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VIDEO | 04 Jun 2016 Alina & Irina
54m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 954mb

Passionately kissing Alina's neck, Irina slowly moves downwards, pulling Alina's top down revealing her round, pert breasts and pink nipples as she tours her tongue around them.

Slowly being undressed by Alina, Irina lays on the sofa with her redhead ponytails gracefully laying on top of her pale breasts. Spreading her legs wide open, Irina holds Alina's head as she pulls aside her panties revealing her already wet vulva and brings her in between her legs. Moving around the sofa, Alina sits on Irina's face squirming in pleasure as Irina masturbates.

VIDEO | 11 Jun 2016 Billie T & Sophie
53m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1043mb
Oral sex

As they lie in bed at night, Sophie slides her hand in Billie's pajamas before slowly unbuttoning it and revealing Billie's round breasts. Passionately kissing each other, Billie lays on top of Sophie as she takes off her short shorts and pulls aside her panties before she rubs her fingers against Sophie's perfectly shaved vulva.

Gently kissing the inner part of Billie's thighs, Sophie moves closer and closer to Billie's vulva, and commits herself to a flaming oral before placing herself on top of Billie's head and squirm in pleasure as she receives oral pleasure back. After some vigorous tribbing, the girls lay back on bed and masturbate each other to orgasm before falling asleep together.



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HD MP4 565MB 1920x1080 `14m`13s
Leone’s hiatus continues into the afternoon with some adoring self-care -after all, we only get one body. Taking care of her is a must. Keep her fed and well-slept, limber and hydrated, and of course, our primary focus around these parts: making sure the body is well and truly loved. In all the ways we can love her.



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fire escape 1 by Fiore 16 Dec 2015
HD MP4 [<329MB] 1280x720 8m 31s
In a game of hide and seek, while one waits to be found, there's a most unusual yet brilliant synthesis of fear and boredom. As we know, here at IFM, the excitement that comes along with the possibility of getting caught and long afternoons with nothing much to do are some of the principle motivations we have for masturbation (not that reasoning is a necessity by any means).

the glow 2 by Courtney_J 18 Dec 2015
HD MP4 [<156MB] 1280x720
Throughout art history there have been countless references to the ancient concept of a Mother Goddess made manifest in the landscape. The V-shape where glens meet and the breast-like quality of pointed hills as a symbol of life and nature itself. It is the uncanny habit of art, nature and life to imitate and reference eachother that comes to mind watching sweet Courtney_J



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skype 1 by AmarnaMiller 19 Dec 2015
HD MP4 [<624MB] 1280x720
Te extrano. Pensar en mi cuando se toca a ti mismo.

HD MP4 [<167MB] 1280x720 4m 24s
Minnie acts like the ocean might - an ebb and flow. Action/reaction; coming/going; quiet yet communicative, even deafening.

HD MP4 [<294MB] 1280x720 7m 36s
One final cry! Sweet Sonya_T is most demanding in matters of self-love.



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HD MP4 [<166MB] 1280x720 5m 31s
How fitting that a fire escape could be used as such. Never, except perhaps in the rare case of an actual fire, has the 'escape' been so fervently enacted.

HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 7m 10s
Kiki_V continues to traverse the confines of pleasure and pain as she engages in a sort of 'self-tease' - a continual stop-start that seems to only enhance her reprieve as she succumbs to pleasure and ends the torture of her own doing.



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HD MP4 [<275MB] 1280x720 7m 8s
Jenny_P 's smile is beginning to haunt me. What thoughts linger behind that rosie, neat upturned mouth? Her almost tantric-slow circular movements coupled with her lightly closed eyelids (opening for just a moment to glance at the empty place next to her on the bed) and the sudden frenzied pace changes make me wander if there isn't someone in particular haunting her.

HD MP4 [<295MB] 1280x720 7m 41s
No te echo de menos , tal vez. No necesito nada mas que mis pensamientos. Solo necesito mis recuerdos de ti.

HD MP4 [<271MB] 1280x720 7m 4s
There's something about the sway of Natasha_J's hips that feels like a dance; and, as Havelock Ellis once said:
"dancing is the loftiest, the most moving, the most beautiful of the arts, because it is no mere translation or abstraction from life; it is life itself."



