. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone squirt that much before.



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VIDEO | 01 Aug 2014 Dannah
29m 34s
Download: MP4 1024x576 794mb
Meaty lips outdoors

Dannah shows off the most intimate parts of her body and young pert breasts. She slides her fingers under her bra strap exposing fully shaped breasts while gently squeezing her nipple.

Walking around the house while taking off her clothes, Dannah exposes her pale skin and young body. Her hands slides into her most intimate part and she pulls her labia aside. Pushing her bum up in the air, she exposes her anus while her fingers slide deep inside herself.

VIDEO | 04 Aug 2014 Mara Solo
29 m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 896mb
Masturbating in a tree

Mara's long brunette hair brushes over her naked breasts and her soft pink nipples as she climbs up a tree to treat you to her stunning natural body.

Spreading her long legs and arching her svelte body back, Mara lets her fingers run around the shaved lips of her vulva as she starts to play with herself. Pushing her fingers inside herself, she grips the branches of the tree for balance as he body tenses!

VIDEO | 08 Aug 2014 Gala
27m 47s
Download: MP4 1024x576 800mb
Fingering hairy anus

Squeezing her pert round bum in and out of her underwear, Gala grips her firm bum cheeks and pulls them apart to reveal her thick full bush and wet vagina.

Running her hands up her petite and contoured body, Gala shows off her stunning curves, smooth skin and natural hair. Lifting up her arms she shows her underarm hair as she seductively holds your gaze. Her fingers slip between her labia as she starts to push inside herself, her other fingers pressing against her anus.



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VIDEO | 13 Aug 2014 Maria W
57m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1608mb
Skinny dipping

Feeling the warm sand on her naked body, Maria lays on the beach under the hot Australian sun, her browning body still showing the white tan lines of the last time she was there.

Moving from the house to the lush greens of the Australian flora, Maria then takes us down to the waters of the beach as we spend the whole day with her. Exposing her stunning slender body, perky breasts, pert round bum and full bush we're treated to every inch in beautiful locations.

VIDEO | 18 Aug 2014 Zara M
20m 30s
Download: MP4 1024x576 612mb
Fingering outdoors

Teasing open the buttons of her yellow shirt, Zara flashes her bra down blouse, the flesh of her pale breasts peeping over the cups. Wiggling free of her bra she presses the thin fabric of her shirt over her bare breasts, her dark nipples showing through the cloth.

Walking outside in the park, Zara rests on a bridge, her tight jean shorts hugging the shape of her perfect ass. Opening her legs, her red knickers are just visible up the leg of her shorts as she opens her shirt revealing her naked breasts for the first time. Sliding her shorts over the curve of her buttocks, Zara turns her attention to her knickers, hooking her finger inside the warm fabric and sliding it to the side revealing her meaty lips.

VIDEO | 21 Aug 2014 Immie
25m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 650mb

Hot red lips and bright blue eyes peek out from brunette hair as Immie studies her naked body in the mirror.

Pulling her worn underwear to the side, strands of her pubic hair spill out onto her soft skin. Exploring her full bush and wet vulva with her fingers, Immie gazes suggestively.



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VIDEO | 22 Aug 2014 Bisera
24m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 706mb
Small tanned breasts

Pulling at her pert bum, Bisera stretches open her pink, wet vulva and anus as she bends over suggestively on all fours.

Bisera's slender tanned body lays naked on the ground as she runs her hands over her smooth skin, soft curves and small breasts. Feeling herself, she indulges in her own body as she teases her labia and nipples.

VIDEO | 25 Aug 2014 Nora
26m 36s
Download: MP4 1024x576 820mb

Fingering in forest

Leaning back against the forest tree, Nora grips her breast as she lets her other hand slip between her thick pubic hair.

Hidden from view among the lush greens of the woods, Nora explores her own slender body. Undressing, she stands naked and slowly starts to push one of her fingers into her wetness. Looking through her glasses, she gives a cheeky grin as she revels in the risk of being naked outside!



