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VIDEO | 22 Jul 2013 Bisera Solo
11m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 308mb
Long labia

Bisera gently slides her finger into her underwear, pulling it along the curves of her bum. Standing in the middle of a green path she slips down her underwear, exposing her petite bum.

Bisera playfully touches her neckline while her legs stretch apart, fleshing us with her upskirt. Moving deeper into the forest she starts getting more adventurous, exposing her meaty lips and small breasts. Feeling comfortable she walks along a fallen tree, watching the whole time by her reflection in the water.

VIDEO | 26 Jul 2013 Liz C
25m 26s
Download: MP4 1024x576 666mb
Naked in socks

Sliding the strap of her bra from her shoulder, Liz exposes her small breasts and touches them. With a grin Liz finds a fun way to get through the daily chore of ironing. With her friendly smile she tackles the problem, her tight jeans revealing the shape of her bottom as she bends forwards. Slowly she starts to get naked, starting with her petite waste. Feeling more comfortable, she pulls apart her slender legs and exposes her most intimate part. Reaching forwards she pulls a man's shirt from the laundry basket, wrapping it around her shoulders as if she were a present.

VIDEO | 29 Jul 2013 Belen Solo
27m 9s
Download: MP4 1024x576 768mb
Masturbating in public

Belen packs her bathing suit and heads out to the bush to explore a small beautiful creek. She slowly undresses and reveals her slim and sexy body. Her bathing top wraps tightly around her small firm breasts and tight round bum. She splashes around playfully in the water. Full of energy and exuberance Belen plays cheekily. She takes out lotion and rubs it into her feet and toes. Certainly a set for the foot fetish enthusiasts as she displays her flexibility by sucking her own toes. Then the touching starts to become more sexual as Belen reveals her bush and slowly enters her inside inside, pulling them out only to sell and taste herself.



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VIDEO | 02 Aug 2013 Sadie
45m 38s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1122mb
Pulling labia

Soft light pours over Sadie's full breasts, her wild underarm hair and illuminates her coy, seductive smile.

Removing the clothes from her soft skin, exposes her dark, full bush of hair. Running her fingers through the thick hair she feels her own wetness, pulling her labia apart she slips in her fingers.

VIDEO | 05 Aug 2013 Reina Solo
20m 57s
Download: MP4 1024x576 563mb
Naked latina

Reina's fingers squeezed the bottom of her top, lifting it to expose her young breasts. Her breast are held snug in her bra, her dark eyes sparkle and observe from behind her glasses. After presenting her cooking skills, Reina starts to slowly expose her soft skin. Her hand touches her tummy, sliding towards to her hairy thighs. With one finger sneaking under her knicker, she pulls them to one side revealing her hairy intimate parts. Going even further, she grabs her labia, pulling it apart to expose her pink vagina.

VIDEO | 09 Aug 2013 Evelina Solo 2
12m 15s
Download: MP4 1024x576 333mb
Puffy nipples

Evelina walks naked trough the forest. Spreading her legs she stands on a tree trunk, exposing more of her intimate bits. Evelina walks in the park, getting deeper into the forest, where slowly, behind the trees, she starts taking off her clothes! Her young ripe breasts gently rub against the bark as she squeezes her nipples against the branch of a tree. Like a wiled cat she traverses through nature. She crouches with her legs wide apart, exposing her natural full bush before suddenly peeing over the green grass.



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VIDEO | 12 Aug 2013 Gia Solo
23m 18s
Download: MP4 1024x576 583mb
Spreading in forest

Spreading her full bush, and pulling her pink lips apart Gia plays with herself as she undresses on the forest floor. Outdoors by herself and alone with her guitar, Gia likes to find the time to explore her own body in such a natural environment. Totally naked and free of her clothes she picks her guitar back up and enjoys the solitude.

VIDEO | 16 Aug 2013 Alex K Solo 2 - Backstage
21m 55s
Download: MP4 1024x576 606mb
Soapy Breasts

Warm soap water flows through soaked pubic hair and soft labia as Alex explores herself in the shower.

Running her hands and the shower head over her pink, open vagina she lifts her leg up. Her slim, tanned body glistens with wetness, water cascading off her breasts and toned, round bum.



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VIDEO | 19 Aug 2013 Poppy C Solo
31m 7s
Download: MP4 1024x576 777mb
Bicycle upskirt

With no pants on the wind blows up Poppy's skirt as she cycles along through the Dutch countryside.

