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delete up close 1 by delete 07 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<211MB] 1280x720 5m 30s
There's something romantic about the way Delete curls into herself as she works her fingers into the positions that make her feel good, something self-loving and supportive. It's good to see, like the idea of someone taking themselves out on a date - we should love ourselves, as well as, if not better than, others should love us. Delete knows what I mean.

pliance 3 by Rylee 08 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<165MB] 1280x720 4m 30s
Part 3's of homemades are like surprise birthday parties when it's not your birthday at all. Unexpected and super appreciated, it's like a day out of time, a few moments in which absolutely anything can happen. While the end of this story stays the same, when it comes to Rylee you can bet that every single moment of the journey will be... oh my god, I can't even type. She's just too hot. Are you watching this!?

twinkle by Mandy_J 09 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<374MB] 1280x720 9m 41s
Mandy J's luscious adornment of glitters and sparkles are distracting in the best way, catching my eye and emphasizing the sensual movements of her hands. It's no wonder that her toy is big and purple, equipped with flashing lights and bright spinning pearls - the glitzier the better, for Mandy J. All the glam suits the holiday season just fine - and what a fabulously IFM-like way to celebrate.



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extase 2 by Zanou 10 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<260MB] 1280x720 6m 43s
I like watching Zanou's chest rise and fall, her belly tensing as she ascends each micro-plateau, her entire core clenching hard around each intense wave of sensation... often for me, these subtle moments, these quiet contributors are the most effective, making me look closer, perceive deeper, and pulling me right into their experience.

foret femme 3 by Cece 11 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<322MB] 1280x720 8m 20s
Cece's still not finished with her long, lovely afternoon, and an excess of time has encouraged her to play around a bit with these cameras. Cece's no-rush attitude and just the simple sensuality of her make the close-up angle especially hot. Every rush of blood, every shift of muscle, every inrush of breath is so visible, so noticeable, that an audience can't help but fall head over heels into Cece's mood.



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choke 1 by Abbi 12 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<297MB] 1280x720 7m 43s
Abbi's rough treatment of her own body has my blood rushing as well - sometimes a good chokehold is as effective as a carressing touch. Her demands on herself, her creativity in answering them, and a combination of deliberate intention and ecstatic, struggling response have me wishing to see more of Abbi, even as I'm watching her. Much more.

trickle down 2 by gaia 13 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<304MB] 1280x720 7m 53s
That smile on Gaia's face is universal. Like a cat stretching in the sun, Gaia's expressing is all warmth and satisfaction, blended with just enough relaxed anticipation to let us know that she's got much more in store for herself - and for us. In these moments, there truly is nothing better than Gaia's pleasure - her joy spilling over, her laughter mingling in my mind with the wet spot on her sheets.



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liplocked 3 by Nicholle 14 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<192MB] 1280x720 4m 59s
Now that turns have been taken, who will tease, who will be teased? I love the look in Kenji's eyes, hot and luminous, as she reaches down to feel Nicholle's arousal. Just in general, it's so good to see how these women are transformed by sex, their hair tousled, a languid lack of tension in their bodies, the gold warmth of skin and blood and familiarity, conjured from plunging into one another, again, again, again...

bellebeloved up close 2 by BelleBeloved 15 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<324MB] 1280x720 8m 24s
BelleBeloved breaths and sighs, revving up slowly to what she knows will be a frantic pace. I like the way she holds her hand over her heart, feeling it beat beneath her steady fingers, her eyes open, her whole body attitude concious and willing. Consent is a bit of a moot point when it comes to solo sex, but if it were a thing, BelleBeloved would be demonstrating it perfectly.



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HD MP4 500MB 1920x1080 `13m`11s
Change your hair, change your life. Isn’t that what they say? I think it applies to every hair on your body, and I wonder if Euphemia agrees. A little haircut today functions simultaneously as a self-love check in, allowing Euphemia to catch up with herself even as she reinvents, emerging from this session a changed - and refreshed - woman.



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HD MP4 404MB 1920x1080 `10m`21s
I remember Victoria mentioning in her profile that she was a bit unsure about this whole IFM thing the morning of, but you wouldn’t know it from watching her. It takes real bravery to do what she’s doing today - baring it all, taking the deepest plunge. And doubly so if you’re feeling nervy about it beforehand. So bravo Victoria - you’re just amazing.



