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Religious Right, right?

Red Horse

Senior Member
Aug 26, 2004
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The most important thing of all is knowledge. I can't get by a day without reading, or watching PBS, Discovery, History, and also The Simpsons, The Family Guy, sports, Letterman etc., etc. and I like to think I'm a somewhat intelligent guy. I love when I find out something new on any given day (even if I don't agree with it ;))
Certainly, a college degree is a great thing, but it's useless if, as soon as you've got it, that's the be-all and end-all of learning. It just comes down to finding new things in this world of ours.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Red Horse,

Another sign of intelligence on the planet. I may not agree with some of your choices (Family Guy????) but thats OK, it is a choice.

"Certainly, a college degree is a great thing, but it's useless if, as soon as you've got it, that's the be-all and end-all of learning."

Very few words were truer spoken.

Duke E. Pyle

Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
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I think i speak for anyone with a heartbeat when i say we can all agree on that. Even though the psychology behind saying it in this instance gnaws at the fairness of it all. I think we all know that the point i was trying to make was that a so-called dumbass has accomplished more than should be expected given the very small southern brain he was left to work with. If the guy can debate against all these people considered intelligent and win every time, and is still a dumbass, then what do you call the people who lose to him? Now Who wants to talk about how Kerry won the debates? *yawn* yall go ahead, you won't even notice im here, in fact i'll be to bored to be here in that case :crazy:

Preferred User

Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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Duke E. Pyle said:
a so-called dumbass has accomplished more than should be expected

1 Even non-military spending is up 29% since 01
2 We started a war on false pretenses
3 Our military is having trouble recruiting
4 He spent time on a Social Security proposal that his own party couldn’t swallow
5 We are in debt to our ears to China
6 We are two years into a war he told us would take a few months. We have not been “welcomed as liberators”.

Now, outside of declaring “Mission Accomplished” way too early, what accomplishments are you referring to?

Seriously, what accomplishments?


Senior Member
Mar 16, 2004
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1. no one here has defended runaway republican spending
2. name one, you are completely incorrect on this. the entire world believed what we did, and ONLY in HINDSIGHT were we able make this accusation... actually, the accusation is wrong, too--even with hindsight..
3. but RE-enlistment goals have been routinely EXCEEDED... the guys that actually HAVE the guns on the ground must know something you dont... wonder what that might be....
4. republicans have always been bad at public relations... democrats HAVE to be good at them, as lies are easier to swallow when the bullshit has a candy coating...
5. so what??
6. wrong again... deny the pictures and the news at the time all you want, it doesnt change facts or history... the peaceful folks were plenty glad to see coalition troops, its the terrorists that arent.. and would never be...

i have officially changed my mind... i now hope that IF the US intel misses, and the terrorists DO happen to make a successful attack, i sincerely wish that the people who would much rather the US sit back and wait for a punch to the gut, rather than eliminating a threat before it does damage, are present for it... yep, you can call me mean, you can call me cold hearted, but it is a lesson that apparently cannot be learned any other way...

remember, a woman dressed provocatively is NOT asking to be raped...

pu, if you cant see any accomplishments this President has made, i will happily let you go about your delusional life, blind to progress where it has been made, and encourage you to believe this President is simply a dumb hick... your life will get better as a result of said progress, but you will still blame those responsible for allowing you to better live the life you want to...

Preferred User

Engorged Member
Jun 22, 2005
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It's not worth responding to most of that but I have to respond to number 2. When you say "name one" I take it you mean to say name one false pretense? OK. Iraq had WMD's. Colin Powel now admits that was not true. But at that time the entire world did not believe it. Most notably Germany, France, and have you read the Downing Street memo where Britain didn't believe the WMD stuff and knew Bush was "fixing the intelligence"? I could go on, but you said to name just one.

OK, anyone else care to answer my question, what accomplishments? Cableguy couldn't name one.


The Gunhand
Staff Alumn
Aug 30, 2004
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Come on fellas take the WMD's to the other thread

Thanks Ice for grabbing the wheel
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Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Intelligent falling??? Now thats a good one. And wasn't that in here somewhere before?
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Senior Member
Jul 24, 2004
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I don't know. I'm losing track of what is where on this board, not to mention the thread. I guess it's old age... :crazy:

Red Horse

Senior Member
Aug 26, 2004
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Response to cableguy's #3
(Preface to what I'm about to post, in NO way am I saying this is the norm, it's called satire...you reactionary people ;))

Read or watch something called "The Most Dangerous Game".


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2004
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Now how 'bout the Religious Left?



Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Min, my fellow Pastafarian brother i thought we had the chance for our religion...er i mean scientific theory to be taught in science class, where it so rightly and justly (am i allowed to use such loaded moralistic terminology?) belongs. Unfortunately it seems that whilst arguing for freedom of choice they appear to have limited the choice to either 'science' (what the hell are they playing at!!!) and/or Judeo-Christian genesis. We have been left victimised yet again by this conspiracy. :sad:


Really surprising that ALL of those who voting yea to creationism undermining science are all republicans. :rolleyes:

"In addition, the board rewrote the definition of science, so that it is no longer limited to the search for natural explanations of phenomena."

Yea i can go back to arguing that fairies sprinkling magic dust are responsible for earthquakes and the like! Slowly weedle their bullshit theology in under the pretence of questioning disputed scientific theories. :eyebulge:

A victory for the IDiots. These people should be taken out and given a public flogging for their sheer stupidity. :mad:


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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I read that article earlier today and had the same reaction as you. I think as I said in this forum somewhere previously, there must be something in the water in Kansas as they seem to do some pretty crazy things. The US is falling down a very dangerous path (think Germany about 1933).

As an aside, I saw something last weekend that somewhat pertains. While surfing the channels I ran across an interview on some show with Ted Nugent and stopped to watch. Briefly into the show the interviewer played a video of an earlier interview with Jesse Ventura (the former Governor of Minnesota) who said that he was leaving the US. He cited the accelerating erosion of individual liberties as his primary reason.

Just thought that was interesting.


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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That has to be the first thing I've agreed with from the Catholic church since Copernicus (and yes, I am that old) :)

And it does appear that there are political consequences for those advocating ID in the science classroom (at least in Pennsylvania). It appears that all eight of the Republican school board members pushing the teaching of ID in the classroom were defeated Tuesday by Democrats opposing them.


I guess there is a hint of sanity left somewhere in the US.

Red Horse

Senior Member
Aug 26, 2004
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mindido said:
I guess there is a hint of sanity left somewhere in the US.

Just not at the top...I guess that's why a pyramid is pointed :)


Respected Member
Dec 3, 2004
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Red Horse,

"Just not at the top..."

Maybe someday, but I fear not soon.

Anyway, what the heck would we do without good old Pat Robertson! The guy is a raving lunatic! For those that don't know, he's pulled another great one. Yesterday, I posted the link about the Dover, Pennsylvania school district that voted out all eight of the Republican school board members that were pushing the ID crap. Well, that night, good old Robertson made several really outlandish comments including this:

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God. You just rejected him from your city," Robertson said on the Christian Broadcasting Network's "700 Club."

He went on, but go ahead and read the article:


What a clown! But gotta love him.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2004
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mindido said:
What a clown! But gotta love him.

Love him in that 'the world and everyone on it would be better off with him dead' kinda way? :) I notice you and Cable have given each other affectionate nicknames. ;)

I like how people like Robertson et al feel a need to speak on dog's behalf, bless little old intelligent Dover voters and dog naysayers are picking on him! he needs Robertson to defend him. ahhhhhhhhh :mrgreen: