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VIDEO | 30 Nov 2011 Aletta
25m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 673mb

The absolutely beautiful Aletta comes to abbywinters.com for her first ever time in front of the camera, and we're very excited she did! She's gorgeously shy Dutch girl with a cute and reserved demeanor, but one who definitely hides a very sexual side of herself!

Undressing she shows off her perfect, large, pert breasts and slim body with stunning tan lines. Moving around the room she removes more and more effortlessly seducing you with every glance and movement... oh and did I mention she came with her best friend...?

VIDEO | 06 Dec 2011 Felicity C
19m 19s
Download: MP4 1024x576 475mb
Felicity C

I think that Felicity's hair has got a little redder since the last time we saw her, and it definitely looks hot coupled up with her bright red little cardigan. In this most recent redux of Felicity's she once again comes out of her shell and evocatively flirts and teases with you through the camera lens, in an intensely sexual and innocently cute manner. You'll find yourself willing her to remove the clothes that conceal her stunning features and lick-ably smooth skin. Of course she wont disappoint you, but she'll definitely have a cheeky little play with your patience along the way.

VIDEO | 07 Dec 2011 Fenna
27m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 744mb

Beautiful, natural, tall and seductive Fenna shows off her first solo shoot as she undress and flirts with you in this gorgeous set. Following her from the outside in she removes her clothes revealing her svelte body, long legs and pert, large breasts.



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VIDEO | 13 Dec 2011 Isadora
20m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 487mb

Stunning vibrant red hair, full bush of pubes, all natural body hair and piercing eyes.

In the bright setting of her kitchen she slowly undresses her smooth, freckled, slim body and through her gorgeously timid stares seduces you. Watching her every movement you'll be rushing to flick through the previous shoots of this all natural beauty.

VIDEO | 14 Dec 2011 Kami
34m 47s
Download: MP4 1024x576 883mb
Perky nipples

Quirky, kinky and very sexual Kami slides seductively onto your screen for the first time in this deviant set, which reflects Kami's own personal overt views on sexuality and seduction.

Twisting and contorting her beautiful slender frame into a multitude of positions Kami meanders around the room undressing and showing of her perfect toned, round bum and small pert breasts.

Slipping in and out of view we catch glimpses of her as she almost eludes your gaze.

VIDEO | 20 Dec 2011 Adelle
29m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 733mb

This beautiful long legged, well toned creature is back for another solo.

While she's packing her bags for a short trip she moves around her room getting in different positions. As she gets naked we are invited to have a good look at her pale skin, pert breasts and phenomenal lean body.



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VIDEO | 27 Dec 2011 Karlijn
14m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 407mb

Dutch beauty Karlijn brings a sexy and luscious stills set, by warming down from an sweaty exercise routine.

Have you ever worked out so hard that you just can't wait to hit the showers? In doing this, Karlijn shows her shaved pussy, toned body and long dark hair.

VIDEO | 28 Dec 2011 Jodhi
17m 36s
Download: MP4 1024x576 441mb

In the great outdoors, bending, stretching and of course revealing her tall slim and long-legged frame Jodhi ducks in and out of the harsh Autumnal sun.

With her cute, seductive smile, dark hair and very open personality this shoot is a perfect representation of her. So enjoy a quick and intimate roll in the forest with Jodhi!



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VIDEO | 03 Jan 2012 Asdyna
25m 48s
Download: MP4 1024x576 612mb

Coming back through the cold and frosted Amsterdam streets, Asdyna extends an invitation into the houseboat for some time to warm up; of course in the sexiest possible way! Taking off her coat and playfully flicking away her scarf Asdyna slides onto the floor of the bed room and begins to teasingly undress herself.

Peeking out the window and moving around the room she slowly undresses, pulling off her clothes and running the blue ribbon from her top under her pert small breasts, exciting her nipples as the material slides past. From bed to floor and back again this is really an amazingly sensual shoot, highlighted by Asdyna's tanned, slim beauty.

VIDEO | 04 Jan 2012 Daisey
20m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 559mb

The volumptuous, large breasted and beautiful Daisey makes her fun filled appearence in this debut shoot. Teasing and flirting with you she moves around the room removing more and more clothes, and showing us more of herself.

Playing with and grabbing her large breasts she'll keep you glued to the screen. And as she shows herself and her full bush off in the miror you'd really struggle to get distracted!