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motion 1 by Lucille_R 28 Dec 2015
HD MP4 [<271MB] 1280x720 7m 4s
As I watch Lucille_R, I can't help but imagine Johnny Tillotson's 1961 #1 hit "Poetry in Motion" wafting in and out of earshot. Perhaps being played by some Big Band under a pergola in a park just beyond Lucille's big window on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

HD MP4 [<249MB] 1280x720 6m 28s
Julie_Y's unnerving looks to camera make you aware of your voyeurism but then, as she relaxes into her bodily delirium, it's as if she notices your presence and lets you watch anyway ... closely.



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HD MP4 [<342MB] 1280x720 8m 50s
Ah suburbia, what wonderous mysteries you harbor behind those closed doors and picketed fences. Birds chirp as if in conference, dogs bark, planes fly overhead, the traffic bustles and hums in the distance and yet if you listen closer, what else might you hear? Every home has a back porch - a 'behind the scenes'..

HD MP4 [<491MB] 1280x720 12m 41s
As with all epics, if not a moral, some damn good advice can be gleamed. Strawberry and Mylah touch as though each frenzied caress might be their last. Laney and Kenji, on the other hand, operate like a good relationship should - they communicate technique and thus respond with ease and respect to those ever-important bodily cues. As you can well imagine, much can be said for both approaches.



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VIDEO | 18 Jun 2016 Alba & Paula B
73m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1333mb

Paula approaches Alba from behind as she is in the kitchen and firmly grabs her perfect, round bum with desire. As they passionately kiss, Alba's knee pushes it's way through in between Paula's legs and short skirt.

While Paula raises her leg up in the kitchen top, Alba gets to her knees and rubs her hand against Paula's panties while kissing her bum cheeks. Slowly undressing each other, Paula presses her pert breasts against the Alba?s nude slender figure. They just can't keep their hands off each other before getting into oral down on the kitchen floor and some vigorous fingering that will bring them to orgasm.

VIDEO | 25 Jun 2016 Bonnie C & Remie
59m 33s
Download: MP4 1024x576 939mb

Moving on top of Remie, Bonnie leans forward as Remie reaches for her breasts and passionately kisses her puffy nipples. Raising her legs in the air, Remie presses her feet against Bonnie's breasts while she pulls out her tight pants.

As Bonnie kisses the inner pant of Remie's thighs, she slowly moves down and delicately pulling Remie's panties aside, proceeds to give oral pleasure and fingering Remie as she squirms in pleasure. Completely naked, Remie slides beneath Bonnie and gives her a feverish cunnilingus as Remie holds her head on top of her. Pumping in excitement, they engage in passionate tribbing and mutual oral before laying next to each other cuddling.

VIDEO | 02 Jul 2016 Sophie & Tiffany
67m 23s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1213mb
Blindfold lesbian sex

Slowly sliding her hand down Tiffany's dress, Sophie firmly grabs her bum as Tiffany takes off Sophie's girly bra revealing her round, pert breasts. As the girls continue to undress each other, Tiffany reveals her breasts and inverted nipples while Sophie gently kisses them.

Laying down in the bed, Tiffany takes off Sophie's panties revealing her perfectly shaved vulva and amazing labia while Tiffany uncovers her full bush as the girls take turns to orally pleasure each other before fingering each other until orgasm.



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VIDEO | 09 Jul 2016 Irina & Sophie
73m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1089mb

Sophie unzips Irina's dress revealing her pale breasts and beautiful round bum. As Irina caresses Sophie's petite body she slides her hand down her panties and pulls them aside uncovering Sophie's shaved vulva and her meaty lips.

Passionately giving oral sex, Irina pleasures Sophie as she squirms in pleasure. As Irina moves towards the table, and places her head down, Sophie spreads her partner's bum cheeks, and tours her tongue around Irina's anus before engaging in intense tribbing.

VIDEO | 16 Jul 2016 Ivanna & Maia
54m 55s
Download: MP4 1024x576 962mb

Sliding her hand beneath Ivanna's dungarees, Maia reaches for her erect, nipples. Slowly undressing her, Maia kisses Ivanna's thighs as she moves closer and closer to Ivanna's girly panties. Pressing her tongue and lips against them, the wetness of Ivanna's vulva is visible through her underwear.

Laying on the floor, Ivanna invites Maia to sit on her face as she reaches to Ivanna's perfectly shaved vulva with her tongue. With her back on an exercise ball Ivanna is undressed by Maia, as she passionately provides oral while inserting her fingers making Ivanna tremble in pleasure.