Stopping on a secluded park bench she starts to fully undress, letting her hands wander over her body and explore her figure, breasts and full bush. The prospect of touching herself outside obviously gets her extremely turned on! Pushing her fingers deeper inside herself she grins with the naughty feeling of pleasure.

VIDEO | 23 Aug 2013 Lucie L
31m 55s
Download: MP4 1024x576 807mb
Deep inside herself

Hot wax drips over Lucie's large, pert breasts as she explores her natural and naked body!

Grabbing a hand full of her breasts she slowly pushes her fingers deep inside herself. Raising her leg onto the draws besides her she pushes deeper into herself, her mouth hovering open with pleasure.



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HD MP4 [<372MB] 1280x720 9m18s
Bee's generous attention to her labia and vulva take on an extra charged eroticism here, as we see her get started by working herself with two hands. Laying on your side is such a sweet and comfy position when it comes to sex - it's nice to be reminded that it can be so good for masturbation, too.

sunny delight 2 by Aria_W 17 Jun 2017
HD MP4 [<246MB] 1280x720 9m18s
Sunbathing is a bit of a complicated thing. It’s not good to nap, because you don’t want to get burned. Reading casts a weird shadow, and anyway your arms get tired. Listening to music or podcasts is good, but gets boring after a while – which brings us to Aria. She’s really figured this one out.

rhapsodomancy 1 by Anastasia_L 18 Jun 2017
HD MP4 [<247MB] 1280x720 6m0s
I’m enamored of Anastasia’s classic look, with her long beautiful russet hair and demure button downs and high socks. Her masturbation style reminds me somehow of IFM of days past as well, as she stretches herself long out on the studio bed, and finds that sweet release.



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indulgentem 1 by Georgia_L 19 Jun 2017
HD MP4 [<304MB] 1280x720 7m19s
Georgia is pure beauty, blonde and pale in this sweet clean morning light. I have a special place of affection for shoots like these, which invoke the feeling of a lazy weekend morning – there’s just nothing better than an affluence of time to oneself, dedicated purely to decadent, delirious self-indulgence.

stretch tension 3 by kali_r 20 Jun 2017
HD MP4 [<331MB] 1280x720 8m46s
I love the pillow talk portion of cozy duets – so sexy and so informational. I’ve heard this discussed on the forum before, so I know at least some of you love this particular topic. Kali and Charlotte are both women who stretch their legs and toes at orgasm, and now we get to find out about this trait. In detail.

selador's video diary 3 by Selador 22 Jun 2017
HD MP4 [<361MB] 1280x720 7m43s
I can’t get enough of voiceovers in video diaries – I always anticipate them, look forward to them. Selador starts telling her story around the 1:25 mark, and the content of it, so sweetly and confidently related, intertwined with the super-sexy visual of her, just makes this entry shine.



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held fast 2 by Violet_D 23 Jun 2017
HD MP4 [<338MB] 1280x720 7m51s
Whenever I use a vibrator, it’s almost impossible for me to stop before I come – the intensity of that strong vibration is kind of addictive. Still, I prefer the orgasm I get with my hands. It’s complicated, ok?! I admire Violet here, as a bit of self-control allows her to have the very best of both worlds.

risk by Fleur_A 24 Jun 2017
HD MP4 [<257MB] 1280x720 5m19s
Fleur was very enthusiastic about doing a public shoot - it's her favourite thing, and the presence of the dog owner nearby was far from a hindrance; it's what makes this so exciting for her. And it's by no means the first time she's taken this risk, according to the stories she tells.

sangen 1 by Celine_H 25 Jun 2017
HD MP4 [<243MB] 1280x720 6m20s
Is there anything that comes from Sweden that isn't well put together, while looking absolutely sensational? Husqvarna, Hasselblad, Saab... well, there is Ikea I guess - but at least it's functional. Celine is quite possibly their best export since the Koenigsegg, and we are honoured to be graced with her presence.



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indulgentem 2 by Georgia_L 26 Jun 2017
HD MP4 [<300MB] 1280x720 7m8s
It's funny - I'm sure that we all have 'types', or however you want to say it. Visual aspects of people, actions, facial expressions - just details that drive us wild, which wouldn't necessarily have the same effect on someone else. For me, Georgia_L just keeps hitting that spot - and so without being able to say exactly why, I find myself falling half in love.

