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beating the bush 2 by Barb 28 Aug 2015
HD MP4 [<278MB] 1280x720 7m 22s
Barb is a woman who understands how connected her body is - she would have to control that powerful accord to make the energy flow through her with such intensity. From the tips of her fingers to the point of her toes, her body and mind work in unison towards a final and singular goal.

rest break 1 by LydiaBennett 29 Aug 2015
HD MP4 [<389MB] 1280x720 10m 26s
This isn't the first time Lydia has taken us to work with her. Remember Fifth Gear? Well today it's the rest room for some much needed relief. I love watching Lydia's long, slender fingers penetrate her deeply, reaching for magic places.



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expatiate 1 by Mona_T 30 Aug 2015
HD MP4 [<205MB] 1280x720 6m 27s
With such long and slender limbs you would think that Mona would want to stretch out, instead her body pulls itself closer together. With her knees bent and her back arched, her tiny shakes seem amplified within the compressed space. Mona’s body seems magnetized with tremendous internal forces that can not be contained.

springboard 1 by Liz_Beth 31 Aug 2015
HD MP4 [<146MB] 1280x720 6m 57s
On top of a big stack of pillows under a bright beam of sunlight, Lizbeth is the epitome of comfort. But comfort pales in comparison to the greater pleasures that are ahead for Lizbeth. But isn't that the way these stories go? Starting out from a relaxing scene and letting desire drive it far beyond expectation.



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VIDEO | 06 Jul 2011 Gaby
35m 19s
Download: MP4 1024x576 881mb

Daring to stand her slim and curvaceous body in the window for all to see Gaby playfully hides and peeks, playing with her large breasts and clean shaved pussy.

She moves away from the window and towards the record collection where she lets the music get her in the mood. She starts to slowly remove her clothes, running her hands over her smooth skin and down her long legs. Letting a finger slip inside she moves and rolls into a multitude of positions bringing herself to a long awaited orgasm.

VIDEO | 12 Jul 2011 Naomi E
18m 21s
Download: MP4 1024x576 433mb
Naomi E

Once again Naomi appears in another sexy abby winters installment, and were sure you'll be glad she decided to do so. Maybe you've already seen some or her previous shoots and know what visual treats your in for, but if not we'll give you a quick briefing.

Naomi is a really down to earth, sexy girl from Australia that loves been very open about who she is and exactly what she enjoys. Always with a sensual look in her eye, gorgeous figure and sweet pink nipples, Naomi's shoots are always a more than enjoyable viewing experience.

VIDEO | 13 Jul 2011 Madelief
15m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 406mb

Debuting with this, her first shoot is the gorgeous, dutch Madelief and you are all going to be glad she's here to show off her gorgeous body, long legs and blonde hair.

Relaxing in the sunlight of her bedroom she teases and seduces with glimpses of her soft white skin and suggestive little smiles as she slowly undresses at the foot of her bed, revealing to you her beautiful breasts, smooth shaved pussy and secret little piercing...



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VIDEO | 19 Jul 2011 Anycka
25m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 626mb

Waking up in the morning after an argument with her boyfriend Anycka might feel just that little bit guilty about making him sleep on the floor last night, whilst she enjoys the double bed to herself.

Playing around with his clothes in the wardrobe and stripping herself down to nothing Anycka seductively flirts with the camera and starts to feel the dissatisfaction from a night on her own. Running her hands over her soft skin she moves down to play with her gorgeously smooth shaved pussy and small breasts, showing off her rare and sexy inverted nipples. Spreading her legs and arching her back she reaches her peak of sexual frustration she decides its time to let him back in the bed for a much needed make up!

VIDEO | 26 Jul 2011 Maria S
13m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 371mb
Maria S

Pale skinned Marina, with her tightly curled black hair, sits seductively in her pale green retro armchair. With nothing more than a small red t-shirt and a pair of worn and ripped blue tights Marina stretches and flexes her slim, curved body, elongating her slender legs onto the cabinet she removes her clothing.

Underneath her torn tights and pale yellow bra she exposes her full bush of pale red pubes and shyly erect nipples.

VIDEO | 27 Jul 2011 Renae D
39m 15s
Download: MP4 1024x576 961mb

The gorgeous redheaded Renae debuts in this her first solo, stood outdoors in the lightly spitting rain she makes a quick entrance back indoors through the window, giving us a sneak peek at her long legs, pert bum and smooth skin.

