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HD MP4 410MB 1920x1080 `10m`15s
Of course Ellie does yoga - a long, willowy body like hers demands a good stretch once in a while. Her flow takes her from up dog, to child’s pose - but in the end, a modified savasana is the perfect posture to help her achieve nirvana today.
Deep Penetration Tattoo Free Exhibitionism



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heated 2 by Liandra Dahl 01 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<238MB] 1280x720 6m 10s
Mylah and Liandra have me in mind of cats, lazing and lapping and just luxuriating in each others' prescence and warmth. Except I've never seen a pair of cats be this nice to each other... Liandra might have done a number on Mylah just before, but Mylah's more than equipped to give back in kind, as Liandra's cool exterior unravels into a panting, orgasmic, delighted puddle of bliss.

michaelah up close 2 by michaelah 02 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<188MB] 1280x720 4m 53s
Michaelah's generous lubrication as we ease into the 2nd part of her up close feature is just stunning - it is just so incredibly hot to see the fine details of her arousal. Up Close videos sometimes give me a voracious feeling - the more detail I see, the more I want to see, my need for more increasing as Michaelah goes on.

Kenji's Video Diary 1 by Kenji 03 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<552MB] 1280x720 14m 16s
Kenji is one of my closest friends and I absolutely adore her, so this video diary series is extra exciting for me. There's a sneaky voyeuristic pleasure to seeing her satisfy herself, of course - but the main thing I am excited about is just listening to her talk about herself and her sexuality. She's a brilliant girl, with one of the most interesting sexual histories I've ever been privy to.



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behind the eyes 2 by Jadey 04 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<257MB] 1280x720 6m 39s
Watching Jadey's eyes open and shut during this session is super sexy - I love the way she tilts her head, stares into the distance, the way her attention falls away even before they shut. If you really watch closely, you can see it - her awareness visibly moving from that behind-the-eyes place inside her head, to somewhere deeper, more bodily, where it can fill up on physical sensation.

sakura 1 by Denna 05 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<392MB] 1280x720 10m 11s
the scent of blooms deepens in my robe
as I step under this tree’s pearly shade,
amid breathless stirring of the wind.

Spectral Pixieland 1 by Logan 06 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<257MB] 1280x720 6m 40s
We discovered Logan during a recent excursion to the planet Orgasmos, where purple-headed pixies channel spectral life energy for the colony by the application of special egg-shaped crystals to their sacred receptacles. It leaves them drained and lifeless, but they're revered as heroines by their peers for the sacrifice they make to sustain the species. We kidnapped this one so we can continue to document the process for you over the coming months.



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nuage 2 by Animals 07 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<333MB] 1280x720 8m 40s
In the intersection between high art and the art of seduction, Animals crouches today, wavering between naughty come hithers and the sullen allure of her indulgence. Animals knows how to make her audience wait, and how to make us need more - simply by allowing herself to need more. Until finally the ache, the friction, the mouth, opening to the point of shivering explosion, a silent scream of pure intensity.

angelika up close 2 by Angelika 08 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<222MB] 1280x720 5m 46s
Angelika's tendency to multiple orgasms is fascinating to watch Up Close - the slow build up to her first, set off by the quick and powerful grind as she works up to her second. And at the end of it all, a slow breathing in of her own scent, a full body connection that reunites all of her senses.

heated 3 by Mylah 09 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<207MB] 1280x720 5m 22s
It seems that Mylah and Liandra have made their way to the bedroom, nestling down in comfy sheets to make the most of their time together. There are some things done best while horizontal, and Liandra and Mylah are about to try them all out.



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Concerto by Lena_D 10 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<167MB] 1280x720 5m 17s
Lena D - a woman of exceptional beauty, artistic sensitivity, and a sparkle in her eyes that could kill, if she weren't so damn sweet. Watching her touch herself at the piano reminds me of that recent video of the women singing as they reach orgasm - an inextricable link between the rising crescendos of pleasure inherent in both music and orgasm.

enhance 2 by Fern_D 11 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<285MB] 1280x720 7m 22s
The studio is a quiet place, a blank canvas upon which Fern can draw herself in, stroke by stroke, until she fills the space. By the end of this session, the air will be charged with her energy, crackling and rich with her pleasure, an energy she can add to and feed off of simultaneously.



