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VIDEO | 12 May 2023 Anabelle & Ophelia D
28m 39s
Download: MP4 4K (2.6G)
Muff diving

Ophelia's eyes sparkle as she watches her statuesque redhead friend Anabelle stretch in tight shorts. The girls curl up together on the floor, and Anabelle's hand drifts up Ophelia's summer dress, to stroke between her legs while they make out. The passion heats up as their clothes come off, while juicy bottoms are lovingly squeezed and perky nipples rub together. Then, Ophelia slips off Anabelle's silky yellow panties, and plunges two fingers deep in her vagina, while lapping her clit. When Anabelle shuts her eyes tight and cries out in ecstasy, Ophelia's face lights up with joy.

The girls indulge their shared love of eating pussy in a passionate 69, licking and sucking until they're both overcome with pleasure. That leads to an energetic round of tribbing, grinding their hips together, while caressing warm thighs. Then, Anabelle wants to focus all of her attention on Ophelia. In a flexible position with her feet behind her head, Ophelia surrenders to her partner's gifted hands and mouth. Anabelle penetrates Ophelia with her tongue, and then with her fingers, and the girls make steamy eye contact during Ophelia's orgasm. After sucking Anabelle's cum-soaked fingertips, Ophelia cuddles her close, and they fall asleep in each other's arms.



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HD MP4 507MB 1920x1080 `12m`55s
Frieda’s not finished - no, not ready to get up at all. She needs more. More time in deep pleasure, more time deep, deep inside her own self. In the dark quiet of the studio, time cannot, and should not, be measured. It ceases to matter, and with it, everything else too. Everything except Frieda.



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SPF 2 by Leia_L 11 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<253MB] 1280x720 6m 16s
Ahhh, fences won’t protect us anymore! Now people have drones, we’ll have to start paying attention to the sky when we want to play outside – or else, just forget about it, and let them watch. Either way, Leia’s retreated – to the shade, for a bit of relief from the hot Aussie sun, and maybe out of sight of those sneaky drone cams…

come and go 1 by Chambria 12 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<309MB] 1280x720 6m 55s
Chambria looks like she just stepped gently out of a classic art museum – was she in a painting? Or was she an exquisite sculpture? Her lines and colouring, hair and face, the senseless elegance of her motion as she sees herself through to orgasm, all conspire give me that same transcendent floating sense of beauty, otherworldly emotion.



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softness of stars 1 by HollyWood 13 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<376MB] 1280x720 8m 37s
Hollywood I love you! I am a huge fan of this stunning starlet – and not in the least for her exquisite taste in literature. Unlike most reading-themed IFMs, this one features a book I’ve never heard of before, which is just par for the course when it comes to Hollywood. She’s just that cool.

Georgia_L Up Close 2 by Georgia_L 14 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<338MB] 1280x720 8m 42s
Hair removal isn’t really my thing, but Georgia’s grooming is so on point she’s starting to inspire me otherwise. As pubic hair comes back into style, demi, or full-bush Brazilians have started to take off as a trend – and one as perfect as Georgia’s is a pretty rare.



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button by button by Sarah_R 15 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<406MB] 1280x720 9m 11s
I’m melting over how long it takes Sarah to undress herself – button by button by button, as if there were no shortage of them, an abundance of buttons to linger over and lovingly slip between button holes, thousands of long, slow breaths to take, all the time in the world to feel and expand and grow and touch.

Del Up Close 1 by del 16 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<200MB] 1280x720 5m 4s
It’s such a joy to watch Del masturbate with that hint of her tampon string showing, knowing as I do the internal tenderness of the female body, the incredible power of blood flow during this phase of our cycles. A gentle touch transforms pain into pure sensation – and following the pace of arousal leads to mind blowing orgasms.



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up to eleven 2 by Laura_P 17 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<337MB] 1280x720 7m 59s
Laura P, naked now, seems like she’s ready to get serious – which is intriguing, considering how intense her first session was. Now I’m realising that was just a warm up. Even watching her blast her nervous system with pure stimulation has mine on high alert - Laura’s the type of girl who likes it riveting, all sensations turned up to 11.

Schaulust 1 by Angelica_B 18 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<292MB] 1280x720 7m 28s
The dance between the voyeur and the observed is a delicate one – the heavylight spaces between acknowledgement, an obsession with the unsaid. The tension hinges on not knowing – like a caught breath, schrodinger’s equation - these moments are charged with the intense eroticism of secrecy.



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3 minute mark 1 by Aria_W 19 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<283MB] 1280x720 6m 40s
There’s a moment here around the 3 minute mark, when Aria takes in a quick little gasp. So subtle, but so effective – that one sharp breath just floods the whole scene with a new charge of arousal. Suddenly, her movement take on a new intensity, bringing her tumbling to the edge of her orgasm.

softness of stars 2 by HollyWood 20 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<368MB] 1280x720 8m 58s
Taking it slow, soft in the filtered sunlight, it’s good to see another side of Hollywood. I am especially loving the flowing length of her hair these days. It’s gentle and nostalgic, like Vaseline on a lens – although around here, we don’t tend to waste lube on the cameras. Anyway, Hollywood doesn’t need any special effects. Her mood and energy create the perfect picture.



