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I'm not the kind of person who keeps every single item of porn I've ever seen... so I don't have that much on my comp right now. Watch it and delete it usually.
Not enough... I've got 201 pictures of celebrities and models in sorted folders, two movies, and I used to have two DVDs, until my mom found them... LOL
there was a period when I was using 250mb zip drives, now I got like 4 disks of porn I can never access because all I can find are 100mb zip drive readers. What a useless fucking format.
Any way, it took like 5 usb sticks for me to admit to myself I'm a porn addict, now I got a dedicated HDD. Think I'm about up to 15G, mostly pics.
About 500 GB. Lots of full movies (porn and softcore skin flicks) in DVD/HD/Blu Ray quality. I never have got around to editing out the lame parts, just yet.