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sakura 2 by Denna 12 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<380MB] 1280x720 9m 52s
spending the spring night in the foothills
I slept, and deep inside my dream
blossoms fell without cease.

sacred sex 1 by Ezmerelda 13 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<275MB] 1280x720 7m 7s
A tree which grows inbetween mountain and ocean, a sweet burn to clean spaces and induce tranquility, Ezmerelda embarks on her orgasmic journey with the purest of intentions. It's lovely to see someone so honoring their intimate moments, giving value to the shared spaces of body and will.



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watchability 1 by immie 14 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<262MB] 1280x720 6m 48s
Simply in bed, jeans and a t-shirt, getting lost in herself... Immie is just so... watchable. I know this isn't really a thing, but I'm making it a thing. She is just so intimately easy on the eyes, that nothing could convince me to look away from the way the light falls on her belly, the way she catches her breath as the movement of her own hands sends a thrill throughout her body... yeah. So watchable.

stars align 1 by Ava_Adore 15 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<389MB] | 1280x720 10m 4s
Ava Adore and Shibby - could the stars have aligned any more delightfully on this Tuesday afternoon? From the first kiss, I'm enthralled - every light touch, every gentle stroke, the way Shibby can't get enough of Ava's kisses - all of this promises a good time, for Ava, for Shibby, and for those of us lucky enough to watch them enjoy each other.



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VIDEO | 26 Oct 2011 Carmina
24m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 637mb

Carmina's first appearance is one that will leave a lasting impression. Her beautifully serine and seductive demeanor will captivate you, and as she begins to undress her stunning pale body, small breasts and slim figure you'll be hooked.

A gorgeous Spanish accent and stunning puffy nipples beautifully complete her, and captured in this setting she really can be fully admired.

VIDEO | 01 Nov 2011 Hayden
15m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 409mb

Out in the rare but beautiful dutch sun the gorgeous, slim and natural Hayden plays under the broken colored light of the umbrella.

Slowly removing her floaty summer dress and her cute red check underwear she plays with her pert breasts, pale nipples and smooth shaved pussy and all in the breezy and glorious great outdoors.

VIDEO | 02 Nov 2011 Klara
31m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 793mb
Puffy nipples

Debuting on abbywinters.com is the very beautiful, Dutch and all natural Klara. Her stunning smile and amazingly taught slender body will captivate you as she moves and reveals herself to you. Laying on the bed undressing she exposes her perfectly formed, pert, round bum and plays with the soft pink lace which temporarily hides it.

Klara did not come to abbywinters.com for her first ever shoot alone though, it was an experience she wanted to share with her best friend, another beautiful Dutch girl who she'll introduce to you in this very set.



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VIDEO | 08 Nov 2011 Chervana
34m 18s
Download: MP4 1024x576 843mb

Tall, slim and tanned Chervana strips and plays with herself in front of the bedrooms open window of the Amsterdam apartment, running her hands down her smooth silky body and over her breasts.

Starting downstairs after a naughty little fumble with her friend Dewisandra Chervana goes up the stairs and into her bedroom, still horny from the thoughts of what she has just done with her friend she strips off and slowly starts to statisfy her sexual cravings. On all fours she pushes her tight little bum into the air and reaches underneath to her gorgeously smooth shaved pussy for a play. All around the room she stretches out her long legs and slender body as she indulges in some personal play time.

VIDEO | 09 Nov 2011 Lexi
27m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 755mb

Quirky and beautiful English Lexi debuts on abbywinters.com for the first time in this beautiful solo shoot. Her dark hair, unique style and seductive presonality bursts through as she moves from the warming low sun outside to the bedroom.

Follw her under the sheets as she slowly reveals herself to you. Slipping off her bra and pants she slips under the bed fully nude for some very personal alone time that only your invited too.

VIDEO | 15 Nov 2011 Anouk
13m 45s
Download: MP4 1024x576 367mb
Large breasts

Imagine sitting on your balcony having a bask in the sun, only to look across at a neighboring balcony to see a dark skinned goddess lapping up the sunshine on her large breasts and stretching about showing off her toned body.

Anouk is that goddess. And a sun filled balcony is her playground. Gorgeous twists of her body show off every inch of her delicious form. From her shaved pussy, to her incredible long dark hair, there are more than one treat embodied in this woman.



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VIDEO | 16 Nov 2011 Talita
27m 49s
Download: MP4 1024x576 683mb
Topless in a Skirt

A fun and bubbly debut from the very beautiful and all natural dutch Talita. Moving gracefully in the corner of the room she undresses on the top of the table, seductively playing with you as her stunning eyes lock your gaze.

