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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 1,9GB 3840x2160 12m47s
Rose getting fully naked before getting into her sesh gives me such a good feeling all over my own body - like when you get home from a long day and take off your bra, and it feels so amazing you don’t want to stop stripping down. Like that, but watching someone else do it - that shared joy, that delicious synesthesia.

HD MP4 1,4GB 3840x2160 9m27s
I can relate so much to these moments - when you need just a little bit more, when you’re tired, but your body won’t let you stop. You can try, but the desire just burns inside you, driving your movements, bringing you back. Modern technology is a god send for just these occasions, allowing us to rest even as we plunge deep down, back into the depths of that bliss.



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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 2,4GB 3840x2160 11m27s
Who doesn't love masturbating on the deck on a gorgeous spring day - an ocean view, and the tickle of a fresh breeze between your legs. Abbi digs deep to satisfy herself, getting right onto that g-spot, squeezing out her fluids, as the guinea pigs beetle about their pen, completely oblivious.

HD MP4 1,7GB 3840x2160 11m41s
2012, early days for me at Feck - so I remember everything vividly. Not that Alicia would have been forgettable, either way. The quiet ones tend to stick with me the most, surfacing in my mind’s eye in subtle moments, making me wonder, making me go back. Again and again.



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Feb 25, 2011
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HD MP4 1,3GB 3840x2160 9m16s
Dressing, undressing, slowly, nearly anonymous. Timeless, sheer stockings, sweet lingerie. And Otilia’s voice as she wonders, her body framed by window light, the angle casually uncentred as if to say to me, this has nothing to do with your gaze. This is all about Otilia. These are the things that set Otilia - and IFM - apart from the rest.



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Apr 9, 2019
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Gentle Whispering ASMR Masturbation Solo DeepFake

Tags: DeepFakes, Deep Fakes, DeepFake, Deep Fake, Fakes, Celebrity Fakes, Ai Porn, Solo
Duration: 00:07:05
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 221.74 MB

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VIDEO | 25 Sep 2007 Alberta
Download: MP4 1024x576 171mb

Jelly wrestling? Topless waitress? Did I hear those right? Alberta certainly has a wild streak to her side, and Fallon gets a bit playful about it (Fallon directed this shoot, and Abby herself shot it). Check out her upper body strength too - she can do push-ups and remove her underwear with her elbows. Must be the bionic woman, I'd say.

Abby says: you may have noticed the "What happened at AWHQ today" panel has gone... but it's not gone far! It's now integrated into this very column, and the backend stuff has been made a lot easier, so you'll start seeing posts and pics from the front line staff like Althea and Susie.

We'll also be re-posting pics models have posted to the discussion boards, and stuff. We think it's gonna be great!

VIDEO | 26 Sep 2007 Ainslee
Download: MP4 1024x576 125mb

Lotion in motion. Curves with verve. Glow with the flow. Lube in the... well you get the idea. Ainslee is back on video with a lotion shoot. If you like watching the texture and softness of an Abby girl's skin up close, then be sure to check out this clip.

Ainslee has also made a recent surprise return to the boards - you can chat to her here.



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 27 Sep 2007 Rosalind
13m 14s
Download: MP4 1024x576 186mb

Webdude has just released the October wallpaper for the AW 2007 calendar. We can't guarantee it'll help you pay your bills on time, or clean up for that rent inspection, but you do have the pretty Narida to look at, which is certainly more of a relief.

Rosalind is a sweetie. Listen in on the video, and you might see another side of her. Self-defense moves, salsa dancing, an interesting experience on the side of a highway - and what gets her energy going in the morning? She's perfectly comfortable with her body, and I think that's part of what makes her beautiful.

VIDEO | 28 Sep 2007 Aylan
15m 59s
Download: MP4 1024x576 228mb

Abbywinters.com sells merchandise! Well, one item at least - an AW T-shirt. Show that you surf the coolest adult website on this planet with pride, and maybe strike up some interesting conversation along the way. Melinda has recently done a showcase wearing hers, and Jemma and Valerie have in past done likewise. Even some members have raved about them. And don't forget where they first debuted, in the Screenprinting Girls shoot. Be bold, and get one for yourself!

Aylan is a creative artistic genius, as well as having a firm, fit figure. She shows you many of her creations, including a culture of phallic characters and a wall canvas that needs some nudity for completion. Oh, and then there's the wild encounter with her neighbour - when there's girls as ambitious as Aylan living nearby, it's probably the real reason why property prices are sky high in some parts of Sydney!



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 03 Oct 2007 Melita
19m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 322mb

If your name starts with "Mel", then more power to you today! For starters, the irresistibly cute, energetic and sweet-natured Melita returns in front of the lens for a redux shoot. Which will spin faster: the hula-hoop or your heart? Melita also posts on the forums. She now works at AWHQ, and she's awesome in person, I can tell you!

