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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 588MB 1920x1080 `15m`35s
Sweet dreams are made of June … and all the exquisite things June is describing. I love her sweet voice, her matter-of-fact way of detailing the most sordid details. Sleeping, dreaming, touching, sex, feeling… I can’t get enough of hearing June tell us all about the things that go bump in the night.



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HD MP4 401MB 1920x1080 `10m`05s
Even stretched out in the perpetual night of the studio environment, Gabbie looks like sunshine to me. And I wonder if she feels it too - reaching for herself like she’s her own absolute treat, well-beloved, well-deserved. And her peachy little vibrator perfectly matches the mood.



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intensate 2 by Labia_Lunch 16 May 2014
HD MP4 [<201MB] 1280x720 5m 11s
Labialunch's arousal is intensely visual. As she barely breathes or makes a sound throughout her experience, our eyes open wider, taking in the curve where the light slips away from her face, the changing shapes of her legs and thighs, her mouth wide open in pleasure... deep arousal, giving way to deep orgasm.

ferocious 1 by Taliah_M 17 May 2014
HD MP4 [<146MB] 1280x720 4m 25s
Taliah's masturbation process has always been fast and furious, yielding multiple orgasms and levels of intensity which most people would have trouble eliciting from their bodies. It's cool to see that no matter the environment, Taliah's dedication to her pleasure remains just as fierce as when she's tucked up in a cozy bed.

creature comforts 1 by Creatura 18 May 2014
HD MP4 [<299MB] 1280x720 7m 45s
Oh wow - Is this Creatura's IFM debut? I've been waiting for this one. I guess by the time she got half-naked, you were all seizing and convulsing on the ground, but it's time to get yourselves together, folks, and pay attention. You'll not want to miss a moment of this.



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laundry list 1 by Poppy_Cox 19 May 2014
HD MP4 [<281MB] 1280x720 7m 16s
Oof - there's nothing in the world quite like that little smile Poppy Cox throws over her shoulder as this video opens, that I've-got-a-naughty-idea-is-there-anyone-around-to-see smile - it just kills me. From start to finish this little session is just good fun, a progressive, unfiltered escalation leading to a super satisfying orgasm.

delightablity 4 by AmarnaMiller 20 May 2014
HD MP4 [<200MB] 1280x720 5m 11s
More languid sensuality from Amarna and Shanna, in contrast to the intensity at the start. It makes me curious how many hours of touch and kiss and breath we didn't see, us veiwers - how long it's been for Amarna and Shanna from their passionate first kiss. The full spectrum of a tiny love story, told in tangled sheets and hot skin, the laughter of shared delight.

mew's video diary 8 by Mew 21 May 2014
HD MP4 [<321MB] 1280x720 8m 17s
Mew. Your combat boots lace all the way up your calves. Stop talking, but then, don't stop talking. Don't stop. I like to listen to Mew as she talks, and talks, and masturbates, brain vs. cunt, each spurring on the other, until ultimately, one inevitable winner... an orgasm exploding the body, seizing Mew in its unbelievable poltergeist grip, blowing any semblance of rational thought away. Mew.



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bride and gloom 1 by charlotte_v 22 May 2014
HD MP4 [<182MB] 1280x720 7m 7s
Poor Charlotte_V - she picked them out just for him, but her groom passed out before she could show off her bridal lingerie. This is extremely poor form, boys - but Charlotte isn't about to go unfulfilled on her own wedding night. She'll just have to take matters into her own hands...

undisguised 2 by Elle_Diablo 23 May 2014
HD MP4 [<218MB]1280x720 5m 39s
Elle Diablo settles into her rhythm without much ado, just a bit of a giggle to prime her good mood. Who could avoid a good mood, really, when you're as good at pleasing yourself as Elle Diablo is? With an ability like hers at your fingertips, bad moods would just lose their power - when all it takes is 6 minutes and a bit of privacy to get you smiling again.

read to me 2 by Liandra Dahl 24 May 2014
HD MP4 [<198MB] 1280x720 5m 25s
Well, if I can say one thing about our more literary contributors, it's that they sure do love Anais Nin. And I like to see Linadra getting off on her texts, the same words I've relished myself in past sessions... but yes. My next Feck project has to be the construction of an erotic lit library. There's a whole world of naughty words out there for the textually inclined, and Nin's dirty double feature is just the beginning.