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transpose 2 by Astrid_L 16 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<275MB] 1280x720 7m 5s
So much great imagery here. Astrid L, white legs spread, her shoes and socks iconic, perched on this little grassy hill while the commuters' train rumbles past. If they looked out the window, could they see? Would they know, while they sit with their phones and books, their tablets and headphones, the ecstasy of life occurring just outside the windows? I think this is some big metaphor, but I can't puzzle it all out while Astrid's still coming on the screen, right in front of me.

gold can stay 2 by Mylah 17 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<153MB] 1280x720 3m 59s
Seriously, that poem will never be the same for me. Was it always supposed to be about beautiful women having orgasms? As seasons end and all flares must dim, so too does Mylah contract and climax, tapering off in the cooldown of her flushed skin. Leaf subsides to leaf... but there's no grief in the interim, only patience, as I look forward to Mylah's next flourishing.

pastel pink 1 by Ambra_A 18 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<174MB] 1280x720 4m 30s
Pretty in pink... the pastel vibe of this scene kind of makes Ambra look like an ice cream to me, which in the midst of this summer heat wave is one of the nicest compliments I can give. However if Ambra A is ice cream, she's bound for inevitable doom - nothing could resist melting under the considerable heat she's putting off.



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HD MP4 [<243MB] 1280x720 6m 9s
I love the way Momoko's back arches as she takes her bra off. A simple flexing movement among so many others, but there's just something about it for me - the way her back moves to thrust her breasts towards the camera as she overwhelms herself with desire is super sexy to me.

D.I.Y by Caprice 20 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<256MB] 1280x720 6m 37s
Sleepy times imbue a good maz session with sensuality, a tussle of languid limbs and drifting thoughts. Caprice may be in the midst of an afternoon nap when she gets started, but by the time she really gets going, passion takes over and fills her with strength and urgency. Her hand-held closeups, wet and sticky with the physical evidence of her arousal, are not to be missed.

delete up close 2 by delete 21 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<272MB] 1280x720 7m 3s
Delete's quiet leaves space for her observers to settle in and feel comfortable in their prescence, her eyes closed only gently, her body rocking in waves as she manipulates her pleasure centers with skill. Her turn into her customary sideways posture signals her ascent to her peak, as she presses her face into her pillow, and lets herself go.



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replay by Erato 22 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<301MB] 1280x720 7m 47s
What is it about seeing a girl's hand pushed down into her panties, that visual of her hand, moving, outlined by the thin fabric, that is so absolutely hot? Maybe I've just got a thing for underwear, but regardless of the reason, I find myself replaying those moments before she takes them off, hypnotized by the allure of that veiled and restrained movement.

Traci's video diary 1 by Traci 23 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<267MB] 1280x720 7m 19s
Ooh, an adventure diary - exactly what we need in the afterglow of the holiday season, as we all try our best to settle back into normalcy. Fortunately, Traci's oh-so-graciously provided us the ultimate in transition material. National Geographic's got nothing on this...

choke 2 by Abbi 24 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<403MB] 1280x720 10m 24s
Abbi's sexuality revolves around limits, and pushing past them, a sexuality which lives on thresholds and thrives on exploration. I would love to know what she's thinking, what's in her mind as she plays with posture and friction, using herself like a sex toy, fueling her own imagination as she overwhelms her senses with raw desire.



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pluck 1 by Edie 25 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<476MB] 1280x720 12m 18s
This is the most sensual singing I've heard in a long time, so it stands to reason that Edie's music video would too be stunningly beautiful, sweet and strong and heart-rending - to match her song. An ode to Edie's voice and fingers, this scene documents a special moment, as she transitions from voice to breath, from string to self, a wellspring of creative energy.

hypertension 1 by Rhin 26 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<359MB] 1280x720 9m 16s
The no-nonsense, matter of fact way Rhin takes off her pants, and later, her top, elicit a big grin from me. I like a lady who knows what she wants, and doesn't waste any time getting there. It's not long before the rest of Rhin's clothing joins her pants, and Rhin's ready to get going for her super intense session.



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rambunctious 1 by Stick 27 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<320MB] 1280x720 8m 23s
Forget all your g-spot finding gps systems, your "what women really want" manuals, your seminars and speed dating tip tables. Women are not the galaxies of confusing mystery that society makes us out to be. All we want, all we need, is a few kittens and a book full of dirty comics. Yes folks - it's just that easy.

liplocked 4 by Nicholle 28 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 7m 11s
Liplocks turn to pillow talks as Kenji and Nicholle become more and more intimate. As something of an intellectual voyeur (yes, that's just fancy talk for a run-of-the-mill snoop) I am fascinated to listen to their stories of "sexual awakening". However, soon the warmth and insistance of their naked bodies becomes more interesting than idle chitchat, and it's back to basics for Kenji and Nicholle...



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pastel pink 2 by Ambra_A 29 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<242MB] 1280x720 6m 18s
Ambra's little "hmm"s and "ah"s of appreciation are so charming, in the same way I feel overhearing people mumbling to themselves as they work out a problem, when they think they're alone. Maybe that's a bit odd of me, but hey, none of us would be here right now if we didn't claim at least a hint of voyeuristic tendencies, right?

nudiflorum 2 by jasmin 30 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<306MB] 1280x720 7m 55s
Of course no two orgasms are alike, but I've started to notice a similar kind of atmosphere at the apex of ejaculatory ones - a deep, long sigh preceeding the rush of liquid, the equisitly feminine sound of a woman letting go, and something intensely cyclical, building and spiraling until the typical linear conception of orgasm is washed away in a long, continuous flow of pleasure.

tantamount 2 by Momoko 31 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<283MB] 1280x720 7m 19s
Momoko's expression of lust borders on distress, that intersectional oh-my-god place where "no" becomes "yes" and turns back on itself again, the blurring of extremes which always precedes orgasm. Maybe that's why we crave this so much - a reminder from our physical bodies that when you get down to essentials, good and bad become meaningless, as the need for release supersedes all judgement.



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VIDEO | 05 Nov 2016 Ana B & Irina
69m 29s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1400mb

Approaching Ana from behind, Irina blindfolds her as she gently kisses her neck and shoulder. Slowly undressing Ana, Irina squeezes her breasts and kisses her nipples before turning around as Ana pulls Irina's short shorts aside revealing her full bush. Kissing Irina's belly, Ana slowly moves downwards until she reaches Irina's vulva, licking her passionately as she fingers her.

Placing herself on top of Irina, Ana squirms in pleasure as Irina tours her tongue around Ana's vulva, suctioning her meaty lips and stretching them. As they move around the bed, Irina and Ana continue pleasuring each other, first in a 69, while they finger and lick each other before engaging in some passionate tribbing action.

VIDEO | 12 Nov 2016 Ashley D & Chloe V
59m 55s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1165mb

Gently posing her lips on Ashley's neck, Chloe slowly slides her hand up her skirt revealing her pink, girly panties. As they undress each other, Chloe's rubs her erect, dark nipples against Ashley's breasts while they passionately kiss.

As the girls get heated up, Chloe goes down on Ashley, placing her head in between her legs giving her a dedicated oral that will have Ashley squirm in pleasure before engaging in vigorous triibbing and a passionate 69 that will bring both girls to orgasm.

VIDEO | 19 Nov 2016 Amanda B & Tallulah
51m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1098mb

Sliding her hand up Tallulah's skirt, Amanda gently kisses her lips and neck as she gets caressed on top of her panties. Kneeling before her partner, Amanda takes off her panties, uncovering her dark, full bush, and dives her face and tongue into it, passionately licking her vulva.

Taking her to the bed, Tallulah lays as Amanda positions herself on top of her, placing her hairy vulva on her face as she receives a committed oral before pushing their bodies together for some intense tribbing action.



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VIDEO | 26 Nov 2016 Emilia & Sophie
53m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1199mb
Deep fingering

Messing around in the bed, Emilia and Sophie tease each other as they try out different outfits. Slowly getting closer to Sophie, Emilia gently kisses her lips as Sophie's hand moves down to her lace panties through which her dark full bush leaks through the sides.

Taking them off, Sophie tours her tongue all around Emilia's vulva, playing with her tongue with Emilia's lips and clit as she moans in pleasure. Positioning herself on top of Emilia, Sophie gently moves her hips, rubbing her vulva against Emilia's tongue as she firmly squeezes her pert breasts. Turning around, down on all fours, Emilia closes her eyes behind her big, round glasses as Sophie delicately pushes her finger in her tight anus and licks it before falling asleep in each others arms.

VIDEO | 03 Dec 2016 Emilia & Tiffany
77m 20s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1345mb
Lesbian oral sex

Gently kissing Tiffany's lips, Emilia slowly takes off Tiffany's bra, uncovering her inverted nipples. As Tiffany becomes more dominant, Emilia leans back on the floor as she is undressed, revealing her pale body and her dark, full bush.

Laying down on all fours, Tiffany gets fingered vigorously from behind by Emilia, before she turns around and sits on top of Tiffany while receiving a passionate oral. Raising her legs up in the air Emilia caresses her clit as Tiffany tours her finger around her anus, slowly pushing it in as Emilia masturbates intensely.

VIDEO | 10 Dec 2016 Mariana & Mona
51m 20s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1034mb

Approaching Mona from behind, Mariana gently kisses her neck and slides her hand up her skirt, softly rubbing her hand against her girly panties. Pushing her to the bed, Mariana undresses Mona, revealing her immaculate, shaved vulva as she approaches her wet tongue and licks her passionately.

