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VIDEO | 25 Oct 2013 Caramel S
28m 20s
Download: MP4 1024x576 702mb

Running her hands down her sun kissed body, she lets her fingers explore her smooth shaved vagina, delicately playing with her labia she slides a finger inside...

A day outdoors at the beach with Caramel, we explore the beautiful scenery before we follow her down to relax on the beach. Undressing her slender, tanned body she exposes her pert breasts and round bum to the elements.

VIDEO | 28 Oct 2013 Kyna D
31m 57s
Download: MP4 1024x576 787mb
Hairy armpits

Sultry and seductive Kyna undresses her petite body, illuminated by the cold Autumn light she exposes her large breasts, full bush and under-arm hair.

Her big green eyes look up through her curly brunette hair, her eyes locked her hands glides over her large breasts towards her nipple, grabbing the skin she squeezes tightly. Her other hand grips onto her full bush as her fingers run through her long thick pubic hair hair.



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VIDEO | 01 Nov 2013 Lia
16m 38s
Download: MP4 1024x576 441mb
Undressing and spreading

Timidly undressing her petite body, Lia hides herself away, teasing and flirting as she removes more and more clothing.

Moving down to the floor she moves and stretches as she touches her warm, tanned skin. Sliding her hands around her body she opens her legs, her smooth shaved vulva open and fully visible!

VIDEO | 04 Nov 2013 Lona
30m 19s
Download: MP4 1024x576 739mb
Brushing public hair

Red head Lona tickles her nipples with her hair and squeezes her big breasts while laying on the couch. She pulls her labia apart as she brushes her pubic hair revealing her clitoris and grabs the camera for self shoot.



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HD MP4 445MB 1920x1080 `11m`25s
Frieda’s making an occasion of her studio visit - looking absolutely beautiful in her romantic dress, greeting her body slowly, her hands a subtle movement under a seafroth of cotton. Deep breaths in, deep breaths out - Frieda’s pleasure is a hypnotic one, taking my attention, and holding it firmly on her every move.



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emster up close 1 by Emster 01 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<236MB] 1280x720 5m22s
Oh, Emster, I was already love-struck before you started disrobing, but this – naked but for your big sexy grey wooly socks – I can barely handle it. The intersection of cute and hot always brings me to my knees, and between that and Emster’s unique take on manual dexterity, I can hardly handle this Up Close.

clever girl 1 by Georgia_L 02 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<335MB] 1280x720 7m45s
Georgia looks like an artwork on those sheets, her pale blue shorts giving way to the most perfect pair of blue bikini panties I can imagine. But it’s purple, not blue, winning the colour wars today – as Georgia L turns her rabbit vibe upside down, using it to much greater effect than I had ever imagined, and leading me to wonder – why didn’t I ever think of this??

three's a charm 3 by Lilley 03 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<294MB] 1280x720 6m43s
Appropriate that this series should have a third entry – after all, what is more Lilley-like than even more orgasms? I love her makeshift dildos because they’re kind of everywhere – from big thick art pens to fat carrots luxuriously slathered in melted coconut oil – Lilley’s sex is just like this, grateful and happy, a big appetite, coming home for a queen’s feast.



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another world 2 by Bina 04 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<306MB] 1280x720 7m45s
I love the way Bina explores her body, her little moans punctuating each touch as if to mark a new discovery. She’s so generous with her vulva, touching all over, letting her fingers rub different parts before returning to that one perfect spot, to get the stimulation she needs to bring herself home.

in the mood by Ellie_K 05 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<295MB] 1280x720 7m10s
IFM always looks gorgeous, but once in awhile, we really turn up the drama, don’t we? I love this shoot aesthetic, almost consistently fixed frame, the colouring, the mood – and Ellie, stunningly confident in frame, especially at the end. Oh, those eyes.

a lot of give 1 by Natushcha 06 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<576MB] 1280x720 13m43s
I am so excited to extend a super warm IFM welcome to Natushcha today. Her deep-held confidence and experience flows into a sensuality which commands my attention effortlessly, holding me riveted to watch her as she slowly, lusciously takes herself to exactly where she wants to go.



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sex symbol 3 by Bobbi_J 07 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<407MB] 1280x720 13m43s
Bobbi keeps up the glamour, even without her clothes to style her – she is suffused with glamour, glamour incarnated. I’m taken again by the way she licks and sucks at her wrist as she moves seductively through her own foreplay, revving up every part of her sensual body in for the finish.

emster up close 2 by Emster 08 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<243MB] 1280x720 6m8s
I always get excited to watch Emster, and seeing her reach for a toy this time made things extra interesting. While the intricacies of the stimulation differs, her process stays similar – so internal, as if in sleep, until her orgasm washes over her like the tide. Breathy, restless, and saturated in feeling.

public spaces by Liandra Dahl 09 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<369MB] 1280x720 8m2s
Oh, Liandra in public – can you just imagine for a second, just walking past, and seeing Her? I can’t help but apply the capital honorific here – Liandra is goddess, in the gentle breeze, under the warm sun, taking space space, so confident and sensual in public – she deserves to be worshipped. Just like that.



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viva's video diary 3.1 by Viva 10 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<656MB] 1280x720 15m34s
If there were emoji in these captions, you bet it’d be a nice row of the big eyed blushing faces here in lieu of any text – I think diary Viva has said quite enough! Welcome to my third diary series, my friends, filmed last year, during a time in which I was lonely, grieving, healing - and markedly, not getting laid. Be ready, my loves – this one’s not for the faint of heart.

slide in 2 by Rita_J 11 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<186MB] 1280x720 4m12s
I feel like lube is usually reserved for play which is coded a bit “extra” – when we indulge in our toys, or have penetrative sex – anything past the usual Sunday morning wank behaviour. So I really like how Rita gets all lubed up just for her own hands, just for pleasure’s sake – for no other reason but to feel extra good.



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woman's work 1 by Junipur 12 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<186MB] 1280x720 7m39s
I can just imagine this idea building in Junipur’s mind, her thoughts drifting further each time she does the washing up. Finally she’s ready to take on the task, putting in the hard work required to find the perfect angle, get the flow just right, and maintain any position, regardless of comfort, to get that sweet feeling. A woman’s work, after all, is never done.


exhaustive 1 by Catherine 13 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<342MB] 1280x720 7m42s
I can’t get enough of Catherine’s sweet, luscious rubbing through her clothes, as she feels herself up like a much-awaited date on prom night. She’s so attentive with her breasts and belly, leaving no erogenous zone untended – and that attention to detail really pays off in the end.



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minimalism by Dakota 14 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<341MB] 1280x720 7m21s
Dakota’s minimalist bedroom gives this homemade such a clean and precise feel – floating on the surface of those neutral tones and crisp lines, Dakotas gradual unraveling stands out, her arousal growing out of the bounds of order and control, until she brims right over.

winter is coming 3 by Mew 15 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<275MB] 1280x720 6m38s
“Such a pretty pussy,” says Mew, going on to love Mae up even more… and aren’t we lucky, to be provided just the close-up we need in order to properly agree. Mew’s consistent murmurs of narration and appreciation are so hot, too, as she slowly and confidently takes Mae to yet another climax.



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VIDEO | 08 Nov 2013 Belen
20m 38s
Download: MP4 1024x576 540mb
Licking her own nipple

Belen's tounge reaches out towards her breast, heading for her nipple. Licking all around, her arousal is evident from the height her nipple grows to!

Belen pulls down her dress, exposing her bum. The fabric of her underwear gathers in her bum crack, emphasizing her perfect ass. She exposes her full bush which is barely covered by her lace knickers. Her fingers pull at the sides of her labia, exposing the most intimate parts. With one leg extended, she pushes her fingers deep inside herself, stimulating her vagina.

VIDEO | 11 Nov 2013 Sicilia Solo
33m 35s
Download: MP4 1024x576 844mb
Spreading labia

Sicilia's wet, white t-shirt clings to her pert breasts and soft tanned skin.

Slowly undressing her svelte and sculpted body she reveals her smoothly shaven vulva, her peachy round bum and exposed goose-bumped skin. Running her fingers over and around her vagina, she pulls her labia apart to show the soft pink wetness between.

VIDEO | 15 Nov 2013 Laura P
27m 3s
Download: MP4 1024x576 698mb
Anal play

Naked in nature! Follow the beautiful Australian Laura as she takes us on some sexy self-shot mini adventures in and out of her stunning home.

