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HD MP4 472MB 1920x1080 `12m`22s
One of my favourite things about girls who get off using pillows and blankets is the way they always seem to have systems worked out - the perfect softness level of pillow, the right way to fold it. I love getting a glimpse into all the trial and error that goes into achieving that feeling - the feeling that floods through Vallery when she hits on what works, knowing that this one is going to get her there.



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VIDEO | 06 Mar 2023 Calina & Jenni R
23m 59s
Download: MP4 4K (1.7G)
Watching eachother

With her midriff-baring floral print top, tight denim shorts and pink kitty ear headband, Jenni looks so adorable that Calina asks her for style tips. Jenni suggests several outfits that would look great on Calina, and the girls soon start to caress each other's chests. Once they're topless and sensually touching perky nipples, Calina tells her friend: "You have wonderful breasts: they're so angel-like!". With a shy smile, Jenni asks Calina if she'd like to masturbate with her, and gets an enthusiastic response that leads to them pulling down each other's panties.

Jenni and Calina face each other and open their legs wide to savour the intimate view. As they hold hands and begin stroking their smooth vulvas, the girls share their favourite porn to watch: cosplay for Jenni, girl-girl anime for Calina. "I like to look at your face when you're horny!" Jenni exclaims, gazing into Calina's eyes. "You're so cute and sexy!" Calina replies, then gazes downward: "And your pussy is beautiful!". Jenni is overcome with high-pitched cries of blissful release when she cums, then watches in awe as Calina's whole body trembles and a wave of pleasure washes over her. As the delighted girls stand up for a joyful naked hug, Calina declares: "That was the best masturbation for me, ever!".



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HD MP4 122MB 1920x1080 `3m`05s
Our very own queen on wheels is back on the parquet floor today, with one new, and very impressive, trick. I’ve seen roller derby, roller dance. Roller blades. But I’ve never seen a full roller strip tease before. Do you know how hard these moves are? But Anastasia just makes it look so, so easy.



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VIDEO | 07 Mar 2023 Jayda
38m 07s
Download: MP4 4K (2.87G)
See-through panties

Petite Jayda lays out her bras and panties to dry by the window, wearing cutoff shorts with her bum cheeks peeking out. With an enchanting grin and her doe eyes sparkling, she strips down to an unbuttoned top and a pair of thong knickers. Once she's topless, Jayda teases us by hiding her bare breasts behind her sandy-coloured hair and a large plant, then proudly reveals her perky nipples. After getting completely naked, she crouches on all fours with an inviting expression.

Jayda looks like she's glowing when she perches nude on a bar stool, in a room filled with greenery and flooded with sunlight. She gazes down between her knees, as her immaculately shaved pussy is photographed from below, then heads to the bedroom for even more intimate poses. Reclining on the mattress, she grabs her bare feet over her head and opens her legs with a heartwarming smile. As Jayda rolls around on the covers, her delight at sharing her body lights up the screen.



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Oct 16, 2018
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2018_01_25_22_27_31 — копия






7777sova7 -





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viva up close 1 by Viva 01 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<450MB] 1280x720 11m 47s
Oh hey, it's me. I feel like I usually know better what to say in these situations, but Up Close things are so very intimate. So here I am, sitting, blushing, watching, and here I am, moaning, squirming, touching, and coming. Seems odd to be both of these people. My heart is pounding. All of my hearts are pounding.

after hours 1 by Temptation 02 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<319MB] 1280x720 8m 45s
Unfortunately our cameras weren't there when Temptation (not her real name) came into our office to talk to Strawberry (not her real name either) about doing an IFM Duet. For those who don't know, Strawberry has, among her many duies here at IFM Central, the enviable task of organising Duet shoots - and this is how things unfolded this one time. What you see here is a re-enactment of exactly what happened - or might have happened.

lull 2 by Maria_W 04 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<433MB] 1280x720 11m 11s
Maria seduces herself into a dream here, as her arousal builds and flows and slowly occupies every inch of her golden body. I love her little vocalizations throughout - her "oh yeah"s giving me a sense of her German accent, and making me want to hear her really express herself in her own language. In addition, of course, to the common language of pleasure, which she speaks with great proficiency here - more than once.



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Feb 25, 2011
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tool kit 1 by Mary_Jay 05 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<228MB] 1280x720 5m 57s
Mary Jay's lookin' a bit too hot to handle - in those short shorts, in that workshop, with so many tools whose very names are suggestive of what she intends to do with them. Screw, drill, grease, grind, grip... I don't know why shop tools are so damn sexy, but I know one thing for sure - after watching Mary Jay with that screw driver, I'll never look at the hardware store in the same way again.

undoing 1 by Esmae 06 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<247MB] 1280x720 6m 24s
Watching Esmae, I can't help thinking how spoiled we are around here, that we can just sit back and watch women sharing this level of intimacy, these extremes of oh-so-personal pleasure, as often as we like. I feel that I would be lucky if, in my whole life, the only orgasm I got to observe was Esmae's. Special, sweet, vulnerable, and private - let's never take this for granted. Esmae, you're beautiful.

slice of life 1 by Gemma_C 07 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<316MB] 1280x720 8m 11s
There's something very slice-of-life about Gemma's video right now - the off-kilter blocked off fireplace-as-headboard, the immediate window light implying a busy world right outside her private space. The way she stays quiet as she penetrates herself, her face speaking volumes. A time of day, a day in a life, a moment alone, yet embedded in the everything of it all - I like these kinds of days, too.