HD MP4 [<187MB] 1280x720 4m22s
Sensuous and relaxing, Kali and Charlotte are just laying back now, getting themselves off, reaching out here and there for a stroke. I love their chorus of moans, the well-timed close-ups - and especially after their chat last time, I love watching the muscles in their legs and thighs, as they stretch and tense themselves their best, most intense orgasms.



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HD MP4 [<308MB] 1280x720 7m52s
It's rare to see Nazz laying down - she's quickly become known as our champion of standing masturbation - but honestly, it's a bit lovely to watch her take her pleasure relaxedly, in bed. Standing up can be hot, but when it comes to evoking all the subtleties of orgasmic potential, comfort is kind of essential.

HD MP4 [<418MB] 1280x720 9m2s
I like seeing Selador get closer to the camera, giving us that uniquely awesome diary feeling - something between a still-frame scene and a selfie. But my favourite thing about this entry is the context - two weeks since she had an orgasm! Get it girl. Get it hard.

HD MP4 [<197MB] 1280x720 4m57s
It feels to me in these moments that Anastasia can barely contain the universe of sensation inside her body - even before orgasm she writhes and twists, overwhelmed. And as all things do, it comes in waves - her trembling reactions ebbing and mounting in intensity, dynamic and riveting as she moves through that ocean of feeling.



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HD MP4 522MB 1920x1080 `13m`35s
Mmm... is there anything more classically Melbourne than the ding ding of a tram? We hear that sound every 10 minutes or so, so often that it just gets filtered out - especially when you’re distracted. And there’s not a lot more distracting than our own lovely Lylac, of Liandra Dahl lap dance fame - on her own this time, showing off her urban digs. And a few other things.



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HD MP4 602MB 1920x1080 `15m`55s
With all we know of June by now, can you imagine her favourite things in bed? I have some guesses… but I’d rather hear her tell me. June just has a way with description, tripping lightly over a joyful stream of words, getting dirtier and dirtier as she shivers under the power of her own imagination. Until she simply can’t speak anymore.



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VIDEO | 14 Feb 2022 Ciara D & Dalilah
27m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (476M)
Touching friend

Sultry Aussie Ciara introduces curly-haired Italian Dalilah to the wonders of her massage ball, rubbing it across her shoulders, until she sighs contentedly. They caress each other's soft skin, then begin touching themselves over their clothes, with knowing smiles. "You're too pretty, how can I not get naked in front of you?..." Ciara giggles, slipping off her pyjama bottoms and t-shirt, revealing her perky nipples. Dalilah's robe falls away, and they both explore the softness of their friend's breasts, before pulling down their panties. Then, they eagerly open their legs, giving each other a perfect view of what comes next.

"Do you like watching people play with themselves?" Ciara asks, her eyes sparkling. Dalilah nods happily and replies: "Seeing how someone is cumming is super-exciting!". They each indulge in the beautiful sight of blissed-out faces and vigorous stroking of smooth vulvas. Ciara teases her anus while rubbing her clit, while Dalilah glides her finger between her meaty labia. "You have such a pretty pussy!" Ciara sighs, and Dalilah exclaims: "Thank you, you too!". They struggle to stay on the edge to keep watching, until their overwhelming arousal explodes into breathy simultaneous orgasms. Dalilah's goes on much longer, and Ciara watches in awe, then rolls the soothing massage ball along her friend's inner thighs.

VIDEO | 21 Feb 2022 Serafina
20m 21s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (350M)
Inserting fingers

Serafina is studying on the couch, when her body lets her know it's time for a break. She begins by caressing her neck and drawing her fingertips up and down her arms, and the tingly sensations lead her to settle back into the pillows to go further. She holds up her top with her teeth, to massage her bare breasts with one hand, while the other strokes between her legs, over her trousers. Soon, she's wearing only her knickers, rubbing circles through the silky fabric, and sighing contentedly.

Serafina slips her hand down her panties and plunges her fingers into her pussy, as sticky sounds of arousal mix with her breathy cries. At long last, she gets completely undressed with her legs wide open, so we can admire her skill at fulfilling her sexual needs. Stroking her clit, while two fingers slide in and out of her fleshy vulva, Serafina's moans get more intense until she reaches a satisfying orgasm. Her face flushes pink, her bare toes curl up, and her body succumbs to electric jolts of pleasure. Refreshed and energised, she puts her clothes back on and returns to her book.