VIDEO | 23 Jul 2016 Carmen M & Paula B
67m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1323mb
Sixty nine

Carmen comes back from doing groceries and leans over the table to leave the bag as Paula reaches for her round bum and firmly grabs her tight jean shorts. Sitting on Paula's lap, Carmen takes off her shirt revealing her round, big breasts and girly bra as Paula sensually kisses her torso.

Lying on the table, Paula grabs Carmen's head in between her legs as she sits on top of her while receiving a passionate oral. Down on the floor, the girls engage in a heated 69 and fingering before tribbing to orgasm.



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VIDEO | 30 Jul 2016 Remie & Willa
66m 38s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1188mb
Anal fingering

Sliding her hand down Willa's sheer blouse, Remie caresses Willa's round, big breasts before kissing her puffy nipples. As they get more and more excited, Willa pulls aside Remie's panties, revealing her full bush as she sticks out her tongue and licks up and down her hairy vulva.

Undressing each other completely, Remie sits on top of Willa and receives a passionate oral as she uses her hand to masturbate and caress Willa's clitoris. After some passionate tribbing, Willa lays down with her legs up in the air and begins to masturbate while Remie inserts her fingers up her tight butthole until she reaches a powerful orgasms.

VIDEO | 06 Aug 2016 Amanda B & Amber
75m 4s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1190mb

Sitting on Amanda's lap, Amber softly poses her lips on Amanda’s body before pulling down her dress, revealing her delicate bra and round breasts. As the excitement scales up, Amanda tears apart Amber's pantyhose, exposing her pubic hair and vulva while she slowly moves her tongue around Amber's labia making her squirm in pleasure.

Sitting next to each other, Amanda and Amber reach out for each other's vulvas and they mutually masturbate. Amanda takes over and sits on top of Amber as she gives her a committed oral. Lying down on all fours, Amanda continues to masturbate Amber before engaging in a passionate tribbing.



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VIDEO | 13 Aug 2016 Chloe V & Yara
51m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 983mb
Meaty lips

Sliding her hand down Yara's yoga pants, Chloe firmly grabs her bum cheek as they passionately kiss on the dinning room table. Gently kissing Yara's belly, Chloe takes off her top, with her long red hair falling on her chest, she reveals her lace bra and hairy armpits. Slowly undressing each other, the girls caress each other until the lay completely naked in front of each other.

Placing her head in between Yara's legs, Chloe moves her tongue all around Yara's hairy vulva playing with her meaty lips in between her tongue as Yara squirms in pleasure. Laying on top of the table, the girls position themselves in a 69 giving each other oral pleasure before getting down to the floor and for some tribbing action that will take them to a powerful orgasm.

VIDEO | 20 Aug 2016 Lana S & Sophie
58m 54s
Download: MP4 1024x576 923mb

As they stretch and practice their yoga exercises, Sophie and Lana raise their legs up in the air and spread them wide apart, displaying their flexibility. Still dressed, Sophie gently kisses the inner part of Lana's thighs and getting in between her legs she pulls her pink underwear apart and passionately gives her oral.

Undressing each other, both girls reveal their matching pink underwear and lingerie before laying completely naked next to each other. Positioning her meaty lips on top of Lana's face, Sophie squirms in pleasure as she holds squeezes her breasts before fingering each other until orgasm.



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VIDEO | 25 Feb 2023 Gabrielle M
37m 22s
Download: MP4 1080p (1.43G)

As Gabrielle gets into flexible yoga positions, her emerald halter top shimmers in the light, and her skintight leggings cling to her slender legs. She playfully puts her shirt on backwards, making one puffy nipple slip out, then continues stretching topless. After bending over to work out with a resistance band wearing only a lacy pair of panties, she pulls them down until they dangle from one ankle.

Gabrielle's cheeky expression hints at what's coming next: after her gentle nude solo debut, she's ready to share more of her graceful body this time. She lays back on the couch and puts one bare foot high in the air. Opening her legs, she reveals her perfectly shaved pussy with a sparkling smile. Gabrielle looks just as happy when she gets on her hands and knees and wiggles her hips to show off her firm bum. Then, she puts on her hot pink roller skates and expertly glides through the flat in the nude.



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VIDEO | 27 Aug 2016 Billie T & Tiffany
59m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1133mb

Billie and Tiffany sit next to each other in the couch as Billie casually opens her legs, revealing her white see-through panties. Slowly sliding her hand down, Billie begins to masturbate for Tiffany's delight. Passionately kissing, Tiffany undresses revealing her pert breasts and inverted nipples as Billie caresses her whole body.