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VIDEO | 27 Feb 2015 Beatrix
33m 53s
Download: MP4 1024x576 984mb
Deep fingering

Peeping out of the window, Beatrix's buttocks swell from below her skirt, two perfect round circles jutting out from the tight fabric. Her striped knickers cling intimately to her, sinking between her perfect ass cheeks as she bends forwards. She then turns around and dazzles us with her bright blue eyes!

Crawling onto the bed, Beatrix's beautiful breasts are visible downblouse as she leans forwards. Pushing her bottom high in the air, she rises up on her shapely legs, the light from the window illuminating their smooth shape and elegant length. With a smile and a spring, Beatrix bounces up on the bed, her legs opening out at a near 180 degree angle. Peeling off her knickers, Beatrix's fingers slip over her smooth labia, opening herself up so we can appreciate the bright pink of her vagina and the soft hood that surrounds her clit.

VIDEO | 02 Mar 2015 Willa
36m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1044mb
Armpit hair

Lying back naked on the sofa, Willa smiles as she lifts up and spreads her long legs to reveal her thick full bush of dark pubic hair.

Completely nude, Willa explores her natural body, from her pink lips to her soft underarm hair and shapely hips. The light from outside the window spills over the nape of her neck and highlights the shape of her pert breasts. Running her hands down over her stomach, her fingers brush through her pubic hair before passing her open labia and slipping inside her wetness.



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VIDEO | 06 Mar 2015 Marleen S
24m 29s
Download: MP4 1024x576 679mb
Meaty lips

Marleen stretches her long toned legs up the wall as she slowly undresses, lies back and exposes her clean shaved vulva.

Looking suggestively through her glasses, Marleen runs lip balm around her soft pink lips, flirting and hinting at showing more of her statuesque body. Peeling off her top, she reveals her small breasts and pert pink nipples before falling back onto the bed, her hands exploring her body. Showing off her athletic physique and fun personality, Marleen plays a full body suit before slipping it off and letting her hands spread open her shaved pink vulva.

VIDEO | 09 Mar 2015 Ophelia
52m 21s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1475mb
Peeing outdoors

Between the lush greenery of the Australian outdoors, Ophelia looks over shoulder as she unhooks her bra and slowly exposes her pert breasts and puffy pink nipples.

Turning around, she shows off her round and shapely bum, running her fingers around the rim of her striped underwear as she slips them off her hips. Laying back on the steps, her hands brush over the soft skin of her labia before spreading open her vulva and pushing inside her wetness. Smiling to the camera, she once again spreads her pink labia and pees down the wooden steps.



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VIDEO | 13 Mar 2015 Nichole
40m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1143mb
Ginger pubes

Cutting her thin blue t-shirt, Nichole exposes her large, pert breasts as they burst through the ripped material. Barely able to hold them with both hands, she squeezes them together as she seductively glances to the camera.

Tall, Dutch Nichole treats us to her statuesque figure, stunning large breasts and naturally red full bush. Getting intimate in the bedroom, Nichole explores her naked body, running her hands over her soft inner thighs she slowly lets her fingers reach the inside her open labia as she pushes deep inside her pink wetness.

VIDEO | 16 Mar 2015 Rosie B
43m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1234mb
Dildo play outdoors

Australian Rosie lies at the base of the tree as she uncrosses her legs, revealing her sprawling full bush of pubic hair as we get a glimpse upskirt.

Standing she looks through her thick rimmed glasses and runs her fingers around the edge of her orange cotton bra before slowly lifting it up to reveal her small breasts and pink nipples. Losing her initial shyness, Rosie experiments with masturbating outdoors and using her favorite glass dildo before climbing the tree. Being naked outdoors for Rosie is exciting and she smiles as she pees, wetting her panties.



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VIDEO | 20 Mar 2015 Maylin
41m 33s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1209mb
Undressing in stairwell

Climbing up the stairs, Maylin unwilling gives us a small glimpse of her underwear as her t-shirt rides up around her hips. Keeping eye contact, she slowly lifts her t-shirt up, her pink puffy nipples peeking out as they are exposed.

Pushing her bum back, Maylin looks over her shoulder as she runs her fingers around the rim of her underwear and slips them down her legs. Exploring every inch of her petite body, Maylin's hands brush through her pubic hair and over her soft pink labia.

VIDEO | 23 Mar 2015 Maia Solo
52m 2s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1509mb
Big boobs

Peeking through her glasses, Maia runs her fingers around the inside of her bra, teasing before lifting it off over her head to expose her beautiful large breasts.

Sitting on the window ledge, Maia opens her legs wide and reveals her open vulva as she looks down and inspects her body. Standing on the bed, she reaches up to the ceiling, her breasts standing pert on her chest. Looking over her shoulder, Maia puts her hands on her firm bum she bends over onto all fours and smiles.



