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Sophia Sultry


Respected Member
Respected Member
Nov 17, 2013
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ETHNICITY: Caucasian
HAIR COLOR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT: 5 feet, 5 inches (165 cm)
WEIGHT: 129 lbs (59 kg)
TATTOOS: Script inside heart on right forearm; Inside right forearm; Left forearm; Inside left forearm


Sophia - Extreme Fitness
Release Date : 05/10/21 (NEW!!!)

FT\/ G!rl$

Age: 23 | Height: 5'5" | Figure: 35B-24-34

Possibly one of the most fit women we have ever had on FT\/, she's all-natural and super flexible, and incredibly sexual too! She has a very down-to-earth personality, and great enthusiasm to do her very first adult shoot, and is willing to try anything that pushes her limits! We first see her at a busy park, where she does some running and stretching, look how flexible she is -- doing splits right in the middle of the walkway garnering attention! Then all her clothes come off, and she's doing it in the full nude!! Masturbating with a vibrator, she warms herself up for the Vibraking Toy at home, and ends up having a very strong orgasm and visible vaginal contractions! We get closeups of her long labia as she stretches and plays with them, then shows off her prominent clit. Notice how she can move her clit about, and we get extreme closeups of it! She then tries the Big Ten Toy, and takes 9.5 inches of it deep! Incredible!! She pounds herself hard with it, then with the Vibraking she ends up having a squirting orgasm that shocks her with such surprise! Later in the day, she walks around a resort area in a sexy dress and heels, once again showing off how flexible she is, without any underwear! Great views of her amazing legs and butt. She teases us at a restaurant, then pees all over the stairs! She wants to push her anal limits, starting with fingers (then as many as four!) followed by the Big Glass Ball Toy, and notice how wide it stretches her butt out! She then gapes her butt... Introduced to the FT\/ Monster toy, she gives it a deep blowjob, then manages to fuck herself with it hard and deep, taking nearly 10 inches of it all inside her!!!! She then gets man-fisted, pounded deep and hard and with the help of the Vibraking Toy, she ends up having a monster squirting orgasm!!! She then mega-gapes her stretched out vagina with both hands, so you can see deep inside! A totally sexy and extreme girl, you will see a lot more of her soon!

Model Comments
Hi, its Sophia here! I flew in all the way from Florida, but I tell you, I was extremely anxious and nervous! I thought I wouldn't make the cut or the photographer wouldn't like me but I guess I was wrong! There was so much fun to be had and coming from a very cold winter it was a wonderful thing to go out and get naked and not worry about getting too cold. Well the morning was cold but the day was great. About me: I'm part Spanish, French, and Cherokee Indian, so that's where I get my facial structure. I've been told I'm in great shape, but my dad was always mean to me because she hated my mom, and he would say I remind him of her. I was happy to get out when I turned 18 and moved on my own. I worked many odd jobs and my most recent was a packer for FedEx. I had so many bruises on my legs, but once I took this job starting with ft\/girls I quit so I could come to Phoenix. I do want to try out the whole porn thing and I'm ready to go all out for it. Nothing is a barrier for me and I think I have what it takes now. I've been a fan of ft\/girls for months now and its crazy to see some of the porn stars I follow start their shoot on the website. Girls like Lana Rhodes and Riley Reid and so many others that I have always thought were hot and now I hope I'll be on the website with a coverpage of my own.

Videographer/Photographer's Comments
Sophia (I found out afterwards) has been a fan of FT\/, and had been through so many tour videos that she really knew what she wanted to do, and how far she was going to push herself. From the very night I picked her up from the airport, she had that positive and enthusiastic energy and I knew it would be an incredible shoot. Clip 7 is an outtake which you see her greeted at the airport, and talking about herself on the drive to the house. Such a down-to-earth woman, and incredibly fit once I saw her naked. In fact, with all the fitness type girls I have on FT\/, I think she might be the fittest one of them all, even over recent fitness models like the sexy Kara. It was on the next morning I wanted to introduce her in a fitness theme (she also really didn't have much in the way of fashion). We headed out to a busy public park, and let her do her thing, and let her personality shine through. She was super excited to get naked on camera, so we went to a nearby resort and risked her doing all those stretches naked. She is flawless in the sunlight, and her super toned body looks incredible especially on how she can easily do splits and other flexible positions. I had a weaker vibrator with me, and she warmed herself up with it -- but going home she asked for the Vibraking and of course, it brought her to a strong orgasm with visible vaginal contractions. She's got the long labia, great for stretching views, and I taught her how to move her clit, and caught it up close. The Big Ten was a good warm-up, and she kept challenging herself to take it deep, and so she did! 9.5 inches deep right to her belly button! Seeing how sexually responsive she is, why not try both the Vibraking and the Big Ten? The end result is incredible, with a massive squirting orgasm, and her being left with surprise and shock. Just look at her reaction haha. Great finish for this part of the update, now go watch part2.