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shift 1 by Stelah 25 May 2014
HD MP4 [<225MB] 1280x720 5m 50s
I like how Stelah seems to start out a little bit self-concious here, her hands working intentionally to warm herself up. Once that warm-up has its desired effect, Stelah melts visibly under her own touch, her body tension drifting away as her awareness shifts to revel in pleasure entirely.

laundry list 2 by Poppy_Cox 26 May 2014
HD MP4 [<286MB] 1280x720 7m 24s
Poppy Cox goes easy on herself, treating her body to a luscious once-over which varies between direct satisfaction and the sensuous, lingering tease of the slow caress. In response her body opens to her like a flower, her blood flowing and pulsing languidly through her veins.



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Candy Sweets Up Close 2 by Candy_Sweets 27 May 2014
HD MP4 [<345MB] 1280x720 8m 56s
The downtempo vibration of Candy Sweets' toy has an almost unbearable teasing effect, shivering just enough to send icicles of sensation all throughout her nervous system. Fortunately, a toy like that has more than one function - Candy Sweets doesn't requirea highly impressive moter to get what she needs from it. Don't miss her beautiful denoument in the last few seconds of this clip.

ferocious 2 by Taliah_M 28 May 2014
HD MP4 [<320MB] 1280x720 8m 16s
Body relaxed from a hot shower, Taliah's ready to get back into it - a familiar characteristic of our indefatigably orgasmic superstar. No sooner has she peaked through one super intense orgasm, than she's reaching around for anything she can use to bring her even higher. A thrill-seeking approach to masturbation that is heady even to watch.



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junipur's video diary 10 by Junipur 29 May 2014
HD MP4 [<134MB] 1280x720 3m 29s
Junipur, I just want to give you a big hug, or a round of applause, or maybe both, at once. Championing lady orgasms is part of the lay of the land around here, but still, it's easy to forget that not everyone can close their eyes and take care of themselves in that way. I ardently wish for every woman to experience their own orgasm, at their own hands.

creature comforts 2 by Creatura 30 May 2014
HD MP4 [<247MB] 1280x720 6m 23s
I like watching Creature move to the music, an extra beat and flow infusing her little sesh with that extra atmosphere of, well, whatever she's choosing to invoke. Music and mood are so uniquely tied together. In this way Creatura, with her silent, hidden world, maintains an air of mystery, even as she bares all for the camera.

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murmuration 1 by Amber_Lynn 31 May 2014
HD MP4 [<194MB] 1280x720 5m 2s
I like the whispering in the trees as a musical accompaniment, as Amber Lynn enjoys the luxury of her private rooftop patio. The sound is soothing and reassuring, thw wind a constant nonpervy companion. It's days like these, moments like these, orgasms like these that remind us how important masturbation is, creating the building blocks of one's sexual personality.



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VIDEO | 21 Oct 2017 Livia V & Thais
41m 13s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1.3G)
Lesbian fingering

Sensually taking her top off, Thais smiles as Livia grabs her bum firmly. Slowly leaning forward, Thais poses her lips on Livia's, gently kissing her as they continue to undress. Moving her body upwards, Thais positions herself right on top of Livia, and delicately moving her panties aside, uncovering her full bush, Livia passionately licks her vulva while Thais moans in pleasure.

Turning around, the girls continue enjoying themselves in a sensual 69. Bending over, Thais puts her legs behind her head while Livia vigorously fingers her. Grabbing a rope, Thais ties Livia up, leaving her unable to close her legs, as she gives her pleasure alternating her tongue and fingers until she reaches a powerful orgasm.

VIDEO | 28 Oct 2017 Daria V & Irina
01h 06m 32s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1999mb)

Posing her delicate hands on the piano keys, Daria begins to play as Irina gently approaches her from behind. Kissing her neck as her hands raise her skirt, Irina firmly presses her hand agents Daria's girly panties making her grasp.

