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VIDEO | 05 Jun 2015 Louise B
25m 2s
Download: MP4 1024x576 476mb
Small breasts

Parting her curly black hair, Louise stands by the window and undresses her slim body to expose her full bush and feminine figure.

Slipping out of her white lace bra and panties, she lies back, spreading her legs as she gazes seductively. Pressing her fingers between her open labia, Louise teases by exposing her pink, wet vulva. Fully naked, she explores every inch of her body!

VIDEO | 08 Jun 2015 Liese
18m 12s
Download: MP4 1024x576 372mb
Small soapy breasts

Liese slowly undresses her petite, slender figure as she moves from the garden into the house.

Starting at her short blonde hair Liese runs her fingers down her body, stopping to feel her small breasts, pert nipples and slender hips. Slipping off her pink top and floral dress she sits back onto the kitchen floor. With a bowl full of soapy water she squeezes the water over her pale skin, the bubbles parting as the flow over her breasts and down between her legs.



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VIDEO | 16 May 2023 Yuliya
39m 43s
Download: MP4 4K (2.99G)
Lush breasts

Yuliya's scoop neck top offers an enticing look at her cleavage, which she enhances by pulling it down, for a peek at her bra. A glimpse up her cutoff shorts reveals that she's wearing matching panties covered with hearts, so she peels off her clothes to stand in her lingerie. Her proud grin conveys that she knows she's blessed with mesmerising curves, so she wastes no time getting naked to show off her lush breasts, bouncy bum and silky shaved pussy.

Yuliya's hourglass figure possibly looks even more striking when she puts on a belly dancing outfit, that's constructed from gold chains and leaves nothing to the imagination. She reclines on the sofa and teases her vulva with the cool metal links, then uses her manicured fingertips to spread her labia and expose her clit. Rolling around on the floor, Yuliya gets into an array of flexible positions with her legs wide open. She continues touching herself with a serene smile, while providing intimate views of her pussy. "I love it so much!" she writes in her note. "The feelings when the camera is filming me are wonderful."



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HD MP4 427MB 1920x1080 `10m`45s
A quirky novelist once suggested that there are only two mantras in this life - yuck, and yum. You could go through life seeing the negatives, the lacks and the unfortunates - or, you could say fuck it, and just feast on what’s good. From these moments - and from her little murmur of pleasure as she finds what she’s looking for - I think Ellie’s choice of mantra is pretty clear.



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HD MP4 467MB 1920x1080 `10m`25s
Those of you who aren’t from down under may not know the glory of the Golden Gaytime - toffee and vanilla ice cream, chewy little biscuit crumbs. Yes, it is as good as Charlotte makes it look. But no, it’s not nearly as good as what Charlotte can do with those sticky fingers of hers - as sweet treat follows sweet treat, giving any girlies watching a golden gay time of our own.



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mona_m up close 2 by Mona_M 11 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<283MB] 1280x720 7m 11s
Mona’s body is like a live wire, a closed loop of electric arousal and desire, escalating exponentially and she smooths layers and layers of stimulation into the mix. There’s only so much a body can take, but Mona holds out – making this experience intense for her viewers, as I hold my breath in anticipation of what surely must come.

lingering lace by Mae_E 12 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<402MB] 1280x720 9m 8s
Mae’s lingerie makes me happy – all cream lace and elegant design – so I love that she keeps it on for so long. She moves her hands over and under the sweet fabric, just pulling her panties to the side when she needs more – before finally letting the lingerie rest by her side, as she finishes what she started.



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sondrine's video diary 3 by Sondrine 13 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<167MB] 1280x720 4m 7s
Sondrine’s movements are hypnotizing, timeless, the soft sway of her body moving the camera in rhythm as she explores her body, pushing aside and lifting up bits of clothing only as it becomes necessary to her hand’s wandering desire. I could watch these opening moments on a loop, all day, aroused and at peace.

tap dance 2 by Arabella_M 14 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<274MB] 1280x720 6m44s
There’s something special to me about debut studio shoots, when a contributor is discovering IFM for the first time. I remember for myself what a revelation it was – the peace, and the space. The imperative to prioritise one’s self and one’s pleasure. Arabella is taking full advantage, to achingly beautiful orgasmic effect.



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multitask 1 by gina_cherie 15 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<301MB] 1280x720 7m19s
Gina’s joining the ranks of the standing wankers today, though it seems it’s more from necessity than a desire to challenge herself. Can she finish in the time it takes to smoke a cheeky cigarette in the back? When combining your pleasures under pressure, I recommend caution – not all of us are as cool as Gina Cherie.

choke cherry 1 by Raven_C 16 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<402MB] 1280x720 7m19s
Raven’s moans and breathing are so pretty to me I almost feel like I’m listening to music. The best songs evoke emotions, and the very best of them go further still, making us cry or laugh or dance. Raven’s moans are like that – affecting my whole body, more and more deeply.



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dakimakura 2 by Annalice 17 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<254MB] 1280x720 6m7s
Annalice has the best of all worlds, a variety of paths available to get her to her orgasm. It’s so good to be able to come more than one way, and to know that the sky is the limit when it comes to our spectacular bodies, so many different kinds of orgasm, so much erotic potential.

porcelain finish 2 by Nazz 19 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<211MB] 1280x720 4m58s
I’m so excited that Nazz is sitting down for now. It gives her a chance release more deeply into her incredible trembling, allowing the sensations to move her body without (much) fear of injury. I am just spellbound. She’s so sensitive to the steady pressure of the shower head, and I love the way her orgasms roll out one after the other, a seemingly infinite supply of pleasure.

nicole_g up close 1 by Nicole_G 20 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<334MB] 1280x720 7m30s
There’s a velvet quality to Nicole here, a starry night quality, deep and dark and soft. I recall a moment in Fantasia where nightfall is represented as a beautiful woman pulling a dark cloak across the sky – this is like that, except with a Hitachi-style vibrator, and like. Way, way sexier.



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VIDEO | 12 Jun 2015 Jada
24m 50s
Download: MP4 1024x576 445mb
Hairy pussy

Jada stands up on her tip-toes as she pulls her tight leggings over her pert round bum; the cheeks pressing together as the material pops over them.

Looking back over her shoulder Jada looks down her body, her hand wandering over the curve of her back, her fingers stopping as they make contact with her soft labia. Pulling at them she spreads them and opens up her wet vulva invitingly. Peeking through her glasses she smiles as she gets down on all fours, opens her legs and pushes her naked bum back.

VIDEO | 15 Jun 2015 Chiara
22m 52s
Download: MP4 1024x576 465mb
Meaty lips

Gripping onto her pert, firm breasts, Chiara looks down at her petite youthful body, her eyes surveying every inch.

Her hands undress and explore her body as she moves in front of the window. Natural light streams around her body, highlighting every curve and feature. Slipping down her panties, she exposes her smooth shaven vulva before moving further down to feel her meaty labia. Turning around onto all fours, she pushes her bum back willing her firm, tanned cheeks to be played with as she looks back over her shoulder.



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VIDEO | 19 Jun 2015 Mila
37m 8s
Download: MP4 1024x576 626mb
Peeing outdoors

Mila moves between the lush greenery of the outdoors as she explores a secluded farm on her own.

Moving through the gates and into the open areas, she finds a private spot to start undressing and expose her slender, pale body to the elements. Peeking through her glasses, she slowly reveals her pert breasts and erect nipples. Her hands moving down her body, she feels her full bush and wet vulva as she lies back and pushes her fingers deep inside herself.

VIDEO | 22 Jun 2015 Ivanna
29m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 534mb
Undressing outdoors

Ivanna shows off her slender and toned body as she moves through the outdoors, stopping to find a secluded spot to start unbuttoning her shirt and reveal her small lace bra.

Leaning over the farm gate, her hands run up her tanned, slim legs directing your gaze up towards her small denim shorts and taught round bum. Turning back around, her fingers feel over her svelte stomach as she continues to slip off the rest of her clothes. Framed between the bright greens of the countryside, she fully undresses to expose and explore her small breasts, pert nipples and warm skin.



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VIDEO | 26 Jun 2015 Yara
29m 48s
Download: MP4 1024x576 533mb
Vibrator play

Leaning over the back of the chair, Yara arches her back and leans back, her round, pert bum fully exposed as she looks over her shoulder and smiles invitingly.

In her own home, Yara shows us to the large window in the front room with her back to the vivid greens outdoors as she starts to undress her slender body. Pulling of her top, she reveals her pert breasts and taught, toned stomach before moving down to her tease with her panties. Fully naked, Yara lies on the rug and reaches for her new pink dildo before suggestively licking the tip and slowly slipping it inside her wetness.

VIDEO | 29 Jun 2015 Kirsa Solo
29m 39s
Download: MP4 1024x576 549mb

Kirsa undresses her petite body as she lies on her yoga mat, arches her back, and stretches out her legs.

