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VIDEO | 15 Nov 2022 Giada
32m 53s
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Pulling labia

Giada looks irresistible as she twirls her blonde ponytail, while wearing a short skirt decorated with colourful flowers and matching halter top. Her blue eyes shimmer with sexy mischief, because she can't wait to show us what's underneath her clothes. She flips up the skirt and tugs her polka-dot panties to the side, to reveal her neatly shaved vulva, then raises her arms above her head, making both breasts pop out. Playfully wrapping her undies around her ankle, and holding them against her bare chest, she's clearly delighted to be completely naked.

Giada's heartwarming smile glows as she shares more of her slender body with us. She bends over at the waist and gazes between her legs, while squeezing her bum cheeks to reveal her neat anus. Reclining in a chair, she raises her long legs and bare feet high in the air. And she spends much of the shoot with her legs proudly open, beaming into the camera and spreading her pink labia, so we can get intimate views of her pussy. When she stands in the nude at the end, she puts on a cute backpack and nestles the straps in her cleavage.



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loose end 0071 by Magnolia 01 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<211MB] 1280x720 5m 28s
Oooh, Magnolia - a steamy confession and a steamy story always make for a titilating update, but never more so when it's Magnolia telling the tale. If you like it messy, hot, wet, and taboo, or if you just like Magnolia, this loose end is for you...

Hyperballad's Video Diary 2.5 by hyperballad 02 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<431MB] 1280x720 11m 8s
As a fellow NJoy aficionado, I love listening to Hyperballad talk about how she uses this particular toy. I can relate... the cold, the warmth, the weight... it's a good, solid toy. But wait - what's this at the end? Oh Hyperballad, don't go... we want more...



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for air 2 by Jordan_Q 03 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<264MB] 1280x720 7m 13s
I adore the way Jordan Q gives herself ample time for a proper cool-down, her muscles and fingers working together to allow her orgasm-rattled brain time to come slowly, dreamily back to the surface. And gently, so gently, she soothes herself back to life, like in the moments after a good yoga class, when your eyes flutter open, signaling your return to life.

physical 1 by susie 04 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<185MB] 1280x720 6m 6s
Blood flowing, skin alive with sensation and energy, endorphins rushing through your body while sweat drips from every pore... am I describing the first part of Susie's day, or the second? Susie's obviously doing something right... the answer is both. Susie's care and love for her body is one of those "show it don't say it things", as she dedicates time and energy to making her body feel as good as it possibly can.



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devotional 1 by Skye_C 05 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<274MB] 1280x720 7m 7s
I like how Skye_C clutches the tight roll of her panties to her chest for a time, after she takes them off. An article of clothing worn so close to the center of her sex deserves that moment of recognition, rather than being tossed aside immediately. I feel like I've been remiss - maybe I should run home and give all my undies a little cuddle, too.

telltale 1 by Liandra Dahl 06 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<174MB] 1280x720 7m 27s
Linadra's never in a rush - any opportunity to spend time with herself, pleasing herself, is worth enjoying as thoroughly as possible. We don't often see Liandra using a hand's free technique, and she looks incredibly hot doing it - so I'm pretty content with her drawing this session out, just as long as she likes.



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doutai 3 by charlotte_v 07 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<408MB] 1280x720 10m 33s
Three parts in, and Amarna's not been touched, keeping Charlotte V bound tight with her arms behind her. I love the non-linear nature of this duet, allowing Amarna to focus on Charlotte with all her passion and skill, learning her body like a new knot, something to tie and untie, again and again.

Zahra Storm Up Close 3 by Zahra_Storm 08 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<440MB] 1280x720 11m 22s
Zahra Storm's still in bed, but she's not in the least tired. Much like her energy, Zahra's big bottle of lube isn't likely to give out anytime soon - which is good, because she intends to give herself a thorough working over, stimulating herself in as many ways as she can take. In case she hasn't made it clear enough, I can tell you - Zahra can take a lot, and more.



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trophies 1 by Traci 09 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<235MB] 1280x720 6m 5s
This is more than just a casual wank. Traci always takes her orgasms seriously, seeking to improve her own sexual technique via the tried-and-true practice of masturbation. This adds an extra level to my personal appreciation of her work - in addition to the sexiness, watching Traci is a bit like watching sport. A really enjoyable sport - because in a match of Traci v. Traci, Traci always wins.

chantilly 1 by Shibby 10 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<259MB] 1280x720 6m 42s
This duet is long awaited, at least around HQ - Devochka's been looking forward to it going up on the site since she filmed it. We were nice enough not to tease you all too much, so I'm sure this comes as a sweet surprise - Shibby and Devochka, as hot as they are lovely, and thoroughly enamored of each other. You're welcome.



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springtime by Mylah 11 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<239MB] 1280x720 6m 12s
A windy day suits Mylah, fluffing her sunlit golden hair and stirring the flowers which paint the ground underneath her. I wonder what else it stirs; if Mylah's rising blood has anything to do with the pressure changing in the air - or if it's all thanks to her own clever hands.

syrup 1 by Alexa_B 12 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<229MB] 1280x720 5m 56s
I like body hair heaps, as you all know - but the nice thing about hair is that it grows back, and can be styled as one pleases. Alexa B's done a particularly fine job at getting that area super smooth... so props for that, lady. In addition to looking great, the lack of hair draws our attention to certain fine details... like a particularly hot one at around the 1:28 second mark...