Undressing her slim, athletic body she shows off her small, pert breasts and sun kissed blonde hair. Teasing whilst she plays with herself Laura gets a few of her favorite toys out. Laying on the bed she uses a toy on both her clitoris for some anal play!



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VIDEO | 18 Nov 2013 Muna
26m 29s
Download: MP4 1024x576 666mb
Body painting

Dark skin Muna pulls her bra off and grope her large breast squeezing them making her nipples hard. listening to her music excited she dances in her panties teasing with her sexy poses.

Using her toothpaste she draws on her body and brushes her teeth letting the froth fill her mouth and drip from her juicy lips onto her breasts.

VIDEO | 22 Nov 2013 Adelle
43m 10s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1055mb
Self measurement

Standing naked, Adelle runs her hands over her slender, toned body, slipping through her full bush her fingers slowly start to enter her wet vagina.

Undressing and teasing with her amazing shaped body Adelle stares longingly and suggestively as she plays with herself. Exploring her pert breasts, long legs and natural body she lets you watch!

VIDEO | 25 Nov 2013 Anja B
22m 36s
Download: MP4 1024x576 580mb
Flexible nude dancing

Pulling her legs apart slowly, only her toes touching the floor Anja B stretches on her sofa giving us a peekaboo of her underwear that is worn out from years of use.

This short haired, flexible lady with a nice bum crawls from the chair to the window and on the floor doing some splits and and dances nude into the worm sunlight.



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VIDEO | 29 Nov 2013 Adeline
25m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 620mb
Two fingers inside

Pale skin Adeline's panties are stained from natural wetness as she touches her inverted nipples and slips her fingers inside her.

She gives a tour of her body with her hands, sticking her perfect ass out and playing with her hairy labia on the couch.

VIDEO | 02 Dec 2013 Uma J
34m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 786mb
Ginger pubic hair

Peeling off her white lace bra she exposes her full breasts and pale pink nipples.

Undressing the rest of her petite body, she shows her pert bum and little trimmed bush of pubes. Pulling her labia apart she shows the soft pink inside.



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VIDEO | 06 Dec 2013 Rose D
23m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 583mb
Nude at the beach

Rose's stunning, naked hour-glass figure illuminates a grey and rainy Amsterdam day!

Running through the streets, undressing in the car and playing naked on the beach, this shoot is a whirlwind! The cold winds whip her curly black hair over her goose bumped skin and pert breasts. The rain drops snaking their way through her full bush as she ditches her clothes and umbrella in the sand

VIDEO | 09 Dec 2013 Daisy B
33m 33s
Download: MP4 1024x576 788mb

Daisy B's short dress get lifted up as she looks out the window giving us a peek of her sexy panties, which soon she pulls to the side revealing her immaculate vulva.

She teases with her smile and show off her perfect ass sticking it out as she gets on fours. Daisy twists her nipples and pulls her meaty lips sliding her fingers inside herself.



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VIDEO | 17 Apr 2023 Cara & Giada
15m 47s
Download: MP4 4K (1.1G)
Quivering together

"Can you teach me how to say a few words in Italian?" bubbly American Cara asks her new friend Giada, who is happy to share her language. Cara wants to know all the sexy words, beginning with "boobs" ("tette" in Italian) and "pussy" ("patatina", because "it's like a little potato!" Giada explains). The girls laugh delightedly during the vocabulary lesson, then are excited to show each other the body parts they're discussing. Cara lowers her tiny dress to rub her nipples, while giving an upskirt peek at her knickers, and topless Giada slips her hand down her gym shorts, to rub between her legs.

The girls whip off their panties together with bright smiles, and Giada gets on all fours to massage her clit, while resting her head next to Cara's bare shoulder. Wearing nothing but her sexy glasses, Cara lovingly strokes her silky-smooth pussy as her arousal builds. "Oh, oh, I'm gonna cum!" she moans, and her entire body tenses and writhes with incredibly intense pleasure. Soon after, Giada's breathing gets heavier, and Cara watches her orgasm with a cheeky grin. "Do you want to cuddle a little bit?" Cara asks. Giada wraps her arms around her in a sweet embrace, and they settle in for a well-earned nap.