VIDEO | 28 Feb 2022 Dalilah
22m 04s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (379M)
Using her panties

Dalilah looks cosy under the covers, scrolling through her phone and listening to music, with her dazzling curls piled atop her head, on the pillows. Her hands drift under her t-shirt to cuddle her breasts, and across her warm thighs, as she gets excited. She whips off the sheet to uncover her turquoise panties, then playfully tugs them so they rub against her clit and get wrapped up in her fleshy labia. After pulling down the delicate fabric, she continues to use it to stroke between her legs, moaning softly. Then, she decides that her fingers are the best way to get the pleasure she needs.

Dalilah spreads out her perfectly smooth pussy lips, so they resemble pink flower petals, while massaging circles on her anus. Inserting her fingers into her vagina, she thrusts them in and out, and the sticky sounds of her arousal mix with her heavy breathing, as her excitement builds. Arching her back and crying out in ecstasy for about three minutes straight, her climax washes over her in cascading waves. Once she's returned to reality, Dalilah keeps her legs wide open, so we can admire her satisfied pussy, while she caresses her nude body all over.



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VIDEO | 07 Mar 2022 Adriana E & Gizela
40m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (698mb)
Watching friend

Gizela is inspired by Adriana's graceful beauty, and asks if she can decorate her shoulders and neck with paint. Adriana sweetly offers to take off her halter top, and sits topless in jeans, so her pert breasts can be adorned with pink and purple stripes. "I'm your canvas!" she exclaims, then takes the brush to paint Gizela's face and nipples as well. "Your hands are so beautiful! Pianist hands" Gizela swoons, admiring Adriana's elegant long fingers. "Hands for masturbating!" she replies, as they both giggle. The girls then rub between each other's thighs over clothes, guided by their friend's fingers to the spots that feel best.

"Welcome to my masturbation party!" Adriana playfully announces, and the festivities really heat up when they slip off their panties. Adriana gets aroused by sniffing Gizela's armpit, and they nestle their faces close, while stroking their hairy pussies. Adriana's fingers become creamy with girlcum as she locks her eyes between Gizela's legs and whispers: "so pretty!". With two fingers deep inside, while rubbing her clit, Gizela reaches a blissfully intense orgasm, which Adriana watches with a sparkling smile. As they caress each other all over, Gizela comes up with the perfect title for the sexy artwork they created together: "Two colourful bodies with the smell of vagina!"

VIDEO | 14 Mar 2022 Gina S
24m 35s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (422M)
Deep anal penetration

Gina is excited to spend the afternoon in bed enjoying two of her favourite things: eating strawberries and indulging in deep anal penetration. After happily munching her way through a bowl of the juicy fruit, she tugs at her tight top to free her lush breasts. Just before they bounce into view, she flashes an adorable grin, which will return whenever she does something cheeky. Gina's floral print leggings and panties come off next, uncovering the tampon string between her labia. Bending over, she lubes up her fingers and plunges as many of them as possible into her anus.

On all fours with her hips in the air, Gina's face lights up with a dimpled smile as she inserts a thick butt plug. She whimpers from the intense stimulation, and when she feels warmed up, she removes the bejewelled toy and pushes a glass dildo all the way into her peachy bottom. Gina vigorously slides the shaft in and out, losing control and exploding with ecstatic moans. She gazes seductively into the camera as she's overcome with pleasure, then relaxes with her legs open. She catches her breath, thoroughly satisfied from her anal orgasm, achieved despite having barely touched her smooth pussy.

VIDEO | 21 Mar 2022 Larisa
22m 42s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (389.8 MB)
Pink dildo

Brunette Larisa gazes at her reflection in the full-length mirror, while applying face cream and lip balm, and brushing her flowing hair. Once her beauty routine is complete, her urges take over. She caresses her chest over her shirt, then slips it off and lowers her bra, giving both bare breasts gentle squeezes. Her skirt falls away next, and she murmurs excitedly as she strokes over her pink panties. When she can't resist any longer, she pulls them down and spreads her long legs, ready to lavish her pussy with loving attention.