Then there's forum chatterbox Melinda, who has recently shattered the record for most forum posts ever made by a model, previously set by Paula. And there's no sign of her slowing down - Melinda is currently soliciting ideas for celebrating the 3,000th post in her thread - knowing what she's done for past posting anniversaries it'll sure be exciting. Maybe she should write everyone's name in texta all over herself and take pictures? Nah....

VIDEO | 04 Oct 2007 Cleo
11m 25s
Download: MP4 1024x576 219mb



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VIDEO | 05 Oct 2007 Marleen
16m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 231mb

Silken skirt, sparkly top and glittering coins - Marleen is a belly dancer. And a hot looking one at that too. With long flowing dark wavy hair and a full voluptuous figure, it's totally divine watching her perform some belly dancing moves for us. Ooh la la!

IMAGESET | 01 Oct 2007 Mandie
23m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 401mb

Oooh Mandie... where do I start? I could start at the base of her skyscraper-tall legs? Or I could try to work out how deep her cleavage goes? How about I hold a staring contest with that piercing gaze of hers? She's a gorgeous blonde Canadian girl, and has obviously been enjoying the Aussie sun. Just remember... when you travel down under, you'll always find pleasant surprises.



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 10 Oct 2007 Violet
22m 24s
Download: MP4 1024x576 252mb

Hey look who came out of the blue! It's Violet - we haven't seen her for nearly 5 years. Our last encounter with her was back in 2002, when AWHQ was still located in Sydney. The moment I met her in person, she took me well by surprise - very charming, cute smile, lively, sweet-natured and friendly. She's also musically talented, being an opera singer and pianist. We've now taken her on board in the AWHQ office here in Melbourne, and I'm delighted to say it's a real blast having her around. Have fun comparing her two shoots - she still looks as vibrant as ever!

VIDEO | 11 Oct 2007 Vicki
11m 49s
Download: MP4 1024x576 204mb

Is it really that chilly outside? Vicki's got a plan for keeping warm. High up on the cosy balcony she shines in the sunlight, not appearing fazed at all about who could be looking up from below. Nothing like the fresh breeze blowing across your bare skin.



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 12 Oct 2007 Sahara
27m 22s
Download: MP4 1024x576 476mb

Feel that your experience of being an AW member has been worthwhile? You can vote for us in the Australian Adult Industry Awards - read here on how to vote.

Take me away to a sun-blessed golden brown plain, where the warm breeze flows by, contrasting with a piercing blue sky. No wait, actually... take me to Sahara. On the vivid lush green bank of grass, she looks naturally vibrant, healthy and happy, as her long brown hair flails about in the wind. She also chats on the forums - see if you can find out what inspired her to pay a visit to Oz...

VIDEO | 16 Oct 2007 Lou-Ellyn
19m 3s
Download: MP4 1024x576 252mb

Who's that pretty girl on the green vinyl couch? Meet Lou-Ellyn. For a change, she decides to mix up the order of things - undies come off first. She also tries out a clear glass dildo - rigid like nothing else, with smooth contours, you can watch it slowly travel inside her. We can only wonder what that feels like...



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 17 Oct 2007 Paula
32m 36s
Download: MP4 1024x576 562mb

Does browsing the model gallery feel like reading a phone directory from end to end? Got a particular type of shot you like to look for? Check out our Lists feature - they're compilations of stills and videos made by our members, even some by staff and models. Or if you've got the time, dedication and inspiration, you can also build your own lists - read here on how to start.

Today we crack open the AW Vault and dust off a redux shoot that we've been keeping in reserve just for you. It's Paula, and it seems that her cheeky smile, cute looks, endless curves and bubbly personality continue to shine on through. Be sure to stay basked in the afterglow, as there's a fun video shoot following up around the corner.

VIDEO | 18 Oct 2007 Ceecee
14m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 257mb

Ladies and gentlemen, today we welcome CeeCee to the AW gallery. She's another visitor that's graced our shores, hailing from the distant lands of Canada. That travelling spirit has sure taken hold - she's bursting with confidence in this shoot. How gorgeous is that freckled face and beaming grin of hers? It's all fun here, just be careful to dodge the slingshot bra.



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 19 Oct 2007 Irene
15m 45s
Download: MP4 1024x576 209mb

Glasses are sexy. You'll learn why soon enough, if you're not already familiar with the Abby paradigm. In the library, I'm afraid Irene is not available for loan, but I'm sure she'll captivate you way more than any reading material, erotic or otherwise, could ever do - even before she removes that short skirt. Love that hair! She's also previously appeared in a double IM, and has posted on the boards recently.

