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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 376MB 1920x1080 9m`38s
Ah, I feel a little sad for all our 2006 punters - unless they’ve stuck around for the past 17 years, they’re missing out on this Balinese meet-cute story, complete with Bintangs on the beach - not to mention the juicy extra footage from Frauline’s Oral Fixation. All the more reason to get your membership for IFM, and never let it lapse.



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HD MP4 [<284MB] 1280x720 7m 43s
Like she is caught halfway between our world and another, the intangible Oliva is luminous and permeable. Her hand could seemingly pass through her own skin like she was an apparition of a beauty that has gone beyond the veil. The goosebumps rising on the back of your neck are a completely different kind. This haunting is not a horror, it's a thriller.

HD MP4 [<148MB] 1280x720 3m 50s
"No wind disturbs our colored sail
The radio is silent, so are we
Julie's head is on her arm
Her fingers brush the surface of the sea" - Brian Eno - Julie With...

HD MP4 [<407MB] 1280x720 11m 40s
We were already completely smitten with Ella but there is one look on her face that elevated it to a new level of appreciation. When she first feels the vibrator there is a split second of pleasure, anticipation, surprise and exultation that is all crushed into something as simple as the shape of her mouth. You can probably guess that here at Feck we see a lot of facial expressions but that split second is something that is going to be remembered for quite a while.



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HD MP4 [<222MB] 1280x720 15m 46s
"Don't look at the camera, don't look at the camera..." You can almost hear those words that are running through Maree's mind she is thinking it so loudly. You can see her eyes flirt with it, trying to catch it in her peripheries a couple of times before she gives in and stares directly down the lens. It's okay Maree no need to be avoid it, we don't mind a little eye contact.

HD MP4 [<300MB] 1280x720 7m 46s
Mylah has yet another team up with another beautiful companion in her new duet with Maria. Always a real team player Mylah seems to really excel when there is another energy for her to interact with and Maria seems like a perfect team mate. As the old saying goes two heads are better than one, especially when they are attached to such willing bodies.

HD MP4 [<223MB] 1280x720 6m 16s
Anabel has her lithe and fair frame stretched out, her movement is centralized and internalized as part three of this video comes to a climax. All three of these videos have been a crescendo that has been steadily building, culminating here at the pinnacle of her sexual energies. Afterwards Anabel is left with panting breaths and her tranquil eyes.



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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 [<297MB] 1280x720 10m 24s
"I feel like my life is a perpetual holiday" We would have to agree with you Elsa, you do seem to have a pretty charmed existence. Even just simply slipping into the bathtub for a soak shows off exactly how you make your own little intermissions from the dull and dreary daily grind. No need to pack another suitcase, this time the vacation is coming to you.

unfold 2 by April_C 23 Oct 2015
HD MP4 [<199MB] 1280x720 7m 0s
I have watched this video a couple of times now and I'm still unsure if April is unfolding or folding? The way her body twists and bends to find that perfect angle, each flexing limb turned inward like human origami. But once she finds that certain and inescapable perfect angle... Well, it becomes incredibly obvious that the angle that she's found is the ideal fold.



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HD MP4 [<293MB] 1280x720 8m 4s
The door is ajar just enough to peek inside Madison's bedroom, and a little peek of Madison is almost more than we can handle. This glimpse into Madison doing her thing will have you so transfixed you may forget to blink. Count yourself amongst the lucky few, this fleeting glance at Madison may go quickly but it will stick in your mind for a long time.

HD MP4 [<402MB] 1280x720 10m 33s
Laying down in her long sleeve, cotton blouse Lucille is camouflaged within her white and wild bed sheet environment. With her soft and snowy skin she may be trying to blend into her surroundings but someone as visually striking as Lucille could never go unnoticed for very long. It is like someone is slowly raising the saturation levels to a vibrant hue as she goes from a woman of concealment to an absolute revelation.