Larisa licks her fingers and starts touching herself, as soft moans escape her lips. Then she reaches for a little pink dildo, sensually sucks it, and settles in to masturbate. She spreads her fuzzy pubic hair and opens her vulva, so that the toy can rub directly against her sensitive clit. She alternates between perching on her knees to stroke with her eyes shut tight, and reclining with her legs wide open so that she can look down at her pussy glowing with arousal. Larisa appears to be just on the cusp of orgasm for minutes on end, until at long last, she moans "Oh fuck, oh fuck!" and doubles over, engulfed in pleasure.



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VIDEO | 04 Apr 2022 Dalilah & Flo
01h 02m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1.1 GB)
Touching friend

Dalilah and Flo work on a colouring book, while discussing their passion for sport. After Dalilah confesses that sweaty bodies at the gym make her horny, the girls giggle and share their favourite sexual fantasies. Flo imagines herself and another girl as playful kittens, while Dalilah dreams about being rescued by handsome firemen. Deeply aroused, they can't keep their hands off each other, and Flo strips off Dalilah's dress to caress her chest. "They're so soft! I'm amazed every time I touch boobs", Flo sighs. She removes her panties, then cheekily pulls down Dalilah's to admire her smooth pussy, and they're ready to masturbate together.

"This is so intimate! You feel observed", Flo proclaims as they watch each other stroke. "It's very sexy and exciting when you see somebody else cumming!", Dalilah agrees. The girls resolve to help maximise their friend's pleasure, and Flo lovingly suckles one of Dalilah's nipples, while cuddling the other. Dalilah moans to a powerful climax and Flo keeps worshipping her chest, until the last trembling aftershocks subside. Then, Dalilah turns all her attention to Flo, kissing her neck and nibbling her earlobe, until she announces her blissful orgasm. "The next time someone asks me how I like to masturbate, I'll say, with someone else!" Flo declares, as they sweetly snuggle with their legs open.

VIDEO | 18 Apr 2022 Alexandra T & Delfine
32m 33s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (559.1 MB)
Watching friend

From the moment Alexandra and Delfine begin chatting about their masturbation techniques and shared love of multiple orgasms, it's clear that they feel very comfortable together, and excited to explore. "Should we continue the conversation with our shirts off?", Alexandra asks with a cheeky grin, and they eagerly caress each other's bare breasts. Delfine looks so lovely sitting topless in jeans, that Alexandra can't resist playfully leaning over to unbutton her trousers. Once they're nude, the girls admire the contrast between Alexandra's silky-smooth pussy and Delfine's neat bush, then get lost in dreamy arousal, as they touch themselves.

"It's like having real live porn in front of you!", Alexandra giggles. "This is the best way to masturbate" Delfine replies. She climaxes first, tensing up as she's overcome with a burst of pure pleasure, then watches Alexandra's blissful release with a dazzling smile. The girls agree that masturbating together is a brilliant way to meet a new person, and make plans to start doing it on first dates. "Do you want to do one more orgasm?" Alexandra asks, and Delfine is thrilled. They get so turned on gazing between each other's open legs, that they cum very quickly, at the exact same time. "It feels like we've been friends for years now!" Alexandra exclaims, and Delfine beams happily at her in the afterglow.

VIDEO | 02 May 2022 Dalilah & Serafina
28m 47s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (494.4 MB)
Naughty friends

Dalilah and Serafina do stretching exercises together, and discuss how being athletic enhances their sex life. "I think it makes people very horny when you're flexible, and they can do whatever they want with you!" Dalilah exclaims, and Serafina eagerly agrees. They slip off their tops and begin exploring each other's bodies, caressing bare breasts and toned abs. As they touch between their legs, Dalilah shares how much she enjoys masturbating with other people. With knowing smiles, they whip off their panties at the same time, and revel in the enticing sight of their new friend stroking her pussy.

The girls reveal that they can both have multiple orgasms, which gives them a goal. "The sexiest thing is to see your partner cumming!" Dalilah sighs. "It really is! Orgasm faces can be so silly looking, but they're always so hot, and fully authentic", Serafina agrees. With their legs wide open and their fingers vigorously rubbing their clits, the girls look deep into each other's eyes, and moan to a blissful shared climax. "Can you cum again?" Serafina giggles. "Let's see!" Dalilah says, and they quickly reach simultaneous orgasms once more, then beam at each other with satisfied smiles.