VIDEO I - Sexy, Sporty, Kinky!

Total Duration : 00:42:33
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
FileType : mp4
Total Size : 3.63 GB

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Respected Member
Respected Member
Nov 17, 2013
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Sophia II - Extreme Fitness
Release Date : 05/22/21 (NEW!!!)

FT\/ G!rl$

Age: 23 | Height: 5'5" | Figure: 35B-24-34

Our favorite super-fit and extreme girl continues her first time FT\/ adventure with an early morning breakfast... Yes she's making the breakfast for you, in the nude! Enjoying her sexy nude figure as she prepares the meal, she talks about her diet and fitness... Then demonstrates for us as she does her early morning workout! Stretching in all sorts of contortive and sexy positions in the nude, we get great views of her privates and amazing butt. Using dumbells, notice that amazing muscletone!!! She then masturbates with the Magic Wand, and then the Vibraking Toy, to another strong orgasm with visible vaginal contractions. We get more closeups of her very pretty clit, and her playing with her long labia, stretching and pulling them. She talks about how she first masturbated by griding on pillows, and she demonstrates for us, coming to orgasm quickly! Her open nature about her sexuality makes her quite genuine on camera, and we have an intimate conversation with her at a restaurant. Putting on sexy heels and parading around a tourist area in a short skirt, she introduces us to some golf balls, then gets naked and pushes all three of them inside her vagina! Pushing them out using her strong vaginal muscles, then then starts hard fisting herself, pounding away fast & deep, until she gets caught by security... Fortunately they did not give her trouble. Sophia is definitely one of our new favorite extreme girls, and is a must-have to for more extreme in the future :)

Model Comments
Morning! I'm an early riser and I like to be up by 7am at least. Always a breakfast first, and a healthy one at that. Eggs are a must with vegetables. I also like to do my morning stretches and exercises when I'm fresh and have had something in my stomach. I don't like working out hungry, I'll just be more tired. It was fun doing my stretching exercises on the videos and naked too. I've always worn clothes because I'm usually doing this stuff at the gym. Quite liberating doing it all in the nude and with that view! The photographer really did a good job of capturing my body and making me understand that I do look good on camera. I'm also happy that the few clothes I brought with me worked out because I was nervous that all the pretty dresses girls wear on ft\/girls is something I don't have. Those silver heels looked so pretty and masturbating near that restaurant was the best! The golf balls made me thing of all the other naughty things I'd like to do for the website and so I'd love to come back and do more shooting.

Videographer/Photographer's Comments
The next morning, she wanted to suprise me with a breakfast, but I told her it would be even better if I filmed it. A nice genuine conversation as she cooks for us in the nude, and once again you see her personable nature expressed on video. After a pee session, she's ready to show off her morning stretching/workouts. I had a yoga mat and small dumbells which worked for her. I caught every interesting angle of her exercise in around 9 minutes, but it really was a 30 minute workout off camera. It is an erotic joy watching that ultra-fit form move in such flexible ways! I found out afterwards that she had masturbated several times with her personal magic wand the night before, which made her more numb to doing it after the workout -- so once again the Vibraking to the rescue -- and another strong orgasm. Her long meaty lips get more stretching treatment, and closeups of that pretty prominent clit as well. That's when she reveals how she used to masturbate when she was younger, by humping pillows and towels. It was the first time she was talking about it to anyone, not even her boyfriend knew this. I remember a few girls on FT\/ who can get off like this, and she's one of those that doing it through this method brings her to orgasm very quickly. With her other attractive 'fashion' the silver heels and short skirt -- we go on location with the goal to have her take on golf balls and fist herself. She literally does it within proximity to a restaurant right below her, and gets 3 golf balls in, along with a very hard fisting session that is absolutely erotic. Some of the golf balls fell off the balcony and to the ground floor, which was probably what triggered the attention of security. It took a hell of a lot of talking and reasoning to be allowed to leave without trouble, and I'm happy it ended on a positive note. The last clip, Clip 8, is a great outtake to see how this experience with FT\/ left her with an improved self-esteem and a greater desire to enter the adult industry. Happy to help.

VIDEO - A Very Good Morning

Total Duration : 00:55:04
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
FileType : mp4
Total Size : 4.69 GB

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