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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
no one is going to edit the post to remove those bland images?

Given that one of the moderators has aready approved it, one would hope that that moderator would
a] participate in this discussion
b] make the ammendments himself.
however at your prompting I have [reluctantly] taken steps.
Yak and I have in the past discussed at some length the issues of posting standards and also of one moderator arbitrarily countermanding the decisions of another.
That was tried previously. It did nothing but foster an environment of hostility and bullying that was entirely unproductive.
The bottom line is that amongst moderators there is no heirarchical structure unless one assumes longest serving is most senior. So it remains better to work as a co-operative.
Assuming we are all working and some don't just maintain the title and privilleges without carrying any of the duty or responsibility.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Some of those quoted examples are probably a matter of "cleavage" "cameltoe" "sideboob" or "sexiness". There's also the issue of subjectivity. What I find sexy you do not and so on.
As well as those issues one of the problems with Antaras post which made it less acceptable was the standard of the shots.
This is a subject that warrants proper examination but I'd suggest we've bored the forum enough and you, yak selene and I should take this behind the scenes for a chat and to decide what if anything we should do going forward

In Reply to your post #996999
Not sure why I didn't see this before, sorry about that and thanks for the PMs.

I was on the fence with those images. But by the time I saw them they already had a like by rockholds_rebel so I saw it as someone recently valuing the content even though I was thinking of removing them. So to make my mind up I took a look at the rest of the thread and saw where she was showing even less skin here, here, here, here, here, here, here, & here so I decided to keep it.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
We also have a sticky in the Jihad section "open to question". The intention was for moderators to segregate & discuss questionable posts to come up with consensus baselines that present and future moderators could refer to. We could then restore those we collectived considered ok and clean those we considered not with copies remaining in that section we could all go back and look at if we came across something we were unsure of. Eventually it would lead to unified decision making on standards and acceptability and any new mod would have a baseline reference to help them.
For a number of reasons it couldn't be made to work at that time.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
I agree that precedent causes a problem which is why the current post in question will have to be approved. It becomes a matter of fairness. In the recent past we've had a lot of disparity. This mod approves so and so, this mod deletes. Members don't know what's going on, question, sometimes less than delicately or diplomaically because they aren't bright, or they feel [with some justification] that they've been unjustly treated, and they are infracted suspended or banned.
If we are going to move forward with set standard then we have to draw line. Clearing older posts is impractical. It's also unfair. The solution is what we have done with imagetwist posts. The existing material is left alone. The new rules start when they start and do not apply retrospectively but only apply going forward. Time and natural wasteage should take care of the rest.
As for the disparity in subjective tastes, this is why it is important for all the serving mods to come together and form a consensus on a case by case basis until consensus is reached and baselines formed. Doing it by "committee" may seem clumsy to the draconian and dictatorial, but in fact it's the best way to establish a fair set of standards since different viewpoints will provide a fairer hearing.
For now however all we have is the precedent already set and we have to be fair and equal in applying that.
The Antara post that kicked all this off failed on too many levels. Lack of skin, allure etc and the only image in the post worth having was a cropped duplicate version of the preceeding post and so qualified for removal. But I've missed really obvious things and often spend quite a bit of time wondering if an image should stay or not so no one is alone is screwing the odd pooch.
Tough, this moderating lark.


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2010
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Lucy Lawless - Spartacus Blood and Sand S01E02-03-04-06 (2010) [720p] [topless]

Format : MP4
File Size: 141 Mb
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 04:41
Video Codec: MPEG4 Video (H264)

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Senior Member
Jul 2, 2010
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Lucy Lawless - Spartacus Blood and Sand S01E08-09-10-12 (2010) [720p] [topless]

Format : MP4
File Size: 115 Mb
Resolution: 1280x720
Duration: 02:14
Video Codec: MPEG4 Video (H264)

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Staff Alumn
Sep 14, 2006
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Demi Moore - Wisdom (1986)

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