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HD MP4 [<247MB] 1280x720 6m 25s
We can't look away, we don't want to do anything other than look at Maree. She has a magnetic quality to her than has us completely transfixed with wide eyed admiration, As our eyes focus on the immaculate curves of her classic and consummate frame we can't help but stare. We were always told that it is bad manners to stare, but here at IFM we play by our own definition of etiquette. Also we do not think that Maree minds when we do.

HD MP4 [<222MB] 1280x720 5m 46s
When I saw her putting on her headphones I couldn't help but do the same. Something was telling me that I would want to hear her breathing getting heavier, every little moan that slipped past her lips, the sound of skin on skin, every subtle sound in this video with a little bit of privacy. Then once I had turned up the volume it became so immersive. It was like the sighs of this beautiful Creatura were being directly whispered into my ear.



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HD MP4 [<245MB] 1280x720 6m 22s
Maria is so generous with her affection that even by the end of part two she is yet to be completely naked. Sometimes when you have a lover like Mylah, just the visual and aural sensations of pleasuring them can be even more powerfully erotic. The reward of thrilling someone else leaves your mind creating abstract physical sensations within your body with more pleasure than any direct physical sensation can provide.

HD MP4 [<192MB] 1280x720 5m 0s
Do you remember Liandra's last entry? I can't remember exactly where we left her then but judging by where this video starts I don't know how we ever stopped when we did. Liandra is already so captivated by the task at hand that it takes a couple of minutes before her individual style of playfulness can be seen. And as for being her particular style, that orgasm seems to defy description except for the fact it is exclusively and uniquely Liandra's.



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HD MP4 [<374MB] 1280x720 10m 24s
Every now and then the IFM bed is graced by someone as special as Ella. Her fervent and tender touch seems like she has some sort of special training or an innate talent that you see in classical musicians or pro athletes. But the simple answer is that Ella just feels her own way, her own hands guided by her own responses. It's not special, it's just something completely her own.

HD MP4 [<167MB] 1280x720 4m 21s
I can hardly wait till I see her Silly, I know I'm silly Cause I'm hanging in this tree In the hopes that she will catch a glimpse of me And thru her window shade I watch her shadow move I wonder if she.......? - Smashing Pumpkins



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VIDEO | 12 Sep 2015 Bobbie & Mila
73m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1223mb
Panty Stuffing

Looking up from Mila's crotch, Bobbie smiles as she runs her wet tongue over Mila's exposed clitoris, feeling her tense as she pleasures her.

Undressing each other, they kiss passionately, both rushing to expose and explore the other's naked slender bodies. Entwined together, they use tables and chairs to experiment with positions and raise each other to orgasm!

VIDEO | 19 Sep 2015 Ashley L & Laney
60m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1187mb
Nipple to nipple

Comparing their amazing breasts, Ashley and Laney press their nipples together as they flirt and kiss on the bed.

Starting by trying on each other's bras, they move closer and eventually land a passionate kiss as they hold close. Undressing each other, they feel their want for the other build. Staring deep into their eyes, they slide in between the other legs, their wet vulva's pressed together as they start to grind. Gripping onto their perfect large breasts, they rise to orgasm!

VIDEO | 26 Sep 2015 Caisa & Nichole
54m 32s
Download: MP4 1024x576 840mb

Nichole and Caisa embrace on the sofa as they undress and passionately dive into each other's bodies. Caisa grabs handfuls of Nichole's stunning large breasts as she lowers her mouth over her open wet vulva.

With the soft light from the window streaming over their naked bodies, they move around the room and experiment with positions. Tall Nichole lifts Caisa up to her own height and carries her over to the cabinet top so she can indulge her in some deep and long oral sex! With both of them treating the other to everything from fingering to oral, they push to hard and well earned orgasms!



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VIDEO | 03 Oct 2015 Hania & Luna
55m 54s
Download: MP4 1024x576 963mb
Interracial tribbing

Hania grabs Luna's head and pushes it deep into her hairy crotch, her warm thighs gently touch Luna's cheek as she continues to suck on her pink labia.

