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desideratum 2 by Flume 07 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<316MB] 1280x720 8m 10s
If sexuality is a conversation, Flume's words with herself would come tumbling out like a stream, the kind of talk where each party is so excited about the subject that the interaction rises and builds, rich with excited interruptions, words, ideas, and interjections flowing back and forth in an uninhibited rush of pure connection - basically, the best kind.

subtlety 2 by Amber_Lynn 08 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<165MB] 1280x720 4m 18s
Amber Lynn's neutral expression as she begins masturbating just adds poignancy to the subtle way her face changes, as she is more and more strongly affected by the sensations moving through her body. Simplicity is elegance. I find watching Amber Lynn more erotic for the understated intensity of her process and orgasm.



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excitable girl 1 by Jaid 09 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<264MB] 1280x720 6m 50s
I like when the line between moaning and crying becomes a little blurry, when one can hear emotion expressed through a woman's voice of arousal. Good sex, whether with oneself or others, is often something which touches us deeply - and by expressing it, we move our observers to emotion, as well.

willing 2 by kara_d 10 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<241MB] 1280x720 6m 36s
Kara D is really something else. There's more to it than her beautiful face and responsive body - there's something intensely willing about her, something inspiring about her need and the effort she makes to slake it. There's nothing blase about Kara D - her passion is contagious.



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Bonnie_T Up Close 1 by Bonnie_T 11 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<290MB] 1280x720 7m 31s
Bonnie_T is drowsing and relaxed, hypnotized by the sensual feeling of her hand and hips moving in those loose circles. Tantric practices remind us to move our hips intentionally as a way to keep the sexual energy flowing, but women like Bonnie T, well. they just don't have to try.

turn the page 1 by Georgiana 12 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<223MB] 1280x720 5m 47s
Ah, Georgiana, a girl after my own heart. Fellow bookworms, how many books have you closed and finished, only to feel that strange sense of non-worldliness, that in-between feeling when the pages of the book have let you go, but the real world hasn't quite picked you back up? There's only really one thing to do in that situation, and, well, Georgiana's doing it.



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chantilly 3 by Devochka 13 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<328MB] 1280x720 8m 59s
Silent communication can be the most effective kind, as Devochka demonstrates here, asking with her hands, learning from Shibby's own movements. The clues to Shibby's pleasure can't be expressed in words - only pressure, sighs, frisson and heat. I like how they get progressively more disheveled as their love-sesh continues, not too rowdy, but, you know. Just rowdy enough.

mona lisa 2 by Laura_N 14 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<190MB] 1280x720 4m 55s
Laura N's unassuming style is so relatable, conjuring up that special feeling of timelessness when the doors are closed, the lights are out, and no one will bother you. Her ability to relax so completely in our studio environment, surrounded by lights and cameras, is a gift - a glimpse into her alone time.



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once upon a time by Lena_D 15 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<249MB] 1280x720 6m 49s
Lena_D is amazingly tranquil, really able to focus her attention on herself despite the very public setting she's chosen to dally in. So much good stuff here - the sharp lines of her profile, her double-handed technique, the way her chest heaves as she gets closer, and closer...

up river 1 by Lilley 16 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<313MB] 1280x720 8m 6s
I adored Lilley's wit and humor in her ISM video, which makes this debut more exciting for me - the more context I have about a person, the more naturally interested I am in them. But even without any kind of prior knowledge, Lilley would have caught my attention, From the first moments, it's clear that her sexuality is a force to be reckoned with, powerful, deep and very, very wet.



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perlaceous 1 by Labia_Lunch 17 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<259MB] 1280x720 6m 42s
Hello kitty! It's a great day for me when I get to look at naked girls, and it's a great day when I get to look at cute cats. Today is just a double-great day. And furthermore, we get clued into a specific functionality built into Labia Lunch's style. Now we know why she's the kinda gal who never steps out without her pearl necklace.