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telltale 2 by Liandra Dahl 13 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<325MB] 1280x720 8m 24s
I find watching repeat contributors so interesting - like putting together a puzzle. I love the way each woman has a tell, a unique physical indication which tells you when she's about to come. Can you work out Liandra's? I'll meet you at p.3, and tell you if you're right...

exquisitus 2 by Kiki_V 14 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<306MB] 1280x720 7m 54s
I love the shot of Kiki V crouched in the bottom of the frame, her long back curved with perspective, as she unzips her own dress all the way from top to bottom. Kiki V is so detailed and imaginative in the way she holds herself throughout, so flexible and responsive, that I could write pages of odes to her feet alone - but in these few lines, we'll concentrate on beginnings. Kiki V is off to a very good one around here.



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trophies 2 by Traci 15 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<281MB] 1280x720 7m 16s
I'm glad that Traci's going easy on herself, rewarding herself for a spectacular hands-only orgasm, with another orgasm - this time, complete with all the buzzy electric intensity she could ask for. As awesome as it is to watch the triumph of Traci getting off without a toy, it's really great to see how much pleasure she gets from her vibe, too.

Mew Up Close 2 by Mew 16 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<325MB] 1280x720 8m 24s
The depth and intensity of Mew's orgasm is never more apparent than when she is naked (but for her white ankle socks, of course) and resting on blank sheets. Thus displayed, there's nothing to distract from every tiny indication of Mew's ascension - and nothing to hold her back from the urgency and power of her ultimate release.



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devotional 2 by Skye_C 17 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<326MB] 1280x720 8m 26s
One of the best things about IFM in my opinion, is the way these videos reinforce an image of women as sexual human beings, with the right and power to experiment, spend time, and consume items all towards the benefit of their own lust. Skye_C is familiar with her toy, her body, her lube, and she's not remotely ashamed of any of it.

groundwork 1 by del 18 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<243MB] 1280x720 6m 17s
Glimpsing the dark thatch of Del's hair where it escapes the line of her underwear is really stimulating to me - enough even, to take my mind off the cuteness of her cat. It leaves me wondering if Del is finding that next door noise distracting, or whether perhaps the audible presence of those workers serves to make this backyard wank just a little extra sexy. Probably both.



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philosophy 1 by misty_star 19 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<324MB] 1280x720 7m 54s
Misty Star only takes a moment to get her jeans off, and then it's on - she settles into herself with a deep sigh of appreciation. Writer Tom Robbins once claimed that there were only two philosophies in this world, and they could be summed up in two words - "yum" or "yuck". I think it's clear which one Misty adheres to.

Schrodinger's wank 1 by Jadey 20 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<361MB] 1280x720 9m 19s
I adore the intimacies of other people's private spaces, having a penchant for looking through my friends' handbags and casually checking out their medicine cabinets. So Homemades are like crack to me, and never more so than when a contributor is particularly aesthetically inclined, such as Jadey here.



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doutai 4 by charlotte_v 21 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<399MB] 1280x720 10m 19s
Ah, beautiful women, ah hair and song and kiss and flesh. Did someone ask about the difference between porn and art? This aching feeling in my chest melding with the warmth pooling low in my belly as I watch Amarna and Charlotte kiss - this, this is the difference. Charlotte V's been released from her bonds now, and it's time for her to show Amarna the sweetness of her gratitude.

tell tale 3 by Liandra Dahl 22 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<271MB] 1280x720 7m 0s
Ooh la la - a restricted area! Liandra, you naughty girl. But now that you're in here, I suppose you might as well give yourself a bit of a reward, right? The very real danger of being caught or heard in this scenario permeates the whole scene, lending it a sense of urgency that I find super-hot.



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Cobain Up Close 1 by cobain 23 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<269MB] 1280x720 6m 17s
An Up Close filmed outside is a rare thing, but then, so is Cobain - a lady of such charm and loveliness that standard shooting just doesn't do her justice. A soft bed laid out on the forest floor is a dream-place, and Cobain's motions are appropriately dreamy - slow and delicate, as she touches herself to the sound of steadily increasing birdsong.

syrup 2 by Alexa_B 24 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<149MB] 1280x720 3m 51s
Alexa B's body moves like the ocean under the careful pressure of her fingertips, her hips rising again and again to meet her hands. The motion is so hypnotic that her orgasm barely jolts me out of my suspended state of awareness, and Alexa's gone, almost before I know it.



