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VIDEO | 26 Aug 2013 Noor Solo
26m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 708mb
Naked smearing mud outdoors

Her tanned naked body stands waist deep in the water as Noor takes a mid-day skinny dip in the river.

Starting amongst the trees she slowly undresses her svelte, toned figure. Teasing as she unveils her pert breasts and tan lines. Long strands of her full bush, start to peek out from over her underwear as she slowly slips them off...

VIDEO | 30 Aug 2013 Melody S Solo 2
29m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 744mb
Pulling meaty lips

Melody pulls the green ribbon from her long hair, slowly wrapping it around her fingers, sliding it gently between her meaty labia.

Melody sits on the kitchen table sliding her hand into her underwear, touching her crotch. Pulling on the side of her knickers Melody's fingers softly stretch her labia apart, exposing her most intimate area. She grabs her underwear, dragging it down, the fabric slowly peeling off her round bottom. Half naked, she resting on her stomach her fingers angled to slide deep inside.

VIDEO | 02 Sep 2013 Tahlia J
32m 30s
Download: MP4 1024x576 804mb
Spreading with fingers

Running her fingers through her thick full bush Tahlia starts to play and pull at her open wet labia. Exposing the soft pink center of her vagina!

Looking up suggestively through her dark brunette hair Tahlia starts to peel back her shirt, showing off her cute cotton bra and slender body. Un-hooking her bra and slipping off her white almost transparent underwear she smiles and starts to explore every part of her body.



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VIDEO | 06 Sep 2013 Esmerelda
18m 54s
Download: MP4 1024x576 481mb
Undressing in office

Rolling the pencil between her full, red lips Esmerelda looks over the desk towards you, sliding her chair to the side she uncrosses her legs revealing a quick flash up her short pencil skirt.

Undressing from her smart shirt and skirt, she's left standing in her long socks, glasses and twisting her brunette hair between her fingers. Sitting on the window ledge she lifts her leg up, exposing her vagina and groomed bush of pubes. Leaning forward her small breasts press against her arm extenuating their profile.

VIDEO | 09 Sep 2013 Maika Solo
51m 23s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1177mb
Fingers in hairy pussy

Two pale buttocks emerge from tight femine underwear. Peeping over her shoulder Maika, grabs her see through underwear and slowly exposes her perfect ass.

Playing with her bra, Maika squeezes till her young breasts pops out! Gently she pinches her nipple, rubbing it between her fingers. She slides her hand into her matching white knickers and slowly exposes her full bush. Running her fingers along her meaty lips, Maika spreads her labia wide, exposing her intimate insides.

VIDEO | 13 Sep 2013 Ariel D
19m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 523mb

Ariel slides her fingers under the strap of her bra, gently pulling it down. Slowly she exposes her ripe breasts and the surrounding tan lines.

Do you remember taking photos of your girlfriend... maybe Ariel can remind you!
With her captivating eyes looking through her dark framed glasses she slowly gets naked. One by one she lifts the clothing from her body, uncovering her cute curves. Completely nude Ariel grabs the guitar, looks over her tanned shoulders and shakes her dark hair like a real rock star!



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VIDEO | 16 Sep 2013 Zarita Solo
23m 58s
Download: MP4 1024x576 698mb
Hair brush insertion

Legs held wide apart in a sexy V shape, Zarita proudly displays her full bush. Her pink vagina glistens between her legs and she holds her labia lips apart with her hand.

Zarita gently teases down the strap of her bra with her finger. She touches her small breasts with her hand, exploring her pert nipples till they are hard and excited. Zarita bends her perfect ass over the back of the couch, her pink thong disappearing between curved butt cheeks. Her fingers slides down into her crouch touching over her see trough underwear.

VIDEO | 23 Sep 2013 Elva
31m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 821mb
Hip to waist ratio

Peeling her yellow tights off from over her skinny waist and pert round bum Elva teases with the slender hour-glass shape of her body.

Smiling suggestively she un-hooks her lace bra, letting it drop to the floor her small breasts now exposed, her skin goose-bumps with the cold. Laying on the sofa she slips onto the floor, her toned stomach tensing and showing off her athletic figure.



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VIDEO | 27 Sep 2013 Laney Solo
19m 19s
Download: MP4 1024x576 498mb
Armpit hair

Holding her large, firm breasts Laney stares at you, her big eyes effortlessly seductive!

Undressing her slim, feminine body she exposes full arm-pit hair. As she lifts her arms over her head a small bead of sweat runs down her body, following her curves and contours towards her hips.

VIDEO | 30 Sep 2013 Camila
14m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 342mb
Camel toe

Looking up seductively from underneath her long black hair Camila runs her fingers around the rim of her pink top.

