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HD MP4 377MB 1920x1080 `9m`30s
I love the pulse of energy that runs back and forth through Elaina’s body, rocking her gently back on her heels. She weaves it like it’s something sacred, letting it flow through to every inch of her, that subtle movement, her head tipping back. Quietly, quietly. Let it all break open.



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VIDEO | 23 Jan 2015 Sabina M
25m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 752mb
Small pert nipples

Brunette Sabina lies back on the chair, slipping her underwear off from her hips, she reveals her dark, full bush and soft labia.

Running her fingers over her vulva and the inside of her thighs, she explores herself, spreading her labia to show the pinkness inside. Sabina has an effortlessly seductive smile, ensuring you're transfixed as she undresses her petite body.



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VIDEO | 26 Jan 2015 Salma
35m 6s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1009mb
Dildo in Ass

Salma teases her large, pert breasts out from her feminine lace bra, her pink nipples just visible as her hands brush over the thin material.

Undressing her slender, toned body, Salma lies back in the chair. Raising one arm over her head, she shows off her hairy armpits, her other hand gently moving towards her thick full bush. Checking herself out in the mirror, Salma shows off both sides of her naked body as she bends over and starts to push her fingers deep inside herself.



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VIDEO | 30 Jan 2015 Masie
51m 38s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1537mb
Panty Stuffing

She's back! Fun and bubbly Masie makes a much anticipated return in front of the camera! Undressing her petite body, she keeps her wide eyes fixed on you as her hands explore her body.

Moving through some very interesting and provocative positions, Masie probes her own limits as she goes to her personal belongings for things that will help her reach orgasm. Inserting a hairbrush into her pussy, she feels the bristles against her soft labia, her mouth hangs open with pleasure as she bring herself closer and closer to climax.



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VIDEO | 02 Feb 2015 Maely
27m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 853mb
Pert breasts

Maely pulls down the seam of her pants to reveal her full bush as she lies on her back and starts slowly undressing her petite body.

Peeking through her glasses, Maely gives a seductive smile as she feels her soft skin and small, pert breasts. Playing with her underwear, she slips her lace bra off and makes some very cute make-shift panties.



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VIDEO | 06 Feb 2015 Elisa
31m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 928mb
Rubbing pussy on table

Elisa's petite, naked body stands illuminated by the window, her smooth pale skin showing off her svelte physique.

Gripping her breasts she slips onto the floor, her legs spread across the front of the coffee table's wooden leg. Reaching out, she grips onto the wood and pulls it closer so it presses against her open, wet vulva. Grinding her hips, she further presses her clitoris against the post, the sensation making her whole body tense as she brings herself to orgasm!



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Apr 9, 2019
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VIDEO | 09 Feb 2015 Luna
30m 35s
Download: MP4 1024x576 917mb
Spreading soft labia

Luna seductively slips her clothes off her slender body, each article revealing more of her smooth dark skin.

With her effortlessly sexy smile, she holds eye contact as her hands feel and explore her naked body. Laying back, she grips her pert round breasts and slowly opens her long legs to expose her dark trimmed pubic hair and soft labia. Gripping her firm bum cheeks she rolls backwards, lifting her legs high up in the air.



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VIDEO | 13 Feb 2015 Ella C
40m 58s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1098mb
Peeing outdoors

Rising out of the hot tub, the water cascades over Ella's toned naked body, flowing off her firm pert breasts and past her smooth shaved vulva.

Laying back on the edge of the hot tub, Ella opens her legs wide. Moving her hands down towards her wet vulva she runs her fingers over her soft labia as she spreads them to expose the pink of her vagina. Slipping back into the water, she slowly pushes a finger deep inside herself, making her body tense with the pleasure.



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 16 Feb 2015 Laura N
29m 44s
Download: MP4 1024x576 923mb
Armpit hair

Pulling back her underwear, brunette Laura reveals her thick and dark, full bush. Smiling seductively, she grips the hairs, twisting and playing with them as she lies back on the sofa.

Laura explores her tall, naked figure as she runs her hands over her breasts and down her body towards her hips. Showing off her natural body, Laura gives a cheeky smile as she lifts up her arms to reveal small tufts of soft underarm hair.



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VIDEO | 20 Feb 2015 Anjali
65m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1812mb

Anjali's feeling horny and interested in a bit of experimentation as she searches the apartment for textures and surfaces to help her relieve herself!

Undressing, she feels her petite body as her hand runs down her toned abs and towards her trimmed pubic hair and vulva. With her fingers on her soft labia, she spreads them apart and pushes her open, wet vulva against the hard edge of the table's wooden leg. Rubbing against the surface, she brings herself close to orgasm but stops as she instead reaches for a toy to help her finish.



