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Ambra_a Up Close 1 by Ambra_A 04 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<259MB] 1280x720 6m 43s
Ambra A is equally at ease on white linens as she is on white sand beaches, luxuriating in the clean, cool sheets under her sun-warmed body. I love her ever-present tan lines, standing out clearly under the sultry studio lights, a pattern so constantly reiterated onto her flesh that it's as if she were born that way. Born to light, and eager for every other good feeling under the sun.

a study in breath by Fauna 05 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<265MB] 1280x720 6m 51s
Another glimpse into Fauna's studio experience is IFM's little gift to us today. All whites and golds and shadows, the soft pink of her skin through translucent fabric, and the delicate structure of her bones making elegant shapes on the bed... Fauna in this element is a study in beauty and breath, and I am an eager student.

traci's video diary 5 by Traci 06 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<312MB] 1280x720 8m 32s
I'd like to live in Traci's world - where instead of shaking hands, we approach people and grab their breasts or dicks, gently but firmly, by way of introduction. 'Hello,' we'd say. 'Nice to meet you. My, you have a nice, firm breast-shake. Would you like to get a coffee sometime?'



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karezza 2 by Denna 07 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<249MB] 1280x720 6m 27s
Denna plays at edging quite a bit here, and we've yet to see if it's always part of her process, or an intentional form of stimulation she's engaging with now. Fast, and slow, moving, and easing off - the best orgasms are often achieved in this way, a slow-moving line graph of ever-intensifying sensations.


rub down 1 by Zahra_Storm 08 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<436MB] 1280x720 11m 16s
Hippocrates wrote, "The physician must be experienced in many things, but assuredly in rubbing." I feel that this quote speaks for itself, but for the sake of pure elaboration, I'll just say - I don't know what else Zahra Storm's "physician" is experienced in, but one thing is for sure. She's damn good at rubbing.

errogenous 1 by Beri 09 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<289MB] 1280x720 7m 29s
Masturbation is all about taking time out from busy days, hectic schedules, and the craziness of life to address our own needs, creating a space to reinforce that we - and our bodies - matter. With deep breaths and slow, easy stimulation, Beri tells herself that she has all the time in the world, as she builds up graciously to an incredibly deep and satisfying climax.



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settle in 1 by Angelika 10 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<260MB] 1280x720 6m 45s
Hmm, suggestive noises, a person present near-by - is he Angelika's lover, making a cup of tea in the early afternoon? A neighbor, trading each of Angelika's heavy breaths for a footstep of his own, only separated from her by their oh-so-thin walls? Or does Angelika have a particularly lenient arrangement with her housemate? We may never know, but I doubt I'll tire of wondering.

incomparable 3 by immie 11 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<256MB] 1280x720 6m 56s
A time-honored bonding tradition between women, captured here on film for the first time - the ritual comparing of pubic hair, clit size, and masturbation technique. I'm kidding, unfortunately. Most chicks don't sit around and share on this level, but it would sure be good for us if we did. AnnabelleLee and Immie will be the trailblazers, starting a really great new trend of women getting information from each other, instead of the male-gaze dominated newsophere - right ladies?



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sarit up close 1 by Sarit 12 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<328MB] 1280x720 8m 29s
Sarit's one of those women who makes me feel a little crazy with their beauty. I start thinking of history and atlas', old mythologies and sculptures and anatomical drawings of human beings. This is what beauty does - and orgasm has the same effect. At times like these I feel compelled to remind you, dear viewers, how lucky we are to observe these moments, to connect with the beauty of these women, as they connect with the beauty of the world.

traci's video diary 6 by Traci 13 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 8m 49s
I'm impressed, Traci - somewhere in this diary process she's gone entirely toy-free, orgasming just from the stimulation of her own hands. I know that this was a goal for her, so I want to give Traci a round of applause. You did it! Not that there's anything wrong with using toys, but since our hands are always with us, having them as an option is just pretty reassuring in general.



