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green beats by Lena_D 16 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<206MB] 1280x720 5m 20s
Woah - this music just took this whole birds-chirping, sun-shining, forest wank thing to a whole other level. When Lena's panties fell down around her converse sneakers perfectly in time with that chill beat... mmmph!. And then equally nice, to let the tunes drop out, until the only music is that of Lena's occasional moans, and the sounds of the forest all around her.

fundamental force 1 by Quark 17 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<286MB] 1280x720 7m 51s
quark noun /kwark/
physics : any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly observed, but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally.

gratitude 1 by Ezmerelda 18 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<237MB] 1280x720 6m 9s
Pretty Ezmerelda, what is she building in there? Something nice, to hang or wear, decoration, to make the world more beautiful... I think that if the earth created Ezmerelda it was for that same purpose, to bring light and beauty to the hearts of the world. Because that is what she brings to mine.



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Ellabella Up Close 2 by Ellabella 19 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<123MB] 1280x720 3m 11s
What an awesome shot - close up between Ellabella's thighs as she lays on her belly, only her fingertips visible under the weight of her pelvis, and the slow, rhythmic visual of those fingers moving against herself, back and forth... forget lullabies and hypnotists, just give me this shot, this moment, forever, and I'll never feel stress again.

heated 6 by Liandra Dahl 20 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<169MB] 1280x720 4m 24s
Six parts, to be continued... and why not? Orgasms are restorative, lending sensual energy which spurs on the next - so that the story arc of Liandra and Mylah's tryst isn't told in just one climax, but rather in a series of them. In this context, 'coming down' takes on entirely new meaning.

Traci's video diary 7 by Traci 21 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<197MB] 1280x720 5m 23s
Ahh, so many unanswered questions after Traci's introduction today - what job did she get? What did she make for dinner last night? Why did nobody like it? At least I know the answer to one of those questions... and maybe if we ask nicely, Traci will come hang out on the forums and explain the rest. Speaking of the forums - garden porn, anybody?



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decadence 2 by Sadi 22 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<231MB] 1280x720 5m 58s
Sadi, now warmly naked, stretches herself out into the quintessentiality of a womans' body which has inspired so many to art over the course of history. Her beauty is classic - and to watch her move from the pure chastity of the nude, into a happy frenzy of uninhibited pleasure-seeking and release, becomes that much more exciting.

kinetic 1 by Rylee 23 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<154MB] 1280x720 5m 45s
The light table is back - as if we could have a platform made of light and use it just once! This concept tickles the imagination, and just begs for scenarios. I see a girl adrift in the universe, with only glass separating her from the light of a million suns. What do you see?

hedonism 1 by Armeya 24 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<603MB] 1280x720 15m 34s
Armeya's outfit here puts me in mind of all things love-colored - Valentine's Day and lingerie catalogs, red roses and well-peeled cucumbers - what? Right. Okay. I wasn't expecting that. I'm leaving my keyboard now to regroup - I have never in my life seen anything quite like what Armeya shares with us today.



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gratitude 2 by Ezmerelda 25 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<324MB] 1280x720 8m 23s
I don't know how or why, but sometimes when I am watching these, I am just filled with this intense joy, a feeling of gratitude and something which can only be described as... well, awesomeness. Just look at Ezmerelda - the smallest and happiest of smiles on her face, the way her body jumps as a result of such light touches, the way the light catches in her soft hair... this is just amazing, that we get to be part of this. Amazing.

stars align 4 by Shibby 26 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<142MB] 1280x720 3m 42s
Ava must be well worked-up after being so visually submerged in Shibby's pleasure during p.3 - and Shibby is more than willing to give back as good as she got. I love the way Shibby checks in with Ava throughout, making eye contact, leaving space for communication, and just generally feasting her eyes on Ava's beautiful face.



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Michaelah Up Close 3 by michaelah 27 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<165MB] 1280x720 4m 17s
Michaelah's belly-down grinding here is incredibly hot, her honest desire and arousal increasingly evident as she gets closer and closer to orgasm. Every little detail of her is sublime - from the spread and curl of her perfect toes, to the intense clutch of her fingers as she pulls hard at her pillow.