Turning around, Mariana lays on all fours as Mona takes off her panties, uncovering her tan lines as she beings to finger her from behind. Down on the floor, the girls move their bodies towards each other and rubbing their vulvas they engage in passionate tribbing as they look into each others' eyes. Taking Mona again to the bed, Mariana gently rubs her hand against her dripping wet vulva as she slowly begins to fist Mariana as she screams in pleasure before falling asleep in each others' arms.



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VIDEO | 17 Dec 2016 Ekaterina & Juliana
54m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1094mb

Lying in their comfy bed, Juliana and Ekaterina innocently practice their gymnastic exercises displaying their extreme flexibility. Gently bending over Juliana's body, Ekaterina presses her big breasts against Juliana's white cotton panties as she slowly moves up, squeezing firmly Juliana's breasts as she kisses them.

As they continue to undress each other, Ekaterina lays back and Juliana beings fingering her. First, with a single finger, and as her vagina begins to lubricate, increasing the number of fingers, stretching her pussy more and more as Ekaterina smiles.

VIDEO | 24 Dec 2016 Livia V & Remie
58m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1012mb

Slowly approaching Remie, Livia flirts her way close to her as we observe from a distance. As they begin to caress themselves, they can't help but tour their bodies with their hands, lifting their summer dresses as they passionately kiss.

Positioning herself on top of Remie, Livia unveils her full bush and offers it to Remie as she moves her tongue all around her hairy vulva. Taking off Remie's panties, Livia kisses her foot as her hand squeezes Remie's breasts and the other gently spreads Remie's vulva apart, getting ready to finger her vigorously as she moans in pleasure.



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VIDEO | 31 Dec 2016 Laney & Lucy A
64m 51s
Download: MP4 1024x576 956mb
Face sitting

Laying next to each other, Laney and Lucy pose as they take some sexy selfies. Slowly moving her hand down Lucy's skirt, Laney slides her hand in her panties, covering her full bush, as they passionately kiss. Reaching out to Laney's back, Lucy unclips her bra revealing her big breasts licking her erect nipples softly.

Standing completely naked against each other, Laney and Lucy masturbate each other, fingering themselves vigorously before pushing their hips together, rubbing each other's vulva against their thighs. Turning around, Lucy places her vulva on top of Laney's face, engaging in a committed 69 that will bring both girls to orgasm.

VIDEO | 07 Jan 2017 Leslie & Mariana
55m 56s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1096mb

While trying out different clothes in their dressing room, Mariana and Leslie gently begin to caress each other, moving their hands all around their slender bodies. Facing away from Leslie, Mariana moans as her pert breasts are squeezed firmly from behind while she lowers her hands and pulls firmly Leslie's round bum.

Kneeling behind Leslie, Mariana takes off her partner's panties and slowly slides them through Leslie's legs. As Leslie raises her feet from the ground, Mariana grabs her panties and pulls her foot towards her delicate vulva, rubbing it against her while squirming in pleasure. Still standing in front of Mariana, Leslie pulls Mariana's head in between her legs, offering her hairy vulva for a committed oral



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HD MP4 444MB 1920x1080 `11m`11s
Ohh - who could forget this, Emily’s first - and only - studio shoot. I miss her videos. That video diary series, filmed in her parents house, always fast and nervy and on the brink of being caught, was incredibly hot. Still, it was nice to see Emily slow down, safe and sound, in the deep privacy of the IFM studio.



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VIDEO | 28 Feb 2023 Alessia T
42m 39s
Download: MP4 4K (3.3G)

Fair-skinned Alessia demonstrates her favourite yoga positions while wearing a midriff-baring top and snug shorts that show off her bum. Slipping out of her clothes, she lifts up her vibrant bra to expose one rosy nipple, and tugs at her ruffled panties to offer a peek at her fluffy bush. At last, Alessia stands in the nude and cheerfully runs her fingers through her platinum blonde hair, preparing to demonstrate how strong and flexible she is. She grabs her bare feet and raises them over her head, so we can take in the view of the soft curls adorning her dark labia.

After getting on her hands and knees and gazing seductively over her shoulder, Alessia uses a resistance band to stretch with her legs akimbo. Then she models a succession of cute looks, including a furry coat with nothing underneath, and a wraparound dress, which she playfully lifts up to show her pussy. As she relaxes with her naked body draped in a long beaded necklace, Alessia lights up with a warm smile, and her note explains why: "I feel so happy and proud of myself!"



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HD MP4 544MB 1920x1080 `13m`51s
No one really likes doing chores - but everyone has to do them. So what’s a girl to do? The key is a shift in perspective… sometimes, quite literally. Looking up at the sky through freshly washed linen is a good deal more sensual than just moving on to the next task. Much more sensual, indeed.