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groundwork 2 by del 25 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<290MB] 1280x720 7m 37s
Damn girl! Well that's one way to fight fire with fire - got annoyingly loud construction work - and workers - next door? Psych 'em out with some seriously loud rough sex porno noises. The melange of tradies talking and working over the sound of porn, and Del, touching herself like this, makes for a strikingly hot audiovisual experience.

desideratum 1 by Flume 26 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<346MB] 1280x720 8m 56s
Flume's vintage style puts me in a simple, feminine state of mind, while the burgeoning motion of her hips underlines a rising tension, adding depth and intensity to the mood she invokes. Her arousal is sharp, quick and frantic, as if she just can't get enough of herself. The world narrows down to only one potential outcome, as Flume begs herself for release.



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Schrodinger's wank 2 by Jadey 27 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<246MB] 1280x720 6m 22s
I wonder how often, statistically, solo lounging-about segues into a little sesh. There's just no way for us to know for sure, and there never will be. It's Schrodinger's wank - anyone who is alone and unobserved in a closed spaced must be simultaneously both wanking and not wanking.

Leena Up Close 2 by Leena 28 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<206MB] 1280x720 5m 21s
Satiated and calmer now, Leena takes her time, working herself up herself thoroughly. Up close, this means an equivalent tease for viewers, as every tiny stroke and caress of her wandering fingertips is laid out before us in fine detail. The tension emanating from her core is even more apparent this time around, as it spreads to envelop her entire body.



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doutai 5 by AmarnaMiller 29 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<226MB] 1280x720 5m 53s
Sometimes I give myself time between parts, the better to draw out and savor the experience. It's impossible to forget this kind of beauty, but at least with time, these images - Charlotte V's incredible shape, the curve of Amarna's lips as she sighs in pleasure, the memory of rope, even the dusty floorboards of the space where they meet - had faded some, enough to impact me anew.

Cobain Up Close 2 by cobain 30 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<285MB] 1280x720 7m 25s
If moans are a language, then Cobain speaks but little - but when she does, her words are dense with meaning. With the sounds of the forest all around her, it's easy to go into a reverie along with her, as she explores the softs and sensitives of her sex without urgency.

philosophy 2 by misty_star 31 Oct 2014
HD MP4 [<286MB] 1280x720 7m 23s
Misty Star's sensuality fills the screen no matter how big your monitors are, enhanced by her moans of surprised delight. Some people are so responsive to stimulation that every touch feels like the first, never losing that element of surprise and wonder.



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HD MP4 598MB 1920x1080 15m`49s
can’t get over June.. her amazing stream of consciousness illuminates a fantastically sensual mind and personality, a sexual soul to inhabit her thrillingly beautiful body. I love hearing about her plans, her hot little stories. The way she contemplates shaving her pubic hair, and the reason she decides not to. Yes, this girl, these diaries. Absolute gem.


HD MP4 1,4GB 3840x2160 9m26s
I love knowing that Ash usually uses toys, and impressed herself with how hard she makes herself come here, using “just only [her] little hands”. When you’re into a certain way of masturbating, it can be hard to break the mold - but ultimately, sometimes it’s a great way to make a big splash.



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subtlety 1 by Amber_Lynn 01 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<282MB] 1280x720 7m 17s
Ahhh, there's a saying about cats and curiosity - but the truth is, curiosity never really kills cats. They are just too smart for that. Instead, their curiosity is satisfied, and usually rewarded by humans, who generally quit what they're doing to attend to the rogue in question. Not Amber though - Amber Lynn stays strong in the face of feline curiosity, resisting the allure.

mona lisa 1 by Laura_N 02 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<260MB] 1280x720 6m 44s
Laura N's little touches and explorations of her body are accompanied by the sweetest little mona lisa smile, calling an answering curve in my own lips. Pleasure and sexuality can often be complicated things, fraught with depth and development, thought and concern - but you know what? Not all the time. Sometimes it just feels good.



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willing 1 by kara_d 03 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<205MB] 1280x720 5m 37s
I love Kara_D's oh-so-Melbourne vibe here, the tram going by as she fetches her mail from her adorable front yard. But it's her impressive performance which really has me wanting to match her with a standing ovation of my own. It's been a long time since we've had Kara D around, and her happy, naughty desire, to push her own boundaries in front of the camera, never fails to make me feel happy and naughty, too.

chantilly 2 by Shibby 04 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<313MB] 1280x720 8m 6s
There's a lot going on here from the first few seconds, and I don't know if it's just the time of day, or the fact that Devochka's sitting right behind me looking through her own bunch of naked photos, while my headphones pulse with the sound of sucking and sighing... but whatever the reason, my normally stoic and thoughtful approach to this stuff is just right out the window. Gosh. Blush.



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physical 2 by susie 05 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<186MB] 1280x720 5m 22s
We all know the difference between a lazy-rest, and a well-deserved kinda rest. They both feel good, but let's be honest - there's nothing quite like laying down our weary muscles, shining with the righteous glow of Those Who Earned It. Enjoy this one, Susie - after the effort you put in, you're allowed to be smug.

Zosha Up Close 1 by zosha 06 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<303MB] 1280x720 7m 51s
The way Zosha pulls at her undies, moving her hips as she presses against her own hands, has my instant attention - these subtle movements of hips and hands, the visual effect of pressure being applied in just the right amount - connects my mind directly to my own sex, riveting me to Zosha's actions, and making her need my own.
