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Celebrity Videos - cleaned


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
I'd proably have removed all but the bikini shot, which is standard beach fare prevalent here now.
Perhaps it's time we moderators of this section revisited the idea of establishing a standard line and parameter of what is or is not acceptable on this forum? Perheps as the New Year comes in we can look at it seriously?
It would also be good if all picture section moderators took an active part. As we have found, such a process cannot work unless we all agree and then abide by those agreed standards.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
antara is a strange one. I suspect he in in an area where connectivity is limited so handling smaller files is his best way to go. He may also only know where to find smaller images. That being said he's a regular contributer sharing what he can. We dismiss/disparage that at our peril. Whether i like what he posts is immaterial. I respect the time and effort he is putting in. It's our job to guide him in the direction we'd prefer.
Admittedly I did not look at the thread this was posted to and since it was checked & approved by another moderator wouldn't have done so anyway. Had I seen a previous bikini post of the same photo-op I'd proably have removed the post in its entirety. As a standalone, that image is the only one worth a carrot imo. Clearly someone does not share that opinion which is why the post was aproved.
When Antara's stuff comes under my watch I remove what's clearly not for here & cede to existing precedent even if I personally consider the images below par. I could say that about many posts by many members however.
Yes it is subjective, and yes somemtimes this job is like herding cats, but the only way to create acceptable limits that work now and future moderators will have as guides is by consensus of the current moderators of this section; and that only works if all the moderators take an active part in the discussion, which is why it failed last time I tried it.
We have time to consider going forward. The alternative is to do nothing & keep doing what we are doing. TBH I'm ok with either option.


Socially Isolated Since God Was A Boy
Staff Alumn
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
Have just looked at the thread.
I ammend my previous position. The bikini shot is a cropped duplicate. I'd have removed the entire post and probably had a quiet word via PM