Traci's Video Diary 8 by Traci 28 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<276MB] 1280x720 7m 50s
Ooh - Traci's big guns plugged in in the background promises good things for this diary entry. I love how she always takes time to explain how she works, orgasmically... but probably my favorite thing about Traci is her awesome (and hilarious) honesty. Or maybe it's her stellar orgasms, courtesy of her own ease with her sexuality, and of course, that ridiculously powerful vibrator she's got.



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fundamental force 2 by Quark 29 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<222MB] 1280x720 6m 52s
Hmm. Who says science has never directly observed an electrically charged Quark? We here at IFM - and now you too, dear members - must beg to differ. This Quark, while not unmeasurably tiny, is certainly energetically charged. In a very real way, I postulate that this - this explosion of laughter, tears, emotion, and experiential intensity - this is exactly the stuff which universes are made of.

kinetic 2 by Rylee 30 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<240MB] 1280x720 6m 53s
No wonder Rylee is so fit - she turns every wank into a pilates session. If you don't understand, get down and try to maintain that one-leg-up posture that Rylee's got going on, for even one minute. And Rylee not only keeps it going for three - she does it while she's working other muscles, too. And then she switches sides. Of all the workout videos I've seen, this one is by far the most... stimulating.

royale 1 by Briar 31 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<300MB]1280x720 7m 47s
Purple's not my favorite color, but Briar's got me thinking to change my mind on that one - the color set off perfectly by her rosy pale skin, the soft blonde of her hair. She makes me think of a Disney princess, all things royal and magical and dignified - which makes it even more exciting to watch her work herself up to frenzy, her face so exquisitely expressive in her arousal.



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VIDEO | 14 Feb 2012 Dahlia
36m 30s
Download: MP4 1024x576 880mb

We've seen her before, but not like this. Red hair, blue eyes and full bush, Dahlia does another sexy insertions shoot incorporating the shower head and a silver dildo.

Capturing the water cascading down her pale skin is a delight and her smile while she inserts her fingers is to die for. Thanks again Dahlia for another remarkable and sexy shoot.

VIDEO | 15 Feb 2012 Kaylee
22m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 564mb
Big breasts

Stunning new model Kaylee debut shoot, and she really hits the ground running. So natural and flirtatious on camera she shows herself and her personality off effortlessly.

Her cute glasses are framed by her dark hair, sweet smile and red lips. Undressing her Svelte body as she moves around the kitchen she reveals her neatly groomed strip of pubes and smooth, pale skin. This shoot is cute and sexy all at once, Kaylee looks great on camera and her timid sensual-ness is beautiful to watch.

VIDEO | 21 Feb 2012 Kylie H
23m 49s
Download: MP4 1024x576 615mb
Nude upskirt

Follow the beautiful dark haired Kylie into the long grass as she takes you deep into the heart of a hot, sticky and very humid outdoor location! Moving down the path her cute and very short little skirt lifts, giving you glimpses of her cute little bum.

Stopping at the end of the muddy path, and by the start of the lake Kylie turns around, slowly removing the clothes that feel so constricting in this close and humid environment. Pouring the cooling water over her small, pert breasts and smooth tanned skin she tenses through the instant shock. Standing and sitting on her blue beach towel, she slides her hands down towards her smooth shaved pussy...



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VIDEO | 22 Feb 2012 Rebekka
18m 16s
Download: MP4 1024x576 498mb

Gorgeous, short-haired, toned and slender Rebekka shows her great smile, personality and figure off in her first ever shoot!

Playing on her games console she can help but think of better and more exciting uses for her time alone, and the controller! Revealing her long, slim legs and pert breasts she moves from the sofa to the floor, in a multitude of positions. And as she slips inside her smooth shaved pussy you'll be fixated on her every move.

VIDEO | 28 Feb 2012 Jade S
16m 17s
Download: MP4 1024x576 442mb
Jade S

The angelic and gorgeously pale skinned Jade makes her second appearance on abbywinters.com, and of course again she shows off her petite body, large breasts and cute little all in one.

