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I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
You really don't have to worry about any sort of ban if you're posting pics and willing to work with us. We'll work with you, bannings only happen if you don't listen to us, or if you're just spamming stuff over and over. Warnings are just used to get your attention that "hey, what you did isn't quite right, try it this way" Infractions just get your attention a bit more. And it all expires, so it's not a hit on you per say. I was banned for a month a few years back and look where I am. So don't worry.

The best representative for an idea of what's good and what isn't, is to look at the posts in the threads that are there, (for the most part). If it's in the thread for the celeb, there's a good chance we're fine with it. So if yours is near or exceeding that, then you're fine. Even the occasional head shot is cool too, lol, just make sure that's not all you post.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks, Kaboom, I don't want to expose the mod that flew all over me with my first or second post by telling who the celeb was. I don't want to piss him off, nor do I want to draw the heat. But if you saw the pictures that he deleted...there's no comparison to what I've seen posted here before. I have never posted lame pictures, and they were not lame by any means. But then to get threatened with banning for posting them...my first couple of posts, mind you...was a bit unfriendly, unfair, and extreme, to say the least. But...I will soldier on. I must admit it's gotten better since then, he's laid off me, as I've tried to comply! My God, I'm such a nice guy!:angelwing


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
Reaction score

What can we do to make a decent discussion thread?

There seems to be no interaction on this forum which is a shame.

Larryo is Simons right hand man and seems to 'kill' every forum he gets hold of.

Good luck for this place guy's,


Exp0sed Board Member
Staff member
Staff Alumn
Oct 19, 2003
Reaction score
Well, the obvious focus of this forum is the pictures and videos, but there is still some good discussion on occasion. I think all you need is a good topic. You need to talk about something, so something has to be worth talking about.


Mr. Nemcova
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
LarryO and Simon are good people, there would be a lot less forums without them. LarryO would give anyone the shirt off of his back. Like Cman stated there has been good chat threads here before and there will be again, even though this forum has never been based on chat. It usually comes down to members if a thread makes it or not.

Now excuse me, I feel the desire to make a post in the "People that can fuck off" thread.

Oh, have a nice day.


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
Reaction score
Oh Wow, irony and subtlety all in one post! You truly are a prince among men!:cool:

Oh by the way, read back. At NO point did I criticise Simon.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Listen, tabs makes a good point...in my opinion, this is a real good forum, but it does seem to be lacking in the discussion areas. I know I'm a new-comer, but I've been around the block with this sort of thing, and I feel the need to try to resurrect these portions of the forum. I think a forum of this size deserves it. It seems to me that the discussion areas, (discussion and bullshit, which for one thing I can see no difference, why not combine them?) were once a lot more lively, but have obviously died out. I don't know about you guys, but I enjoy a good, lively debate or discussion just as much as making knuckle butter in the other sections. I've got a big head as well as a little head, and I think it's a good idea to exercise both of them. :banana:

Once again, sorry...I don't mean to overstep my position here, but it's just my nature to try to improve any forum I'm a part of..I feel that's the duty of a member, if he's capable of doing it. And as a member, I think that being a good contributor doesn't only mean posting pictures, but contributing to the forum as a whole. So I'm going to try to introduce or reintroduce subjects to the forum with the hopes that all my brother members will likewise contribute. Let's get the ball rolling, here, you guys! Be all you can fuckin be! Yeah!:headbang: Thanks, Brian


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Well, I made a post with a bunch of skin, and a couple of head shots, the first of which was really hot looking, at least to me. They were deleted again. So, I sent a nice pm asking why, and quoting Kaboom, and mentioning this thread...very cordial, just asking him if he could ease up. I got the following answer...

"I don't know what kaboom told you, but no head shots are allowed. This is SUPPOSED to be a nude forum, at least that is why it was started, and the originators of the forum have set standards. Face shots do not meet them. I will continue to follow those standards. I have edited moderators' posts, and don't really care if you are a "pretty good poster", I will continue to edit yours."

That's pretty nasty sounding, even to me. Is that what I can expect forever here? Incidentally, I've been noticing other member's posts with all head shots or fully clothed...why don't they get threatened with banning or their pictures deleted? Like I asked before, can't you guys get together and make a ruling here, so we all know what's what? Not just for me...I think it would be good for the forum as a whole.


Staff Alumn
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
I don't think this issue is suitable for public discussion. At least you didn't mention the moderator's username. I suggest contact larryo if you have issues with moderators.


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
Why wouldn't this be a forum for discussion? It's the "non nude post" section, and that's what it's all about, isn't it? If this mod is being unfair, why shouldn't all the members be aware of it? But, ok, I will take it up with larryo.

Sam Spade

Senior Member
May 15, 2010
Reaction score
There are some celebs who have never, and will never show much skin, so an image of some thigh or cleavage is something special, there are also celebs who might have only ever had one topless/nude picture/scene, so any thread would be short on content and replies.

I love the celebs, i love the glamour, the sexiness, the beauty, if this forum were to enforce a nude/oops only rule the celeb section would wither and die.


I'm just here for the tits
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ah, a young, fresh mod throwing his weight around.


Senior Member
Apr 11, 2010
Reaction score
We gotta start locking threads or deleting them once they are no longer valid otherwise we get every noob adding their two cents to 3 year old conversations!!

The NCF discussion board is so wealthy for hot discussion threads, featuring quality posts from intelligent posters that it can afford to lock and shut down old threads where valid and worthwhile discussions took place and are available to be re-visited and expanded upon? I must be missing something?

Seriously, if your discussion board on NCF is worth anything at all, you should welcome and encourage conversations on it. What else is it for?


LTJ's exp0sed Llama Goddess
Staff Alumn
Apr 20, 2004
Reaction score
Seriously, if your discussion board on NCF is worth anything at all, you should welcome and encourage conversations on it. What else is it for?

We do encourage conversations here.. that is why this suggestion is in this thread and not the "Good Suggestions thread"... wait, that one doesn't exist... LOL


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Ok here is my bitch of the day. Why do Dazza del Rio, Kiera Sky and Dacia Renee have pay sites that say (see her like never before) but when you join they dont have any nipples exposed. These sites should be taken down for false advertisment. If anyone has nipslips of these girls please post them. Also, the spice twins should go topless already! For gods sake, stop teasing and show your boobs! And dont get me started on wendy4,Denise milany or Jordan Carver. All a bunch of teases. Thank you for letting me vent:bah:


Senior Member
Apr 5, 2010
Reaction score
I can't stand fuckin television anymore! Can't these people come up with something better than NCIS, or Dancing with the Stars, or all the other NCIS lookalikes that feature fake corpses on autopsy tables, or all the lame-ass sitcoms, or Dog the Bounty Hunter, or Scrappers, or the crappy reality shows, all the other pablum we're force-fed every day? :vomit: TV sucks!