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sondrine's video diary 4 by Sondrine 27 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<407MB] 1280x720 9m36s
A slightly different vibe for Sondrine today – a little more internal, cool grey mist, moody and atmospheric. I love these diaries for the ways we are get to watch a woman unfold over a period of time. The shift and play of her moods, the rise and fall of arousal, the swell and crash of her rhythms.

choke cherry 2 by Raven_C 28 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<307MB] 1280x720 9m36s
Raven flirted a bit with choking in her first video, but now she’s getting serious – she’s brought her toy to bed, and it’s no fancy vibrator. Instead, a simple brown leather belt gives her what she needs, a sense of drowning, that sweet constriction, taking her to heightened heights.



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fall for you by Junipur 29 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<461MB] 1280x720 9m4s
Junipur is an acoustic K-pop wet dream. It’s almost too perfect - her smile, her mood, the perfect ecstatic colouring for a nostalgia-pumping autumnal bliss dream. I could watch the first part of this video over and over, just adoring her – but once she lays out in her leaf pile and starts to play, there’s no going back.

rise up 1 by Dusty 30 Apr 2017
HD MP4 [<368MB] 1280x720 8m7s
Dusty keeps her hips elevated so high off the bed when she comes – like a yoga bridge, her hipbones reaching up for the sky. When I see the way she props herself up on her other hand to maintain the back bend when she gets tired, I can’t help but wonder if this position is essential for her orgasm. Guess we’ll have to wait for part 2 to find out…



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VIDEO | 17 Jul 2015 Billie T
20m 45s
Download: MP4 1024x576 430mb
Natural bush

Walking through the trees and lush green outdoors, Billie teases as she undresses her slim and natural, feminine body.

Slipping off her clothing she exposes her small breasts and pale pink nipples - her fingers sliding over them as she turns herself on. Almost naked, she slowly reveals the soft dark hair of her full bush, before opening up her legs and giving a peek of her pink vulva.

VIDEO | 20 Jul 2015 Livia V
29m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 532mb
Outdoor exhibitionism in the rain

Teasing with her almost transparent skirt, Dutch Livia innocently gives glimpses of her pert bum and supple legs as she stands in the doorway to the roof.

Undressing she slowly reveals her beautiful breasts and dark pink nipples. Her effortlessly seductive smile holds as she moves towards the door, yearning to move outside to feel the rain on her warm skin. Building up the courage, she takes a step out into the bad weather and slips on her teasingly see-through blue poncho. Laying down on the roof, she lets the rain cool her body as she shows off her stunning feminine figure.



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VIDEO | 24 Jul 2015 Luna
30m 50s
Download: MP4 1024x576 581mb
Masturbating in barn

Outside in the barn, Luna slips her underwear down off her pert bum as she runs her hands over her hips and down her long legs as she drops her panties onto the floor.

Jumping up onto the leather saddle, she straddles the top, her vulva pressing onto its hard surface as she grinds her pelvis back and forth, feeling the surface stimulate her. Leaning backwards, she pushes out her chest, her breasts standing pert and her nipples erect as she starts to explore her body. Moving around the barn, she settles on a chair, smiles suggestively to the camera and opens her legs wide to expose her open, pink vulva. Feeling herself getting more and more horny, she starts to press her fingers deep inside her wetness.

VIDEO | 27 Jul 2015 Lana S
18m 36s
Download: MP4 1024x576 378mb
Yoga outdoors

Blonde Lana stretches out her slender tanned body as her hands work their way up her long legs, past her toned stomach and over her pert breasts.

Between the lush green of the outdoors, Lana practices her yoga poses as she slowly removes one item of clothing after another, exposing more and more of her svelte frame as she goes. Standing on one leg, she tucks her remaining foot up against her crotch and soft skin of her upper thigh, with her hands held over her head she looks to you as she stands naked.



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VIDEO | 31 Jul 2015 Yale
36m 4s
Download: MP4 1024x576 657mb
Fingering outdoors

Yale smiles suggestively as she opens her legs and runs her hands up her soft thighs towards her open vulva.

Feeling her labia, she starts to reach around and press her fingers into her wetness, her toes curling up with he pleasure as she pushes deeper inside herself. Inside and out, Yale shows off not only her slender body and feminine shape but also her fun and sexual personality!

VIDEO | 03 Aug 2015 Zina
17m 9s
Download: MP4 1024x576 340mb

Zina runs her hands up her petite body as she explores her soft skin and pert breasts.

Lying back on the bed, she feels the inside of her thigh, her fingers starting to touch her long pubic hair as she starts to undress. Spreading her legs wide, she shows off her open, wet vulva. Moving to her front, she pushes up her round bum. Showing off her beautiful feminine curves, she looks back suggestively and smiles.



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VIDEO | 07 Aug 2015 Ophelia
25m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 437mb
Peeing outdoors

Ophelia lies back on the lush green grass as she reaches down her slender body, into her panties, and starts to pull them to one side.

Exposing her tufts of pubic hair, she smiles and feels the sides of her soft labia. Exploring her body, Ophelia slowly undresses and starts to show more of herself as she removes the rest of her clothing. On all fours, Ophelia shows off her pert bum and meaty lips. With her fingers pressed against her labia she looks down and spreads them wide to expose her open wet vulva!

VIDEO | 10 Aug 2015 Amalia
25m 45s
Download: MP4 1024x576 486mb

Undressing her slender body, Amalia starts to expose her firm, pert breasts as they press against the fabric of her blue and purple bra, aching to be released!

On all fours, she peeks up through her glasses and smiles as she lifts her bum into the air, her pert cheeks framed by her cute white panties. Moving around the kitchen, she undresses completely and jumps up onto the counter top. Sitting, she feels her slender legs as she moves her hands up over her naked body, showing off every inch of her soft skin.



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VIDEO | 14 Aug 2015 Katherine F
45m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 875mb
Masturbating in bathtub

Katherine undresses slowly as she slips into the bath, her pale skin glistening as the warm water beads off her naked body.

With one leg hanging over the side of the bath, she exposes her pink vulva and dark pubic hair. Looking up, she spreads her meaty labia and smiles as she starts to push her fingers deeper inside herself. Exploring herself, she shows off her small, pert breasts and round bum while she holds eye contact as she begins to slowly build herself up to orgasm.

VIDEO | 17 Aug 2015 Ashley L
24m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 478mb

Ashley looks down her slender body and slowly pulls her t-shirt up over her stunning pert breasts as they force the material to stretch.

Sitting back on the chair, she opens her legs to give a glimpse up her tiny tartan skirt and at her smooth shaved vulva and meaty labia. Unhooking her bra, she teases as she removes it, her stunning breasts holding pert and firm as they are released.



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HD MP4 537MB 1920x1080 `13m`35s
Sometimes, one just isn’t enough - to be honest, it rarely is. Fortunately, women tend to be glorious beings of infinite light and potential… plus, a small refractory period. Clara’s back in bed with us today, Up Close and personal, very hot, and very bothered. Stay til the very end, to learn a thing or two.



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Jun 22, 2021
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Hello everyone, many years ago, in addition to Colpo Grosso, there was a program called Vizi Privati (conducted for a while by Maurizia Paradiso) which was broadcast on local Italian TV channels and which until a few years ago a lot of material on the net and in the forums and in the streams, but lately I can't find anything. Do any of you know where to find it or maybe we could open a thread about it. Thank you


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VIDEO | 20 May 2023 Lissa W
44m 38s
Download: MP4 4K (3.38G)

As she strolls along the sidewalk, Lissa's eyes sparkle behind her cat eye glasses and she leans over to display her cleavage. A sweet smile dances on her lips once she gets home, and it gets brighter with each item of clothing she removes. She lowers the straps on her midriff-baring top, until one puffy nipple slips out, then hikes up her skirt and tugs at her thong to accentuate her round bottom. When she drops her girly panties around her ankles, and uncovers the soft curls decorating her pussy, Lissa's pure happiness at being naked lights up the room.

Lissa reclines in a chair with her legs open, and drapes yarn over her shoulders. Then, she puts her bare feet over her head, and uses the plastic end of her crochet hook to gently spread her pink labia. For the rest of the shoot, she gets into as many creative positions as she can think of, to show off her petite nude figure while touching herself. Whether she's leaning across her desk, bending over to gaze at us between her knees, or standing up with backpack straps between her boobs, Lissa's love of sharing her body makes every image a delight.