Looking from behind her dark framed glasses, Hania slides her hand towards the pert breasts of her partner. Hania pulls down Luna's dress, exposing her soft, dark skin. Gently pulling down Hania's knickers, Luna reveals her hairy crotch. Playing with her bum, Luna pulls Hania's pink labia aside to explore her more intimately.

VIDEO | 10 Oct 2015 Ella C & Renae D
74m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1000mb
Mutual fingering

Ella eases down Renae's panties, red pubic hair fanning out as the fabric is pulled away. Looking up at Renae with big eyes, Ella spreads the pink lips and presses her tongue inside the moist opening.

Ella and Renae tease each other with their wonderful bottoms, tugging at tight jean shorts before gently falling together, kissing on the bed. Ella pushes up her hips so that Renae can softly kiss the crotch of her knickers, watching her every move as she pushes the material to the side and licks up the smooth mound of her labia. Naked, they wriggle together on the inflatable crocodile, their warm crotches rubbing together as the start tribbing.

VIDEO | 17 Oct 2015 Bobbie & Thais
75m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1243mb
Lesbian foot play and toe sucking

Thais has found the perfect still life model in Bobbie as she draws and sketches her every curve. Thais instructs her model to undress in various poses and degrees of nakedness and Bobbie is only too happy to oblige the artist.

Exploring her body with a pencil, Thais stops at Bobbie's pink nipples that she proceeds to pinch and slowly moves her lovely caresses down to Bobbie's full bush. The attraction between them as palpable as wet paint, they start kissing and teasing each other. Bobbie moves to sit on Thais' leg and slowly begins to grind, tribbing, before licking Thais' full dark bush. Exploring every part of each other, Thais put her toes into Bobbie's vagina before she fingers her to orgasm.



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VIDEO | 24 Oct 2015 Nichole & Zina
74m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1188mb

Petite Zina and tall Nichole sit on the bed, messing about as girls do. Pixie cut Zina styles Nichole's long hair, flashes of Nichole's armpit hair visible, before they playfully wrestle one another, their bodies and lips getting closer and closer.

The physicality leaves Nicole wanting more and she pulls down Zina's panties to reveal her blonde bush. After tugging at her pubic hair, Zina gets Nicole into the doggy position and begins to finger her with such passion, her hands are soaking wet. She flips her around and starts licking into her ginger crotch before attempting to get her whole hand inside of her. Moving into various positions on the bed, they finger, lick, scissor and fist their way to a very slippery orgasm.

VIDEO | 31 Oct 2015 Ashley L & Caisa
49m 46s
Download: MP4 1024x576 853mb
Lesbian fingering

Both wearing red dresses, Caisa and Ashley look like blonde bombshells. Ashley brushes Caisa's soft hair, her big breasts visible downblouse as she strokes the stray strands.

Getting closer, Ashley goes in for a kiss and slowly touches Casia's pert breasts. Ashley removes Caisa's dress and licks into her shaved vulva. In return, Caisa kisses and then pinches Ashley's pink, perky nipples. Wanting more, Caisa slowly fingers Ashley before she's put on the desk and fingered her in the doggy style position. Both ladies lick, scissor and finger each other to orgasm.



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VIDEO | 07 Nov 2015 Ivanna & Zina
60m 56s
Download: MP4 1024x576 979mb
Nipple to nipple

With both ladies on the floor and Zina in between Ivanna's legs, they passionately kiss. Ivanna pulls down the strap of Zina's camisole and exposes her small breasts.

Ivanna's lips are drawn to them and she begins to suck on Zina's pale pink nipples. Ivanna takes her finger and puts it in Zina's mouth before she pulls her panties to the side and slowly inserts her wet finger into Zina's pussy. Zina takes off Ivanna's top and the girls place their breasts nipple to nipple. The finger, scissor and lick each other to orgasm!

VIDEO | 14 Nov 2015 Laney & Mirai
91m 30s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1222mb
Virgin lesbian sex

Softly, Laney parts Mirai's pubic hair, Mirai's virgin blood sticking to her labia. With a tender smile, Laney lowers her mouth to the intimate lips and pleasures Mirai with her skilled tongue, the very first person to ever do so.