Standing on the couch, Tiffany moves closer to Billie and gently guides her head in between her legs towards her full bush, enjoying a vibrant oral from Billie. Down on the floor, the girls engage in an ardent 69 before Billie positions herself in all fours as Tiffany fingers and licks her from behind.

VIDEO | 03 Sep 2016 Mara & Willa
46m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 990mb

While passionately kissing each other, Mara lays back and lets Willa pull up her lace bra while she gently kisses her nipples, making them erect. Slowly, her hand continues to go down Mara's slender body, into her panties, as she leans forward putting her big breasts next to Mara's lips.

Pulling Willa's panties aside and revealing her meaty lips, Mara lays beneath her, givings her a committed oral before turning it into a 69 as Willa lays forward passionately touring her tongue around Mara's immaculately shaved vulva. Laying on all fours, with her head down and her bum up, Mara gets vigorously fingered by Willa from behind until she reaches a powerful orgasm.

VIDEO | 10 Sep 2016 Chloe V & Ekaterina
62m 56s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1233mb

As she gently kisses Ekaterina's shoulder, Chloe moves down her hand and unbuttons her partner's jeans, uncovering her girly panties with one hand as she squeezes firmly her big breasts with the other. Turning around, Ekaterina strips down Chloe, letting her meaty lips out for her to play with.

Positioning themselves in front of each other, both girls begin by caressing their vulvas. When they're already dripping wet, they start fingering each other and vigorously tribbing before transitioning to a mutual oral that will bring them both extreme pleasure as they lick each other's vulvas.



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VIDEO | 17 Sep 2016 Irina & Yara
66m 13s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1532mb

Laying in the bed in her nightdress and short shorts, Irina and Yara play a game of ‘dare’. They start by teasing each other, licking Irina's neck and taking off Yara's shirt using only Irina's mouth. However, things will escalate very quickly...

Down on all fours, Irina pushes her bum out opening her legs, offering her hairy vulva so Yara can finger her intensely as she moans in pleasure. Turning around, Irina and Yara face each other's labia as they engage in a passionate 69, licking each other intensely.

VIDEO | 24 Sep 2016 Ana B & Bobbie
75m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1466mb

Gently caressing Bobbie's neck, Ana guides her lips towards her mouth, passionately kissing as Bobbie's hand reach for Ana's big breasts. As the girls begin to undress each other, Bobbie reveals her pale body that contrasts with her dark full bush while Ana takes off her panties uncovering her immaculate shave job and her big labia.

Raising her leg on the couch, Bobbie stands as Ana kneels in front of her, placing her head in between her legs, moving her tongue all around her vulva while she insert her fingers inside Bobbie’s pussy as she squirms in pleasure. Back in the couch, Ana sits on top of Bobbie, placing her meaty lips just in front of Bobbie's head so she can tour her tongue around her clitoris, making Ana reach a powerful orgasm.

VIDEO | 01 Oct 2016 Alina, Daria V & Ekaterina
75m 33s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1487mb
Lesbian threesome

Alina, Daria and Ekaterina are about to have some threesome fun together. Gently pulling her round, pert breast out of her top, Daria gets her nipple kissed by Ekaterina and Alina, both her tongues caressing her erect nipple.

Slowly undressing each other, the attention moves to Alina as she lays on all fours down on the floor while Ekaterina moves her tongue all around her perfectly shaved vulva from behind. Already completely naked, Daria fingers simultaneously Alina and Ekaterina before receiving oral from both girls at the same time. Laying on the floor, Alina and Ekaterina passionately kiss as one of them fingers Daria and the other stimulates her clitoris making her reach a powerful orgasm.



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VIDEO | 08 Oct 2016 Livia V & Yara
55m 52s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1144mb

As they gently kiss, Yara slides her hand up Livia's thigh grabbing her firm butt as she continues to kiss her neck. Taking off her tight shorts, Livia reveals her pink thong that can barely cover her dark-haired full bush while Yara undresses, revealing her meaty lips and pink anus.

While Yara lays on all fours, with her bum up, Livia approaches her from behind and poses her wet tongue on her vulva and gently moves it up and down before vigorously fingering her as she pulls her redheaded ponytail. Later on, down on the floor the girls engage in a passionate 69, using their hands to spread her partner's labia and using their tongues to pleasure each other.