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VIDEO | 20 Mar 2023 Ally D
16m 42s
Download: MP4 4K (1.2G)
Vigorous stroking

Ally's sofa is completely covered in magazines, and she flips through them in a tiny top that's barely a strip of fabric across her curvy chest. She can't resist pulling it down to cuddle her breasts, then reaches up her skirt to rub over her panties. Ally looks down as her fluffy bush spills from the sides, and teases out the long hair. Once she's naked, she gets on all fours with her bum in the air, and rests her head on the pillow to touch herself.

Ally then lays back with her legs akimbo, giving us a perfect view of each loving stroke she gives her pussy. She holds her labia open with one hand, so she can use the fingers on the other hand to massage her clit, and she gets wet as her excitement builds. When she's on the edge of cumming, exquisite pleasure makes her whole body tense up, and her big boobs jiggle. At last, Ally explodes with orgasmic release, and as she moans in ecstasy, her curled toes and writhing legs make the magazines clatter to the floor.



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HD MP4 70MB 1920x1080 `1m`55s
Let Cassy take you on a little adventure, a tour not only of her own beautiful body, but of our new video feature. Yes, Explorations are here, and they are beautiful. No one is a better expert on a woman's body than her own self, so consider these a very valuable learning opportunity. Plus, they're super hot. You're welcome.



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HD MP4 220MB 1920x1080 `5m`55s
“Usually I like to use my fingers because I want to feel my clit. I want to feel hard. I'm getting wet. I want to control um, process and I want to, ah, to enjoy the process because for sure, with fingers, it's usually for me longer and then using sex toys and I want to enjoy that process. I want to notice how I'm getting more and more excited and how I am close to coming…



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zenith 2 by Fiore 01 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<260MB] 1280x720 6m 44s
Fiore's journeying deep, now, past the initial threshold of her first orgasm. Her pace, and the way she holds her body as she grows closer and closer to the precipice belie a tension which begs to be relieved, as growing arousal pulls its energy from every part of Fiore's body.

slip in 1 by AnnaBelleLee 02 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<307MB] 1280x720 7m 56s
AnnabelleLee never goes in for half-measures. Almost more than any one I see on this site, AnnabelleLee knows how to take it slow, and extract the maximum of pleasure from any situation. For those of us less accustomed to being teased, the way she draws it out for herself is almost unbearable to watch.

03 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<307MB] 1280x720 7m 56s
AnnabelleLee never goes in for half-measures. Almost more than any one I see on this site, AnnabelleLee knows how to take it slow, and extract the maximum of pleasure from any situation. For those of us less accustomed to being teased, the way she draws it out for herself is almost unbearable to watch.



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lusty wind 1 by Autumn_W 04 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<316MB] 1280x720 8m 10s
Autumn, caught up in her own bed sheets, her own cyclical pleasure. By her name and what I know of her art, I can't help but think of her poetically, of the wind flowing through her veins, the cyclones of rushing blood which must fuel her orgasms, as she comes again and again, fast and furious.

Ellabella Up Close 1 by Ellabella 05 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<220MB] 1280x720 5m 50s
The visual texture of this film clip suits Ellabella well - soft and agreeable, gentle on the eyes. We linger, as Ellabella does, for long moments, to watch her touch and breathe, as she glides her fingertips easily over her own familiar flesh. I love a session where there's no rush.

heated 5 by Liandra Dahl 06 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<192MB] 1280x720 5m 15s
Many parts in a duet is always a good sign. Not just because it means more videos - although, you won't catch me complaining - but because it means a greater amount of time for the lovers to have spent together, greater than just the sum of the finished parts. More time means more closeness, more intimacy... and more opportunity for Liandra to explore Mylah's desires, and push up against her limits.



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Kenji's Video Diary 5 by Kenji 07 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<401MB] 1280x720 10m 28s
I have to hand it to you, Kenji, you're damn bold. I remember doing a similar thing, filming a video diary on my trip home, but I just couldn't bring myself to set up a camera in my parent's house - not even in the bedroom. At one point in this video there's a bang, making me jump - but Kenji, calm and beautiful, just gives it a glance, stretches her beautiful body, and keeps on going.

ambidextrous 2 by Irina 08 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<358MB] 1280x720 9m 16s
I love how attentive Irina is with herself, loving and patient, allocating herself the time she deserves to really immerse herself in all the potentials of her sexual body. And it comes as no surprise that when it comes to toys, she chooses a fancy rabbit with all the perks, to bring herself all those deeper sensations one can't quite manage with hands alone.

slip in 2 by AnnaBelleLee 09 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<173MB] 1280x720 4m 30s
AnnabelleLee has the perfect kind of skin, against that deep green background, to betray the flush of blood that rides up from her core to color her face and neck. Fresh from the bath, her body is slow to warm - but once it does, AnnabelleLee is just super hot. Pun fully intended.