Her bright blonde hair and beautiful green eyes make her mesmerizing to watch, and as she slowly undresses and seduces you with every move you'll soon find yourself reaching to click that favorite button

VIDEO | 29 Feb 2012 Lena J
9m 27s
Download: MP4 1024x576 266mb
Lena J

Gorgeous new model Lena comes to you for the first time to show off her stunning slender, toned body, firm round bum in tight jean shorts and pert breasts. Moving in the light coming through the window she turns her tall Dutch frame to illuminate each curve and beautiful contour.

Undressing on the living room floor she slides off her top and underwear to reveal her shaved pussy, small erect nipples and smooth tanned skin. This is a really beautiful shoot and we can't wait for her next!



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VIDEO | 06 Mar 2012 Renae D
18m 10s
Download: MP4 1024x576 472mb
But plug

A very beautiful and kinky shoot from the gorgeous and natural Renae for her second solo. With her amazing curves, cute smile, pert breasts and full bush of red pubes Renae looks amazing in front of the camera as she moves and explores her wholesome and natural body.

But Renae's brought one of her favorite toys along to share with you, and with her sweet and innocent looks its a welcome and exciting surprise that she wants to share this kinky side with you!

VIDEO | 07 Mar 2012 Lacie
15m 42s
Download: MP4 1024x576 439mb

Gorgeous, red haired and pale skinned Lacie appears for this first time ever in this beautiful and sensual shoot. Her stunning looks and perfectly formed slim body and large, pert breasts will have you following her around the screen as she moves from inside to out, as if in a dream.

We really cannot wait until her next shoot, and after seeing this, you'll be counting down the days as well.



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VIDEO | 13 Mar 2012 Analyn
15m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 441mb

The beautiful Dutch Analyn shows off her fun personality and stunning Asian looks in this, her second solo. Innocently flirting with her cute smile and dark piercing eyes she stares at you from across the room.

Moving around she slowly undresses to reveal her great, slim body, small pert breasts and natural full bush. Analyn has been is so many great shoots so far, and this is definitely another for you to enjoy!

VIDEO | 14 Mar 2012 Leah K
41m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1033mb
Leah K

Appearing for her debut solo is the beautiful, blonde, natural and fun Leah! Bringing her gorgeous vivacious body and seductive personality, as well as her horse riding gear (sounds like an odd mix) she shows you every aspect of her body as she undresses.

Slipping out of her clothes to reveal her large breasts, smooth shaved pussy and beautiful round bum she keeps you fixed on her every move.



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HD MP4 515MB 1920x1080 `13m`05s
All eyes on Betty.as she sets the stage for her own undoing, her careful hands, the gentle rise and fall of her ribcage. Cast in shadow like this, it’s easy to imagine Betty as so many different archetypes. The lines between fantasy and reality bend and blur, merging as I fall into her rhythm.



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VIDEO | 20 Mar 2012 Gretchen
35m 32s
Download: MP4 1024x576 856mb
Hairy asshole

In this dark and grungy attic space Gretchen lights the place up with her amazing suppleness and sexual flexibility. She moves and elongates her gorgeous, slim body and long legs into a variety of sexually seductive poses as she slips her fingers through her thick bush of pubes and starts to masturbate.

Soon her desires intensify and in a moment of self submission she ties up her ankles and slips a small silver vibrator up inside of her anus; and as we watch it work its magic on her, she literally climbs the walls with pleasure! Its an awesomely intimate shoot to behold and Gretchen as ever is a salacious delight!

VIDEO | 21 Mar 2012 Merel
18m 57s
Download: MP4 1024x576 547mb

Beautiful dark skinned new model Merel comes to abbywinters.com for the first time, and we are very pleased to have her! With a great smile, personality and body to go with it, she's a great and stunning girl.

In the bathroom she explores her naked body in all manners of positions, showing off her perfectly groomed pussy, pert breasts and large nipples. We hope this is the first of many from Merel!

