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Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Regardless of my nationality, after 2447, or whatever thanks, I think I should be more than a senior member. I should be a ...whatever, uh, member. Just a thought.


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
Reaction score
Regardless of my nationality, after 2447, or whatever thanks, I think I should be more than a senior member. I should be a ...whatever, uh, member. Just a thought.
I said unto the fools, Deal not foolishly: and to the wicked, Lift not up the horn:

Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck.

For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Regardless of my nationality, after 2447, or whatever thanks, I think I should be more than a senior member. I should be a ...whatever, uh, member. Just a thought.

Whenever I get the red name, will probably be the day you get a blue name. :mrgreen:

(I'm halfway joking...just guess which half MUHAHAHAHAHA)


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
Wow it's amazing to see how crazy and frustrated I was back in the day. It's no wonder I had a nervous breakdown and ended up selling the forum.

I hope everyone realizes now how important the nazi-modding was back then to the survival of the forum.


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
I want to bitch and complain about PayPal.

/*rant start

on 14th I made a withdrawal from my Paypal account to my credit card. As they claim it should take 2-3 business days , it doesn't. It used to be 2-3 days from "pending" to "complete" and then on 4th day to my bank account. Not anymore since December.

So after 5 days of "pending" status they cancel the transaction. They require more information about me and my account. Instead of cancelling instantly they wait FIVE days to do it. So I sent them a scan of my ID Card, I explained my last 4 transactions , I verified my credit card again which they also charged immediately 2.5 EUR. And last thing was the utility bill to prove my address. Fking assholes required again utility bill sent by mail (a scan of it), but cmon it's 21st century - ALL MY GODDAMN utily bills come via e-mail. So I had to go down to one of the service providers to ask them to specially print me one on paper and put a stamp on it (next time I'll use photoshop). So four days later on monday i got my limits off and requested withdrawal again. Now it's friday - 5 business days later and still nothing. Now comes the weekend - no transactions are done then.

Hopefully the fuckers complete it on monday cause my credit card is set to expire on that day. Otherwise it would be another cancelled transaction and I'd have to wait another week.

Funny thing is they take cash from my account immediately. Meaning they've took 24 dollars off the money I got and 5 more euros to confirm my credit cards. But when I want to get my money it takes forever.

rant over */


Senior Member
Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Subject: Post Deletions.

It took me a long time to post here because I do not post for points or money, and this forum does not cater to sharing amongst friends, and the interaction that comes with it. At other forums, I have made lifelong friends via the initial banter in posts, but since this isn't aloud here, aside for posting for points and money, there is little reason to post at all. Being a mere leecher eats at me, so I decided to start posting, and sharing like everyone else here at NCF. My Lindsay Lohan Machete post, which I posted about a month before anyone, was deleted due to rumors that it was a body double (which it was). A month later, I see a bunch of posts with the same exact material as mine. "OK, whatever...no big deal," I thought. Then I make a Lisa Bonet pic post, and some of the pics were deleted for not being sexy. For people like me, any material of Lisa is sexy - and also hard to find. "OK, whatever...," I thought. Then, just yesterday, someone posted in the Emma Watson pic thread, and needing a different wallpaper, I went to go to the post I made of her nip slips, and couldn't find it. It was deleted because of "JJ cleaning." I made that post specifically for people like myself, who are tired of that money making/forum breaking host (m)Oron. Rather than post one or two samples, and zipping the rest, via mOron, I posted all high quality pics, with no $ making hosts, for people to simply click and download. Now if anyone wants those pics, they have to download them via Oron. Frankly, I do not understand this decision, as you kept the money making posts, with inferior quality material...

I have well over a couple of terabytes of celeb material to post, some of which I have not seen here, but I keep on getting bitch slapped, so what's the point? I see post after post that are merely reposts of the previous post (sometimes, I swear, the uploader just downloaded the previous post, and Dead Link Removed it to another host. I see post after post of stuff that is definitely not "sexy", but simply this week's fully clothed appearance by an actress on some cable series. Lastly, I see the prevalence of Oron, a host that ruined Forumophilia (mOronophilia), and PornBB (pOronBB). I just don't get it.

In the words of the great Cobain, "Oh well, whatever, nevermind..."


Staff Alumn
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
I believe I was the one who moved your Pippa Middleton shots, for the same reason I would move these that you point out. The ones you quote here were likely tagged as reviewed by another Mod who didn't have a problem with them, and since there is such a high volume of posts, I usually only look at threads with new posts.

There is obviously going to be some gray area in this process, as it would be difficult to accurately describe a standard that involved any level of clothing or body visible that could be followed by all mods. This forum was originally supposed to be just for nudity, and has evolved over the years to allow for levels of clothing that either show a significant amount of skin or have parts of the anatomy obviously showing through. Neither your post of Middleton or these head shots fit, in my opinion.


