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HD MP4 400MB 1920x1080 `10m`32s
Sometimes the stars just align, and we can’t do much but thank them - and Evie. This is one for the record books. That deep upward push of fingers, the little taps, the rapid dance of circles between her thighs. The most intense toe-pointing I’ve ever seen on IFM. And even the perfection of her visible contractions - all captured Up Close. Phenomenal.



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HD MP4 360MB 1920x1080 `9m`22s
Bailey’s self care at the end of a long day is just getting started - and after a deeply comforting bath, there’s only one stop for a truly indulgent woman. Her own bed, her own hands, and as much time as she likes at the whim of them. Followed, I hope, by a damn good snack.



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VIDEO | 21 Feb 2014 Lawan
20m 4s
Download: MP4 1024x576 511mb
Soap suds on nipples

Undressing herself Lawan runs her hands over her smooth naked body, pinching her nipples and pulling at her pert bum she moves around the kitchen.

As she removes her pink lace underwear she pulls it tight against her perfectly shaved vulva. Laughing and playing, Lawan lets her fun personality really shine through!

VIDEO | 24 Feb 2014 Roxanne M
30m 38s
Download: MP4 1024x576 729mb

Grabbing her large breasts Roxanne holds and pushes them together. Each breast far more than a handful she smiles over the top of her chest towards you.

Laying over the side of the bed her breasts hang over the edge, and rolling onto her back she holds them on top of her with her arms as she reaches past towards her naked vulva. Holding her labia wide apart with one hand she starts to push her fingers deeper inside herself.

VIDEO | 28 Feb 2014 Gretchen
35m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 885mb
Smiling amateur with glasses and blonde muff

Gretchen's hands reach up the wooden beam she pushes out her pert, round bum, curving her naked body into a perfect seductive 'S'.

Showing the profile of her firm breasts she leans forward, her hand moving up her leg she finds her open wet vulva and starts to slowly push her fingers inside herself...



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VIDEO | 03 Mar 2014 Emilie S
35m 3s
Download: MP4 1024x576 789mb
Gentle toying

After her beautifully introvert orgasm, Asian Emilie slides her pink dildo out of her smooth vulva, letting her wet, white girl-cum flow out from inside her vagina. Feeling her wetness Emilie rests satisfied back against the wall.

Looking out from beneath her brunette fringe Emilie lifts her tight t-shirt to reveal her small breasts and brown nipples, pushing her breasts together with her arms she glances back seductively, and moves her hands down towards her shorts...

VIDEO | 07 Mar 2014 Lotte
32m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 734mb
Anal orgasm from object insertions

Lotte's breasts hang over the side of the bed as she leans over to search her bag for her her vibrating toothbrush. Grabbing hold of it she returns to the soft bed to lay back suggestively,rubbing the sides of her vulva she pushes the handle of the brush inside...

Peeking through her glasses Lotte explores her breasts as she releases them from her purple bra. Her fingers moving gently around her pale pink nipples she begins to play to her urges. Laying on her back she lifts her legs into the air and slips off her underwear to expose her trimmed bush of dark pubes around her pink vulva.

VIDEO | 10 Mar 2014 Alida
16m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 436mb
Puffy pussy

Lifting up her long slender legs, Alida pushes out her round bum as she slips off her tights.

Laying arched over the sofa she shows off her svelte figure and pert breasts. Running her hands over her smooth body, she feels around the soft labia with her fingers, moving them inside her labia she pulls them out to expose her open wet vulva and pink, open vagina.



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VIDEO | 14 Mar 2014 Ren
38m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 900mb
Hairy meaty pussy outdoors

Pale skin Ren undresses to masturbate while taking a walk in the park. Groping her large breasts she gets really turned on, revealing her natural full bush while she slides her hands into her panties.

Ren pulls her bra to the side and squeezes her breasts getting nude outdoor and opens her legs flashing her meaty lips pulling them and stretching them.

VIDEO | 17 Mar 2014 Gloria
34m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 866 mb

Pulling down her panties Gloria has a surprise hidden inside her immaculate shaved vulva bare of hair.