Zosha Up Close 2 by zosha 18 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<248MB] 1280x720 6m 25s
The up close angle becomes more interesting for me as Zosha turns over - we can see her employing a technique I'm not sure I've ever seen before. She seems to be stimulating the entrance of her sex rapidly, but without penetrating herself, while rubbing rhythmically against the bed sheets. Unique this method may be, but by the rising pitch of her moans, incredibly effective.



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becalm 1 by Windradine 19 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<205MB] 1280x720 5m 19s
You can tell that Windradine's the kind of woman who looks out for herself - warming her own hands for herself, ensuring that her comfort is total. So often we don't bother with the little details - but I can assure you, these small gestures of care make a world of difference - both for others, and for ourselves.

chantilly 4 by Devochka 20 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<236MB] 1280x720 6m 7s
I love the look on Devochka's face when Shibby elegantly straddles her chest, presenting Devochka with an obviously gratifying visual experience. It only gets better for us, as viewers, when we are given the chance to see what she sees, as she utilizes her perfect position to play with Shibby to the point of no return.



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excitable girl 2 by Jaid 21 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<381MB] 1280x720 9m 50s
It's been a long time since we had a contributor make eye contact with the cameras, and I'd forgotten how startling it is. As if it were really me, perched up there on the ceiling, sure I was invisible - only to be glanced at, acknowledged and - granted permission to stay. Startling, and very nice.

sweet spot 1 by Denna 22 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<295MB] 1280x720 7m 39s
Almost everyone has those places in their life - that elevator in that one parking garage that, when you ride it, you blush to remember the heat of kisses exchanged, between B2 and the ground floor. Your high school sweetheart's house, which you cruise by once in awhile just to savor the nostalgia. And Denna's got an old furniture warehouse, rich with untold stories, where she goes when she thinks of him.



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level up 1 by Katy_Horde 23 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<295MB] 1280x720 7m 38s
If you ever wondered what gamer girls do when they're not out there leveling up - well - let's not stereotype, hmm? Like everyone else, in between amusements they cook and read and chat and sleep and hang out with friends, ok? And as if it isn't a given round these parts - they masturbate once in a while, too.

perlaceous 2 by Labia_Lunch 24 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<318MB] 1280x720 8m 14s
I like watching Labia Lunch's mouth open more and more as she gets progressively more turned on, her yawn of arousal almost inviting in it's wideness. These kinds of expressions are some of my favorite things about Ifeelmyself, and our sister-site, Beautiful Agony - the amazing strange beauty of human faces in ecstasy, unaltered, unadorned, and unplanned.



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chantilly 5 by Devochka 25 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<286MB] 1280x720 7m 24s
Devochka & Shibby's love sesh has taken a natural, tangible course - from their intital flirty, athletic positions, to this more sensual and comfortable energy. I feel a lot more emotional comfort here as well, as play gives way to depth, and Devochka's verbalized desires are answered by Shibby's will to give.

yukon jill 1 by Traci 26 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<308MB] 1280x720 8m 26s
I am absolutely thrilled by this series, a video-diary-esque offering Traci had the good graces to film for us while she was away visiting her native land. With her candid chattiness, impressive camera skills, and easy sexuality, Traci is one of my favorite diarists - and the allure of what she's up to in the midst of her family vacation makes this series all the more enticing.



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turn the page 2 by Georgiana 27 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<242MB] 1280x720 6m 15s
I love the lonely feeling of peace which imbues this home made, a feeling which really resonates with spending an afternoon reading books and jerking off. That tranquility is set off by Georgiana - so quick to arousal, her breath coming fast and hot as she dives right into herself.

up river 2 by Lilley 28 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<274MB] 1280x720 7m 5s
I think squirting is just the wrong word for it. Squirting, as a word, it feels so... singular. An event, that happens, a single moment in time. But I've seen a lot of what we call squirting... and I don't know if I've ever come across a word, or a series of words, that could do it justice. Anyway, for those who are looking for the event, it's there. But for me, Lilley's orgasm doesn't seem like a singular moment. It just goes on, and on.