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 23 Feb 2015 Alicia M
26m 36s
Download: MP4 1024x576 812mb
Meaty lips

Undressing her slender athletic body, brunette Alicia runs her hands up her flat stomach and over her small breasts.

Sitting down, she extends her long, sock covered legs out and wide. Feeling the soft skin of her inner thighs, Alicia lets her fingers wander onto her labia and over her open vulva. Standing up, she lifts her leg high up on the cabinet, her fingers still tentatively hovering over her vagina, she gives in and starts to slowly push her fingers deeper inside her wetness.



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Feb 25, 2011
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Kali_R Up Close 2.1 by kali_r 01 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<360MB] 1280x720 8m 5s
Kali is always a treat, and another Up Close session with her kind of feels like second Christmas, so I’m a happy hostess today. She’s quiet and subtle today, feeling herself, but those super hot, tiny little moans towards the end stack up against some of the loudest exclamations I’ve heard.

'comparative size' reissue by Ella_E 02 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<373MB] 1280x720 10m 0s
This is a fun one for me, because when it first came out I was away – off playing in the world – and so I missed out. Fortunately for me, a wild Reissue appeared, allowing me to indulge for the first time in Ella_E and her very strong toy. And with such a lovely fixed angle besides.



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Feb 25, 2011
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in the round 2 by Billie_Jean 03 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<430MB] 1280x720 10m 19s
I love watching these two together – he is so solicitous, respectful, and she is so yielding. From the exquisitely gentle foot massage to the perfect way he puts pressure on her delicate throat, Billie Jean’s lover is deeply, knowingly in service to her. And Billie Jean allows it, trusts love - which is no small feat in and of itself.

SPF 1 by Leia_L 04 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<352MB] 1280x720 6m 54s
I feel so lucky to get to see Leia again, and now with some of my favourite things – yellow towels, green grass and lots of sunshine to illuminate her gorgeous glowing skin. Splayed out on the lawn, without any concern for short fences or nosy neighbours, Leia gives herself over to pure desire.



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Feb 25, 2011
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up to eleven 1 by Laura_P 05 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<297MB] 1280x720 6m 59s
For those of you who don’t know, in the good old days if you wanted the power of a Hitachi you had to wield a baseball bat sized object, and it had to be plugged into the wall. According to the power and intensity of Laura’s (very wet) orgasm, this little toy packs the same punch – in a much more convenient package. Truly, we live in magnificent times.

shade of blush 2 by Louise_R 06 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<215MB] 1280x720 5m 1s
This shot is so beautiful, and not only for the movements of Louise’s perfect bum. I adore her full-back tattoo, a pair of intricate butterfly wings unfurling from the center of her – and the design is extra beautiful as she twists and arches in pursuit of her orgasm, moving as if in flight.



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Feb 25, 2011
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helping hands 2 by Mew 07 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<256MB] 1280x720 6m 42s
Now that Jadey has fully caught Mew’s attention, Mew needs her own release – but it looks like Jadey’s not finished yet, either. Ah, the sweetness of being a woman with a woman – the way orgasms fuel more orgasms, how Mew leaves off to concentrate on Jadey. Too good.

Kali_R Up Close 2.2 by kali_r 09 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<385MB] 1280x720 9m 11s
Mmm, it’s been a little while since I’ve seen the famous nJoy around these parts. That thing is kind of the Cadillac of sex toys - heavy and beautiful, extremely well-made – and it will take you for a ride you’ll never forget. I love how Kali draws it out, feeling every pulse and push.



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Feb 25, 2011
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junipur's video diary 2.5 by Junipur 09 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<545MB] 1280x720 10m 42s
Junipur’s outdoor adventure style has been so fresh for me right now – like watching nature docos when you’re trapped inside, watching Junipur connects me with the beauty and freedom of her travels. The only thing missing for me was hearing her voice – fortunately, the end of the video fixed that for me.

at ease 2 by Astrid_R 10 Mar 2017
HD MP4 [<257MB] 1280x720 8m 0s
Astrid's lube strategy is, in a word, sensational. I am seriously obsessed with this method. It’s genius – put enough lube on your skin to be able to dip in and get as much as you need, without handling caps and plastic tubes in the heat of the moment. It’s practical AND sexy. Super win.



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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 397MB 1920x1080 `10m`00s
"I love the feeling of my hair tracing my skin and on my path. I love good smells. I love my breasts, I love tending to myself .. I love the feeling of my skin. My beautiful pubic hair delicately outlining my pussy ... I love stretching my body. I love the feeling of grinding on something... I love turning myself on. Oh, I love when I touch myself how I already feel super wet. I love teasing myself getting really, really close ... I love romancing myself."