Moving around in different positions she shows off her perfect ass and long legs but does not miss the chance to insert a toy into her clean and lick-able anus. This dark haired and fair skin girl is so playful she uses her knitted top to tease her nipples letting them poke out of the wholes as they get hard.



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VIDEO | 21 Mar 2014 Kami
40m 55s
Download: MP4 1024x576 988mb
Hot wax on pussy

Kami's naked body tenses as she drips the hot wax around her open pink vulva! The heat heightening her senses and making her squirm on the table.

Showing her enviable flexibility Kami lays backwards over the sofa, her legs spread wide either side of her, and her labia pushing against the tight material of her underwear.

Moving positions in the room she demonstrates how limber she really is, and with every suggestively sultry look she draws in closer.

VIDEO | 24 Mar 2014 Caisa
25m 23s
Download: MP4 1024x576 656mb
Blonde pubes

Pulling her skirt up slowly Caisa shows off her perfect bum as she crawls on the bed. What is she hiding in her Bra?

Undoing the little bows on her knickers she reveals her warm bum cheeks but, pinching and stretching her meaty labia Caisa gets turned on and slides her fingers inside herself which makes her squirm.



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VIDEO | 22 Apr 2023 Kayla J
01h 00m 15s
Download: MP4 1080p (2.31G)
Natural blonde bush

Lovable girl next door Kayla takes a break from her work behind the scenes, on the Abby Winters staff, to star in her first solo shoot in over three years. It's a joy to get reacquainted with her, as she runs her hands through her flowing blonde locks, and reveals the downy hair adorning her underarms. When she slips off her shirt, her pointy nipples are visible through her transparent bra. Kayla uncovers her fluffy bush by tugging at the waistband of her pink cotton panties, which are adorned with strawberries. Then, she peels them off to cheekily nibble and lick the fabric.

Wearing only her gold-rimmed glasses, Kayla lies on her side so we can luxuriate in all of her nude figure. Then, she moves to the sofa, she relaxes with her bare feet high in the air, displaying the natural beauty of her pussy with a heartwarming smile. Looking mischievous, she stays naked from the waist down, while modelling a succession of cute outfits, including a tank top and a striped dress. When she stands up to unbutton the dress and flash the camera, Kayla's unmistakable joy at sharing her body lights up the screen.



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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 360MB 1920x1080 `9m`22s
Oh, Bailey_G is a lucky girl. With Euphemia feeling so amourous lately, I’m sure their gorgeous home is a minefield of tiny pleasures - hands wrapped around waists from behind during the washing up, steamy showers, golden topless mornings. There’s nothing better than an adoring girlfriend - especially, especially, one as special as Euphemia.



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planned obsolesce by gina_cherie 16 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<312MB] 1280x720 7m18s
The cat eats the canary look on Gina’s face as she completes testing on her prototype says it all – but Gina will go on to say much, much more before this toy is done with her. Two massive squirting orgasms have me sold and queuing up for blue prints, but don’t worry, men, you’re still irreplaceable. I think.

time lapse 1 by Phoebe_W 17 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<260MB] 1280x720 6m29s
Phoebe’s looking a whole lot like Spring today, as we in the Southern hemisphere hold our breaths for those first few promises of flower. I love the way she moves slow and quiet, just like Spring – each moment full of tension and energy, knowing that full bloom requires time and attention.

licorice twist 1 by Kiki_V 18 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<246MB] 1280x720 6m10s
Gosh, I just cannot get enough of this girl – trust Kiki V to make eating twizzlers seem like the hottest thing a person could do in bed. That is, of course until the next thing she does in the bed – face down, hips churning, naked but for her socks.



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will power 1 by Rachel_G 19 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<343MB] 1280x720 8m4s
Rachel’s deep sighs are so therapeutic – just listening to her relaxes me, easing me into that liminal space between the deep ease of committing to masturbation, and the rising tension of arousal that comes along with it. I could stay in this zone forever, floating – but Rachel’s got other, wetter plans.

do it like darcy 2 by Darcy_D 20 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<215MB] 1280x720 5m3s
Ah, the joys of living alone. Watching porn in the middle of the day on your living room couch is such an amazing thing – if you have the ability to do this, like Darcy does, why not celebrate? Take Darcy’s vid today to your own living room, and make it meta.

bobbi_j's video diary 1 by Bobbi_J 21 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<709MB] 1280x720 5m3s
Ah, the power of the eyes, the glance, the gaze – Bobbi’s got it, and she’s turning it on herself. With a rush of those eyes, a satiating abundance of words, stories of dancing foxes, long snowy nights, masturbation poetry and sex healing, I welcome Bobbi. I can’t wait for more.