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VIDEO | 16 May 2022 Gina S & Larisa
30m 01s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1.1G)
Watching friend

Over a relaxing cup of green tea, Gina and Larisa learn that they have lots in common. They both take pole dancing classes, and Larisa is delighted by Gina's demonstration of her twerking skills in tight shorts. They're also both deeply attracted to girls and have a special affinity for boobs, so they eagerly take off each other's tops and exchange gentle caresses. "You're so pretty!" Gina sighs, "Want to get a bit more naked?...". They're sweetly surprised to discover they have matching sea-foam green panties, but they're too horny to keep them on for long. Gina leans over to get a perfect view between Larisa's wide open legs and exclaims, "Wow, I like your pussy! It's very nice."

Giggling with excitement, the girls prepare for an invigorating masturbation session. Larisa is intrigued by Gina's love of anal stimulation, and watches enthralled as a colorful glass dildo slides in and out of her bum, and a tampon string jiggles between her legs. The girls face each other on all fours, and make steamy eye contact when Gina reaches an exhilarating orgasm. Incredibly aroused, Larisa lays back to stroke her pussy, and Gina helps her by massaging her thighs and nipples. When Larisa cries out with ecstatic moans, a beautiful smile floods Gina's face, and the girls hold each other close in a satisfied embrace.

VIDEO | 30 May 2022 Sienna G
17m 23s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (298.6 MB)
Dildo into wet vagina

Sienna gets cosy on the couch, in a robe adorned with stars and a pair of silky magenta panties. One hand slips between her legs, and while her busy fingers are visible through the transparent fabric, the robe falls open to reveal her perky breasts. It doesn't take Sienna long to realise that her masturbation session will be much more enjoyable without clothes. She reclines in the nude with her legs open, offering a perfect view of her fluffy bush, and each loving stroke she gives her pussy.

As Sienna rubs her excited clit, her dangling labia dance under her fingertips, and she sighs with building arousal. When she's ready to ramp up her pleasure, she pulls her thick dildo from under the pillows, lubes it up, and inhales deeply as it slides in. Sienna's devoted fans know that her orgasms are super-intense, and this time is no exception. Deep stimulation from the toy pushes her to powerful back-to-back climaxes, which leave her flushed bright red and trembling. In the afterglow, she keeps one hand comfortingly on her wet pussy, and reflects on her pleasure with her eyes closed, leading to a sweetly satisfied giggle.

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VIDEO | 13 Jun 2022 Roselina & Wendy T
32m 51s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (564.3 MB)
Quivering together

Sitting with their legs akimbo, to provide upskirt peeks at their panties, Roselina and Wendy try to guess each other's home countries, based on their accents. Wendy has travelled all the way from Australia to Amsterdam, while Roselina just dropped by from Belgium. The girls undress and confirm that they don't yet have spring tan lines. So they just hook their warm thighs together and admire their new friend's nude body. They laugh while coming up with names for their vaginas, and Wendy suggests they start a comedy podcast together. "We'd have a lot of listeners, talking about our pussies!" Roselina giggles.

The girls begin touching themselves, and chat about masturbation routines and porn preferences. They both have similar techniques, rubbing little circles on their clits with their eyes closed, dreamily lost in pleasure. Roselina cums first, her face lighting up with a bright smile amid soft cries of release. Then, she eagerly watches Wendy build to climax, her eyes darting from her friend's busy hand to her flushed face. Wendy throws her head back, as she's overcome with intense moans, and Roselina looks delighted. "When I orgasm, I feel like I could run five miles!" Roselina declares. "Are you serious? I just want a nap!" Wendy replies, laughing with disbelief.

VIDEO | 27 Jun 2022 Victoria R
20m 54s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (359.1 MB)
Multiple orgasms

Victoria searches through her closet, holding up combinations of t-shirts and trousers in the mirror, to see which looks best. She decides she can make better choices with fewer clothes on, and strips off her top to free her perky breasts, while cycling through more outfits. Eventually, she removes all of her clothes, spritzes lotion on her nude figure, and soothingly massages it into her skin. When her hands reach her immaculately smooth pussy, her lust ignites, and she treats herself to an epic masturbation session.