Her slim body, pale skin and curled hair gives her an elegant look as she stands on the table raising herself to the roof. Picking up a bottle of liquid she playfully blows bubbles at you, grabs her coat and runs outside...

VIDEO | 22 Nov 2011 Jenna K
16m 56s
Download: MP4 1024x576 433mb
Jenna K

There's something about Jenna's classically beautiful looks that keep you transfixed on her every small and sensual move, how she undresses her slim body, pert breasts and pert round bum, its hard to look away, and really why would you want to!?

In this playful set Jenna starts off in a cute little denim skirt under which she has no pants and we get some cheeky little peek-a-boo's of her smooth shaved pussy. Moving around the bed and over to the mirror she slips in to the wardrobe, lets just hope she comes back out to show us more in the future.



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VIDEO | 23 Nov 2011 Trijntje
13m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 436mb

Everyone has their morning routine, get up, wash, dress, make some breakfast. Well today you'll be following new model Trijntje through hers! In the cold light of the morning we sneak peeks as she washes and dresses herself before breakfast, and as she walks to the shop to collect her pancake ingredients.

A real outdoors girl and keen horse rider Trijntje has an athletic body, toned stomach and matched with her blonde hair and piercing blue eyes she looks stunning in the bright light of the morning. Trijntje also likes to document her days and takes her camera most places she goes so look out for some shots by her amongst the set.

VIDEO | 29 Nov 2011 Alexis V
35m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 886mb
Pert breasts

Alexis is a cute Aussie girl with brown smooth skin, big green eyes and flirtatious smile. She invites you to her bright room with colorful posters on the wall where she is lying down on a big bed. Alexis wears sexy blue, short jeans which emphasize her beautiful bottom and long legs. She moves around and teases you. Later she is jumping on the bad and starts to dress down to reveal her gorgeous body.

First she removes her white-blue T-shirt and shows her round pert boobs. She is squeezing her erect nipples between her fingers. Next she takes off her shorts and shows more of her shaved pussy and anus. Just take a look for sure you will love it.



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HD MP4 310MB 1920x1080 `7m`55s
I did say this wasn’t Saturday morning cartoons, but maybe I spoke too soon - Georgia’s got a bit of a powder puff thing going on, with those kung-fu moves. It’s not long before the scene becomes very decidedly adult, though. Pink jelly dildo and all.



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Apr 9, 2019
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Amy Ch_ilds Redhead Striptease Solo DeepFake

Tags: DeepFakes, Deep Fakes, DeepFake, Deep Fake, Fakes, Celebrity Fakes, Ai Porn, Solo
Duration: 00:05:30
Resolution: 1280x720
Format: mp4
Size: 56.34 Mb

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HD MP4 520MB 1920x1080 `13m`15s
It’s good to see Jesse again - her diary made quite an impression on me back in 2019. She’s always been a sensualist, one of those people for whom pleasure just comes naturally. I love to see her slap and grab at her own body, both amused and aroused by the sensations she gives herself.



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await 1 by Lilie 16 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 7m 10s
It's been entirely too long since we've had Lilie up on the front page here - how we miss you, Lilie, when you're not around. Watching her perfect pink fingernails blend into a blur of motion as her hands move against her clit would be beautiful enough, but Lilie's shivering, shuddering orgasm itself blows all other thoughts out the window.

Kenji's Video Diary 2 by Kenji 17 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<423MB] 1280x720 10m 56s
Oh my god, Kenji in the shower. Damn girl - just... damn. More great chats with Kenji this morning, as we learn about what happens to those unlucky socks she might wear to bed if it's cold, and a little more about her favorite toys as well. Actually we learn quite a bit about that Hitachi today... some very stimulating lessons, indeed.

Spectral Pixieland 2 by Logan 18 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<455MB] 1280x720 11m 45s
In part 2 of our observation of Logan from Orgasmos, we get a more indepth insight into the energy transfer process and witness the complete annihilation of self that results. The altruism of these ladies is remarkable, and we highly recommend you further your understanding of this most sensual species through coming instalments on Ifeelmyself.