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decadence 1 by Sadi 10 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<387MB] 1280x720 10m 1s
Sadi's body is a feast, an array of potential pleasures - the diversity of which she samples with delicate anticipation, before plunging in to devour herself completely. Her ruby-red lips draw my attention again and again as she sucks in her breath, an alluringly bright spot in the warm pinks and greys of this shoot.

lusty wind 2 by Autumn_W 11 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<168MB] 1280x720 5m 20s
If you haven't seen Autumn's prize winning work at IShotmyself, it's well worth swinging by - she is an impressive artist. But even more than her work I can't help falling in love with her smile - the happiness on her face as she pleasures herself. I love the smile of a woman who knows exactly what her body is capable of, and just how good she can make herself feel.



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stars align 3 by Shibby 12 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<151MB] 1280x720 3m 55s
Every video that goes up on IFM is pretty hot, I'd say - but this is actually almost too much for me to handle. My blush started in my face, went down to my chest, and by the end of these ridiculously hot 4 minutes, I'm pretty sure my toes were on fire. I'm going to get some water. Damn, girls.

queendom 2 by Ambra_A 13 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<221MB] 1280x720 5m 45s
Why is it when Ambra's around, the most perfect of breezes always seems to be blowing? Sometimes gentle, sometimes slightly demanding, it seems to follow her like a lovelorn friend - wanting to play with her hair, help her on her way, increase her allure. Leave it to Ambra, to stir the wind itself with her beauty.



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Kenji's Video Diary 6 by Kenji 14 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<320MB] 1280x720 8m 16s
Is it bad to fantasize about your friend fantasizing about her boyfriend - who, incidentally, is also your friend? I'm not sure, but I can't deny that on account of Kenji's erotic though topic du jour, this is one of her sexiest diary entries to date. The why doesn't matter so much - just watch. Kenji at her best.

tendresse 2 by Amy_S 15 Aug 2014
HD MP4 [<272MB] 1280x720 7m 2s
There's something overwhelming about watching Amy play with herself, an impression that every touch is almost too much, that every sensation is borderline painful in its intensity. To see her then chase that intensity, increasing the stimulation step by step, makes for a viewing experience so powerful I can almost feel the vibrations myself.



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VIDEO | 10 Jan 2012 Satine
39m 47s
Download: MP4 1024x576 987mb

Secrets and an sexy little insights in to how Satine like to be seduced, played with and all beautifully presented on her slim, pale and pert body.

Nude in the window of the canal boat she reaches for her diary and stack of post-its, feeling the need to divulge she gives you a step by step of personal insights on how she likes to be touched, stroked, squeezed and even nibbled. Do you think you could learn anything from this sexy education on Satine!?

VIDEO | 11 Jan 2012 Dani L
20m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 535mb

Take a dip with Dani as she debuts in this beautiful wet and intimate shoot in the bath. She's a unique and gorgeous girl with a great and out going personality. Unveiling her smooth dark skin, large breasts and trimmed full bush, she really does give you a stunning introduction to herself and her body.

VIDEO | 17 Jan 2012 Navah
11m 51s
Download: MP4 1024x576 286mb

This in Navah's 5th shoot now for you now, and once again its a shoot definitely not to be missed.

Navah manages somehow to not only be a seriously cute chick, but smoulderingly sexy at the same time! In the kitchen innocently dressed in white and messing up someones game of chess, Navah takes a turn to the naughty side and begins to slowly touch her silky smooth body whilst removing what remains of her clothing. Eventually naked she sedctively sits open legged on the chair exposing her perfectly trimmed pubic hair and tight little pussy.

Navah never dissapoints with her stunning looks and out going personality. Roll on the next shoot!



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VIDEO | 18 Jan 2012 Mina
29m 58s
Download: MP4 1024x576 820mb
Large breasts

Italian and Dutch girl Mina undresses her beautiful body and lovely full breasts slowly in her first time experience. She is nervous and excited about being photographed naked for the first time. But the camera loves her curvy figure and she studies herself in the mirror playing and teasing with it as she rubs her body up against it and kisses herself too! There is also a see through white top which gets wet as Mina makes a big impression.