Inside and on the bed Renae removes her clothes to reveal the rest of her slim and beautiful body and as she relaxes she starts to play with full bush or red pubes and slip inside herself for a play.



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VIDEO | 02 Aug 2011 Sylvanna
21m 23s
Download: MP4 1024x576 480mb

Sylvanna once again eposes her greatest assets to us in this latest solo instalment, bathing her glowing tanned skin under her small desk top lamp she starts to reaveal exactly what you'd hope, a beautiful shapely and sensual body highlighled by pert breasts and inviting, trimmed pubic hair.

VIDEO | 03 Aug 2011 Analyn
19m 45s
Download: MP4 1024x576 385mb

Gorgeous brunette and Asian Analyn bursts on to the abbywinters.com scene with a beautifully vibrant and playful set.

Starting of on her balcony looking down on us we follow her up to her apartment and watch as she moves around the kitchen undressing to reveal her petite, slim body, pert breasts and peachy round bum. Everything from the way she undresses to her cute and innocent smile will have your attention peaked from one image to the next



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VIDEO | 09 Aug 2011 Navah
14m 48s
Download: MP4 1024x576 367mb

Surely you've come across Navah before? Well if you haven't this shoot will definitely educate you about her cute, seductive and all round sexiness! Starting out looking from underneath her blunt fringe Navah runs hers hands down her small slim body and beautiful curved hips. Lifting up the back of her dress she shows off her pert bum, and turning round to unbutton soon reveals a lot more!

By the end of the shoot, Navah lays totally nude on the large floor cushion, her back arched and hips pushed forward, she holds her pert small breasts in one hand whilst sliding her other hand over her flat, smooth stomach towards her trimmed pubes and wet, exposed pussy!

VIDEO | 16 Aug 2011 Nayomi
25m 56s
Download: MP4 1024x576 657mb

Coming back from her morning jog Nayomi gets in to slip out of her hot clothes and relax on the chair, obviously though she isn't tired enough just yet and a little more self indulging exercise is needed! Running her hands over her smooth dark skin and Large breasts she spreads open her legs and lets her hands move over and inside her smooth shaved pussy.

Both standing and sitting she plays with herself getting closer and closer to climax, and without sounding too cryptic there's a helping hand from a little purple dolphin near the end...



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HD MP4 576MB 1920x1080 14m`42s
Sometimes the tiniest things just totally crack me open, melting every bit of me into pure, wild crush mode. In those case, Jada had me in the first 10 seconds - that long unzipping of her tight, high waisted shorts, and that perfect, careless shove of her hands deep down into them. And of course, as with most crushes... I just fall further in lust from there.
Deep Penetration Feet Flush



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VIDEO | 17 Aug 2011 Jade S
19m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 477mb
Perky nipples

Jade illuminates your screen for the first time with her gorgeous smile, smooth pale skin, large breasts} and petite body. Eager to show off her beautiful figure she wastes no time undressing herself, seducing you with her piercing blue eyes as she does so.

Moving off the bed and onto her print arm chair she reveals her pert, large breasts and peachy round bum. Sitting down she suggestively opens her legs and starts to let her hands wander down her body towards her stunning trimmed pubic hair and further towards her expectant pussy.

VIDEO | 23 Aug 2011 Masie
51m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1211mb

Wild, eccentric, playful, energetic, unstoppable and gorgeous, Masie may just be the perfect storm and certainly one that will tear through your house as quick as any tornado.

Masie with her big pink inflatable dildo chair is like a puppy with a toy as she bounces around the room, on and off the sofa, in front of the mirror, upside down, she has pretty much all possible positions covered! Her beautiful petite tanned body and her pert large breasts only punctuate and compliment her personality as you try to keep up with her in this her third solo.

VIDEO | 24 Aug 2011 Jia
25m 15s
Download: MP4 1024x576 643mb

Jia's solo debut is really something beautiful to behold, her slim Asian frame, smooth skin, pert breasts and peachy bum will grab your attention whilst her sultry seductiveness will draw you in and keep you mesmerized by her every move!

With the warm red of the walls bouncing off her skin she moves around the room, showing off every inch of her body. Laying down she slowly starts to insert her fingers inside of her wet pussy and writhes with the pleasure it brings!



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VIDEO | 30 Aug 2011 Kandice
27m 55s
Download: MP4 1024x576 701mb

If long haired brunettes make you weak at the knees, and the thought of a full bush against creamy skin makes your heart flutter, then Kandice is your recipe for an amazing day!