Snuggled on the bed in matching glasses, Miria and Laney read together. With want in her eyes, Laney feeds chocolates to Mirai before reaching out to ease down her dress, a finger hooking inside the strap of her bra. Unsure at first, Mirai responds eagerly when they begin kissing, reaching out to peel off Laney's clothing before nuzzling her face between her pillowy breasts. With guiding hands, Laney lies Mirai on her back, holding her leg to her naked breasts and reaching out to lick Mirai's bare foot. Gently, so as not to hurt her, Laney eases her fingers into the warmth of Mirai's vagina, her broken hymen leaking onto Laney's fingers but neither woman minds as this is all about pleasure and a wonderful first time



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VIDEO | 21 Feb 2023 Evalina
40m 26s
Download: MP4 1080p (1.7G)
In her bedroom

Statuesque Evalina looks cosy in her candy-stripe t-shirt and gym shorts, but she clearly cannot wait to take off her clothes. A few images into the set, she's stripped down to a matching red lingerie set, including a thong that accentuates her cream puff bottom. Tugging at her bra and panties, she uncovers one perky nipple and a tuft of pubic hair that proves she's a natural blonde. Once she's fully nude, Evalina joyfully dances through the flat, and stands on the bed with her arms raised in triumph.

Flexible stretches in the yoga bridge position get Evalina warmed up for what's coming next. With a mischievous smile, she retrieves a bag next to the bed, and pulls out her thick red vibrator. Naked except for her tinted sunglasses, Evalina embarks on an epic masturbation session. She begins by laying on her stomach and plunging the toy deep in her pussy, then spreads her long legs to offer intimate views as it slides in and out. Evalina reaches orgasm perched on her knees, and throws her head back as she's engulfed in pleasure. Exhausted and satisfied, she curls up to relax with her cute plush bull.



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VIDEO | 21 Nov 2015 Ashley L & Ella C
51m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 907mb

Ashley and Ella are sitting on the couch when Ashley decides to give Ella's manicured feet a foot massage. As she reaches for lotion, Ashley's large breasts are visible down blouse and when she sits her white lace panties ride up into her labia, showing off the shape of her vulva.

Enjoying the massage, Ella turns over so that Ashley can massage her back. As Ashley soothes out the kinks on Ella's back with her hands, she also uses her breasts to get those tricky spots. Ella turns over and they kiss before they are nipple to nipple, sliding up and down. Ella sits on top of Ashley and she fingers her deeply before Ashley licks Ella's perfectly shaved vulva. Wanting more, they start tribbing, their shaved vulva's passionately grinding against each other to climax.

VIDEO | 28 Nov 2015 Carmen M & Liese
47m 4s
Download: MP4 1024x576 848mb
Nipple to nipple

Carmen kneels on the shag pile carpet, her bare bottom round and pert as she laps into Liese's sweet vulva. Liese twists around in doggy position, her hand squeezing at her own breast as Carmen's finger glides inside her.

Carmen's jumper slides from her slender shoulders, drawing Liese's eyes as she sweeps Carmen's long hair up off her face. Pulling Carmen up onto the sofa, Liese's eyes drop lower, her fingers gently easing out one of Carmen's beautiful breasts so she can slurp on the pink nipple. As they kiss in each others arms, Carmen's hand slides inside Liese's pantyhose, pulling back the fabric to expose the pale skin below, Carmen pressing a finger to the crotch of Liese's panties. With delight, Carmen pulls down the zip of Liese's top and they lie rubbing nipple to nipple on the sofa, kissing in a passionate embrace.

VIDEO | 05 Dec 2015 Ophelia & Salma
60m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1013mb
Sucking puffy nipples

Salma teaches Ophelia how to kick box by guiding her through some stretches and positions. She stands behind Ophelia's slim body as she tries some kicks and punches. As the lesson progresses, Salma's teaching hand slowly moves down to feel Ophelia's soft thighs.