Pulling her top down her nipple pokes out from over the top, undressing completely she exposes her slim toned frame, little black bush of pubes and tanned skin.



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HD MP4 215MB 1920x1080 `5m`45s
Now that any and all distracting pets are gone, Amy’s free to focus fully on the task at hand - quite literally. Well, two hands. It’s going to take more than one to get all of her needs met. With so many erogenous zones crying out for attention, it’s a shame she doesn’t have at least three.



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sunny delight 3 by Aria_W 01 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<229MB] 1280x720 5m29s
Okay, Aria did not just write on a notepad for 60 seconds and NOT tell us what she wrote…. I can’t help it. During this entire super hot video of Aria masturbating, I can’t stop wondering… what was she writing on there? Given this train of thought, that puff of wind in the last few seconds is positively Spielbergian.

share to care 1 by Lola_K 02 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<365MB] 1280x720 8m3s
I love how Lola shares her toys, giving her whole body a taste of what her vibrator has to offer. Belly, breasts, nipples, hips – Lola’s whole body is one undulating erogenous zone, laid out for her own desirous exploration.

three's a charm 1 by Lilley 03 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<342MB] 1280x720 8m36s
Lilley, for me, conjures an entire world. When I’m with her, it’s crystals and flame, glowing, flickering, it’s pelvic circles, slow rubbing, wet, dripping sex, deep sighs of pleasure, it’s mmm and yum, it’s not having to stop at one, content as a cat, stretched long and ready for more.



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astrid_r up close 1 by Astrid_R 04 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<362MB] 1280x720 8m7s
Something about the combination of Astrid’s awesome mom jeans and her getting-started smile, which might just be the sweetest in the world, has melted my heart before I even had a chance. And then she goes and does exquisitely unspeakable things to that common household item, without losing the smile - I’m done for.

05 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<300MB] 1280x720 7m47s

selador's video diary 5 by Selador 06 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<357MB] 1280x720 7m52s
There’s nothing like finally washing off the dirt of travel - when you’ve been going going going and no real time to settle in, a shower can feel like a sort of home. I love how Selador just casually drops that last night was her first time with a girl, in between exhalations on the nature of travel, as if it ain’t no thing.



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sangen 2 by Celine_H 07 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<254MB] 1280x720 6m14s
Last time we saw Celine, we discussed her general excellence - but her original stylings just put her over the top. We reckon she'd give Eurovision a red hot go with this song (check her bio - the full version will be out soon on Ishotmyself.com). Seriously she wrote this herself - and with that voice, she'd get our 12 points. Her IFM contribution on the other hand, we'd give 100. Watch this space for lots more of Celine.

fore(st) play by Caisa 08 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<418MB] 1280x720 9m57s
For some, foreplay means romance, a long build-up of sexual tension, candlelight and a massage - but for Caisa, a self-date in the park, a ciggy and a good book are more than good enough as a lead-up to that perfect orgasm. And if there's an audible sports field somewhere in the background, no matter. Maybe that's even part of the thrill.

mesmerist 1 by Char 09 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<249MB] 1280x720 5m10s
Char’s orgasm seems to seize her in all the far reaches of her body at once, threading its intense sensations through her to food her nervous system with that incredible tension and deep release. Watching her makes me crave it, vicarious desire coursing through my blood.



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daily ablution by Lilly_P 10 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<310MB] 1280x720 7m23s
I like imagining that this is Lilly’s every day – brush teeth, wash face, and then get that faucet going for a nice relaxing hands-free wank. Honestly, if I was capable of this - just laying back, and letting the water pressure do the work – I’d be hard-pressed to stop at daily. I’d probably just never leave the tub.

winter is coming 1 by Mew 11 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<342MB] 1280x720 7m34s
I am so excited to finally be able to use this porny pop culture pun in a title - so just indulge me, please. Mew and Mae are staying inside on this winter day, and their epic making-out-against-a-brick-wall is everything – Mae’s seductive swaying, with her knee pressed firmly between Mew’s thighs. and Mew’s roaming hands, squeezing and grabbing Mae’s arse. Without a doubt, winter is coming - or maybe it's just Mew and Mae, over and over again.



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nazz up close 2 by Nazz 12 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<201MB] 1280x720 5m1s
The quiet and intimacy of the studio combined with the patient lingering attention of an Up Close give us time to experience Nazz – her physicality, her smooth skin, the exquisite shapes and movements of her – in an entirely new way. I love the way she wraps her arm around her body as she gets more and more turned on, as if in an attempt to hold herself down.

selador's video diary 6 by Selador 13 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<318MB] 1280x720 7m18s
Where in the world is Selador wanking this week? I look forward to these diaries now, in part because I love watching Selador, but mostly because I love her long, frank chats. She’s so open and silly, about her body, her thoughts, her adventures and her desires. It’s like a tv show I don’t want to miss.