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beautiful agony 2 by Anna_T 22 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<406MB] 1280x720 9m19s
Anna’s just got me – got me zooming, got me rewinding, got me moaning in sympathy as she plays so indulgently, making herself come nice and slow using all the tools at her disposal. I love the way she starts to those her beautifully agonized faces as she gets closer and closer, her explosive utterance as she has her first orgasm.

avoidance 1 by Sadi 23 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<226MB] 1280x720 4m44s
Sadi's a keen horticulturist who knows ragwort from rye grass, but sometimes there's more rewarding things to do than weed the lawn. It's spring on this side of the world and we've just had our warmest days since last autumn, reminding us that most things are better done outdoors, if you can.

curl in 1 by Evelyn_M 24 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<288MB] 1280x720 7m6s
There’s a moment here, around the 1:25 mark, that just epitomizes the way I experience Evelyn – curled into eroticism, her fingers tucked loosely between her lips, sucking slowly, as she eases her other hand into the tender space between her warm skin and the elastic of her panties. Ah, slow, rolling sexuality – this is heart medicine.



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licorice twist 2 by Kiki_V 25 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<247MB] 1280x720 6m6s
It’s so good to watch Kiki in these first few moments, her eyes open, staring at nothing in particular as her consciousness hovers deep down in her body, in her fingertips, between her perfect thighs. This home-made is special for Kiki in its quiet physicality, internal and intense. A new level of intimacy.

will power 2 by Rachel_G 26 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<238MB] 1280x720 5m33s
Pretty amazing of Rachel to have her whole first go without even glancing at any of those remarkable toys by her side – but by now, she’s sure to have noticed. And I’m so glad she has, because the demo of that wand has me checking my bank balance. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone squirt just from vibes before…



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picture perfect by Marie_M 27 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 6m54s
Goddamn, the restraint this girl shows is so hot. She spends almost a minute 30 just playing with her breasts and upper body, not even going anywhere near below the belt, just teasing and stroking and feeling herself into readiness. But can great orgasms achieve banal things, like getting your picture frame properly straight? I guess you’ll have to watch to find out.

bobbi_j's video diary 2 by Bobbi_J 28 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<346MB] 1280x720 8m23s
I love this time hanging out with Bobbi – a deep connection to the inside feelings of winter, the subtle and overt madnesses, and there with the heart of an artist, who takes madness and spins creations. And aren’t we lucky, that the creation she spins is this dairy, and that it’s shared with us… ps if you love toes, don’t miss this.



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time lapse 2 by Phoebe_W 29 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<204MB] 1280x720 5m7s
Sometimes it can take a while to get into the flow, and there’s about one billion things which can cause distraction. A lot of time under-stimulation is the barrier, but Phoebe reminds us that over-stimulation can be just as deterring. Fortunately, it’s nothing a nice crisp sheet can’t solve.

avoidance 2 by Sadi 30 Sep 2017
HD MP4 [<301MB] 1280x720 5m51s
One of the coolest things about repeat contributions is getting to see our crushes change and grow, as they evolve in all ways – including style. Sadi’s new bob, her fierce nails and that Chelsea boot aesthetic are just extra hot, especially in contrast with her orgasm – just as deeply felt, with new elements of confidence and ease.



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VIDEO | 28 Mar 2014 Janee
27m 49s
Download: MP4 1024x576 720mb
Face down ass up

Asian Janee undresses her slender body amongst the lush greens of the garden, hiding amongst the washing she exposes her full bush and small pert breasts.

Pulling her pink labia apart she pushes her fingers inside herself. Laying on her back she rests her legs above her head and spreads her bum as she starts to press her fingers deeper.



VIDEO | 31 Mar 2014 Maylin
40m 10s
Download: MP4 1024x576 988mb
Petite eurasian inserts and squirts

Asian Maylin's pert young breasts push past the straps of her cute denim dungarees as she starts to undress her petite body.

