You know singhr, that was really low and in very, very bad taste. How would you like it if someone made a joke about a natural disaster in Canada, where a family member like say, you mom, died in. How would you feel? If you have a soul, (which sometimes I doubt), you would feel very bad. Just think of that. (As I write this, I realize singhr is an RM, and that makes me want to shove a spoon up my ass, since he is an RM for making posts basically making fun of people and destroying peoples opinions. Nice example for the noobs cman.)
TO the rest of the internet: I know this is the internet and their should be no fighting or name-calling. (insert Special Olympics pic) But I feel this had to be said after such a horrible disaster and SO soon after it. It was in poor taste. And I am not surprised it came from that poster.