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sweet spot 2 by Denna 29 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<195MB] 1280x720 5m 3s
Sometimes we masturbate because we're horny. Sometimes we do it to feel good, to fall asleep, to take our mind off things, to try a new toy. And sometimes, we masturbate to recreate a feeling, to imbue our hands with memory, and let them collaborate with the past to bring us back to someone, or something, or somewhen.

aftershocks 1 by Phoebe_G 30 Nov 2014
HD MP4 [<264MB] 1280x720 6m 51s
The look on Phoebe G's face transcends pleasure and pain, communicating in the way of art pieces - the way she makes you feel will reflect your own state of mind, likely, more than hers. But if we want to know how Phoebe G's feeling, there are more than enough signs to indicate that she's feeling pretty damn fine. Thanks for asking.

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HD MP4 549MB 1920x1080 11m`55s
Hey, IFM’s more than just some pretty pictures. Around here, we’re serious about sex - and sex education. Wendy may never have done this before, but fortunately, she’s got the best teacher in the world. So let Georgia teach you, and Wendy, how it’s done.



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VIDEO | 10 Aug 2012 Marleen S & Misha
52m 29s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1265mb
Lesbian sex outdoors

Outdoors, in the middle of nature the gorgeous tall, Dutch Misha and Marleen nestle in between the lush greenery for some very fun, passionate and sexy time together.

Flirting and undressing each others tall slender bodies they embrace, kissing and running their hands all over! Marleen takes controls and moves her way down to Misha's smooth shaved pussy, making her stand as she licks and sucks her clit amongst the trees!

VIDEO | 17 Aug 2012 Gretchen & Sidney
39m 52s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1018mb
DLesbian sex

A flirty little outdoor meeting by the water for the beautiful German Gretchen and Dutch Sidney. Getting closer to each other and daring to let themselves touch they move in for a kiss as things get more intimate.

Moving inside to somewhere a little more private they quickly and passionately pull (and cut!) each others clothes off, exposing their slim bodies, smooth skin and Gretchen's, full bush and large, pert breasts.

P.S - Check out Sidney's Handwritten bio's, she's left a very exciting little surprise in there!



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VIDEO | 24 Aug 2012 Evelina & Fenna GGT3
59m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1466mb
Fingering from behind

A very sexy, kinky shoot between the gorgeous, tall, large breasted Fenna and the cute slender Evelina as they play with each other, Fenna taking the lead!

Running their hands over each others naked bodies, things really start to heat up though as Fenna lets out her inner dominant as Evelina passes her a small pink dildo. On the sofa entwined in each other they writhe in pleasure as they both reach orgasm!

VIDEO | 31 Aug 2012 Alva & Nichole
65m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1503mb
Lesbian sex outside

The gorgeous Dutch, tall Nichole and the petite and very cute Aussie, Alva meet up outside for some stunning outdoor sex!

Undressing each other to reveal amazing, large, pert breasts and full bushes of pubes the two girls get feisty with each other: licking grabbing, fingering and even a bit of biting! It was a very hot day with some very hot action!



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VIDEO | 07 Sep 2012 Carmina & Marleen S GGT3
63m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1465mb
Fingering from behind

The beautifully tall, Dutch Marleen comes in to disturb the small, cute and petite Carmina; something she does not take to kindly and retaliates with a bit of infamous Spanish passion!

Getting very flirty and handsy with each other they kiss. Furiously trying to get one over on the other they strip down to their smooth naked bodies. Inserting and licking each others shaved pussies and moving around the room they raise one another to orgasm.

VIDEO | 14 Sep 2012 Darcie & Lena D
60m 27s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1433mb
Object insertions

The seductive dark haired Lena works her magic on blonde English Darcie as they sit together in the kitchen. Provocative eye contact and strokes of her smooth tanned skin soon bring Darcie around to the idea.