VIDEO | 23 Oct 2007 Desy
18m 40s
Download: MP4 1024x576 324mb

Desy, Desy, give me your answer do! I'm half crazy, all for the love of you... sorry, got a bit carried away there. Now that I've got that out of my system, I can now introduce you to Desy, AW's first model for the day. Wispy blonde hair, bold green eyes, soft-as skin and the keenest smile you'll ever see this side of Smileville - cute and sexy, and she knows it. She also is a lucky recipient of the Dildo Drive - the donor being one member who's made many contributions (you know who you are!). If you haven't yet contemplated participating in the Dildo Drive, you have no idea what fuzzy feeling you're missing out on...



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 24 Oct 2007 Belinda A
18m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 314mb
Belinda A

She's small on height, but big on captive looks and personality. It's Belinda A again, this time in Redux. She's able to iron out the nerves better this time - you can never get enough of those big brown eyes, chocolate brown hair, pert breasts and silky smooth olive skin.

VIDEO | 25 Oct 2007 Lilou
17m 47s
Download: MP4 1024x576 300mb

Abbywinters.com has some knobs and seat-height adjustments that you can tweak to suit your browsing experience. Check out MyAW (second option down on the extras pull-down menu). Here you can control behaviours on the image gallery pages (thumbs per page, how full images are displayed), the notification you get when adding items to a list, and the quality of Flash streaming video. You can also test your bandwidth, and view a list of your recent logins.

Now, on to the exciting stuff. Today's new model is Italian spunkette Lilou. With pale walls, carpet and a old brown couch in the background, her presence injects some much-needed vibrancy into the visual atmosphere. Take note of how flexible she is, and have a guess what she might be capable of ...



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 30 Oct 2007 Ariane
13m 43s
Download: MP4 1024x576 250mb

You might be thinking, didn't the header of this news page used to be blue? Well, normally it is, but for this month, we're showing our support for the Pink For October - raising awareness for breast cancer. Be sure to follow the thread on the forums discussing this campaign, and make sure your knowledge on this life-threatening illness is all up to scratch.

Confined spaces are no obstacle for Ariane. This girl is nothing short of dreamy and creative, exploring life through clothes and face expressions. With that vintage underwear and those come-hither looks, I think sexy would be an understatement.

VIDEO | 31 Oct 2007 Marigold
24m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 324mb

Sex is beautiful, fun, healthy and constructive - I'm sure you'd agree on that. But would you believe that there are some people who feel the need to push potentially misguided counter-views into our political system? You and I both know that there's many good things rising up from our little corner of the world, the adult industry - so we need your help in supporting a positive point of view. Head over to this thread to learn more.

Time for another dose of Marigold, to brighten your day. Who needs a campfire when you have this siren to keep you warmed up? She's also brought along a form of self-entertainment, thanks to the Dildo Drive. Can't get enough of that trademark grin of hers... and those eyes!



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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 05 Nov 2022 Roselina
37m 38s
Download: MP4 1080p (1.5G)

Roselina glows with a cheeky grin, as she brushes her flowing blonde hair and arranges it into a long ponytail. When she bends over, her yellow cartoon character panties are visible up her skirt. After slipping off her tank top, to reveal a lacy see-through bra, she puts it on backwards so the straps tease her perky nipples. Roselina pulls her undies down around her ankles and relaxes in the nude, while happily drawing a heart with lotion on her bare breasts.

On her hands and knees with her bum in the air to highlight her tight anus, Roselina looks invitingly over her shoulder with bedroom eyes. She puts on a transparent halter top and lays back and spreads her legs, so we can admire the downy hair adorning her pussy, which glistens with creamy wetness. Roselina next models a cosy knit jumper, while nude from the waist down with her knees open, then flashes her small boobs with a shimmering smile.

VIDEO | 08 Nov 2022 Nina K
47m 13s
Download: MP4 1080p (1.65G)

Nina's incredibly long hair reaches well past her hips, and she greets us with a warm smile, while twirling it in her fingers. The plunging neckline of her snug minidress accentuates her deep cleavage, and she tugs at the fabric to offer an even better view. After stripping off the dress, she sensually adjusts her fluorescent bra to uncover her large areolas, then pulls aside her panties, exposing her neatly shaved vulva. Once she's freed her voluptuous boobs, she tucks her flowing locks in between them.

Nina puts her bum in the air wearing only her g-string, then pulls it down and gazes happily over her shoulder. Fully nude, she reclines on the floor and opens her legs wide apart, sharing intimate views of her pussy and anus, with her bare feet high in the air. Whether she's writing in her journal or modelling a succession of cute tops, Nina's hands are irresistibly drawn to the softness of her breasts. As she lovingly squeezes them, the sensation brings a rosy glow to her cheeks.