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VIDEO | 29 Aug 2014 Maylin
34m 7s
Download: MP4 1024x576 998mb
Dildo garden

Pulling her glass dildo from deep inside her wet vagina, Maylin tastes herself as she licks her wetness from its surface!

Teasing and toying, Maylin slowly reveals her pert young breasts and petite curves as she undresses out in the garden. Twisting her thick dark pubic hair, she plays with herself and gets more turned on as she moves around her body.

VIDEO | 01 Sep 2014 Anahi Solo
28m 33s
Download: MP4 1024x576 864mb
Meaty lips outdoors

Moving through the wet, lush greens of the forest, Anahi stops at a secluded spot to explore herself and have some fun outdoors!

Undressing her petite frame, she exposes her beautiful curves, large breasts and round bum. Running her fingers over her body she finds her wet, pink vulva. Feeling her labia, she gently spreads them to the side and pushes her fingers inside herself.



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HD MP4 384MB 1920x1080 `9m`48s
Omg, Dari. Be still my heart… and, well, the rest of my body too. Just, how can one girl be so exquisitely hot? The panty play, lacy and pretty, pulling and rubbing and tugging through her perfect pubic hair, the delicate colour of her nails, that deep, deep penetration. All of that, combined with this angle - an instant favourite, for sure.



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VIDEO | 01 May 2023 Helena R & Sandra S
16m 19s
Download: MP4 4K (1.2G)
Shy touching

Helena and Sandra are swapping travel stories, when Helena shares that she and her boyfriend made love in a castle in Germany, and now it's her fetish. Sandra's eyes light up when she describes a sexy event she attended: "It would have been perfect for you: a fetish party in a castle, for someone with a castle fetish!". Feeling aroused by the steamy chat, the girls take off their t-shirts, and Helena falls instantly in love with Sandra's enormous boobs. "Wow, amazing! Can I touch?" Helena swoons, and Sandra happily replies: "Yes, of course!". Helena looks like she's in heaven, as she cuddles her friend's chest while masturbating.

Sandra is just as enthralled by Helena's slender naked body, and glows with lust while observing Helena suck her glass dildo and plunge it into her shaved pussy. The deep penetration makes Helena dripping wet, and her moans echo through the room as she reaches a blissful orgasm. Then, she watches with a cheeky grin as Sandra builds to her own climax, expertly switching hands while stroking her clit, until she's overcome with intense pleasure. "You look so beautiful when you finish!" Helena sighs. "I have to get myself a friend to masturbate with at home!" Sandra replies, then asks for a goodbye kiss that Helena is delighted to give her.



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VIDEO | 05 Sep 2014 Lulu
26m 47s
Download: MP4 1024x576 804mb
Sunglasses in pussy

Stretching out her petite body across the forest floor, Lulu explores herself and teases herself as she undresses.

Pulling her pretty summer dress together, she reveals her breasts and pert, pink nipples. Letting her fingers run over the lips of her labia, Lulu grabs them and pulls them wide to expose her pink wetness inside. Undressing, she lies on her front and again lets her fingers roam around her body in search of more pleasure. Teasing herself once more, she plays with her anus before she pushes a finger inside!

VIDEO | 08 Sep 2014 Nela
21m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 648mb
Large areola

Lying on her side, Nela slips the tips of her fingers inside the lace of her bra as she slowly pulls it down to expose her small breasts and pink nipples.

In front of the open window, Nela risks getting spotted as she undresses but that risk only turns her on more as she yields to the urge to explore her body further. Gripping her full bush, she leans over to see her open pink vulva as she pushes her fingers inside herself.

VIDEO | 12 Sep 2014 Lucie L
23m 23s
Download: MP4 1024x576 713mb
Spreading and fingering outdoors

Lucie's hands squeeze into her full bosom, her fingers pressing into the soft flesh. Gently, Lucie pulls a loose string of clothing across her erect nipple , looping the fabric so it pulls on the sensitive skin.