VIDEO | 24 Jan 2012 Gaby
29m 58s
Download: MP4 1024x576 741mb

Gaby is very sexy, tall Dutch women with beautiful blue eyes and a very cute smile. Her amazing long legs complement her sexy body.

This time we see her in a Thai boxing outfit in her cozy and colorful room. Watch as she playfully decorates her gold toy with her lace panties, sliding into a world of pleasure.

VIDEO | 25 Jan 2012 Roos
24m 7s
Download: MP4 1024x576 639mb

Introducing the very beautiful, very natural, redhead Roos! Her stunning looks radiate from the screen in this very simple and intimate shoot. Staring at you with innocent yet seductive intent from her large, deep brown eyes she teases and provokes. Glimpsing over at you through her golden red, curled hair she undresses her svelte and gorgeous body.

Timidly removing her bra and pants to reveal her all natural full bush, her shyness turns to seduction. Moving around the room, over the table and too a mural on the wall, she presses her body against it. Rolling and twisting in a and out of view you won't want to keep your eyes off her!



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VIDEO | 31 Jan 2012 Madelief
24m 5s
Download: MP4 1024x576 593mb

A sporty second visit from the gorgeous Dutch Madelief, she meets us outside with her football to show us not only her skills. But also her amazing, tall, slender and toned body.

Coming inside her beautiful eyes seductively hint to you, at the nudity to come. Slipping off her clothes she exposes her smooth tanned skin, pert breasts and gorgeous shaved pussy. Moving from the chair to the sofa and onto the floor you won't be able to keep your eyes off Madelief!

VIDEO | 01 Feb 2012 Martha Solo
30m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 836mb

The absolutely stunning Martha appears for the first time in this gorgeous, early morning shoot. The seductive and sexual gaze she exudes from her smokey and piercing eyes is enough to have you hooked, and her plump, soft lips accent her irresistible looks.

Waking up and moving to the end of the bed she slowly uncovers herself to reveal her slender body, tanned complexion, small pert breasts and well trimmed pussy.



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VIDEO | 07 Feb 2012 Misha
28m 46s
Download: MP4 1024x576 706mb

Is that...? Yes it is! Misha's back for a long anticipated second solo shoot and she's brought back her stunning looks, slim, toned body, amazing pert breasts, long legs and blonde hair.

She moves around the room, undressing herself and seductively moving her body to show it off in all its beauty. Enjoy

VIDEO | 08 Feb 2012 Caramel S
18m 39s
Download: MP4 1024x576 522mb
Bubble bath

The extremely beautiful and effortlessly sexy Caramel does her first ever nude shoot, and we are positive you'll be glad she has chosen to share it with you! Her perfect slender, toned body, pert breasts and smooth shaved pussy in combination with her innocent looks make her simply stunning to watch move around and undress.

In the bath playing with the bubbles and on her sofa plating with her furry jumper, its impossible to look away from this gorgeous, natural beauty



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VIDEO | 21 Mar 2023 Sheryl
35m 12s
Download: MP4 4K (2.5G)
Neon light

As Sheryl stands before the window, the sunlight shimmers in her red hair and makes her lingerie visible through her short yellow dress. With a soulful look in her hazel eyes, she leans over to display her cleavage, then strips down to her girly bra and panties. As she rolls around on a fitness ball, Sheryl's bum looks fantastic in her thong, and she tugs it aside for a glimpse at her neat anus. After dropping her knickers around her knees, she revels in the pure joy of being naked.

Sherly sits on a trampoline, with a cap perched on her head, and grabs her ankles to open her legs with a heartwarming smile. She's clearly excited to make sure we get the best possible views of her flawlessly smooth pussy, and stretches on the sofa and a yoga mat, before getting photographed from below. Then, Sheryl gets out a colourful neon light and uses it to illuminate her toned nude body. Her pert breasts and the soft pink folds of her vulva look even more beautiful, when they're immersed in an otherworldly blue and purple glow.



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HD MP4 585MB 1920x1080 `12m`25s
Now that Desi’s retired to the bedroom, she can really kick back and just drift off into bliss. There’s just nothing better than a long, quiet afternoon with your vibrator, fully melting into sensation, buzzing from head to toe with pleasure.. for as long as she can bear it before plunging over the edge.