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LOOSE END 0250 BY AMY_T17 APR 2023
HD MP4 75MB 1920x1080 `2m`05s
Oh beautiful Amy, caught in a moment of total abandon - self-love, music love, movement love, kitty-cat love - all the best feelings in the world. It’s such a pleasure to get a glimpse of a dancer on her own, off the stage, free from choreography. Just immersed in the joy of her body.



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rachel g upclose 1 by Rachel_G 16 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<229MB] 1280x720 5m19s
Rachel_G returns "Up Close" today, sporting a new pubic look that suits her anatomy perfectly. I'm told that during the shoot, when we commented on how the light was picking up her beautiful curves and contrasting her flat tummy, she was excited - "people often compliment my body, but I think I'm too skinny", was her response. Body image can be a complicated thing, but to us this is simple - Rachel is just another version of Perfect.

viva's video diary 3.2 by Viva 17 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<640MB] 1280x720 13m40s
It’s so strange – when I filmed these I remember being frustrated because I didn’t feel like they were enough somehow – I remember sending the camera back to Feck and feeling disappointed that I hadn’t quite captured… something. What the hell was I worried about? God damn. Every single bit of me. It’s all right there...

good giving 2 by Natushcha 18 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<349MB] 1280x720 13m40s
Natushcha is generous with the lube, generous with her strokes, generous with her time – she’s just abundance, overflowing with space and time and energy for herself. There’s a kind of delirious loop of self-care – when giving and receiving flow to and from the same source, there are no limits. The more you give, the more you have to give.



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woman's work 2 by Junipur 19 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<212MB] 1280x720 6m28s
Junipur’s work is well and truly finished, and it’s on to the best part – her reward. Get it girl! Never mind that the ‘work’ was just a more athletic version of the reward – where pizza, wine, and orgasms are concerned, it’s all very serious stuff, and Junipur’s earned as much as she can handle.

colour of magic 1 by Lucy_P 20 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<282MB] 1280x720 6m34s
Lucy’s firey ginger locks put me in mind of Scottish folk tales, fae and wild things. The sexual current which runs through her as she feels into her process seems to expand and contract, pulsing, as if the feeling itself were alive, saturating in magic.

sky rise 1 by Anastasia_L 21 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<168MB] 1280x720 4m25s
You know a series is going to be good when it opens with a moment of perfection, and a view like this: Anastasia, statuesque as she stands in perfect silhouette before the epic sweep of glass between her and the sky, oh so casually adjusting those beautiful high socks. Even Howard Roark would be brought to his knees.



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jay elle up close 1 by Jay_Elle 22 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<242MB] 1280x720 6m59s
I always get kind of bemused when people refer to a character trait like “that special something” or “indescribable” – or to a feeling by saying, “you just know it when you feel it”. But now I feel like I’ve joined those ranks. The minute I see Jay Elle, it’s all I can think – she’s just got it. And there’s no other way to explain.

clever girl 2 by Georgia_L 23 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<300MB] 1280x720 6m59s
I have to wonder if Georgia figured out this trick by herself, just needing that extra stimulation and naturally finding it already attached to her toy? Her toy just twisting around in the course of deep penetration and sinking in for that DP? Or else maybe she read about it, and had to try it out – maybe if we are super lucky, she’ll come tell us…

viva's video diary 3.3 by Viva 24 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<261MB] 1280x720 6m59s
This is hilarious to me because it’s so part of my world – masturbation “quickies” make me late all the time, to the point where I started scheduling orgasms in to my morning activities. And if I take too long at home and the time rolls into afternoon, I pretty much know I’m going to want another one before I leave the house. I just pretty much always want more.



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exhaustive 2 by Catherine 25 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<361MB] 1280x720 8m25s
I’ve missed Catherine since she hasn’t been around – one of those extra-special debut contributors that stay in my mind, making me anticipate their next video. The way she looks up at and deep into the overhead camera, too, gives me chills. Before her video is over, I feel myself wishing to see her again.

animated by Mylah 26 Aug 2017
HD MP4 [<351MB] 1280x720 8m5s
I think most of us have been down this path before – doing literally anything at your work desk somehow leads to tumblr, and then, between the inspirational quotes and the cute character sketches – there they are. Those tantalizing, hypnotizing gifs, focusing on tiny, intensely erotic moments, playing them over, and over, and over… well. I’ll let Mylah demonstrate what happens next.