VIDEO | 15 Oct 2016 Ana B & Juliana
53m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1055mb

Standing in the doorway, Juliana decides to make a move and gently kisses Ana as her hand slowly slides down and grabs her firm bum. Passionately kissing, Ana pushes Juliana to lie down as she pulls off her jeans, revealing her hairy vulva just enough so she can pose her tongue on her clit.

Lying down on the couch, Ana licks Juliana's vulva as she fingers her while Juliana firmly grabs her head in between her legs before turning around to continue to be fingered on all fours. Sitting next to each other, the girls finger themselves until they reach a powerful orgasm and end up laying next to each other smiling.



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VIDEO | 22 Oct 2016 Gala & Laney
69m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1543mb

Getting closer and closer to Gala, Laney slowly moves her tongue around Gala's lips, touring them gently as her hand slides up her skirt, firmly grabbing her bum cheeks. As they begin to undress each other, Laney takes off Gala's panties, uncovering her dark, full bush and spreading her labia apart as she engages in passionate oral.

Turning around, Laney positions herself down on all fours, with her big breasts hanging as Gala licks her pussy from behind. Down on the floor, the girls begin some passionate tribbing action as they intensely look at each other in the eye. Lying down on the floor with her hips up, Gala gets fingered vigorously as Laney puts her toes in her mouth before turning around to an exciting 69 that will make both girls moan in pleasure.

VIDEO | 29 Oct 2016 Amelia B & Bobbie
63m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1290mb

Bending over Bobbie, Amelia gently kisses her inner thighs and slowly moves in between her legs. Placing her tongue on her girly panties, Amelia moves it up and down as Bobbie holds her head tight against her, dampening her panties.

Slowly taking off Amelia's tight yoga pants, Bobbie slides her hand in between Amelia's panties, caressing her clitoris as both girls gently kiss. Undressing each other, the girls turn around into a passionate 69, licking each other for extreme pleasure before engaging in some sensual tribbing action.



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laid out 2 by Suzi 01 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<315MB] 1280x720 8m 9s
I like Suzi's laid-back, waiting-for-it style of masturbation - reminding us that not everyone's raring to go and seeing God from the second they drop trou. Suzi's eyes stay wide open, daydreaming as she primes herself, physically manipulating her body into arousal - and once she's there, it's all the muscle-clenching, face-twisting, blood-rising intensity that you - or she - could want.

nudiflorum 1 by jasmin 02 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<199MB] 1280x720 5m 33s
Slow and sensual, Jasmin takes a mid-afternoon break from the hectic flow of life, tumbling into her own bed for a sexy little tete-a-tete just for herself. As she gets closer and closer to climax her body swells with liquid anticipation, her entire being fully hijacked by the sensations collecting between her legs.

ambrosia 2 by Naty 03 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<355MB] 1280x720 9m 10s
A perfect tableau - nude Naty on lavender sheets, bracketed by her pink toy and the careless pile of her discarded clothing. I love the top-down view, but if there was ever a time for many angles, it's now. Watching the clear, sweet liquid fountain forth from Naty's body as she comes is nothing short of phenomenal - so demonstrative, so essentially feminine, again and again and again.



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transpose 1 by Astrid_L 04 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<316MB] 1280x720 8m 9s
A windy day for a walk by the train tracks... although clearly, a walk is not all that Astrid L has in mind. With a cautious start, Astrid acknowledges the extra-public precariousness of her situation, but it's really not very long at all before she completely forgets herself, plunging into a long and deep climax which seems to go on and on, as unstoppable as the train running its course above Astrid's head.

gold can stay 1 by Mylah 05 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<273MB] 1280x720 7m 4s
The sound of hands working under denim jean shorts just does it for me, and when it's IFM's new golden girl Mylah, my appreciation just goes off the charts. Her actual color may not be immediately apparent here, but having watched her walk up and down the corridor in front of me every day for the last few weeks, I can assure you, she is actually made out of gold. Here's hoping that Robert Frost was dead wrong.

trickle down 1 by gaia 06 Jan 2014
HD MP4 [<365MB] 1280x720 9m 26s
I love these shoots with a post-working day vibe... I can relate so well to that delicious moment where you kick off your shoes and slide into your own bed, knowing that your obligations have been well fulfilled. Well, nearly - for Gaia, there's one job left to do, one more task to fulfill. And this one is all for herself.