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al cielo 2 by AmarnaMiller 14 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<432MB] 1280x720 11m 9s
Though she's languid now, her thighs still wet with the results of her first intense orgasm, it's not long before Amarna's charmed herself right back into the game. A body as responsive as Amarna's is a gift from the earth, created for pleasure and enjoyment. And Amarna is not one to let such a gift go to waste.

perennial 2 by Junipur 15 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<303MB] 1280x720 7m 50s
I feel that of all the flowers blooming in this garden, Junipur is the most beautiful and, despite our lack of scent-o-vision technology, probably the most fragrant. All in bright pinks and hot oranges, with those long pale stems... damn, girl. You'll make a botanist out of me.



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HD MP4 522MB 1920x1080 `13m`22s
Employers may frown on it, but honestly, I think the ease of masturbation while working from home is really a productivity feature. What could be better than fully relaxed workers, ready to tackle projects and problem solve with a clear, non-horny mind? Sonja’s making a case for it - and she finishes with over 15 minutes left on her lunch break.



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VIDEO | 10 Aug 2002
Joanne & Mianna
Video 32m 00s
Download: MPEG ( 337MB )352x288

VIDEO | 16 Nov 2002
Joanne & Kylie
20m 00s
Download: MPEG ( 312MB )640x512

VIDEO | 17 Apr 2004
Petra & Susie
25m 00s
Download: MPEG ( 233MB )352x288



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VIDEO | 20 Mar 2004
Jillian & Tamsin
24m 00s
Download: MPEG ( 262MB )352x288

VIDEO | 25 Aug 2004
Miranda & Stephanie
30m 00s
Download: MPEG ( 427MB )

VIDEO | 01 Mar 2005
Paula & Candace
Video23m 40s
Download: WMV ( 246MB )640x480

Last edited:


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HD MP4 472MB 1920x1080 `12m`02s
Some people are into Saturday morning cartoons, some prefer the news, and others would rather sleep in late than watch anything at all. Me, I’m a run-right-to-the-internet-and-see-what-IFM’s-up-to kinda gal. And this particular Saturday morning, well, we’re up to some very, very good things...



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bud electric 1 by Emmalea 16 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<272MB] 1280x720 7m 3s
I love the slow, deliberate way Emmalea goes about preparing her self and her body for the intense session which is to follow, all loving intention and self-care. Her toy seems to be some kind of techno-marvel, a small bud of electricity which nonetheless has the power to completely over-ride all other sensation, and focus her attention entirely on her own pleasure.

settle in 2 by Angelika 17 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<312MB] 1280x720 8m 20s
Something tells me that this was one of those moments where you think to yourself, "Ah, I've got a few minutes to spare - I'll just go a real quick one." And then, 40 minutes, a snack, 2 orgasms and a nap later you find yourself relaxed, happy... and wondering, what the hell happened to your afternoon? Ah well. De-stressing is just as important as getting things done, I reckon.

incomparable 4 by AnnaBelleLee 18 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<183MB] 1280x720 6m 13s
Mmm, I love these self-referential situations... watching girls masturbate while they each watch a girl masturbate. I could even join them and film myself watching them watching each other and... ahhh, this is nearly as satisfying as Immie's orgasm. That was a joke - I don't think anything could be as truly satisfying as Immie's orgasm. Except maybe AnnabelleLee's...



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fifth gear 2 by LydiaBennett 19 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<279MB] 1280x720 7m 14s
It's started to rain, and it looks like Lydia Bennet's decided to stretch out her lunchbreak a little bit - as long as it doesn't take too long. We all have to get back to work eventually. Before she does, though, Lydia's going to give us a little tour of the less child-friendly compartments of her car, sharing with us all her best little secrets. I feel extremely privileged - don't you?

errogenous 2 by Beri 21 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<207MB] 1280x720 5m 23s
Beri has me on my knees. Her sexuality shines through, deep and all-consuming, seemingly unhindered by ego or the fearful effect of overthinking. Her body opens to her own touch, breathing without difficulty in concert with her penetrations, the connection between action and reaction flowing unhindered all throughout her being. In this, orgasm is an afterthought. Watching her is an experience of great beauty.

rub down 2 by Zahra_Storm 22 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<417MB] 1280x720 10m 46s
It's fun to indulge in some of the hand-held camerawork here, again, a switch which provides a jolt of visceral realism, giving that intense sensation of being really present with Zahra and her masseusse. I like the voyeuristic observer's position I'm placed in most of the time - but that infrequency is what makes the up-close swap extra startling, and extra-hot.