What starts out as a casual hang out in a bedroom, soon cheekily turns into a romping time of slippery fingers, gripped breasts and a gasping mouth. But my favorite, typically 'abby' moment is when she layers herself in cute cotton panties.

VIDEO | 31 Aug 2011 Eliza S
26m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 641mb
Pert round bum

You'll want to be dedicating some serious time and attention to this shoot, the gorgeous Eliza makes her debut for the first time, and with her slender body and piercing eyes its definitely a shoot to frequent time again!

Her playfulness is the perfect partner for her stunning looks and as she teasingly reveals her amazingly pert, round bum and beautiful small breasts you'll be fixated on her every seductive move.

VIDEO | 06 Sep 2011 Cresea
27m 54s
Download: MP4 1024x576 681mb
Visible tampon string

The gorgeous Asian Cresea bursts onto the screen for he second time to show off her petite body, pert breasts, dark erect nipples and great bubbly personality.

Peeking from underneath her bright yellow stripped net top she reveals her bright pink underwear set and further under that her beautiful breasts and smooth shaved pussy, which is holding a natural little surprise for some of you out there!



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VIDEO | 07 Sep 2011 Olivia J
24m 54s
Download: MP4 1024x576 635mb

Gorgeously timid and beautifully seductive, the American Olivia makes her her appearance on abbywinters.com to show off her amazing, slim body, pert breasts and full bush.

Her olive skin is revealed as she slowly pulls off her clothes to get to hertight body beneath. Moving around she extends her long legs and as you watch her move her hands over her stunning body you'll be analyzing her every move!

VIDEO | 13 Sep 2011 Dewisandra
14m 45s
Download: MP4 1024x576 386mb

Indonesian beauty Dewisandra loves to frolic, jump and play. So what better place than the luscious outdoors.

Tanned Asian skin against vibrant green, never looked so good. What starts out as a fun, cheeky shoot, soon turns into a finger tracing, finger gripping and finger feeling adventure of the most delicious kind. The combination of saucy and cute in this one, is almost too much!



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VIDEO | 14 Sep 2011 Viona
13m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 334mb

Gorgeous new Viona and her slim, tanned body burst onto screen, undressing herself and running her hands over her pert breasts and round peachy bum.

Against the vibrant backdrop she shows off not only her body but her flexibility, watching her do the splits on the wooden floor is a beautiful point in this debut set.

VIDEO | 20 Sep 2011 Tinsley
9m 52s
Download: MP4 1024x576 265mb

The temptress that is Tinsley is back for her fourth solo in this seductive and flirtatious set. Obscuring her sexy brown eyes beneath a lace mash she lets you focus on all the other gorgeous aspects of her body.

Stretching her legs and her slim body she reaches down to lift off her top and unveil her underwear. Slipping off her bra she shows off her pert breasts, to tear your gaze away from her already exposed full bush.



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Mylah Up Close 1 by Mylah 01 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<328MB] 1280x720 8m 58s
Has anyone noticed what Mylah does with the ring finger of her left hand? It happens automatically, seemingly without thought. And looking back to her previous videos, I see it's a constant theme for her. In her Up Close today the light really highlights Mylah's beautiful, smooth skin, incomparable butt, firm breasts - I'm beginning to sound like a perv, but really, who couldn't notice and appreciate all her perfect features?

bush bubbles 1 by Jaqui 02 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<275MB] 1280x720 7m 31s
As Jaqui's breath condenses we get an appreciation for just how cold it must have been out there in the bush. But can you think of a better way of warming up on a chilly winter's morning? If you're a member at ishotmyself.com you can see what else Jaqui got up to that day, and if you're not, well now's the day to fix that!

Elsa_H Video Diary 5 by Elsa_H 03 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<547MB] 1280x720 14m 8s
Every time I see Elsa's big brown eyes I just melt. And when she adds "I've been horny all day" in that slightly posh, soft Australian accent...oh my. "Sometimes I get so horny I start aching deep inside", she continues, while making a preliminary exploration, and from there she dissolves into her own pleasure and forgets about us entirely, eventually climaxing powerfully but in that quiet way, when you're not sure who might hear.