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Feb 25, 2011
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Bela Up Close 1 by Bela 08 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<192MB] 1280x720 4m 59s
I feel like simultaneous penetration is one of those joys of being female which is hard to communicate to those in possession of fewer... say... entrances than our bodies' boast. Bela and I have similar tastes in this regard, a desire to push our stimulation levels as far as we can. As a result, this fantastic activity seems to be a theme for this month's Up Close offerings.

after hours 2 by Temptation 09 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<322MB] 1280x720 8m 51s
This scene is so meta - the story of coming in to the office to propose a duet about coming into the office to propose a duet. Only one thing is really clear in this scene of fantasy and re-enactment - Strawberry and Temptation are truly into each other. Like with any roleplay scenario, the background scenery only sets the stage for the real stars.



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attention 2 by Kobie 11 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<290MB] 1280x720 7m 31s
Some days, watching these videos all day long is more difficult than others. Today, watching Kobie, I am pulled into her sexual atmosphere more than I oughtta be, if I want to be efficient enough to get any more work done. But the fantasies and images spurred by Kobie's enjoyment of herself are just too much. Maybe I'll just spend the rest of the day here, with Kobie on repeat.

tool kit 2 by Mary_Jay 12 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<379MB] 1280x720 9m 50s
Mary Jay's conjuring images in my head, of sex toys combined brilliantly with drillbits, and making me wonder... has she tried it? I'm so desperate to see her pick up the drill, so sure that I know what she's going to do... but this, I couldn't have imagined. So raw, so intense, so hot - and seriously, brilliant use of household objects overall.



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Feb 25, 2011
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literotic 1 by Georgiana 13 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<208MB] 1280x720 5m 23s
Anais Nin has been getting a lot of play around here of late, which suits me just fine - erotic literature is at the heart of my first forays into arousal, and it makes me happy to see other girls indulging. However, recently I went back and gave Delta of Venus a re-read, and what I found there was not the soft, lyrical prose I somehow had remembered...

slice of life 2 by Gemma_C 14 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<286MB] 1280x720 7m 51s
There's something very slice-of-life about Gemma's video right now - the off-kilter blocked off fireplace-as-headboard, the immediate window light implying a busy world right outside her private space. The way she stays quiet as she penetrates herself, her face speaking volumes. A time of day, a day in a life, a moment alone, yet embedded in the everything of it all - I like these kinds of days, too.

viva up close 2 by Viva 15 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<318MB] 1280x720 8m 14s
Part 2 is even more confronting for me than Part 1, so I think these are good videos. I really gave it my all in this series, doing the things to and for myself that I know I like best. I had a camera trained on my face, which is something I like. Can you tell that I like that? Can you tell what else I like? I just can't watch the whole thing, so you'll all have to watch it for me.



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 07 Jan 2006
Diana & Darcy
57m 29s
Download: WMV ( 610MB )640x480

VIDEO | 14 Jan 2006
Gabrielle & Christiana
55m 28s
Download: WMV (581MB )640x480

VIDEO | 21 Jan 2006
Gilian & Siobhan E
33m 59s
Download: WMV ( 374MB )640x480



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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 379MB 1920x1080 `9m`55s
Jacqui’s original IFM submission, complete with vintage quilt studio vibes, was so incredibly popular when it first came out that we reissued it just a year later, with a fresh edit and new angles. Now, enough time has gone by - those muscle contractions and all her orgasmic intensity beg to be brought to light once more.



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Feb 25, 2011
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boob tube 2 by Sheila 16 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<199MB] 1280x720 5m 9s
This set-up is like a mirror times a million, allowing Sheila to examine herself in almost any position imaginable. It's hard to avoid taking a moment to check out one's bum in a situation like that - especially when one's got a bum as fine as Sheila's, so no judgement there. The effect of watching Sheila watch herself is heady, almost dizzingly enjoyable.

delightablity 1 by AmarnaMiller 17 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<406MB] 1280x720 10m 30s
The heartrendingly beautiful moments as the opening of this clip teeter on the edge as they unfold, between purely aesthetic, high-minded artistic enjoyment, and the deep growl of lust which appreciates from somewhere significantly lower than my brain. I just love how delightable they are... how Shanna smiles to see Amarna's beauty, how Amarna laughs with joy as she comes. Gorgeous.

undoing 2 by Esmae 18 Apr 2014
HD MP4 [<291MB] 1280x720 7m 32s
Esmae's very sensitivity seems to be her undoing, as she hovers at sequential brinks at the point of overload - only to push through and achieve those ever-ascending heights. She barely touches herself as she skims through these waves of sensation, dipping everu so often into greater stimulation, before eventually crashing into herself with the intensity of long anticipation.