Lucie's eyes sparkle mischievously behind her glasses as she begins to expose her delightful body. Her bare feet curl around the cool grass as she pulls her clothing down, exposing her full bosom and white tan lines. Wiggling her legs, Lucie lets her clothing slip further down her body till she is wearing only her knickers, which offer tantalising glimpses of skin through the feminine blue lace. Lucie begins to pull at her knickers, flashing her intimate areas before removing them completely, allowing her to indulge in her body's wants while outdoors in nature.



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VIDEO | 15 Sep 2014 Beatrix
26m 21s
Download: MP4 1024x576 772mb
Meaty lips

Slipping her tight denim shorts off, Beatrix unleashes her stunningly pert round bum which is made all the better by the thin strip of red underwear that frames it.

Undressing she reveals the rest of her slender, curvy body. Grabbing her large breasts, she takes a seat on the floor. Spreading her legs out wide, she pushes her bum forwards and lets her hands run over her clean shaved vulva.

VIDEO | 19 Sep 2014 Anahi
41m 49s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1098mb
Toothbrush in pussy

Anahi gently brushes her hard nipple with her pink toothbrush, slowly sliding it down to her crouch where she uses it to curl her meaty lips around, wrapping the intimate flesh over the plastic handle.

Anahi's breasts are visible downblouse as she sits forwards on the edge of the bed, teasing at her clothing. On all fours she releases the catch of her bra, the pale skin of her large breasts hanging down as the lace material falls away. Looking to the camera with her big hazel eyes, she exposes her breasts. Anahi slowly pulls down her worn knickers, sliding her fingers into her meaty lips as she pulls it aside, exposing her most intimate parts. First she uses her fingers to please herself, later she slowly uses personal items which she pushes deep inside herself.

VIDEO | 22 Sep 2014 Carla B
17m 52s
Download: MP4 1024x576 516mb
Small breasts

Undressing her slender body, Carla sits by the open window, letting the light illuminate her pale skin and tight curves.

Peeking suggestively through her glasses, she shows off her playful personality as well as her petite round bum and small breasts. Writing in her hand written bio she says she wants to "liberate herself, become brave and bold, and show the world my beauty."



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VIDEO | 26 Sep 2014 Rosa M
36m 21s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1033mb
Large breasts

Rosa runs her hands over her large breasts, exposing them from underneath her tight singlet as she explores her slender, tanned body.

Pulling down her pink lace knickers from around her bum, Rosa teases with her full bush. Taking her long pearl necklace she runs it through her kickers, pulling them down her long legs. Feeling her wet vulva, Rosa pushes her two fingers deep inside her wetness.

VIDEO | 29 Sep 2014 Vicki J
33m 38s
Download: MP4 1024x576 931mb
Redhead peeing

Redhead Vicki lays naked on her bed, illuminated only by the soft light from her window and a bedside lamp.

Exposing her soft, pale skin and pert breasts, Vicki runs her fingers over her body, staring suggestively as she feels her contours and curves. Brushing through her red pubic hair she pushes her fingers deep inside her wetness, her body tensing as she pleasures herself. Vicki stops to surprise us twice!



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VIDEO | 03 Oct 2014 Nora
29m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 818mb
Tampon in pussy

Smiling over the curve of her bottom, Nora looks down her long legs as they stretch down the bed. Folding and unfolding her extended limbs, she slides her smooth legs over one another, flashing her pink knickers upskirt as she wiggles around.

Turning onto her tummy Nora pulls her skirt over her round bottom, quickly followed by her cotton underwear. With the fabric sitting over her warm thighs, the curves of Nora's perfect ass are neatly framed, along with her feminine labia and protruding tampon string. Reaching for her pantyhose, Nora slides the material down her leg, pulling the tights so high that they wrap around her body from the tip of her toe up and over her small breasts.

VIDEO | 06 Oct 2014 Safira
16m 14s
Download: MP4 1024x576 575mb
Dancing outdoors

Pushing out her perfectly shaped round bum, Safira modestly shows of her toned and slender physique as she moves around the garden in the soft sunlight.