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VIDEO | 27 Mar 2015 Marysa
20m 21s
Download: MP4 1024x576 648mb
Pink labia

Dark skinned Marysa flirts and teases as she undresses her tall, slender body. Peeking through her large thick rimmed glasses, she comes out from behind the curtain and reveals herself.

Exposing her small breasts, slim hips and trimmed pubic hair, Marysa glances at the camera as her hands work their way up and down her body. Playing with her clothing she slips it off and shows off her firm round bum which stands pert at the top of her long legs and toned thighs. Sitting down, she opens her legs wide, her trimmed dark pubic hair framing her pink vulva as she smiles from ear to ear.

VIDEO | 30 Mar 2015 Nina Q
32m 28s
Download: MP4 1024x576 966mb
Perky nipples

Looking back over her shoulder, Nina gives an innocent and effortlessly seductive smile as she starts to lower her shorts over her pert, round bum, hinting at showing more.

Nina's cute, short hair frames her beautiful big eyes and soft lips. With only her long socks on over her legs, her naked body is fully exposed as she starts to explore by running her hands over her pale skin and svelte torso. Feeling her small breasts and soft bush of pubic hair, she cannot resist the temptation as starts to slowly push her fingers deep inside her pussy.



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HD MP4 797MB 1920x1080 `12m`35s
Ahh, all the secrets a little shed can hold. Boxes of journals, tucked away keepsakes - and, of course, some interesting reading material. I must say, I’m feeling a little jealous. Maria’s got her own little wank spot, with everything she needs for a cheeky little break from the world. I want one for myself, too.



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helping hands 3 by Mew 21 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<216MB] 1280x720 6m 29s
Jadey’s sated for now – I love the sultry way she looks on as Mew works herself over, that deep long sustained stare which occasionally becomes eye contact for her increasingly desirous friend. A gentle touch here, a kiss on the neck – but mostly Jadey watches, witnesses and holds space.

klementine up close 2.1 by Klementine 22 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<416MB] 1280x720 9m 56s
One of my favourite contributors, back for a second Up Close – a good day for me. And undoubtedly a good day for Klementine, as she takes her sweet, uninhibited time to unhook each button of her linen and denim ensemble, and to glide her hands caressingly all over her body, before finally settling in for that well-deserved orgasm.



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del up close 2 by del 23 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<169MB] 1280x720 4m 31s
There’s so much tenderness in these moments, the kind that makes you want to melt right along with Del. I love that deep feeling, the way my body moves in empathy, the way my shoulders curl in to the image of her – heart-moving, incredibly arousing.

come and go 2 by Chambria 24 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<294MB] 1280x720 7m 27s
Between the amazing close-ups, her deep, consistent fingering technique, and that ultimate in sexy lip biting, Chambria is just really winning it today. Do you ever stop and think how lucky we are? We turn on our computers, log in, and we get to see this – I mean wow. Really. Wow.



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Schaulust 2 by Angelica_B 25 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<277MB] 1280x720 7m 27s
The fantasy of the voyeur is a requirement for the fantasy of the exhibitionist – it’s essential to believe that someone exists who wants to watch you without your knowledge. Someone wants this – to fixate on you, to remain unseen, to have all the time in the world to take you in. Someone wants this.

come down 1 by Victoria_R 26 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<381MB] 1280x720 8m 40s
Do you guys ever feel like skin looks even more amazing on IFM videos than it does in real life somehow? Maybe it’s the lights, and the neutrality of the setting – or maybe it’s just Victoria, adoring her perfect body until she just glows from within.



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sext dream 1 by Chantelle_P 27 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<256MB] 1280x720 5m 57s
I love the way sexting has infiltrated our culture – to the point where anytime you see someone casually texting, they could easily be writing or reading something downright filthy. Especially when they’re wearing those little texting smiles like Chantelle here, like a cat with the cream, so pleased at what they’re receiving.

klementine up close 2.2 by Klementine 29 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<404MB] 1280x720 9m 49s
Klementine has her arse-grabbing technique totally down – she feels herself up exactly the way I imagine a lover would touch her, squeezing and exploring and appreciating the fine forms of her own body. It’s so good I wish I had a gif of it – editors? Any takers?



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sondrine's video diary 1 by Sondrine 30 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<519MB] 1280x720 11m 24s
Sondrine arrives on the diary scene with a bit of a bang today, with her massive cast and a classic tale of woe in the mosh pit – but she’s not letting her temporary incapacity get her down. Instead, she’s getting down – every 12 hours or so, with herself. Until further notice.

3 minute mark 2 by Aria_W 31 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<334MB] 1280x720 8m 14s
I love how Aria feels herself, rubbing firmly and intentionally onto the spaces around her most erogenous zones. The textures and colours of skin on skin are hypnotizing as she moves herself closer and closer to fulfillment, using both hands to achieve that sweet pressure of anal penetration.