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HD MP4 487MB 1920x1080 `12m`25s
There’s a lot of amazing things about Melanie, not least of which is those amazing legs of hers. Slim and sculpted, stretching from her toes, all the way to the ends of the universe. If there’s anything better than a pair of long, perfect legs, it's getting to see them in stockings - and it seems like Melanie’s heard our wish.



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on photography 1 by Victoria_R 01 May 2017
HD MP4 [<328MB] 1280x720 7m10s
Susan Sontag writes that, “to take a photograph is to appropriate the thing being photographed.” In the case of the selfie, then, this would mean that we take ownership over our own selves, our own image. And when you elevate this to the level of the nude, this takes on such a depth of eroticism – as one says, from a place of arousal – “I belong to me.”

chantelle up close 1 by Chantelle_P 03 May 2017
HD MP4 [<268MB] 1280x720 6m12s
Chantelle can barely wait – as this video starts she’s already breathing hard, and it’s not a few more moments before she’s pushed her hand deep into her pants, finding and stroking the places that have been pulsing for attention. Her passion is all-consuming, rising and expanding until she’s like to come apart at the seams.

sondrine's video diary 5 by Sondrine 04 May 2017
HD MP4 [<399MB] 1280x720 9m15s
sondrine to sondrine

Q. What did you do on your anniversary?

A. Oh, we went to a hotel… had some cheese and champagne… with strawberries inside… and.. made some porn…



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cadenza 2 by Chase_R 05 May 2017
HD MP4 [<265MB] 1280x720 6m33s
I love listening to Chase breathe, the little shakiness and increasing speeds of her breath, in and out, harmonious with the gentle movements of her hands, rubbing, pushing, touching, feeling. At this level of attention, the merest gasp becomes like a wild cry, lighting up all the pleasure centres of the brain.

tumblr gold 1 by Georgia_L 06 May 2017
HD MP4 [<388MB] 1280x720 8m28s
I feel like it’s been a little while since we’ve had a nice outdoor wank, and it’s easy to forget how refreshing it is. Thanks for reminding me, Georgia – and as a PSA to all our members, if you haven’t gone outside in awhile, give it a shot! There’s nothing like a wank in the open air to relax the body and calm the mind.

option A 1 by Caisa 07 May 2017
HD MP4 [<367MB] 1280x720 8m39s
You know how the queue you're not in always moves faster? There's a similar law that applies to unattended videography. It goes something like this: "No matter how many cameras you run, when a memory card fails it will always be on the one you're using to record the soundtrack". Fortunately, we do have backup mics, but the quality of today's audio isn't quite up to the standard you expect to IFM. Our apologies. That said, who needs great sound when you've got Caisa to watch? She's got such a cheeky face and manner to her, like, maybe she could lay back and have a wank like all the rest, or maybe – wink wink – she might not. Maybe she’ll just get all naked and have a nap – wouldn’t that be grand? I’m glad she chooses option A, though – and her body is clearly very glad too.



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option A 1 by Caisa 07 May 2017
HD MP4 [<418MB] 1280x720 10m40s
This is it, my friends – the long anticipated, eagerly awaited Lilley vid – and it’s even more stunningly hot than the stills could have suggested. Honestly, if this is the power of quartz crystals, I’m going to make my bed frame out of them. I’m going to live in a quartz crystal.

louise_r up close 2 by Louise_R 09 May 2017
HD MP4 [<357MB] 1280x720 8m35s
I adore when Louise lays on her front to play, so I get to see that gorgeous butterfly tattoo in its entirety. The fantasy is heightened by the imagery – Louise’s golden skin, beautiful fairytale hair, and those wings, quivering as her back muscles flex and twist with the steady movement of her working hand.



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having it all 1 by LydiaBennett 10 May 2017
HD MP4 [<346MB] 1280x720 7m48s
Dear fans, you have been patient, and now it’s time for your reward. You asked for more Lydia Bennet – here she is. You asked for the holy grail of visual stimulation - to be able to see close-ups and full body angles at the same time – and lo, we have delivered. Enjoy, and don’t forget to come over to the forums and tell us what you think.