Salma squeezes Ophelia's pert breasts and takes her bra off. Ophelia then slowly goes down on Salma and licks into the hairy crotch underneath green undies. She moves her panties to the side and fingers her though the full bush. Returning the favor, Ophelia sits on Salma's face and moves her juicy bum up and down. Side by side, they finger each other to orgasm.



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VIDEO | 12 Dec 2015 Remie & Zina
72m 14s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1255mb

Zina and Remie meet in a quiet city street. As Remie takes a lollipop, they both lick it and end up passionately kissing each other as their hands move into the inner part of each other's thighs. On their way home they can't help themselves and Remie moves Zina into a backstreet wall as she pushes her way in between Remie's legs.

Already in a more intimate environment, both girls undress each other revealing Remi's big breasts and Zina's full bush. Soon, Remie is sitting on top of Zina's face as she's licking her vulva, giving her extreme pleasure. Both girls continue to pleasure each other to orgasm until they finally end up cuddling in bed.

VIDEO | 19 Dec 2015 Flora & Lana S
53m 4s
Download: MP4 1024x576 982mb
Nude house painting

Flora and Lana paint the walls of a house, Lana's flashing from under her ripped jeans. Being cheeky, Lana gets paint on her hands and wipes it off on Flora's boxer shorts and round bum.

Flora turns around and kisses Lana, opening up her shirt and grabbing her pert breasts over her white top. Flora takes Lana's top off and licks and sucks Lana's pink nipples. Returning the favor, Lana plays with Flora's full bush before she fingers her. Flora pushes Lana against the wall and licks her perfectly shaved pussy in the doggy position. The girls to lick, finger and scissor themselves to orgasm.

VIDEO | 26 Dec 2015 Billie T, Flora & Lulu
59m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1009mb

Billie, Flora and Lulu are having a girls day at home, the three of them hanging out in their pajamas. A pillow fight starts and Lulu hits Flora in the bum with a pillow which makes her fall on the coach, giving a glimpse of her panties through her short shorts as she falls back. Billie then cups Flora's breasts as she reveals her see through bra. The sexy situation escalates rapidly as all girls take off their bras, revealing their very distinct breasts.

As they start kissing each other they take off each other's clothes and as Billie starts kissing Lulu's breasts and nipples, Flora is getting her hand into Lulu's panties to insert her fingers into her dripping wet vulva. The girls rotate in a number positions, giving each other oral pleasure, before masturbating themselves to orgasm.



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VIDEO | 02 Jan 2016 Ashley L & Brooklyn
49m 14s
Download: MP4 1024x576 876mb

Ashley takes pictures of Brooklyn, sits next to her and starts taking sexy selfies. Brooklyn grabs her own breasts and shows them off for the camera, giving them a good lift and squeeze.

Ashley leans in for a kiss and touches Brooklyn's big breasts over her colourful dress. Brooklyn then lifts up Ashley's dress and teases her by rubbing into her crotch over her lace red panties. Ashley then takes Brooklyn's bra off and licks her brown nipples before Ashley takes her own dress off, her tan lines visible. Brooklyn licks into Ashley's perfectly shaved vulva before they start tribbing. Brooklyn sits on Ashley's face and then moves herself up and down on her tongue.

VIDEO | 09 Jan 2016 Billie T & Ivanna
49m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 869mb

It's Ivanna's birthday and Billie is bringing her some cake to celebrate. The best gift, however, is yet to come. As she leans over the table we see her panties from under the long men's shirt she's wearing. Both girls start to kiss passionately as Ivanna leans on the table so Billie can kiss and lick into her perfectly shaved vulva.

Down on the floor Ivanna is still looking for more and positions herself on top of Billie's face, moaning in pleasure, before engaging in a committed 69 that bring both girls to orgasm.



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VIDEO | 16 Jan 2016 Ella C & Laney
72m 32s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1240mb
Ripping clothes

Laney caresses Ella's long red hair and her tight, lean body as Ella's colorful panties flash from underneath her tiny yellow shorts. In a warm embrace, Laney starts kissing Ella before the animal passion sets in and Laney rips off Ella's shirt.