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share to care 2 by Lola_K 14 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<265MB] 1280x720 6m38s
I’m thinking of the forum thread where I piously claimed to avoid commenting on contributor’s bodies – but rules are made to be broken, and come on, sometimes I just have to gush. Lola’s midriff and the visible strength of her core as she sits up so straight, set off by the soft curves of her nudity, are just so hot they make my heart flip.

full circuit by Mona_M 15 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<263MB] 1280x720 6m38s
Mona’s clit technique here is really hot, the way she catches it between two fingers, stimulating that little pleasure powerhouse from all sides. Her process feels so sweet and easy, amping up with the inevitability of a roller coaster - when that point of no return finally comes, the plunge is just as exhilarating.



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HD MP4 345MB 1920x1080 `8m`25s
Nothing like a little solo jam session at the end of a long day. Music helps the soul unwind, and once Bailey’s grown tired of playing guitar, the body - well, she just requires a different kind of strumming.



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galilean 1 by Io 16 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<322MB] 1280x720 7m28s
This newcomer on the scene styles herself after one of my favourite moons, the innermost of the planet Jupiter. Considering Io’s infamy, I’d say the name is well-chosen – Io is known for being the most volcanically active world in the solar system, and our Io, too, is certainly demonstrating a considerable tendency towards eruption.

hybrid nap by Henna 17 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<325MB] 1280x720 6m49s
Henna’s got a fine idea – she’s combining all her leisure time into these moments, finding a perfect dream state which is like a hybrid of nap and wank. There’s even a built in alarm, to make sure she doesn’t dream too long – her orgasm rolls up on her when it’s time, dousing her system with pleasure, refreshing her back into her day.

astrid_r up close 2 by Astrid_R 18 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<314MB] 1280x720 7m28s
I love the manner and method of Astrid’s orgasm, the way she dreamily penetrates herself for such a luxuriously long time, pulling her toy all the way out and pushing it all the way in again, stimulated almost entirely from the inside. She doesn’t seem to escalate – as if she’s riding an endless wave, just enjoying the journey until she feels to let go.



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cinemaginary 1 by Arabella_M 19 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<322MB] 1280x720 7m49s
I’m enamoured of the cinematography here – who’s the director of photography, and when did we get so damn good? This perfect bedroom shot looks like something out of a movie or a dream, and as the camera focuses in on Arabella, that transported, romantic film feeling just intensifies.

three's a charm 2 by Lilley 20 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<299MB] 1280x720 7m18s
Lilley is like my orgasm hero – I look up to her, I want to be like her. I love the rich satiety of her approach to life, the way she wears pleasure like a favourite comfy old shirt, the way she exudes a deep sense of security, vibrating deep in her own body with thoughts and movements of sex. Lilley denies herself nothing, and so, receives everything. I’m taking notes.

mesmerist 2 by Char 21 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<231MB] 1280x720 5m31s
Char’s little sighs and grunts of appreciation endear me deeply to her, un-selfconscious and satisfied, these are the sounds of someone enjoying what they’ve got, and anticipating more. There’s no rush, and no goal – the process is as delicious as the inevitable endpoint, and as mesmerizing.



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1965 1 by kara_d 22 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<190MB] 1280x720 5m23s
Ah, the good old days, before internet, when girls wore bobby socks, pop was melodic, and there was nothing much to do besides flipping through the (very few) channels on your giant television set. Sometimes nostalgia and retrospect makes those times feel more innocent – but Kara D is 18+ and rated R, and her take on this particular afternoon special is decidedly adult.

another world 1 by Bina 23 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<389MB] 1280x720 8m46s
I love Bina’s vibe, something fresh and otherworldly, making me want to know more about her. Her little tiny grunts and moans and exhalations build up into a sensory experience which only gets more sensual as her arousal grows.

moi non plus 1 by Sondrine 24 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<382MB] 1280x720 7m13s
Sondrine’s love of her body feels like a fact of nature to me, so frank and fresh and uncompromised. Her love of her own body extends to love of other bodies – male and female and everywhere in between. It’s inspiringly simple, which makes me feel like loving my own body, too. Brb. Gotta find a recording of les sucettes.