On her back she slips her fingers inside her underwear and surprises by pulling out her little toy that has been in there whole time! Reaching her her other favorite toy she presses it against her open vagina, slowly pushing it inside herself until only the string is left sticking out.



VIDEO | 04 Apr 2014 Immie
18m 38s
Download: MP4 1024x576 457mb
Armpit hair exposed

Undressing her tall slim body, Immie stands nestled between the lush green of the trees.

Slipping off her beautifully summer dress, she exposes her small breasts and pert round bum. Running her hands over her flat stomach and pulling her white panties to the side, she slowly pushes her fingers through her full bush and towards her wet vulva!





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VIDEO | 07 Apr 2014 Caity
40m 7s
Download: MP4 1024x576 955mb
Peeing into the sink

Spreading her pink labia with her fingers Caity exposes the beautiful wet interior of her open vagina.

Kneeling on her kitchen worktop she grabs her bum and pulls at her pert round cheeks, peering back over her shoulder Caity gives a suggestive grin! Naked and obviously feeling horny and intrigued by her own body she bends and twist, pulls her foot to her mouth to bite her toe, and grabs her pert breasts, pulling her nipple towards her tongue for a lick!



VIDEO | 10 Apr 2014 Navah
12m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 328mb
Dark haired hipster in high heels

Sultry Navah peeks out from behind the black feather fan that covers all but her seductive, smokey eyes.

Hinting and teasing she slowly explores and undresses her petite body. Peeling off her clothing, she exposes her small breasts and erect nipples. Running her finger around the edge of her underwear she pulls it to one side. Her full bush revealed, she plays and twists the long dark strands that surround her pink wet vulva!



VIDEO | 11 Apr 2014 Tahlia J
32m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 805mb
Deep fingering her hairy pussy

Pale skinned Tahlia J rubs her vulva with her headphones cable while listening to music.

She takes off her jeans, showing off her sexy bum, and opens her leg to slide her fingers inside her hairy pussy.





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VIDEO | 14 Apr 2014 Yara
24m 27s
Download: MP4 1024x576 638mb
Hairy meaty lips

Bending over the table Yara spreads her meaty labia with her fingers, exposing the soft pink wetness between.

Flirting and teasing as she undresses her petite body, Yara glances seductively whilst she removes her clothing. She isn't getting naked fast enough, as Mila unexpectedly runs in and pulls down her dress and underwear!



VIDEO | 18 Apr 2014 Claudia S
37m 4s
Download: MP4 1024x576 908mb
Inserting fingers

Claudia S brushes her long hair in her short tight skirt, flashing her bum as she pulls her skirt up. As Claudia is touches her small breasts, she playfully reveals a surprise: her immaculate vulva, bare from hair.

Wet and warm, she slides her fingers inside.





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VIDEO | 21 Apr 2014 Landra
25m 15s
Download: MP4 1024x576 750mb
Small breasts

Looking over her thick rimmed glasses, Landra runs her hands down the inside of her soft thighs and opens her legs wide to reveal her perfectly smooth shaved vulva!

Pulling the front of her underwear tight, her smooth labia press out the sides of the thin material. The curves of her pert bum drawing attention down towards her tight anus. Undressing her petite, pale body Landra explores her flexibility as she moves around the sofa and onto the floor.



VIDEO | 25 Apr 2014 Maika
35m 55s
Download: MP4 1024x576 814mb
Peeing by the River

Framed by the vivid greens of the outdoors, Maika undresses her tanned body and exposes her full breasts and thick pubic hair!

Exploring her body by the river she spreads her labia to expose her pink wetness. Pushing her fingers deep inside, her body tenses as she pleasures herself in her favorite outdoor spot. Taking a drink directly from the clean river waters she then has to stop for a pee before she leaves.





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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 494MB 1920x1080 `12m`28s
After a phenomenal phaseshift into orbit, Anastasia settles back into gravitas. What goes up must come down - but there’s no rule to say that it can’t go up again. In fact, once you’ve tasted the bliss of freedom, it can be hard to stay grounded. And this time, Anastasia has a little pocket rocket to help her fly.