Returning the favor, Ella rips off Laney's white top and leggings. Ella moves Laney's panties to the side and fingers her from behind. Turning over, Laney kisses Ella's pert breast before taking her kisses to her perfectly shaved vulva. Laney then sits on Ella's mouth so she can lick into her full bush. The girls scissor, finger and kiss themselves to orgasm.

VIDEO | 23 Jan 2016 Chloe V & Maia
57m 45s
Download: MP4 1024x576 948mb
Meaty lips

Chloe and Maia playfully move around the bed, hitting each other with pillows. Up Chloe's skirt, we see her white lace panties and we get a feel of her perfectly shaved vulva waiting to be uncovered.

Leaning on top of Chloe, Maia sensually kisses her neck as she unzips her top and reveals Chloe's dark, round nipples. Pushing her body close to Maia's, Chloe kisses the back of her neck as she gently takes off her panties, sliding her two fingers into her dripping wet vulva. Turning around, face down, ass up Chloe moans in pleasure as Maia uses her hands to spread her bum cheeks and gives her oral from behind. Both girls continue to pleasure each other, through numerous positions of oral and fingering until they finally orgasm and end up tenderly cuddling in bed.



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HD MP4 [<446MB] 1280x720 11m 39s
Ellie may be reticent with her hushed but deep breaths that make it almost like she is trying not to let anyone else in the house hear what she is up to. It is actually something far more intriguing than that. Ellie succinctly expresses the rising sensations within her entirely physically, never once needing any vocal articulation. I guess this is just something to be seen and not heard.

liandra video diary 11 by Liandra Dahl 12 Nov 2015
HD MP4 [<553MB] 1280x720 14m 22s
With a woman like Liandra I never struggle to find words to write. But with this latest video I think I may be out of a job, Liandra introduces this video with the most eloquent illustration of what it contains. I'm not even going to quote it, it would not have the same effect as hearing it straight from her lips.

all around 1 by Ellie_K 13 Nov 2015
HD MP4 [<158MB] 1280x720 4m 46s
There is a blissful and subtle smile that evolves throughout this video. It first appears as she is spread out across the bed beneath the camera. From that original point you could never guess exactly how much that smile will change until it finally arrives at the glowing, satisfied conclusion.



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workspace 2 by Adoni 14 Nov 2015
HD MP4 [<410MB] 1280x720 10v 35s
We get a lot of videos shot in colourful bedrooms, chic lounge rooms or outside in some picturesque gardens, but Adoni's video reminds us that it could be in a warehouse with pallets and boxes and it will still be as visually exciting. Anywhere that has the space to spread out and a little bit of privacy is a perfect fit for an IFM video because these are about the women that inhabit the screen for ten minutes. And really, there is no such thing as a bad setting for a good orgasm.

Unpacking 1 by Violeta_O 15 Nov 2015
HD MP4 [<280MB] 1280x720 7m 16s
I love how videos shot in the studio seem to vibrate with a minimalist halo. Like a package in brown paper and string, you can never tell from the outset what is going to be inside. Violeta is a present that unwraps herself one corner at a time, revealing a little more as the excitement grows. By the quietly unassuming outset you will never guess how ecstatically joyful the conclusion.

Daygazing 1 by Ophelia_B 16 Nov 2015
HD MP4 [<311MB] 1280x720 8m 3s
With the whole house to herself Ophelia takes the opportunity for a wistful lucid daydream on the couch. Gazing out the window at nothing in particular this video is full of the fanciful pensive reflection that comes so naturally on a lazy afternoon. No rush, no stress, throw in a cup of tea and this really would be the perfect Sunday.



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HD MP4 325MB 1920x1080 8m`28s
Sometimes, on our little spelunks down into the video archives, we find incredible gems. Case in point, this completely unpublished take from Talliya’s classic “day off”. Once we found it, of course, there was nothing to do but restore it - bringing Talliya roaring into 2023, '07 ringtone and all.