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winter is coming 2 by Mew 25 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<318MB] 1280x720 7m38s
There’s a sweet amount of tenderness between Mew and Mae, as Mew confidently takes on the enviable task of giving Mae that well-deserved orgasm. I love the way she works her way down Mae’s body, maintaining connection, until Mae’s totally ready for that final push.

omorashi by Liandra Dahl 26 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<271MB] 1280x720 6m42s
That naughty forum of ours introduced me to a new fetish term today, and I think Liandra Dahl is a good example of it – omorashi, which is all about loving it when a girl has to pee so bad she just can’t hold it. Liandra’s not trying too hard, though – she’s happy to just let go. In more ways than one.



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cinemaginary 2 by Arabella_M 27 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<239MB] 1280x720 6m7s
More of Arabella’s dream world is always welcome in my consciousness. I love the visual of her hand pressing against her bum as she touches herself from behind, rocking back and forth against her pillow as she thinks about whatever’s in that book she’s reading. Yum.

galilean 2 by Io 28 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<298MB] 1280x720 6m50s
Our beautiful Galilean moon is back, here to demonstrate some more of her volcanic activity. I love the way her own arousal makes her laugh, the way she conjures pure joy from deep in her body, the good real stuff of feeling.



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1965 2 by kara_d 29 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<191MB] 1280x720 4m16s
There’s just something about it – the way a drummer breaks out into the purest grin when his own beat drives him wild. The way the lead singers sing into one microphone, their faces so close together… it just makes you feel so crazy, you could scream just thinking about it. Yes, it’s sure - Kara’s got pop-mania. And she’s got it bad.

slide in 1 by Rita_J 30 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<227MB] 1280x720 5m17s
Rita’s orgasm is a slow gentle build, a sweet reverie of attentive, slippery touching, as she plays with herself and her arousal. Sometimes orgasms are a volcano and sometimes they’re a warm bath – the spectrum of experience is what makes each one special and surprising, perfect just the way they are.

moi non plus 2 by Sondrine 31 Jul 2017
HD MP4 [<302MB] 1280x720 6m51s
This is an amazing home-made – but then, I expect nothing but the best from Sondrine. Her ability to come (mostly) hands free here is truly extra impressive, considering the distance of the showerhead from her clit. The stimulation at that distance is actually quite gentle, which means Sondrine is just so tuned-in to her body, sensitive in the most gorgeous way.



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VIDEO | 04 Oct 2013 Talita
23m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 617mb
Pulling labia

Looking back with her head down, Talita pushes her bum into the air and glides her fingers over her vagina. Pulling her labia apart she reveals the soft pink of her vulva.

Glancing through her naturally curly hair Talita pulls at the straps of her bra, slipping it off her shoulder and exposing her pert breasts and erect nipples. Undressing completely she lies back on the sofa, holding eye contact she runs her hands down over her body!

VIDEO | 07 Oct 2013 Agnieszka
34m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 815mb

Agnieszka's labia is peeking from the side of her panties while she wiggles on her bed and rubs her self with body lotion.
She teases dripping water on her nipples and opens her legs to show her tampon string that is dangling. She is playful in her bedroom jumping on the bed sticking her perfect ass up.

VIDEO | 11 Oct 2013 Estella Z
18m 42s
Download: MP4 1024x576 539mb
Thick underarm hair

Estella's naked body is highlighted by the lush green of the trees, the natural environment complimenting the curves of her body.

Lifting her arms up over her head Estella shows her thick underarm hair. Glancing suggestively over her thick rimmed glasses she moves her fingers down towards her full bush of pubes, and once there she pushes her fingers deep inside her warm wetness...



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VIDEO | 14 Oct 2013 Ensa
29m 34s
Download: MP4 1024x576 758mb
Labia twisting

Ensa pulls off her shortie shorts and rolls her pink see-through stockings down showing her bum cheeks.

She stretches and does a surprise trick for the camera twisting her meaty hanging labia before she starts pushing her fingers inside herself.

VIDEO | 18 Oct 2013 Alex K
26m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 706mb
Deep insertions

Pushing her pink toy deeper inside herself the vibrations make Alex's boy tense up, her muscles tightening as she raises to orgasm!

Undressing her slender athletic body Alex exposes her tanned skin, pert breasts and firm bum. Standing, sitting and laying down with her legs high in the air Alex uses her dildo at every possible angle!

VIDEO | 21 Oct 2013 Brodie R
20m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 630mb
Hairy australian

Laying on her side Brodie pushes out her naked bum, the hair from her full bush parting around the lips of her pink vagina.

Unbuttoning her top and slipping off her shorts Brodie exposes her svelte figure and pale skin. Running her hands over her small breasts and little pink nipples she stands in front of her window, illuminated by the strong Australian sun streaming through the window.