Passionately undressing each other, Daria slides Irina's panties down her long legs, passionately licking her from behind. Moving her body on top of Irina, Daria places her hairy vulva on top of her face, moaning as Irina gives her a devoted oral.

VIDEO | 04 Nov 2017 Anais V & Dominika
46m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1443mb)
Face sitting

Softly caressing Dominika's shoulder, Anais sits behind her, moving her fingers along her neck while Dominika closes her eyes and her breathing speeds up. Leaning towards her, Anais presses her small breasts against Dominika's while both girls smile naughtily.

Standing in front of Anais, Dominika offers her nipples to Anais, letting her kiss them devotedly while she takes off Dominika's panties, uncovering her delicate vulva. Laying down on the floor, the girls finger each other in numerous positions, while licking each other until they reach a powerful orgasm and fall sleep en each other's arms.



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VIDEO | 11 Nov 2017 Cornelia & Mariana
37m 19s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1134mb)
Deep fingering from behind

Approaching Cornelia from behind, Mariana lays on top of her, resting her body weight on her round bum as she kisses her neck. Turning around, Mariana's hands aim towards Cornelia's breasts, uncovering them as they passionately kiss while Mariana grabs her bum firmly.

Lifting Mariana's legs up in the air, Cornelia caresses her cotton panties before taking them off and giving her a dedicated oral, passionately moving her tongue all around her vulva as she begins to finger her gently. Turning around on all fours, Mariana moans in pleasure as Cornelia continues to finger her from behind until she reaches a powerful climax.

VIDEO | 18 Nov 2017 Emma B & Juliana
50m 03s
Download: WMV 1024x576(1446mb)
Face sitting

Gently leaning towards Emma as she sleeps, Juliana softly wakes her by posing her lips on her torso. Slowly moving down, she begins to undress Emma as her hands caress her pubic region.

Passionately kissing each other, Emma tours Juliana's neck with her tongue as her hands squeeze her firm but, and lifting her top, Emma continues be kissing Juliana's nipples devotedly. Laying back, Emma raises her legs up in the air, while Juliana ardently massages her clitoris with her tongue while fingering her. Moving on top of Emma, Juliana receives a passionate oral, gently moving her hips back and forth on top of Emma, moaning in pleasure.

VIDEO | 25 Nov 2017 Ilse & Layla K
37m 01s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1053mb)

Softly rubbing Ilse's shoulders, Layla approaches her head and whispers next to Ilse's ear. Slowly moving her hands up her body, she squeezes her big breasts as Ilse closes her eyes and lets go. Turning around, the girls passionately kiss, while Ilse grabs Layla's firm bum before undressing each other completely.

Spreading her legs wide apart, Ilse guides Layla in between her legs, while Layla kisses the inner part of her thighs and fingers her simultaneously. Down on all fours, Layla looks over her shoulder, while Layla stands behind her, fingering her hairy vulva while she moans.



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VIDEO | 02 Dec 2017 Bobbie & Luciana
43m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1256mb)
Armpit licking

Sitting behind Luciana, Bobbie pulls her hair aside, gently posing her lips on her neck, kissing her softly as Luciana smiles. Turning around, Luciana presses her feet against Bobbie's pert breasts, making her lean backwards as her red lace panties are uncovered.

Passionately kissing each other, Bobbie caresses Luciana's small breasts as they begin to undress each other, uncovering her delicate bodies. Leaning on her back, Bobbie grabs her legs up in the air as Luciana pushes her head in between her legs, devotedly licking her clitoris while she fingers Bobbie. Turning around, Luciana raises her hips in the air, letting Bobbie finger her for a while, before sitting on her vulva, rubbing it back and forth against her.

VIDEO | 09 Dec 2017 Landra & Layla K
42m 35s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1489mb)
Standing fingering

Layla rolls the dice and reads in them "Kiss Hand". Taking Landra's hand in hers, Layla softly poses her lips, kissing it. Landra lowers her hand and caresses Layla's breasts, getting closer together, she kisses her gently as her hands aim towards her firm bum. Leaning forward, Landra begins to undress Layla, while Layla rubs her hand firmly against Layla's pubic region.

Raising Layla's legs in the air, Landra slides her panties up through them, uncovering her hairy vulva as she begins to finger her. Down on all fours, Landra's bum moves from side to side while Layla fingers her from behind, pulling the fabric of her panties aside while her fingers go in and out her dripping wet vulva.



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VIDEO | 16 Dec 2017 Paulina & Sondrine
47m 33s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1546mb)
Object insertion

Crawling up the kitchen counter, Sondrine passionately kisses Paulina as her hands tour her muscular body. As the excitement grows, the girls undress each other, Paulina pulling Sandrine's panties aside, uncovering her red hair pubic hair.

Holding a carrot in her mouth, Paulina pushes it inside Sondrine's dripping wet vulva while she lays down on all fours. Continuing to explore the fresh produce at hand, the girls grab a zucchini and they insert it in both their vaginas, moving rhythmically their hips back and forth as they moan in pleasure.

VIDEO | 23 Dec 2017 Tiffany & Yasmeena
41m 05s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1470mb)
Inverted nipples

Approaching Yasmeena from behind, Tiffany poses her hands on her's and guides them through the keys of the piano, pressing her breasts against her back. Turning around Yasmeena grabs her bum firmly and sits on top of her as they kiss passionately and begin to undress each other.

Taking off Yasmeena's panties, Tiffany uncovers her pubic hair as she kneels before her and begins to insert her fingers into her wet pussy. As Tiffany lays on all fours, pushing her bum out, Yasmeena sits behind her and tours her tongue around her long labia, giving her a committed oral that makes Tiffany squirm and moan of pleasure before they turn around and engage in passionate tribbing that will make them orgasm.

VIDEO | 30 Dec 2017 Abigail M & Juliana
29m 15s
Download: MP4 1024x576 (1427mb)
Menstrual blood

Turning around in an elegant move, Juliana dances around Abigail, smiling as she moves her body closer and closer to her. Raising her leg, we catch a glimpse of Juliana's period stained panties as Abigail grabs her firm bum.

Passionately kissing each other, the girls begin to undress, while they kiss each other's bodies, licking their nipples before giving each other a dedicated oral. Sitting on top of Juliana, Abigail rubs her vulva on top of her face, moaning as Juliana licks her ardently before fingering her until orgasm.



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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 151MB 1920x1080 `3m`55s
There’s a first time for everything - and thanks to IFM’s reissues, a second first time, too. Felicity was pretty bold - this series was her first time masturbating in front of anyone, her first time opening up to the world. By round 2, it got easier - her quick, flushed orgasm was testament to that.



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me vibe 1 by Verelee 01 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<260MB] 1280x720 7m 10s
The build up to this moment changes the watching of it for me - Verelee's come such a long way to get here, through teases untold. I highly recommend getting the full story, which exists on our sister site in the form of Verelee's recent ISM Video.

new toys 1 by Devochka 02 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<345MB] 1280x720 8m 55s
I wonder if Devochka knows how beautiful she is. It's not even a compliment, exactly - more like an obvious truth, like world is round or sun is bright. Simple stuff. Anyway, insider information tells me that Devochka's got a new toy, which is perfect for long porn watching sesh, while she rides the vibes and works out what her new objet d'plaisir's all about...

after hours 4 by Temptation 03 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<287MB] 1280x720 7m 24s
For all their endearing mishaps - and moreso, because of them - Strawberry and Temptation fill the spaces between and around them with so much sex appeal. That said, some sexual encounters are more strenuous than others. I hope that after this smoking hot office desk sex, that these two went home together, for a nice long cuddle in a big soft bed.



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Ambra_a Up Close 2 by Ambra_A 04 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<224MB] 1280x720 5m 48s
With our cameras so in love with the closeness of Ambra A, all the finest details of her stand out. I am loving in particular the fine fluttering motion of the pulse in her throat, which starts out slow and increases in intensity as she works herself up into a frenzy. Just watching her is so invigorating that I feel my own heart beating rapidly in response.

mew's video diary 9 by Mew 05 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<241MB] 1280x720 6m 15s
Mew's sultry video diaries tend to have an air of the confessional, as if she's trusting us with her greatest secrets. Perhaps she is and perhaps she isn't, but the implication is enough for me - tucked in up close to Mew as she's tucked up in her hideaway spot makes me feel special. And feeling special is a great aphrodisiac.

shift 2 by Stelah 06 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 7m 10s
Stelah's session is hot and heavy, remnescent of the best kind of makeout sessions we all used to have before real life got in the way, and we learned to just get to the point. Well, Stelah knows - the goal is only a small part of the good stuff in life. She's happy to take all the time she wants, to luxuriate in the thick of it all.