Taking off her denim dungarees and undressing outside, Safira exposes her small pert breasts, smooth tanned skin and sculpted body. Opening up her long athletic legs, she smiles as she reveals her smooth shaved vulva.



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just stay by Ellie_K 11 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<202MB] 1280x720 6m48s
I feel like Ellie is singlehandedly creating a new archetype around here, something like a manic pixie dream girl but calm and confident instead of manic, angel instead of pixie. The dream girl holds, though, as its almost impossible not to dream of Ellie after seeing her – her mouth, her energy. This is the kind of woman who stays in your mind.

skin deep 1 by Rebecca_F 12 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<300MB] 1280x720 6m48s
The skin-tight look of Rebecca’s top is an instant turn-on, her fingers dipping into her neckline, each one rendered in perfect outline as she checks in with nipples, saying hello. The beginning stages of masturbation are such a nice opportunity to get a sense of where your body’s at, preparing all those interconnected systems for the very intense experience that’s to come.

dakota up close 2 by Dakota 14 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<218MB] 1280x720 6m22s
Dakota’s got that post-orgasm, pre-orgasm, cat-got-the-cream vibe to her now, her body primed and warmed up to her task. When all you’re meant to do is feel pleasure, the body responds in different ways -when you know that the world revolves around your heat and sensuality, the blood begins to flow with the purpose of desire.



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heal all 2 by Dariah 15 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<249MB] 1280x720 6m22s
Dariah doesn’t let her injury hinder her desire in the least. Bandaged and splinted, those fingers still find a way to fill her completely, giving her the anal stimulation that will intensify her orgasm. The extra effort might take some contorting, but the end result is worth it. We all deserve to have our needs well met.

selador's video diary 8 by Selador 16 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<356MB] 1280x720 6m22s
Selador, you move so quickly! Last time we saw you, you were settling into your new place, and now, you’re already about to leave. I can see how that would get exhausting, requiring a high level of self care. And fortunately for Selador, her appetite for coming is just as strong as her lust to go, go, go.



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starling 2 by Lou_J 17 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<292MB] 1280x720 6m56s
“…but with stars in their black feathers, / they spring from the telephone wire / and instantly / they float. like one stippled star that opens / becomes for a moment fragmented / then closes again; and you watch / and you try / but you simply can't imagine how they do it.” -Mary Oliver

hits the spot 2 by Bina 18 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<204MB] 1280x720 6m56s
Today the park belongs to Bina, as if she were a queen, roaming her lands, taking her pleasure. An extraordinary quality of cinematography only serves to underlie my initial impression – that for Bina, it’s ample time, deep hues, intense sensitivity and amazing orgasms. That today, for Bina, only the best will do.



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heart tug 1 by Xia 19 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<209MB] 1280x720 6m56s
I love Xia’s tendency to tug and grasp – at her clothing, at her breasts, at her thighs. That desire to hold is so much a part of my knowledge of arousal, too. The way want and need just run up and down your body, making you squirm, making you want to squeeze and rub and hold and press.

a la mode 2 by Emster 20 Nov 2017
HD MP4 [<220MB] 1280x720 6m56s
There’s something low key about Emster’s energy here, a body inclined towards relaxation - a conservatory wisdom which serves her well, allowing her to save her energy for orgasm. Gentle masturbation leads to a synthesis of pleasure, allotting space and fervor for the final act.



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Dec 31, 2022
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marvel untold xxx tales episode 1 by arielcage. total of pages for now : 45......................................................


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HD MP4 514MB 1920x1080 `12m`58s
I’m honoured to have been selected for a reissue. It’s so cool to see my past work, remixed, as it were - especially now. I watch this Viva, this woman’s body, that was mine, this woman’s pleasure, that was mine - from what feels like another planet. A lot has changed since I filmed this, but watching, now… well. Can you inspire your own self?