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VIDEO | 21 Aug 2015 Bobbie
29m 27s
Download: MP4 1024x576 571mb
Dildo insertion

Running her hands up her slender sensitive thighs, Bobbie pulls at the top of her white stocking as she opens up her legs and shows off her full bush.

Exposing her wetness, she smiles seductively as she starts to slowly push the vivid green dildo deep inside herself, her body tensing with the pleasure. Flicking her matching green hair back, Bobbie begins to pleasure herself on the floor, squeezing her small breasts as she works her way up to orgasm.

VIDEO | 24 Aug 2015 Laura N
23m 6s
Download: MP4 1024x576 433mb
Hairy anus

Laura shows off her stunning natural body as she moves through the outdoors of the farm. Leaning up against the side of the barn, she slowly pulls up her white lace top to reveal her pert breasts and firm nipples.

Lifting up her arms, she exposes her underarm hair and soft smooth skin as she continues to undress her tanned figure. Sitting down, she opens her legs and runs her fingers through her dark full bush and soft inner thighs. With her self-made crown of flowers, Laura effortlessly seduces you!



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VIDEO | 28 Aug 2015 Ivanna
35m 45s
Download: MP4 1024x576 619mb
Perky nipples

Ivanna undresses her slender, toned body as she teases with her stunning pert bum and short denim hot pants.

Lifting herself up onto her tip toes, she extends her long legs, her hands explore her body as she holds your gaze and lifts off her top. The shape of her pert breasts and erect small nipples coming into view as she slips off the last item of clothing. Naked between the trees, she looks down at her body and starts to open up her soft, smooth labia to reveal her creamy pink wetness.

VIDEO | 31 Aug 2015 Christina
40m 49s
Download: MP4 1024x576 738mb
Tanlines on breasts

Christina flicks her long thick hair over her should as she looks back past her feminine hips and pert round bum!

Undressing between the windows, she lies on the bed, slowly revealing sections of herself as she removes her floaty blue dress. Smiling, she looks through her thick rimmed glasses as her hand grips onto her large breasts. Pulling down the straps of her top, the shape of her breasts are revealed and the top of her soft dark nipples tease into view. Opening her legs wide, she shows off her thick bush and pink vulva as she moves invitingly around the bed.



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VIDEO | 04 Sep 2015 Flora
29m 32s
Download: MP4 1024x576 593mb
Masturbating outdoors

Moving through the vivd greens of the outdoors, Flora stops to explore her natural and slender body as she finds herself alone and horny.

Looking for a place to stop, she opens up the back of an old abandoned van and climbs inside, away from prying eyes. Gripping her pert breasts tightly, she lets her hands wander over her body, past her slim waits and between her soft pubic hair. Touching the side of her labia, she spreads her vulva and starts to push her fingers deeper inside her wetness!

VIDEO | 07 Sep 2015 Alba
38m 20s
Download: MP4 1024x576 679mb
Exercise band

Rolling back over her exercise ball Alba sows off her toned, slender body and smooth tanned skin.

Holding eye contact she gives a cheeky smile as she pulls up her sports top and slowly reveals her small, pert breasts. Her hands move over her body as she explores every inch of herself. Feeling a little horny and experimental she pulls at her panties, her labia escaping and her vulva revealed! Using some of her workout gear she plays wit the soft lips of her labia, stretching them and feeling the tension press against her clitoris.



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VIDEO | 11 Sep 2015 Gala
31m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 560mb
Sheer underwear

Gala pulls the material of her underwear tight in between the pert round cheeks of her perfect ass.

Looking over her shoulder, she smiles as she undresses her slender body, small breasts and full bush of pubic hair. Dancing around the room, her hands run suggestively over her petite, toned frame before sitting back on the chair and invitingly opening her legs wide!

VIDEO | 14 Sep 2015 Laura N
28m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 548mb
Finger insertions

Laura lies back on the bed, stroking the thick hair of her full bush as she effortlessly seduces you with her deep brown eyes.

On the bed and reading her book, Laura starts to feel herself getting more and more horny. With the sun streaming into the bedroom, she rolls over on the covers and starts to let her hands slip over her feminine curves. Undressing by the window, her urges grow with the tips of her fingers touching her wet open vulva, she presses inside herself and starts to raise herself to an intimate climax!