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bride and gloom 2 by charlotte_v 07 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<180MB] 1280x720 8m 10s
There's just no godly way that this man can sleep through Charlotte_V actively trying to seduce him - is there? Forunately this is just a fantasy, because any man who found out he'd kept his eyes closed while Charlotte was doing that in front of him, would never live out the shame and regret. Fortunately, it is a fantasy - and our eyes are wide open.

honeyed 1 by Elsa_H 08 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<222MB] 1280x720 6m 6s
It's always exciting when we have a contributor hanging out with us over at the forum before they actually debut on IFM. The anticipation mounts - what will it be like? What will she wear? How will she breathe? There's something pervy about it, sure - but it's also kind of sweet. This is just how we make friends around here.

new toys 2 by Devochka 09 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<323MB] 1280x720 8m 21s
Why would cat type capital C? Are cats getting smarter? Or are computers getting easier? We won't know for awhile, but one thing we can know for sure - Devochka looks damn good in high socks. She's giving her new toy that second chance, and I hope she comes to the forums to reveiw it for us. I want all the details.



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loose end 0070 by Devochka 10 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<91MB] 1280x720 2m 35s
Ahh, I am so proud of our social media manager! I'm good at words, but terrible at tumbling. This loose end is especially great, because it's like a real-life visual forum post. Devochka, in tune with a generation which tumbles and wanks, instagrams and takes selfies, and generally prefers visuals to text - you should produce these for us more often.

Rylee Up Close 2 by Rylee 10 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<133MB] 1280x720 3m 26s
When Rylee turns over on her belly, it primes me in some vital way. That posture is hardwired into my conciousness to invoke all of this - bums in the air, arched backs, and deep, satsifying orgasms. And now the way Rylee keeps her eyes open, the way we can see them roll back as she comes, sure to be added to my tummy posture associations forever.



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transgress 1 by Ambah 11 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<222MB] 1280x712 7m 31s
I love the warm and rich tones of camel-colored leather here, and the funnel effect of the camera angle between Ambah's legs, as she toys playfully with herself. I love, also, trying to pinpoint that exact moment when playing becomes serious, when what Ambah is doing starts to really feel good - I think I got it. Can you?

mew's video diary 10 by Mew 12 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<371MB] 1280x720 9m 42s
Every single one of Mew's video diaries could be cut directly from an arthouse film. Framing, set design, lighting, wardrobe - everything about Mew's life is picture perfect to me. Note the slow, lazy motes floating through the light as Mew reclines on patchwork sheets, like snowfall, like magic - you just can't fake this. She is charmed. Happy birthday, Mew.



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me vibe 2 by Verelee 13 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<225MB] 1280x720 6m 10s
In her hot-n-heavy ISM videos, if you haven't seen, Verelee gets real intimate with her various toys as she's moving house. The level of tease she gets to there seems to be commonplace for her - perhaps for someone this sensuous, the whole world is a constant tease. But after all that build-up, it's a huge relief to me personally, when Verelee finally gets to come.

golden cage 1 by zosha 14 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<261MB] 1280x712 6m 46s
Zosha ought to be right at home in this golden space, warm-furred with wine and wood fire. Luxury attends to her, wants to wrap her up in its opulent arms - but I sense a resistence from her. There's a hint of that resigned complacency of wealth, which only the freedom of orgasm can conquer in this particular moment.

slide 1 by Gaiah 15 Jun 2014
HD MP4 [<294MB] 1280x720 7m 36s
Gaiah slides into this session like getting into a warm bath - with a deep sigh, and the confident anticipation of assured bliss. It's funny how watching orgasms closely is something nearly akin to having one yourself - the bated breath, the heartbeat which matches the pace before my eyes, and the intensely good feeling of relief as Gaiah gets hers.