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venturesome 1 by Naked Human 19 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<229MB] 1280x720 5m 57s
Ah - classic! Who, honestly, hasn't had this idea? Toothbrushes, shavers, hairbrushes - if they didn't want us to masturbate with things, they shouldn't make them vibrate, that's all I have to say. Well done, Naked Human. Well done.

zenith 1 by Fiore 20 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<220MB] 1280x720 5m 42s
On this rainy day, grey-clad, vaguely Hellenic Fiore suits me just fine. Soft breaths catching in her throat, the rhythmic pulsing of her hip growing more and more erratic as she gives up that fluid control - like a storm building, Fiore will crash upon her own shore.

watchability 2 by immie 21 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<267MB] 1280x720 6m 54s
What's happening there in those first few seconds - can Immie feel the vibrations without using her toy right on the spot? I'm curious - but my curiosity doesn't last long before Immie slips her toy in where she wants it, and goes on to have one of the most intense orgasms I've ever seen from her. And for those not in the know, that's really saying something.



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Leena Up Close 1 by Leena 22 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<127MB] 1280x720 3m 19s
Leena's gentle ministrations nonetheless take great effect, working her slowly and steadily into a panting, eager state until there is only one possible outcome. Her orgasm is subtle, and all the more alluring for it - I replay her moment again and again, noticing every caught breath, every shivering muscle.

heated 4 by Liandra Dahl 23 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<145MB] 1280x720 3m 46s
I like the perfect exchange of places which occurs between the end of p.3 and the beginning of this one, Mylah's place taken by Liandra as we watch Mylah now tower above her. Tribbing is always hot to imagine, but generally leaves something to be desired when we see it in media - namely, the orgasms. Fortunately, Liandra and Mylah wouldn't dream of skimping on those.

Kenji's Video Diary 3 by Kenji 24 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<434MB] 1280x720 11m 7s
Kenji's having sex in her parents bed - a naughty taboo trope with a twist, since Kenji's all on her lonesome. It's better this way, I'd imagine - partner sex can get messy, but lady solo sex rarely leaves a trace. At least, it might not... after last week's closing comments, as Kenji gets her wand out, I'm not so sure.



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sacred sex 2 by Ezmerelda 25 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<348MB] 1280x720 8m 59s
Objects take on histories and associations, and with them, power, and if you believe in them (or even if you don't, according to some), crystals are extremely absorptive objects for this type of thing. Each orgasm invoked by a crystal would be stored there, then, each one increasing the relative power of Ezmerelda's talisman - turning it, climax by climax, into a uniquely powerful pleasure object.

venturesome 2 by Naked Human 26 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<299MB] 1280x720 7m 44s
It may be controversial to say so, but I just love the way this particular Naked Human comes. Peaks that last almost too long for comfort, the long, drawn out anticipation. The way she breathes and relaxes into it, and then gets going again... a kind of unpredictability of orgasm, leaving me at the edge of my seat, almost as desperate for her orgasms as she is.



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ambidextrous 1 by Irina 27 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<299MB] 1280x720 7m 45s
All too often, wankers of all genders make one mistake in the haste and excitement of their self-lovin' - they limit themselves to just their dominant hand, leaving the other perfectly capable set of fingers to lay lax against a belly or a thigh. Not Irina however - you'll have to watch to see just how well she uses her hands, all 10 fingers of them.

await 2 by Lilie 28 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<381MB] 1280x720 9m 54s
Ah, the suggestive computer screen... leaving us dying to know what Lilie's watching, as we watch her. She doesn't watch for long, though, seeming to prefer the perfect accompaniment only the big screen behind her closed eyes can provide. Eventually, the useless screen is pushed aside, as Lilie prioritizes her body over any visual stimulation.



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stars align 2 by Ava_Adore 29 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<250MB] 1280x720 6m 28s
The height difference between Shibby and Ava is especially stunning here, as Ava lays on her back under Shibby's attentive touch. I love to see the differences in their two bodies, equally capable of great heights when it comes to pleasure. I love that almost as much as I love watching Ava's face throughout this session, her color rising, her beautiful mouth wide open in ecstasy.

queendom 1 by Ambra_A 30 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<242MB] 1280x720 6m 16s
The presence of beautiful Ambra could turn the most ordinary space into a palace, but here is something special - a crumbling, abandoned old dairy set in a field of orange marigolds, and Ambra presiding, ready to take it for her very own. Leave marking to the dogs - a lady claims her territory in more spectacular ways.

Kenji's Video Diary 4 by Kenji 31 Jul 2014
HD MP4 [<345MB] 1280x720 8m 55s
I remember when Kenji was filming this months ago. She was in-between lives, staying with her parents. Now she's off on her next great adventure, further away this time. Life will complicate and uncomplicate, but its nice to see videos of these sweet and sexy moments, a calm before a storm, a time of relaxation and rejuvenation for Kenji. I just love to see her happy.