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lull 1 by Maria_W 23 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<353MB] 1280x720 9m 8s
Ahh, finally, Maria W debuts on our studio screen. You all don't know what we do, but trust me when I say that this stunning flaxen-haired wonder is likely to become one of those household names around here. Enjoy this, Maria's soft and beautiful intro, and enjoy too, the anticipation of more to come.

yellow bird 1 by Mew 24 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<457MB] 1280x720 13m 37s
Well, Mew, I really find you exceptional. Like in a get-excited-on-your-birthday, collect-all-your-movies, 'I love you so much I want a poster of you' kind of way - except, your movies are IFM videos, and, well, the film-stills I'd capture and put on my wall are porn - but I can't help it. That's just what's happening. And you look amazing in yellow.

boob tube 1 by Sheila 25 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<300MB] 1280x720 7m 46s
Ooh la la, Sheila - what a way to spend an evening home alone. Forget the playboy channel, your old-school DVD collection, even your nifty Apple TV to zap IFM directly to your big screen - Sheila's got this figured out. Pure, unadultered, unrated and uncensored Sheila - 24 hours a day, for her own viewing pleasure. And clearly, ours too.



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sarit up close 2 by Sarit 26 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<286MB] 1280x720 7m 24s
Sarit's sprawled out like a happy kitten, but her body isn't quite finished with her yet. A battle of wills between physical needs and ones' desire to rest will always turn out well - no matter how long you're able to put off one or the other, the need for both will build, until rest and pleasure must be taken in turns. A fine battle is one which has only victors, and here, it seems, Sarit is most certainly winning.

karezza 3 by Denna 27 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<192MB] 1280x720 4m 58s
A part 3 is always welcome, and I'm especially excited to see Denna again. There's something so engaging and authentic about her orgasms, and the tenderness with which she addresses her body. Since 2 parts are standard, finding a 3rd one always makes me wonder - how many more orgasms could Denna give herself, given unlimited screen time? Maybe she'll grace us with her prescence in the forums, and answer these pressing questions for me.



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bud electric 2 by Emmalea 28 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<253MB] 1280x720 6m 33s
Variety is the spice of life, and so too the spice of Emmalea's bed, allowing her to choose between objects of pleasure, and obtain the exact sensations she is seeking in any given moment. Even if she never does get around to playing with her purple butterfly, just its presence is reassuring - just knowing that it's there, in case she'd like to indulge.

sky riding 1 by kara_d 29 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<315MB] 1280x720 8m 36s
Kara_D's perfect summer day - a thrilling bike ride through town, passing cars and slow walkers, standing up on her bike as the wind lifts her hair, and her skirt, eyes closed, zooming around corners - that sweet feeling of freedom can only be magnified by Kara's anticipation of her destination - this sweet grassy hill, a place no one else knows, where she can hop off her bike and ascend to ever greater heights.



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attention 1 by Kobie 30 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<264MB] 1280x720 6m 50s
Yeah, Kobie, feel yourself up! I love it when our ladies give their ladies a little extra attention. Kobie makes sure to lavish care on her most sensitive spots, collecting caresses and strokes and pinches and twists all in a bundle, each touch adding to her cumulative pleasure.

yellow bird 2 by Mew 31 Mar 2014
HD MP4 [<390MB] 1280x720 10m 20s
Mew's orgasms are like some of the finest dances I've had the privilege of observing - an articulation of body movement which tells a whole story and makes my own body ache in response, an emotive eloquence that makes my heart turn over to see. Except unlike a perfect dance performance, Mew's movements are unpracticed, un-choreographed - a true window through to the source, to pure life, to pure Mew.