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motivation 2 by Laura_A 04 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<395MB] 1280x720 10m 13s
Laura brings her vibrator into the picture for part 2, taking things slowly at first - relaxing and treating the muscles all over her body before moving into the place that craves it most. A slow and languid masturbation follows, and I get the sense she spent most of her energy in the first orgasm, but enjoys the drawn out feeling of relaxation none the less.

rest break 2 by LydiaBennett 05 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<316MB] 1280x720 8m 31s
Forty-something year old Lydia once again demonstrates the power of the mature and seasoned libido. Unfazed by the sound of her co-workers in the background, she luxuriates in her body and builds to a very powerful climax, surprising even herself by ejecting a shot of fluid onto the staff bathroom floor.

The Pinch 1 by Hannah_T 06 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<404MB] 1280x720 10m 27s
Please welcome Hannah, a bona-fide sailor from Texas. It's always fascinating to see the various techniques ladies use to self-stimulate, and in conversations with women who watch the videos on IFM, we often hear that they've advanced their own awareness by observing others here. And this is no less a valuable resource for men - take note, there's more than one way to...no, I'll leave the puns out of it, this is serious business. Oh and a great feast for the aural senses, this one!



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Triptych by Veronica_G 07 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<289MB] 1280x720 7m 29s
My question here - is Veronica edging, or does she have 3 orgasms? I love watching closely, looking for the signs, using my own experience as context to understand what's going on here, and what she's feeling. But don't lose sight of the bigger picture because it's beautiful, hot, and inspiring.

The Back Garden 1 by Shibby 08 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<316MB] 1280x720 8m 10s
If I asked you to nominate your dream team for an IFM duet, I think a lot of you would come up Strawbs (or Chloe, whatever you like to call her) and Shibby. And you know what? So did they. Like all IFM duets, it's the ladies who came to us and said, well, "we want to have sex, PLEASE make it happen". We see ourselves as facilitators, taking the awkwardness out of the first encounter. The long anticipation seems almost too much for Shibby but thankfully Chloe ensures she isn't disappointed.

bush bubbles 2 by Jaqui 09 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<247MB] 1280x720 6m 45s
Elsa is kind of clumsy but in the most adorable fashion, like the awkward love interest of a 90's movie. And just like that classic 90's film you see her transform, her confidence transcending those whimpers and moans to whispered exclamations. She is always so softly spoken but these words carry a different cadence. A new, raw and powerful energy that makes you realise that there is more to Elsa than you could fit onto celluloid.



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Elsa_H Video Diary 6 by Elsa_H 10 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<445MB] 1280x720 11m 30s
Elsa is kind of clumsy but in the most adorable fashion, like the awkward love interest of a 90's movie. And just like that classic 90's film you see her transform, her confidence transcending those whimpers and moans to whispered exclamations. She is always so softly spoken but these words carry a different cadence. A new, raw and powerful energy that makes you realise that there is more to Elsa than you could fit onto celluloid.

expatiate 2 by Mona_T 11 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<168MB] 1280x720 4m 21s
With her hair fanned out behind her Mona looks less like Mona Lisa and more like a classical mural of a sexual deity. With the illusion of her floating and blissful on a bed made of cloud, her heavenly body seems totally sublime. Some videos are good, but a video like this can make you angels.




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meta maria 1 by Maria_W 12 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<396MB] 1280x720 10m 14s
There is a supplementary voyeuristic layer to watching someone watching porn. Instead of focusing on herself, Maria's attention is bound so closely to the eroticism on the screen that her own pleasure becomes oblivious and heedless. Just go with it, lets get meta with Maria.

Magnetic Palpitations 1 by Darcey 13 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<274MB] 1280x720 7m 5s
There is a pleasure that seems to magnetically raise Darcy from deep within the center of her chest, hey body naturally arching as her head is tilted back. Then suddenly, almost furiously it throws her down hard onto the bed. The forces at work here palpitate so rhythmically and ferociously, Darcy really is a tempest in a teacup.



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springboard 2 by Liz_Beth 14 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<203MB] 1280x720 5m 24s
With her walls crowded with art, a slow slideshow adorning her screen, shelves crammed with books and vibrant fabrics draped across the space. I always love when these videos give a glimpse into our contributors world, her room reflecting the crowded personality. No space for the boring, Lizbeth is a woman who feels greatly, presents strikingly and who's portrait is definitely not a sill life.