Gazing through her thick rimmed glasses, Kirsa holds eye contact as she slips off her white cotton bra and panties. Flicking her naturally red hair to the side, Kirsa removes the rest of her clothing as she continues her yoga poses completely naked!



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VIDEO | 03 Jul 2015 Gina J
31m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 617mb
Paintbrush insertions

Gina has a very intimate shoot as she undresses her slender and petite body on bed before slipping onto the floor to explore her naked body.

Playing with her paint brushes, she runs the hard-wooden tips down her body and towards her open wet vulva! Taking her time, she investigates and teases herself by playing with her soft labia before pushing her fingers deep inside herself.

VIDEO | 06 Jul 2015 Remie
22m 27s
Download: MP4 1024x576 456mb
Small breasts outdoors

Playing among the trees, natural and naked Remie explores the lush outdoors as she takes us on a walk through the greenery.

Running her hands underneath her clothes, she feels her thick full bush of pubic hair wanting to be exposed from underneath her little denim skirt. Undressing herself slowly, she exposes her small breasts and soft pink nipples, squeezing them with her hands she leans against the hard trunk of a tree and pushes her breasts together.



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VIDEO | 10 Jul 2015 Thais
20m 36s
Download: MP4 1024x576 410mb

Stretching out her slender legs, Thais pushes her pelvis up into the air, her hips protruding from her toned figure as the gap up her underwear offers a glimpse to her dark pubic hair below.

Pulling up her long socks, she runs her hand up her body, her fingers stopping to tease and explore herself as they travel over her. Staring suggestively, she starts to remove her intricate bra as she reveals her small pert breasts and pink nipples. Spreading her legs, she plays with herself and her labia, pulling at the soft skin to expose her open, wet vulva.

VIDEO | 13 Jul 2015 Addie
17m 57s
Download: MP4 1024x576 327mb
Pale pink nipples

Canadian Addie undresses her slender body on the sofa of her bedroom, exposing her smooth pale skin, pert breasts and red pubic hair.

Teasing more, she exposes her pale pink nipples and pulls down the edge of her dress. Smiling innocently, she starts to remove her dress and run her fingers suggestively around the rim of her green lace underwear. Pulling her underwear up, tight into her crotch, she accentuates the vividness of her natural red pubes. Fully naked, she lies back on the sofa and opens her legs wide, her soft pink labia and anus in full view!



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HD MP4 577MB 1920x1080 `8m`55s
Grace’s t-shirt is right - she’s an absolute gift, breaking out with a second diary series I did not see coming. This time, she’s reporting in from the USA, and the change in location seems to have jump-started her erotic dreamscape, too.



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auto accelerate 2 by Rachel_G 21 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<382MB] 1280x720 8m56s
All that fast, intense clit stimulation is so visually effective, causing a chain reaction in my own body just with the visual. It’s hypnotizing – to watch the feeling gather in her muscles through every part of her body, more and more eager and saturated with need – approaching the point of no return.

multitask 2 by gina_cherie 22 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<251MB] 1280x720 6m10s
Gina’s smoke break might be up, but she’s still allowed to go to the toilet whenever she damn well pleases. But she can’t help being an efficient multi-tasker – not only is she combining a good wee with her wank, but I’m pretty sure she’s getting in a substantial workout as well.



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cadenza 1 by Chase_R 23 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<200MB] 1280x720 6m10s
Quiet intensity floods its way through these moments as Chase gives herself all she’s got, her mouth open in a silent cry. Moans and sighs are a way to let off tension as you ascend to that sensational peak, and without them, the experience doubles down exponentially, turning ever more inward.

russet around by michaelah 24 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<388MB] 1280x720 9m13s
It’s good to see Michaelah again, all in her colours, ready for Autumn, celebrated by the quiet morning light. The occasional roving camera angle gives this home-made the feeling of an up close, which is always welcome – the closer I can get to Michaelah, the better.



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louise_r up close 1 by Louise_R 25 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<258MB] 1280x720 6m26s
I love the way Louise casually exposes one breast at a time, revealing by necessity - instead of any left-brain consciousness of what might be desired by an observer. It’s one of the best things about IFM. I love the way the eroticism unfolds naturally, un-selfconsciously, in service purely to her pleasure.

moonglow 1 by Cleo_V 26 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<302MB] 1280x720 6m56s
This is an outstanding seven minutes, but when all is said and done, its the last few seconds that really stroke my heartstrings. I love to see Cleo, still rocked by the paroxysms of her orgasm, turn unceremoniously onto her belly for a well deserved rest. Just this - the current of movement from orgasm to rest- makes me feel so much.