VIDEO | 27 Mar 2012 Lawan
16m 50s
Download: MP4 1024x576 436mb

The bubbly, natural and Asian Lawan stands beautifully against the white of the full length window as she undresses, revealing her tanned skin, clean shaved pussy and small breasts.

Lawan is great fun to watch on screen as she smiles and moves, keeping eye contact as she strips away the layers of clothes hiding her body.



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VIDEO | 28 Mar 2012 Jessie T
10m 35s
Download: MP4 1024x576 373mb
Natural bush

Beautiful new model Jessie and her vibrant red hair burst onto your screen for her first ever photo shoot! Her cute little smile, seductive personality and tall slender body really set her apart, and as you watch her slowly undress her smooth, pale skin and full bush of pubes her wholesome and innocent nature really shines through.

Moving around the room she picks up, plays with and slides on and off a variety of tights and stockings, accentuating her gorgeous long legs!

VIDEO | 03 Apr 2012 Fleur D
26m 10s
Download: MP4 1024x576 676mb

Fleur is a very earthy, hippy and natural chick with long dreads, hairy bush and a very playful spirit. She teases the camera with cute looks as the jumps around on her bed. She slowly undresses and reveals her full breasts, but this free spirit stops things there and takes us on a surprise journey up to the rooftop of her apartment where she continues the undressing, this time though a bit more risque.

The cold weather though sends her back to the warmth of her bedroom where she gets cosy and comfortable with some erotic touching and exploration that is very rousing.

VIDEO | 05 Apr 2012 Arianna
29m 27s
Download: MP4 1024x576 741mb
Natural bush

The stunning, slender dark haired Arianna makes her vibrant and fun filled debut on abbywinters.com. In the kitchen and on the table she reveals her tanned skin, toned body and small breasts.

Playing with her thick, dark full bush of pubes and wet pussy she effortlessly flirts with her piercing dark eyes and cute innocent smile. We hope that this is the first shoot of many from the beautiful Arianna!



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VIDEO | 10 Apr 2012 Nandine
10m 10s
Download: MP4 1024x576 289mb
Naked outdoors

The gorgeous blonde, Dutch Nandine naked outside amongst nature. What more could you ask for? Walking in the rain and undressing her beautiful slim, toned body, large pert breasts and smooth shaved pussy.

Playing and flirting shyly with the camera Nandine's fun and playful personality as she shows us just how naturally stunning she is.

VIDEO | 11 Apr 2012 Alyssa
17m 23s
Download: MP4 1024x576 476mb

The beautiful Spanish Alyssa undresses her slender, pale body on top of the kitchen table, and treats herself to some intimate play with her smooth shaved pussy.

Her dark hair, glasses and timid personality all add to her effortless seductiveness, and as she undresses on the table and slips off her underwear from her round bum and pert, small breasts you'll find yourself wanting to see more and more of this gorgeous Spanish girl!



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VIDEO | 17 Apr 2012 Crystal S
24m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 653mb
Crystal S

The very sexual, pale skinned and beautifully big breasted Crystal undresses and pleasures herself with her toy. Teasing you with her short skirt and poker dot pink underwear she moves from chair to table and down top the floor.

Exposing her pert breasts she starts to pour hot candle wax onto her erect nipples, stimulating herself for some self indulgence!

VIDEO | 18 Apr 2012 Marleen S
20m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 556mb
Marleen S

The very beautiful, very flexible, tall Dutch Marleen makes a stunning debut on abbywinters.com in this very provocative and sexual shoot.

Stretching her long legs and toned body she undresses to reveal her smooth shaved pussy and small, pert breasts. Her seductive smile and fun personality highlight her great personality. Moving from the bed to the floor she tears cuts and rips her way out of her tights!



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Apr 9, 2019
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Aubrey Plaza JOI Solo DeepFake

Tags: DeepFakes, Deep Fakes, DeepFake, Deep Fake, Fakes, Celebrity Fakes, Ai Porn, Solo
Duration: 00:07:14
Resolution: 1906x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 159.31 Mb

Download or WATCH ONLINE:

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HD MP4 685MB 1920x1080 `18m`15s
Every time we have sex with our lovers, it's new - no matter how much we'd like a repeat sometimes. We can't relive it, but we can record it. Through the power of video, this perfect session will live on - in our archives, watched blissfully by all you attentive viewers. And on Maxim's phone, his own perfect POV, there for him to play, and replay, any time he wants.



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slow dance 1 by Abbi 01 Sep 2014
HD MP4 [<445MB] 1280x720 11m 30s
Abbi's relationship with her body here puts me in mind of a dancer, a duet between mind and body as Abbi plays and teases, using her hips and legs and hands and mouth all to her advantage. Feeling sexy is a great aphrodisiac. As I watch Abbi enjoying all the positions she flows through, I hope that she feels as sexy as she looks.

Junipur Up Close 1 by Junipur 02 Sep 2014
HD MP4 [<288MB] 1280x720 7m 28s
From the moment Junipur bares her perfect shoulder, I have a feeling that there's something a little different about her - a kind of edge to her arousal, something serious and sensitive. I like this kind of depth. It makes me wonder what else was going on in her mind and heart, as she stirred her body to such great heights of expression.

heated 7 by Mylah 03 Sep 2014
HD MP4 [<156MB] 1280x720 4m 2s
Oh Mylah - if wearing a plaid skirt earns a girl that kind of treatment, I ought to be out shopping right now. Part 7, and the ladies show no sign of tiring - but all good things must come to an end. Considering I just made a series of unbearable puns after my last hyphen, I suppose that after this, my captions may well be one of them.

Last edited:


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Hyperballad's Video Diary 2.1 by hyperballad 04 Sep 2014
HD MP4 [<452MB] 1280x720 11m 40s
What an incredibly awesome surprise - a 2nd video diary from our beloved Hyperballad. Luxury becomes you, my friend - it's good to see you well-rested and joyful, taking some time to treat yourself with sweetness... and it's so good to hear about you, and your evolution too. She's back, folks, and better than ever!

hedonism 2 by Armeya 05 Sep 2014
HD MP4 [<508MB] 1280x720 13m 7s
Alright Armeya, take 2. I admit the food play makes me a bit nervous - perhaps its the visceral nature of it all, almost an over-sensuality - I would make a terrible hedonist. But it's fascinating nonetheless. So sticky, wet, sliding, soft, all of it so physical - and Armeya there above and inside it all, rolling in uninhibited sensory delight.

venture up by Lindsay 06 Sep 2014
HD MP4 [<326MB] 1280x720 8m 56s
Everyone feels the urge to explore the unknown from time to time, but not all of us can just plunge into the great unknown at a moments notice.. For Lindsay, a place full of wonders is only a little ladder climb away. And when she finds a stack of dirty magazines up there, her exploratory efforts are rewarded in a decidedly adventurous way.



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give away love 1 by Kaylia 07 Sep 2014
HD MP4 [<195MB] 1280x720 5m 4s
Kaylia's pleasing form makes me want to hop right in bed with her, curling up on those white sheets to watch the action. I won't though. Some things are better alone, such as, oh, I don't know - solo masturbation videos, for an example. All alone, Kaylia closes her eyes and listens to her body, and over here, I close my own eyes, and listen to Kaylia.

grandiflora 1 by Magnolia 08 Sep 2014
HD MP4 [<319MB] 1280X720 8m 16s
It's been so long, I'd nearly forgotten the force of Magnolia's sexuality. Her "good morning." seizes me like a fist, pulling me in so insistently - in these moments, I would do anything she asked, unthinking. This feeling just intensifies the awe of watching her orchid-shaped cunt, framed by her dancer's toes, as that first thread of wet trickles out of her, as pale as plant's blood.

doutai 1 by AmarnaMiller 09 Sep 2014
HD MP4 [<462MB] 1280x720 11m 57s
This long-awaited duet carries with its opening moment that giddy feeling of anticipation. Anyone who's had any experience watching either of these incredible women knows that they are in for something special - and even those who are introduced to them here will know from the first that these are moments to be savored.