Mylah's Up Close 2 by Mylah 15 Sep 2015
HD MP4 [<400MB] 1280x720 10m 19s
There is always a moment as they turn it in their hands, when they take a breath and hold it in baited anticipation. If you look closely you can see that little glint in their eye. Each toy is as varied as the woman that wields it, with the shape and the aesthetic coming in a complete cornucopia of pleasure. Whatever the appearance, the intention is always the same... And most of the time inevitable.



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HD MP4 396MB 1920x1080 9m`48s
Watching Anastasia stretch and ready herself for the marathon session about to unfold, I can’t help but think of all the idioms I’ve heard about tall girls. Writers are endlessly trying to describe the ways women like Anastasia make them feel, but every attempt falls… well, short. Fortunately, we’ve got a whole lot more than words around here.



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VIDEO | 25 Apr 2015 Maely & Salma
74m 47s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1567mb
Tribbing on couch

As long-legged Salma naps on the couch, Maley approaches with devilish intention and starts to undress. Startling Salma awake, she caresses and kisses her face and neck before sliding her hands underneath Salma's t-shirt to feel her pert nipples.

Wrapped in each other's arms, Maley moves her gaze downward to get a better look at Salma's bush and guides her fingers into her pussy. The touch is not enough as Maley licks and sucks on Salma's clit before being turned on all fours as Salma begins to pleasure her from behind. In a lovely mess of tangled limbs, they begin to rub their clit's into each other and start tribbing on the couch. Wanting to taste one another again, they raise themselves to orgasm in the sixty-nine position.

VIDEO | 02 May 2015 Flora & Luna
77m 10s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1112mb
First time lesbian sex

Sliding in between each other's legs, Flora and Luna stare intently as they feel their open vulva's press together - grinding their hips together Flora grips Luna's thigh in pleasure!

Luna starts by watching Flora as she stretches, this quickly leads to mutual flirtation as they draw closer, their hands starting to wander and their lips closing in for an anticipated kiss. Passionately embracing, they each cannot hold back as they remove clothes at a furious pace to get to the slender bodies beneath, their skin longing to feel the touch of the other. Through oral, tribbing, fingering and a multitude of positions, they treat each other to intense and hard earned orgasms.

VIDEO | 09 May 2015 Gala & Nina Q
75m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1332mb

Leaning up against the stairs, Nina spreads open her slender legs to present to Gala her hairy, wet vagina. Pressing her tongue against her vulva, dominating Gala sucks and licks into Nina's submissive bum till she makes her squirm with pleasure on the steps.

Undressing their slender and natural bodies, Nina and Gala grind their hairy crotches against each other. They move in for a closer embrace and kiss as they finger and lick each other to multiple orgasms!



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VIDEO | 16 May 2015 Sabina M & Willa
65m 54s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1011mb
Anal fingering

Willa looks up at Sabina's naked body from between her legs before pushing her fingers deep inside her wetness, feeling her body tremble above her.

Passionately kissing, Sabina and Willa embrace each other, craving to touch the other's bare skin they fervidly remove their clothing. Pressing their breasts together, they entwine on the sofa, their hips locked together as the grind their open vulva's together. Indulging each other in oral, fingering and a plethora of other positions they rise to hard worked orgasms.

VIDEO | 23 May 2015 Anahi & Beatrix
52m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 976mb

Anahi pulls apart Beatrix's ass cheeks, revealing her pink anus. She kisses her warm thighs and gets closer and closer to her bum before going into a deep rimming session, stimulating Beatrix's most sensitive body part.

Playfully looking at Beatrix's petite bum in shorts, Anahi wants to get more intimate with her partner. While reading a book together, their lips, like magnets, lock together leading to a passionate kiss. Beatrix slides her hands underneath Anahi's shirt and grabs her large breasts. Her mouth wanders to her nipples so she can lick and suck them. Beatrix slowly slides down to return the favor, first by sucking on her underwear and then by plunging her tongue in between her hairy labia.

VIDEO | 30 May 2015 Flora & Salma
59m 32s
Download: MP4 1024x576 899mb
Tribbing and biting

Flora grips Salma's dark hair as Salma pushes her tongue deeper inside Flora's open, wet vulva. Her whole body tensing with the pleasure, Flora looks down at Salma and locks eyes as the licking continues.

Embracing on the sofa, they passionately kiss, their hands scrambling over each other's bodies, undressing and exploring. Switching positions, Flora and Salma take turns in treating the other to a barrage of fingering and licking. Pushing hard, they both work to raise the each other to a screaming orgasm!