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Apr 9, 2019
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Gibi ASMR As Ashlynn Taylor POV JOI Solo DeepFake

Tags: DeepFakes, Deep Fakes, DeepFake, Deep Fake, Fakes, Celebrity Fakes, Ai Porn, Solo
Duration: 00:09:04
Resolution: 1920x1080
Format: mp4
Size: 311.37 MB

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Banned User
Nov 14, 2022
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I love to watch porn, but my favorite is to watch sexy ladies wearing sexy lingerie and enjoy MILF, a super sexy blonde, in hot lingerie in hot sex actions. fucking awesome... I always watch these videos at paid porn sites by Paid Porn Sites


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Feb 25, 2011
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VIDEO | 01 Nov 2007 Jemima
15m 13s
Download: MP4 1024x576 268mb

The colour white is not always the same on different people's monitors - sometimes there's a yellowish tinge, other times there's a hint of blue. This phenomenon is known as colour temperature - it makes a significant impact on how our images appear on your screen. Be sure to take part in the above members' poll, and let us know what your display is set to. There's also a discussion thread on the boards. And if you're seeing models with green and purple skin, then just get your monitor fixed, okay? ;)

Now let's cut to the chase - just skip the rest of this paragraph and go here. I could tell you that Jemima is a real stunner in appearance, with doll-like looks and that sexy smile, but you already knew that when you saw her preview pic. I could also talk about how she's a dancer, and pulls off some amazing twirls and poses, but you already figured that out from the moment you saw her athletic body and cute pink stockings. In fact, you've probably been reading my mind, haven't you? Well, get over there and admire her beauty now, because if you keep reading this paragraph, I'll just start lecturing about the absolutely fascinating history of the slide rule...

VIDEO | 02 Nov 2007 Jade L
15m 37s
Download: MP4 1024x576 290mb
Jade L

If you are a fan of the comic book heroine Tank Girl, you are just going to love Jade L's debut shoot. Even if you have no idea who I am talking about prepare to be spellbound by Jade's amazing natural beauty and contagious smile that glows brighter than those colourful dreads of hers.

Jade doesn't just reveal her beautiful pale skin, her pert breasts, womanly curves and full bush for the camera, oh no, this is a fun and sexy shoot with plenty of attitude...and some mouthwatering close ups too. Please Ms Winters can we have some more Jade L? I'll be good, I promise.



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VIDEO | 06 Nov 2007 Kitty M
28m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 476mb
Kitty M

It's Monday and that means a new Video Newsletter has hit the streets, err airwaves, uhh well, internet. Prolific and popular model Gabrielle is the host this week and she looks sexy as always when she wears her glasses. Gabrielle will show you a brief demo of how are live support system works, tells you about lots of this weeks coming models, and even reveals a coupon code during the Newsletter which will give you a subscription discount.

Underneath Kitty M's sexy outfit she's wearing matching undies in a florescent bright blue. Just wait until her knickers come off and Kitty has another surprise. Doinel has graciously submitted another toy to our Dildo Drive and it's a long purple beauty.

VIDEO | 07 Nov 2007 Jemma
10m 1s
Download: MP4 1024x576 145mb

It's the last day of October and the end of the Pink for October promotion, but breast cancer should be in the back of your mind the whole year long - whether you're male or female. If you would like to learn lots more on the subject, click on the We're Going Pink banner on this News page.

Jemma is looking as seductive as ever in her sexy nylons. Also under her blue dress Jemma is sporting her hot red bra and undies combo. Nice bush and armpit hair too, for those of you who like that sort of thing - raises hand.



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VIDEO | 09 Nov 2007 Mariko
10m 11s
Download: MP4 1024x576 196mb

We have lots of models who choose to chat on our discussion boards, on their own time, mind you. Why? Because they have fun, and it's entertaining to chat with the membership. That feeling is mutual for sure.

I haven't seen Mariko on the forums, but she would certainly be welcomed there. Members have asked for more Asian and dark-skinned models and we aim to please. Mariko has some fine breasts and full pubic hair. She also does a Dressing Room set which goes along with this shoot that's quite a nice one, I think.

VIDEO | 13 Nov 2007 Talie - Part2
24m 31s
Download: MP4 1024x576 414mb

This week the new dynamic duo, Jacki and Petria co-host this installment of the Video Newsletter. They introduce this week's upcoming sets, sometimes solo and sometimes in harmony. Be sure to watch for a coupon code that will get you an extra 10 percent off on your membership, but must be used before it expires.

Talie's got a great tan, terrific tits, and an overall womanly curvy figure. Talie is ready to spread her legs and insert her new vibrator from the Dildo Drive. Get this. It actually vibrates to the beat of the music on the mp3 player in her ears. Good job Graeme for submitting such a cool toy to the drive. Of course, Talie works full time for AWHQ, in our Sydney office - go chat with her on the boards!