Mr. Admin guy
Staff Alumn
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Ditto what upnorth17 said above. Each mod is a bit different, and while we strive to all adhere to the same set of guidelines, some things do come down to personal taste. We get so many posts, that if a mod has already passed something, we usually don't go back and review it unless another member flags (reports) the post. If you think you've been shafted, tell a mod, they might not see things your way, but it also could lead to a better understanding of what flies and what goes to JIHAD.


LTJ's exp0sed Llama Goddess
Staff Alumn
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
Subject: Post Deletions.
Then, just yesterday, someone posted in the Emma Watson pic thread, and needing a different wallpaper, I went to go to the post I made of her nip slips, and couldn't find it. It was deleted because of "JJ cleaning." I made that post specifically for people like myself, who are tired of that money making/forum breaking host (m)Oron. Rather than post one or two samples, and zipping the rest, via mOron, I posted all high quality pics, with no $ making hosts, for people to simply click and download. Now if anyone wants those pics, they have to download them via Oron. Frankly, I do not understand this decision, as you kept the money making posts, with inferior quality material...

I just saw this.. and since it is involving me directly I figure I would answer.. I removed your Emma Watson post, along with 3 others at the time.. I didn't think we needed 8 different posts with the same pictures... Out of fairness, the first to post the pictures is the one who stays.. And I kept 3 of them actually.. 2 post with thumbnailed pictures and 1 post with a download host.. the others were deleted as reposts, since that is what they were. If you had a problem with it, you could have messaged me and I would have gladly explained that to you..

The above consists of headshots and I have been warned about them in the past yet when I put pics of Pippa middleton (ass) in denim it get's moded and deleted?
There has to be a clear mod policy as some things seem to be accepted and others not?
Is it how the mod is feeling that day etc?

The mod policies are the same as you see in the rules.. and as each of us has a different opinion of what constitutes "sexy" and what doesn't, you get a variety of modding styles.. This has always been an issue and probably always will be an issue. I know that I personally give a lot more leeway with these types of photos than other mods...

I have to agree with choppes though, if you ever have any questions about why a decision was made, ask the mod who did it.. we usually are very helpful..


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
My deletions go into the ... thread, but they get moved to General Cleanup every so often.


Staff Alumn
Staff Alumn
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
The above consists of headshots and I have been warned about them in the past yet when I put pics of Pippa middleton (ass) in denim it get's moded and deleted?

There has to be a clear mod policy as some things seem to be accepted and others not?

Is it how the mod is feeling that day etc?

I seem to remember removing a post of just an ass in jeans, nothing else. If that's the one, I removed it because it could have been anyone's ass, even mine !


Respected Member
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
The above consists of headshots and I have been warned about them in the past yet when I put pics of Pippa middleton (ass) in denim it get's moded and deleted?

There has to be a clear mod policy as some things seem to be accepted and others not?

Is it how the mod is feeling that day etc?

Wow, nice job throwing another poster under the bus! There's no rhyme or reason why posts stay or go. When some dipshit made castor a mod, he went through this place like a drunken russian bear and deleted anything that he personally didn't like. I remember losing over 300 posts in one day because he didn't think they were good enough. To him it was a click of the keyboard, but to me,(and many others)it was countless hours of work that simply disappeared. Many of those posts were here for years, and made it through the imageshack and amp debacles before he deemed them unworthy. The aggravating thing is that most of the pics that he deleted have been reposted by others, and seem to be fine.
I guess what i'm saying is... post it if you think it's worthy, and see what happens. It's not like there's any real fucking work involved anymore with bulk downloaders and an uploader right at the bottom of each page. Try uploading one pic at a time to slow servers where a 10 pic post would take 30 minutes to put together, and have hundreds of those posts deleted. That was the end of my posting career. You guys have it too fucking easy!


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2010
Reaction score
Hi i would like to know why my Picture of Michelle trachtenberg as been remove? and the picture of Side boob of miley cirus as been remove to? thanks for the info and sorry if im not on the right thread...


LTJ's exp0sed Llama Goddess
Staff Alumn
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
Thank you for the clarification, but, as regards to asking the mod. How do we know which one did it? As far as I am aware (could be blind, maybe down to the five knuckle shuffle) the only things in Jihad which tell us are the JJ & KA cleaning threads. I haven't seen any for the other mods - therefore how do we know who did the deed? (Pardon the phrase).

Don't wanna pick holes here, but, surely all new and reported posts go to a mod - so that comment doesn't make any sense. OR am I missing something?

Not an attack on you Upnorth by the way, as I appreciate your thanks in my posts.

When I have to moderate a thread I ALWAYS send a PM telling them why (except for dead links, they just get removed). If you haven't received a message and can't figure out who did it, then PM a mod of your choice and we can look into it.

The moderator interface looks different than a regular user, and all new posts must be "checked" by a mod otherwise they are highlighted on our screen. I believe Upnorth was simply stating that he doesn't look at posts that other mods have already "checked".