Passionately kissing each other they quickly undress, Lana reveals Darcie's large breasts and makes sure to get a hand full! Darcie undresses Lana's small, pert breasts and smooth ; which is beautifully contrasted against Darcie's full bush as hey experiment with some unorthodox play!



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VIDEO | 21 Sep 2012 Kylie H & Renae D
64m 42s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1512mb

Wow, stunning dark haired Australian Kylie H and the beautiful American Renae D indulge in each others slim natural bodies as they engage in some intense and passionate midday sex.

Kylie undresses Renae to expose her red bush of pubes, large, pert breasts and smooth pale, freckled skin. Kyle runs her hands down toward her wet pussy and slowly slips in a finger making Renae writhe with pleasure! Between that, the amazing tribbing, anal play and more they bring each other to powerful and intense orgasms!

VIDEO | 28 Sep 2012 Carian & Carmina
59m 41s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1418mb
Lesbian sex

A passionate and and very sexual shoot of the beautiful Spanish Carmina and the Dutch Carian as they dress and undress each other, flirting and seducing each other.

Exploring their slender taut bodies, small breasts and smooth shaved pussies the two bring one another to full and passionate orgasms!



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VIDEO | 05 Oct 2012 Jade S & Lena D
49m 18s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1286mb
Public 69

Outdoors in the stunning green nature the beautiful, tanned Lena D and the pale, petite Jade undress each other as they secretly yet passionately treat themselves to some midday sex!

Exposing Lena's smooth shaved pussy and Jades pert breasts, the two entwine together on the grass, licking and running their hands over each other bodies, bringing their partner to a risky and public orgasm!

VIDEO | 12 Oct 2012 Dahlia & Darcie
55m 55s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1411mb
Intense orgasms

A stunning and very cute moment with blonde British Darcie and redheaded Dahlia as the two flirt and make the most of Darcie's large breasts and Dahlia's seductive personality.

Undressing, they run their hands over each others bodies Dahlia seeming mesmerized by Darcie's breasts as she presses her face and mouth against them. As both girls are fully naked, Darcie makes her way down to Dahlia's full bush...



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VIDEO | 19 Oct 2012 Alyssa R & Claudia S GGT3
60m 27s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1464mb
Lesbian sex

Stunning Claudia and Alyssa get very intimate as they explore each others bodies, one pale and slender the other with beautiful tan lines and a gorgeous toned physique.

Undressing to reveal all, the passion really heats up and the two can not keep their hands, or their lips off one another! Working her way down to Claudia's smooth shaved pussy Alyssa makes her tense and squirm with her tongue. Holding on to each others bodies and small breasts they both rise to a stunning orgasm.

VIDEO | 26 Oct 2012 Carian & Gretchen GGT3
40m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1012mb
Body lotion

Gorgeous German Gretchen and the beautiful Dutch Carian explore each others slender naked bodies, pressing against each others breasts and bringing each other to orgasm!

Carian seems infatuated with Gretchen's large, pert breasts and full bush. She even stops to grab the baby oil and rub the lotion into her skin and around her chest.



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VIDEO | 02 Nov 2012 Nichole & Renae D
71m 32s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1709mb
Outdoor orgasm

Under the soft outdoor light the beautiful American Renae and Dutch Nichole start to get a bit flirty and intimate as they let their hands wander over each others slim bodies and large breasts.

Undressing each other they reveal their natural red full bush's to match their long red hair. Laying together on the mat they both raise each other to a great and stunning outdoor orgasm.

VIDEO | 09 Nov 2012 Carian & Marleen S GGT3
56m 13s
Download: MP4 1024x576 1336mb

The two Dutch beauties Marleen and Carina get intimate as they explore each others slim bodies, one tall and one small they treat each other to some amazing oral!

Moving from the sofa they up the pace and are soon passionately working their way down to each others smooth shaved pussies. Carian runs her hands down Marleen's long legs and in return Marleen focuses of Carian's pert, peachy round bum!