Victoria reclines on a mound of pillows on the floor, and opens her legs to provide a perfect view as she touches herself. Stroking her clit back and forth, so fast that her fingers become a blur, she whimpers emotionally as her pleasure builds. When it comes time to push herself over the edge, she plunges one finger deep inside, and tenses up as she cries out with blissful release. After she cums, Victoria's fingers scarcely leave her pussy before she begins chasing a second climax, then a third. All of her orgasms are thrillingly intense, and leave her face and chest flushed nearly the same shade as her purple hair. As she breathes deeply in the afterglow, a sweetly contented smile dances on her lips.



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VIDEO | 11 Jul 2022 Dee V
16m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (282.9 MB)

In her solo debut, Dee shared how much she adores masturbating, and how good it feels when she strokes her meaty labia. Now, she's invited us to watch her do it. She strolls into the room wearing tight denim shorts over lacy red teddy lingerie, and provides an enticing view of her round bum, as she bends over to water her plants. She settles in to read a book, but her erotic desires soon overwhelm her, and she begins rubbing between her legs and caressing her pert small breasts. So she quickly gets naked to focus completely on her pleasure.

Dee opens her legs so we can admire each loving stroke she gives her smooth vulva. She whimpers while sensually rubbing circles on clit, lost in ecstasy with her eyes closed. Dee's intense arousal is vividly illustrated by the creamy girlcum that drips from her pussy and runs down her inner thigh while she masturbates. Her moans build to an orgasmic cry of release that makes her whole body tremble. Then, she rubs the white fluid into her labia and gets dressed. Returning to her reading, she's better able to focus, now that her sexual needs have been satisfied.

VIDEO | 25 Jul 2022 Calina & Galina
28m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (496.0 MB)
Touching friend

Watching Calina and Galina discover and celebrate each other's bodies is equal parts adorably sweet and incandescently erotic. Calina begins by brushing Galina's bright red hair and caressing her shoulders, making her tremble with tingly excitement. Calina gently asks if she can remove Galina's tight tank top, then falls instantly in love with her marvelous big boobs. "Oh wow, you have amazing breasts! They're really gorgeous" she exclaims, squeezing the cuddly softness as Galina blushes and smiles. The girls sensually make their nipples kiss, then pull down each other's panties. Their eyes aglow, they enjoy the contrast between Galina's fluffy bush and Calina's silky-smooth vulva.

The girls spread their legs and hook them together, admiring wet pussies and sharing sexy stories. Galina recalls using a Bluetooth vibrator on the metro, and they both reveal how excited they are to pleasure themselves with a beautiful girl. They hold hands against Galina's warm inner thigh, as they start stroking. "It's much easier to masturbate with someone than I expected!" Galina giggles. "You're my source of inspiration!" Calina replies. As they plunge fingers deep inside, their breasts bounce and flush pink. Moaning and building off each other's arousal, the girls cum at the same time, crying out with intense orgasmic release. "That was powerful!" Calina sighs, and they snuggle up in a satisfied embrace.



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 14 Apr 2023 Moona & Rita L
40m 47s
Download: MP4 4K (3.27G)
Girls kissing

Moona gets deeply aroused by Rita's hands rubbing lotion into her bare feet, so she leans over to sweetly kiss her friend's forehead, then reaches down her shirt to squeeze her boobs. The girls are soon making out topless, with their hard nipples rubbing together, and Rita bends Moona over, to peel off her tight shorts and stroke between her legs. Moona responds by pulling down Rita's bright yellow panties, so they can nibble the wet fabric together, before moving into a steamy 69. As eager tongues massage sensitive clits, both girls moan with delight.

Moona wants to explore all of Rita's soft curves, and rubs her silky smooth vulva against her friend's thighs and tummy. That leads into sensual tribbing, as the girls press their soles against each other's bare breasts, and Rita passionately sucks Moona's toes. Nestling her face between Rita's open legs, Moona lovingly penetrates her hairy pussy with four fingers, and watches with joy as she cums. Completely in sync with each other's needs, the girls snuggle up in passionate embrace, and masturbate each other orgasm, while kissing.



Senior Member
Dec 19, 2016
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Party Frolics 87

This Bar Crawl started early and finished late with lots of good girls going bad on the dance floor! A variety of girls of all different shapes and sizes take part in the Wet T-Shirt Competition… enjoy!

reality, public, amateur, striptease, flashing,

File Name : PF87.mp4
File Size : 1.6 GB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:26:58

Download k2s.cc - PF87.zip - 1.6 GB