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Welcome To The Idiots Hall of Shame (Stupid posts and remarks will come here)

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Senior Member
May 11, 2020
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Real Ariana Grande?

Hi everyone,
Today I came across a movie in which the main actress makes a blowjob to her partner and she reminds me so much of the singer Ariane, and I did not find information about who it is. Is it possible for the film Ariana to be played? Will you help me? I would like to find these actresses .. I am sending a link to the movie.


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Senior Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Since yesterday there have been several posts of a supposed topless beach shot of Emma Watson.
For Heaven's sake use some common sense.
When the bikini shots were released [above] they were everywhere. Celeb sites meltdown.
If it were genuine it would be on the front page of every tabloid, and full court on every celebrity site and forum going, not to mention on this French Magazine, Public.
Yet the ONLY reference to this shot I can find from anywhere online is a post on celebjihad and a discussion on reddit.
That's a red flag
Here is the actual magazine website
If you can find one instance of this photo anywhere on there I'll restore the post with a full public apology.
It's a fake until definitively proved otherwise. If you want to discuss this further, take it to the Discussion section. Stop posting it because I'm sick of removing it

According to French law publish a fake and use it can be liable to prosecution and prison, this communist country does not laugh with the right to the image, if they publish this photo it is true!

This topless picture was in french magazine so she's not fake , french magazine do not published fake because in Europe it's not UK or USA , fake in magazine = Prison !


Registered User
May 6, 2021
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Billie Eilish

Is there Billie Eilish’s nipple can be seen?
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